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Memletics® Concept Mapping Course (version 1.

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Memletics® Concept Mapping Course

Sean Whiteley


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December 2004.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Module 1: Introducing concept maps .................................................... 7

Module 2: Basic concept maps ............................................................ 11

Spider concept maps .........................................................12
Hierarchical concept maps ..................................................13
Network concept maps.......................................................15
Summary .........................................................................16
Exercises .........................................................................16

Module 3: Common concept maps....................................................... 19

Mind Maps........................................................................20
IHMC concept maps...........................................................24
Flowchart concept maps .....................................................28
Fishbone concept maps ......................................................31
Pictorial concept maps .......................................................33
Mandala concept maps .......................................................34
Summary .........................................................................36
Exercises .........................................................................37

Module 4: Advanced concept maps ..................................................... 39

Systems concept maps ......................................................39
Decision Trees ..................................................................42
Logic Trees .......................................................................45
Software-based concept maps.............................................48
Other types of maps ..........................................................55
Summary .........................................................................55
Exercises .........................................................................56

Module 5: Using concept maps............................................................ 57

Creating concept maps.......................................................57
Using concept maps for learning and memorizing...................59
Using concept maps while studying ......................................60
Using concept maps as a teaching tool .................................60
Keep limitations in mind .....................................................61

Module 6: Special Focus—Using CmapTools software ......................... 63

Obtaining and installing the software ...................................63
Your first concept map .......................................................64
Linking maps and other resources........................................69
Collaboration features and sharing maps ..............................70

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Memletics Concept Mapping Course

Finding existing concept maps.............................................73

More help on concept maps ................................................76
Summary .........................................................................77
Exercise ...........................................................................77

Module 7: Visualization techniques .....................................................79

General visualization principles............................................80
Creative visualization—see your future .................................84
Mental practice or rehearsal ................................................85
Strengthening other techniques...........................................88

Suggested answers to exercises ..........................................89

Introducing the Memletics Accelerated Learning System .........95
Learn more about Memletics ............................................. 101
Index ............................................................................ 103

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Introducing concept maps


Introducing concept maps

Concept mapping is a visual method of learning. Instead of using sentences and
paragraphs, concept maps are diagrams, graphs and sketches that represent
information visually. Concept mapping allows you to be more creative, understand
complex structures better, and improve learning. This module introduces you to
concept mapping.

Module 1: Introducing concept maps

Humans have embedded information into visual diagrams for thousands of years.
Early forms of written language used diagrams and images rather than the
abstract symbols we use today. Indeed, writing as we know it today is only a
relatively recent invention in human history. Perhaps this is one reason why
visual diagrams, such as concept maps, are often easier than written text to grasp
and understand.
The best way to explain concept mapping is to present you an example. Look at
the large concept map on the next page. Start from the top and work your way
down each of the branches until you have absorbed each part of the map.
Congratulations! In a few short moments, you’ve gained an overview of the
concepts explained in this introduction.
Concept maps are diagrams that use various visual metaphors or methods to lay
out information. Each shape, line, arrow and image has a specific meaning for
each type of concept map. Maps may also use attributes such as positioning, color
and size to include even more data. Combining all these elements together can
result in a visually appealing diagram that contains much information.
Often you can think of each piece of information in the diagram as two concepts
and a linking relationship:
• Concepts in nodes or cells. Nodes contain a concept, item, or question. In the
example, the nodes are the rectangles containing concepts such as “visual
metaphors” and then the explanatory information beneath that concept.
• Relationships as links. Relationships are the lines that link the nodes. In this
case, the links have labels such as “such as,” “based on,” “like” etc. These words
explain the relationship between the nodes. The arrows show the direction of
the relationship. Sometimes there are no words. The link itself shows the

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Introducing concept maps

Let’s look at another example.

