Hunger Games

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Katniss Everdeen voluntarily takes her younger sister's place in the Hunger Games,
a televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve districts
of Panem are chosen at random to compete.

The above is a synopsis of the film, find and write the definitions of the words
highlighted in red.


Have you watched the following film?

If yes, what did you think of it? Did you enjoy it?

If no, judging by the synopsis, would it be something you would watch? Why?

(Clip Time Code: 21:00 – 27:45)

Watch the following clip and answer the questions below:

1. The two tributes walk into the dining room car of the train. Why do you think they
look so surprised? What other words would you use to describe their emotions?



2. Listen to Effie and fill in the gaps:

________ miles per hour and you could ___________ feel a thing. I think its one of
the __________ things about this ____________, that even though you’re here and
even though its _______ for a _________ __________, you get to enjoy all of
_________ … I’m going to ________ Haymitch.

3. Why do you think Katniss is ignoring Peeta? What does she remember about him?
How do you think it made her feel?


4. The two meet Haymitch (their mentor) for the first time. Do you think they were


5. How would you describe Haymitch’s attitude?


6. Watch the following clip and fill in the blanks.

Haymitch: Umm. __________ the __________ of your __________ death and know
in your heart that there’s nothing I can do to __________ you.

Katniss: So why are you here then?

Haymitch: The _________________.

Peeta: Ok, I think that’s __________ of that.

Haymitch: You made me spill my _________. Brand new _________. You know, I
think I’ll go __________ this in my room.

Peeta: He’s gunna _________ __________.

Katniss: Wh- its no use.

Peeta: I’m gunna go _________ to him.

6. What kind of ‘life saving’ advice does Haymitch give to the angry Katniss? Explain

in your own words.





7. What if you were in a survival situation like Katniss? If you had to choose 3 things
to help you survive in the wilderness what would they be and why? Write a short











Add other words that are new to you. Use the following words in sentences.

Refreshments: - A light snack or drink.

Turkish: Büfe / Ferahlama


Mentor: - An experienced and trusted adviser.

Turkish: Müşavir / Akıl hocası


Tributes: - An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or


Turkish: Mükâfat / övme


District: - An area of a country or city, especially one characterized by a particular

feature or activity: a coal-mining district. (Divide into areas.)

Turkish: Mıntıka


Eager: - Strongly wanting to do or have something.

Turkish: Hevesli


Embrace: - 1. Hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection

2. Accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

Turkish: kollarını sarmak / kabullenmek

Probability: - The quality or state of being probable; the extent to which something is
likely to happen or be the case.

Turkish: Olabilirlik


Eminent: - 1. Famous and respected within a particular sphere 2. Present to a

notable degree.

Turkish: Bariz / Muteber


Give him time, s/he’ll come around (going to come around): - (Expression)
Means to have a little patience with him/her and s/he will go back to being his/her
normal self with you.


Taxing: - Physically or mentally demanding.

Turkish: Zorlama


Placement: - The action of placing someone or something somewhere.

Turkish: Yerleştirme


Mahogany: - Hard reddish-brown timber from a tropical tree, used for quality

Turkish: Maun ağacı


Starving: - Suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger.

Turkish: Açlıktan ölen

Not off to a real good start: - (Expression) Not starting out correctly; not beginning
something carefully and cautiously.


Televised: - Record for or transmit by television.

Turkish: Televizyonda verilen


Compete: - Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority

over others.

Turkish: Yarışmak


Random: - Made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.

Turkish: Rastgele

Voluntarily: - Of one's own free will.

Turkish: Kendi iradesiyle


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