In our example, the key concept is water, and subordinate concepts are: 1) its
importance to living things; 2) its composition; and 3) its various states. With a
visual image, it’s much easier and quicker for many learners to grasp the idea of
water and all the related concepts than it would be for them to read a long
Most learning materials still rely on printed text to provide information. This is a
good method except that it doesn’t easily allow for visual styles of learning. Not
everyone learns well through reading. Some learn more effectively in other ways.
Concept mapping can help the following types of learners:
• Visual learners. Concept mapping is an excellent tool for visual learners
because it uses diagrams, graphs, sketches and other visual representations to
create and understand ideas.
• Physical and logical learners. They can learn well by physically drawing
maps, links, diagrams, and similar types of visual images.
• Social learners. They can learn well by drawing together as a group (e.g., on a
whiteboard, flipchart or paper).
• Non-visual learners. Concept mapping helps these individuals confirm what
they’ve read. Even if you are non-visual, you can still get much value from
concept maps. Activating new areas of your brain improves overall learning.
• Hierarchical learners. These individuals start learning a subject at a high
level and then work down into the details. They learn well by getting the “lay of
the land” through concept maps.
Concept maps help you develop logical thinking as well as study skills because
they reveal connections and help you see how individual ideas make up a larger
whole. Concept maps are also very flexible and you can use them to understand
ideas of virtually every kind. You can make the maps simple or complex, linear,
branched, radiating, or cross-linked.
There are other benefits of concept mapping as well. First, drawing concept maps
can be a creative process similar to brain storming, and it can “unleash” all kinds
of new ideas. This is emotionally very satisfying. Second, concept mapping allows
you to collaborate with other people. This enhances teamwork. Third, a concept

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Memletics Concept Mapping Course

map is a concrete, visual image. This means that you, as a learner, are better able
to uncover any missing links that might not have been apparent in a printed text.
Fourth, concept maps aid memorization, not just learning. Finally, and possibly
most important, such maps build on the human capacity to recognize information
in images. This means concepts maps are a better representation of how we model
knowledge in the brain. This, in turn, improves learning and recall.
There is a wide variety of concept mapping techniques. For this course, I’ve
divided them into three groups—basic, common and advanced. Basic concept
maps provide fundamental elements that the common and advanced maps build
Module 2 in this course explains basic concept maps and shows you how to create
and use each map. The maps you’ll learn about are the spider concept map, the
hierarchical concept map, and the network concept map.
Module 3 covers common concept map types. These include:
• Mind Maps. • Fishbone Diagrams.
• IHMC concept maps. • Pictorial concept maps.
• Flowchart concept maps. • Mandala concept maps.
Module 4 covers some more advanced forms of concept maps. These include:
• Systems concept maps. • Decision Trees.
• Logic Trees. • Software-based concept maps.
Module 5 provides guidelines for constructing and using concept maps, including
tips for how to use concept maps for learning, memorizing, studying and teaching.
Module 6 is devoted to a free concept mapping software download called the
CmapTools Knowledge Modeling Kit. Lastly, module 7 contains a free extract from
the Memletics Accelerated Learning Manual. The extract focuses on visualization
There are many types of concept maps described in this course. Some of them you
might find immediately useful. Others you might want to keep in the back of your
mind for later. As is the case for other Memletics materials, take what you feel is
useful to you. Try out the exercises as you read to help reinforce your learning.
Lastly, make an effort to apply the mapping techniques to your everyday tasks and
challenges. You’ll find they add new insight and novelty to your mental activities,
helping you learn faster and remember more.

What did you think of this module? Do you have some suggestions? Let us know
your thoughts using our online survey at:

10 © 2005
Basic concept maps


Basic concept maps

Basic concept maps contain simple elements that other types of concept maps build
on. This module explains these basic concept maps, and provides examples of such
maps. At the end of this module, you have the opportunity to construct your own
maps. This provides practice and enhances your learning.

Module 2: Basic concept maps

Concept maps have three basic structures with many variations on each of them.
These basic structures use various visual metaphors to show different types of
information or knowledge. As I mentioned in the introduction, each map uses
variations on positioning, size, shape, color, arrows, lines and images. These
variations determine what information you can embed in the map. This is why
some maps are more useful for some tasks and not others. These variations are
what give each map its own style.
As we get into more maps in the following chapters, you will see that parts of
these basic maps reoccur often. Mind maps are a variation of a spider map. IHMC
concept maps are a variation on hierarchical maps. As each type of concept map
has evolved, they’ve taken on ideas and themes from other maps and
diagramming techniques.
The basic types of concepts maps I cover in this module are:
• Spider. The central idea is in the middle of the map, with related concepts laid
out around the central idea.
• Hierarchical. These maps show hierarchical relationships in a top-to-bottom
• Network concept maps. Shows information for which there is no main idea,
hierarchy or relationship.

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Spider concept maps

The first basic structure is the “spider” concept map. A spider concept map has a
central or unifying concept in the center with related concepts radiating out from
the main one. Let’s look at an example:

In this case, the central concept is “Cats.” Around the central concept I’ve laid out
various pieces of information associated with cats—tails, four legs, breeds, etc.
I’ve then broken down some concepts into further detail by branching out, like in
the “breeds” concept above. You can continue doing this to add more detail. If the
map gets too large, you might want to start a new map using one of the concepts
from the diagram above as the central idea.
Spider maps can be very simple as in our cat example or as complicated as
necessary for difficult subjects. Spider concept maps are great for brainstorming
ideas or for when you need to build concepts and add ideas as they arise over
time. They’re also great for capturing information quickly, for example while
listening to a lecture. If you find it difficult to capture the linking labels quickly,
just draw the main concepts in first and work out the labels later.

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Basic concept maps

Hierarchical concept maps

The second basic structure is the hierarchical concept map. Hierarchical concepts
maps show information in a descending order of relevance or importance. The key
concept is at the top, and subordinate concepts fall below it.
Let’s look at an example. In this case, it’s a corporate organization chart. It tells
you who is in charge of the company and who reports to the leader.


VP of
VP of Sales

East Region West Region

Shift Sup 1 Shift Sup 2 North District South District North District South District

In our example, the top concept is the leader of the organization – the President –
and subordinate concepts show the “chain of command.” The immediate “reports”
to the President are the Vice President of Manufacturing and the Vice President of
Sales. The map then shows who reports to the Vice Presidents. This kind of
corporate concept map helps viewers quickly identify the members of the
organization and who is responsible for specific areas.
This map is also an example of a concept map without labeled links. Each line has
relationship information embedded in it, and it’s specific to this style of map. You
can think of each line showing the following information:

Factory Factory
Manager Manager

reports to and supervises

Shift Shift
Supervisor 1 Supervisor 1

For some concept maps, every line shows this relationship. In others, each line
has a label indicating the nature of the relationship. It just depends on the
objective of the map. You can imagine how messy the above organization chart
would be if every line had “reports to/supervisors” on it.
The hierarchical concept map provides a handy way of categorizing items and
explaining structures. Because of their utility, people use such maps across a wide
variety of fields. For example, scientists use hierarchical maps to categorize and

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explain the plant and animal kingdoms. Government officials use them to explain
the structure of government. Military officers use them to explain the structure of
their forces and clarify the chain of command. Hierarchical maps allow viewers to
understand an entire concept in less time than it would take to read an

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explanation of it in words. Hierarchical maps can also help you understand
groupings and classifications.
Let’s take a look at another example from biology.


Marine Marine
Fish Crustaceans Echinoderms Mollusks
Mammals Reptiles

Sea Lions Turtles Cartilage Crabs Starfish Oysters

Bony Fish
Cetacea Sea snakes Shrimp Snails

Toothed Whales Sharks Whiting Clams

Killer Whale
Rays Cod Octopus
Porpoise Perch
Baleen Whales
Blue Whale
Minke Whale
Humpback Whale

At one glance, you can see the hierarchical structure of “sea animals”. If someone
asks you how dolphins fit into the overall sea animals family, you can easily see
that they belong to a group called “Toothed Whales.” These belong to a group
called Cetacea, which describes a type of “Marine Mammal.” You can also see that
dolphins are closely related to Killer Whales, but less related to sharks.

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Basic concept maps

Network concept maps

The last basic structure is the network concept map. Our example below
represents corporate use of a network map. As you can see, network diagrams
show nodes connected by arrows. Depending on the type of network diagram, the
nodes might represent any type of concept, attribute, value or task. The arrows
between the nodes represent any type of relationship. There is often no particular
starting point.

In this case, a client has asked a research company to conduct a needs analysis for
his corporation. For example, the client may feel that his company has not met its
production goals, so he wants to find out the reasons behind this lag. The research
company has created a concept map that accounts for every aspect of the needs
analysis: goals, information sources, personnel, research, statistical results, etc.
The research company executives can use this network concept map in several
ways. First, they use it to organize their own approach to the situation. Second,
they can now employ it to explain the project to other members of company’s
team. Third, they can use it to explain the project to the client. In each instance,
viewers of the network map will have a clear, quick image of the elements involved
in creating and carrying out a needs analysis.
The key point of network concept maps is there is no common theme that guides
the layout of the map. For spider maps the idea is to lay out ideas in a circle
around the main idea. For hierarchical maps the hierarchy flows from top to
bottom. For network maps though, the choice is up to you. You can choose how
you wish to lay out the map and what visual elements you use to show concepts
and relationships.

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There are three basic forms of concept maps. Spider maps have a main or unifying
theme in the center with sub-themes radiating out from the main theme. They’re
useful in brainstorming situations. They’re helpful when you need to add ideas as
they arise over time. Hierarchical concept maps show information in a
descending order of relevance. They provide an efficient way of categorizing items
and explaining structures. Network concept maps show relationships between
ideas by including cross-links between concepts. With this type of map, there is
often no common starting point or guiding theme for layout.
In the next module, you will explore some common concept maps. The most well-
known of these is probably the mind map, however you will see there are many
other forms of concept map. Each you will find useful for different types of

The following exercises give you the opportunity to practice making concept maps.
Each exercise spells out the type of concept map, provides the necessary
information, and asks you to construct a map for the specified situation. At the
back of this manual, I’ve provided the concept maps that I drew up for each
exercise. Remember that my concept maps are not the only “correct” solutions. As
stated previously, such maps are flexible and can be highly individual. Simply use
my solutions as guides.

Exercise 1 – Spider concept map

Here’s an easy one to start you off on the exercises. Assume that the central
concept is food—spaghetti and meat sauce. Using that concept, draw a spider map
and all that is associated with this Italian food in general and for your specific
experience; e.g. taste, smell, etc.

Exercise 2 – Hierarchical concept maps

In this exercise, we’ll ask you to create an organizational chart for a water board
in two different forms. One will be an organizational chart by department. The
other will be by region. Here’s the information required to construct the charts:
By Department
• Water Quality Department, Billing Department, Distribution Department
• Water Quality Department regions: East Region, Mary; Central Region, Terry;
West Region, Bob
• Billing Department regions: East Region, David; Central Region, Sam; West
Region, Linda
• Distribution Department: East Region, Tom; Central Region, Sarah; West
Region, Scott
By Region
• East Region, Central Region, West Region
• Water Quality, Billing and Distribution Departments for each region

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Basic concept maps

• Personnel remain the same as in the Departmental hierarchy map

Remember the rules for hierarchical concept maps. They show information in a
descending order of relevance or, in the case of the water board, authority. The
key concept is at the top, and subordinate concepts fall below it.

Exercise 3 – Network concept map

Assume you have an assignment in which you have to describe the food
production cycle starting from farm production and ending with food on the
consumer’s dinner table. Draw a network concept map that takes into account the
following elements:
• Farm production results from large farms, agribusiness, family farms.
• They produce livestock and crops (harvesting).
• Livestock goes to processing plants and storage, and crops go to storage.
• Livestock and plants are transported to supermarkets (which do research,
promotion, advertising) and farmer’s markets
• Food flows from supermarkets and farmer’s markets to the consumer’s dinner

What did you think of this module? Do you have some suggestions? Let us know
your thoughts using our online survey at:

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Common concept maps


Common concept maps

Many forms of concept maps are variations on the basic maps you’ve seen earlier.
Essentially, they allow you to be very flexible in working out ideas and the
relationship between those ideas. They can be as simple as necessary or very
elaborate when the content is highly complex. Their versatility and ability to meet
specific needs is what makes them so valuable as learning tools.

Module 3: Common concept maps

In this module we explore some common types of concept maps. In these maps
you will often see similarities with the basic maps you saw in the first module.
Each map has strengths and weaknesses for various types of information, and I
discuss this in the descriptions. Like the last module, there are also some
exercises at the end to test your knowledge.
Keep in mind you can also create your own style by combining elements of any
maps. For example, Mind Maps use color extensively, so perhaps you could apply
color to Flowcharts to identify differing types of steps.
The concept maps we examine in this module include:
• Mind Maps. Created by Tony Buzan, these maps are probably the most well-
known form of concept map.
• IHMC concept maps. Created by educators, these maps are excellent for
modeling knowledge.
• Flowchart concept maps. These maps model the steps to follow to achieve
some goal or decision.
• Fishbone Diagrams. Also known as “cause and effect” or “Ishikawa” diagrams,
these maps help you understand factors contributing to some problem or issue.
• Pictorial concept maps. These maps use a pictorial or image form to help you
understand the material.
• Mandala concept maps. Mandala maps are usually circular and have
centuries of tradition behind them. They’ve been adapted for modern use.

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Mind Maps
Mind Maps® is a trademark of the Buzan Organization, Ltd. We have no
affiliation with this organization. We reference “mind maps” as the output of the
diagramming technique commonly known as “Mind Mapping”.
Mind maps engage multiple mental domains that help make them interesting to
the visual parts of our brain. This helps make them easier to remember. Here is an
example of a mind map, and its topic is creating mind maps!

A mind map is a tree structure with one trunk and many branches. Mind maps
expand on spider maps. A key difference between a spider concept map and a
mind map is that a mind map doesn’t use labeled links. Each branch combines the
concept and relationship.
Mind maps stimulate the visual abilities of the mind. This means your brain can
understand and remember a mind map much more effectively. Mind maps are
rational and artistic. They are logically ordered and yet spontaneously expressive.
They’re examples of “organic thinking”. That is, like a tree, a central idea (the
trunk) branches off in many different directions. Those branches then divide into
finer branches of details and associations.
The benefits of mind mapping are many. First, a mind map clearly shows how key
concepts link to the main idea. This helps you integrate material more quickly.
Integration means you’ll be able to recall and review concepts more effectively.
Second, mind maps are flexible; you can easily add new information with a
minimum of trouble. Third, they help you to plan routes, make choices, and allow
you to know where you’re going with a concept and where you’ve been. Fourth,
one mind map holds large amount of information/data, and it’s all available at a

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Common concept maps

single glance. This helps you study and learn much more efficiently. Fifth, mind
maps are interesting to look at this helps make it easier for you to the retain
information in them.

Creating mind maps

Mind maps use color, layout, text and other elements to help distinguish concepts
and relationships. The mind map example above has six main branches, all in
different colors to make it easier for the viewer to distinguish among the main
ideas. Each branch has a simple label (“Use images, Use color”, etc.) to make it
easy to understand the actions to take. Then each main branch divides into sub-
branches to further explain actions to take (“Use images throughout mind map”,
etc.) Let’s explore each part of the mind mapping technique in more detail.
• Use images. To start a mind map, represent the main topic with an image
(square, rectangle or whatever works for you). Place the image in the center of
the mind map. Use two or more colors in building the image. In our example,
the main topic is “Creating Mind Maps.” The black text is on top of a gray
rounded rectangular image. Use images in place of text where you have them or
add them around the text to highlight. You might like to use your own
drawings. Use them to highlight key points. Also, use clear and related images.
• Use text. Be sure to use only one key word or idea per line. Also, keep your
phrases short and break lists into separate points (Point 1, Point 2, etc.). Write
or type the central topic in the image in the middle of your map. Use upper or
lower case letters to make the topic stand out. Color the letters to make the
words stand out; e.g., white on grey, etc. Make sure each word/image stands
alone and is on its own line.
• Use layout. All lines flow out from the central image. Beginning at the central
image, the central lines radiate out like tree branches—they start out thick and
become thinner as they spread outward. The lines should be the same length as
the word and/or image. Use a hierarchy with main ideas towards the middle.
Sub-points should branch from these main ideas (no more than 5-7 sub-
points). Also, when needed use a numerical order (1, 2, 3) and work from the
top down with a left to right order. Vary the size and color of the text, images,
and branches to differentiate them and create visual interest. Don’t forget to
use spacing in an organized and appropriate manner. If you have an auto-
layout capability in your software, use that to create spacing.
• Use color. Use color to highlight key branches. Color-code the lines, text and
images according to your preferences. Use colorful images as well. Remember,
the map should reflect your personal style and modes of thinking!
• Use and redraw mind maps. Print your mind maps out and add more to
them. Redraw them to learn the content or to refresh your memory of the key
concepts of a subject.
• Other points. Connect ideas on different branches using lines and arrows.
Also, use codes to help you remember ideas. Again, use your own personal style
to create a more effective learning experience in your mind map. Finally, use
floating text (not connected to a branch) to highlight ideas and create visual

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Remember, a mind map is an organic creation! You should capture all the ideas you (or
others) have, then edit, and re-organize until you’ve created a mind map that captures
exactly what you want to remember.

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Using mind maps
Mind maps are very effective tools to use in brainstorming because they promote
an inherently creative process, and brainstorming requires the free association of
different ideas to form new ideas and concepts. With mind maps, individuals or
groups can brainstorm ideas in a visually appealing and colorful format that
stimulates the production of different ideas. Mind maps encourage creativity
because they have an open-ended nature. This stimulates the brain to make new
connections. New connections lead to new ideas!
You can also use a mind map for keeping notes, for developing a concept, or for
getting an overview of an activity. Many activities can benefit from using the mind
mapping technique.
To create a mind map, write down the central problem or idea you want to expand
on. As you think of ideas, add branches to the central idea. Decide if these
branches are major ideas and deserve their own branch or belong to an existing
branch. At this point, don’t worry about format—just get your ideas down. It’s the
creative phase, so scribble out ideas, move topics around, re-draw the map, and
put links between ideas. In other words, do whatever gets your creative juices
flowing to generate as many ideas as possible.
The very act of building a mind map helps you summarize any topic because it
forces you to “cut to the chase”; i.e., focus on the essential elements of a subject.
For example, while reading a book, highlight important points and ideas. Then, go
back and create a mind map for each chapter. Pull out the main ideas and transfer
them to your map. If you like, you can organize your map and ideas along the
same lines as the chapter contents.
Mind maps are great for organizing any kind of information—books, letters,
articles, meetings, etc. That’s because they organize information into a form your
brain finds easy to understand, and this makes it easier for you to remember
important content. Use your summaries of content to create “master maps”. The
master maps should link to your references; e.g., more detailed mind maps,
articles, books, files, websites, etc.

Example of a mind map

You can see another example of a mind map below. The mind map consists of a central
word or concept. In this case, it’s about oil your car uses. Around the central word, there
are several main ideas that relate to that word. Then each branch further divides into
sub-branches. These branches list more information about oil. You can keep refining this
map until it provides the information you need to remember about oil.

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Common concept maps

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IHMC concept maps

IHMC (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition) started in 1990 as an
interdisciplinary research unit of the University of West Florida. Its research
focuses on the broad concept of “human-centered” computing.
An IHMC concept map shows the complexities of a concept at a single glance.
When you look at an IHMC map, you can quickly see the relationships between
parts of a concept. The map also allows you to see commonalities, discrepancies,
and different meanings and may suggest new ways of approaching a problem or
situation. Ultimately, an IHMC concept map promotes better learning and
application of knowledge.
The fundamental parts of an IHMC concept map are two or more concepts linked
by relationships. We’ve seen this idea of labeled relationships in previous maps,
however let’s cover them in more detail here. Here’s a simple example:

Concepts are usually events or objects. In our example, the key concept is water,
and the immediate subordinate concept is molecules. The relationship between
these two concepts is “is composed of.” IHMC calls the relationship a
Of course, water is a complex subject so additional subordinate concepts are
required to explain the concept. These subordinate concepts are: 1) water’s
importance to living things; 2) its composition; and 3) its various states and the
examples of those states. Using this simple approach, you can build up a detailed
concept map on water like the one below.

24 © 2005
Common concept maps

Because the concept map is a visual image, it’s much easier and quicker to grasp
the information the map creator is trying to provide. It’s easier to understand the
creator’s view of water and related concepts than it would be to read a long
Some general guidelines for creating IHMC concept maps are:
• Try to work from top to bottom. The main concepts should be at the top
with subordinate concepts below them. It’s acceptable though to link across
and up the map.
• Keep your audience in mind. In our example above, some people might
understand what a molecule is whereas others won’t. If your audience doesn’t
understand what a molecule is, you might need to expand that concept as well.
• You can link more than two concepts together. See the “can be” link
under “states” in the example above.
• You can use symbols instead of words. If a symbol better represents a
concept, feel free to use it.
• Use cross-linking. Feel free to link between parts of your map; for example,
the “determines” link between “motion” and “states” above.
• Try not to overlap links. If this occurs, you may need to re-arrange your
The “ozone” map below is another example of a concept map. It shows the
complex relationships between ozone (a gas in the atmosphere), the earth, and
human beings. With one glance, you can see that “bad” ozone creates smog and
may contribute to global warming while “good” ozone is destroyed by CFCs and
chlorine. You can see how powerful such a map can be in helping you to learn
complex material.
While viewing the map below, did you notice that it’s not meeting an IHMC
guideline? Which guideline is it not meeting?

© 2005 25
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If you picked up the fact that it’s not working from the top to the bottom, you’re
Here’s another example of an IHMC map that models a business topic—
managerial decision making. Read the following paragraph about this subject:
A systematic process helps to solve business and economic
problems. Business and economic problems can be analyzed by
use of a model. Variables and factors help to define that model.
The model is quantitatively described using mathematical
formulas, which, in turn, provide answers that lead to a course of
action. Concurrently, a systematic process helps to solve business
and economic problems which are analyzed with mathematical
representations. A systematic process also requires the definition
of variables and factors which are combined in the mathematical
representations. As stated earlier, the mathematical
representations provide answers. The answers lead to a course of
When you read that paragraph, you may have asked yourself, “What exactly did
that mean?” In fact, you may have had to read it more than once to get an idea of
its meaning. Well, look at the following concept map to see if it helps you
understand the topic!

26 © 2005
Common concept maps

I believe the IHMC concept map provides you with a clearer overall picture of the
elements involved in managerial decision-making than did the text paragraph. By
viewing the map, you probably understood the concept much easier and faster!
For more examples of IHMC concept maps, visit

© 2005 27
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Flowchart concept maps

Flowcharts show how one concept or event leads to another. Our example below
shows a basic flowchart for painting a house. The flowchart explains a series of
tasks that you have to perform and decisions that have to be made at certain
points. For example, after
cleaning all painted surfaces, Start
the flowchart asks the
question: Is there peeling
paint? If the answer is Yes,
then you need to scrape off
Clean surface
the peeling/flaking paint
before proceeding to the next
decision point. If the answer
is No, then you proceed Peeling
directly to the next decision Paint?
point: Do areas need
caulking? Again, depending
surface flat
upon the answer you give, you
will either remove old caulk No
and apply new caulk or you
will proceed directly to the
next decision point.
To make sure the flow of a Yes
concept is clear, flowcharts
Remove old caulk
follow certain guidelines for
the symbols to use. For
example, the rounded No Apply new caulk
rectangle or “Terminal”
indicates the Start and End of
a flowchart. A normal
Exposed Apply primer
rectangle or square Yes
Wood? to wood
(“Processing”) shows data,
information or arithmetic
operations. “Clean painted
surfaces” is an example of
processing in the sample
flowchart. The diamond
shape is a “Decision point”. It
represents an action or
operation where there are two
(or more) possible
alternatives—Yes or No. The
first decision point above
involves peeling paint. If there is peeling paint, then “Yes”, you have to scrape it
off before proceeding to the next decision point (Area need caulking?). If there is
no peeling paint, then the alternative is “No, the paint does not need to be

28 © 2005
Common concept maps

scraped”, and you can proceed directly to the next decision point. The lines and
arrows indicate the flow and direction of the steps in a flowchart.
Below is a diagram that lists the symbols you can use when constructing a
flowchart. I didn’t use all the symbols in the example, but you will find them in
more complex concept maps of this type.

Terminal--this symbol is used to indicate the

start and end of a flowchart

Processing--used for information, data or

artithmetic operations. A single flowline
enters, and a single flowline exits.

Decision--this symbol represents operations in

which there are two possible alternatives. One
flowline enters and one flowline exits, and two
flowlines (Yes and No) exit.

On-page connector--used to connect remote

flowchart portions on the same page. One
flowline enters and exits.

Off-page connector--used to connect remote flowchart

portions on different pages. One flowline enters or exits.

Here are guidelines for constructing a basic flowchart:

• The flowchart should have a single main line of control, which connects
START and END (or STOP).
• It should have lines of control that enter symbols only from the top and leave
symbols only from the bottom.
• Avoid crossed or intersecting lines to maintain clarity in a flowchart. Usually,
you can remove crossed lines by re-arranging the flowchart. However, if you
can’t avoid crossing a line, use a “line hop.” A line hop is simply an arc in the
line going over the crossed line.
• Use an IF…THEN construct in your flowchart. For example, if the paint is
peeling, then scrape the peeling paint. If the paint is not peeling, then
proceed to caulking, etc. See the example on the previous page.
• An IF…THEN diamond should have two, and only two, branches. The branch
that goes to the right must eventually return (with an arrowhead) to the same
line of control that its decision diamond lies on. All branches from a decision
diamond should have a label indicating Yes/No (or True/False).
• You can have more than two lines coming from a diamond, representing
different options from the same decision. It’s often easier though if you keep
the decisions to binary (yes/no or true/false) decisions.
• A basic flowchart should have lines of control that proceed up a page only
when in a loop. Usually all other lines go down or to the right.

© 2005 29
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Flowcharts for decision making

A decision flowchart is an
arrangement of questions Start
and answers that help you
make an appropriate
decision based on certain
inputs. These can be very Is it windy? Yes Don’t Play End
simple or complex as the
situation warrants.
On the right is a simple
example to give you an
Is it hot,
idea of how a decision humid?
Yes Don’t Play End
flowchart works. In this
situation, a golfer needs to No
make a decision—whether
to play a round of golf Take
according to weather Is it rainy? Yes
conditions. This flowchart
offers three decisions for
deciding whether to play
golf or not. Of course, if
you’re a golfer or any
other type of
sportsperson, you make
these decisions in your
head all the time. For new
or non golfers, it might be
interesting to learn that
many golfers will play when it’s raining, but not when it’s windy.
One key point for decision flowcharts is “efficiency”. Place decisions that have the
greatest impact at the top of the flowchart. Taking the golf flowchart above, if
most days are windy in your area, it makes sense to have the wind decision at the
top. If, however, your local weather is mostly hot and humid, then it makes sense
to have the “hot and humid” decision at the top.
Decision flowcharts are very similar to the standard flowcharts above. Use vertical
lines of control. Use a horizontal line only as a right branch off a decision
diamond. The chart proceeds down the page unless there is a right branch off a
decision. Only a branch may go to the right, all lines of control should be vertical.

30 © 2005
Common concept maps

Fishbone concept maps

Kaoru Ishikawa invented the “fishbone” concept map. Some people know these
maps as “cause and effect” or “Ishikawa” diagrams. One of the fishbone map’s
great uses is to help you search for the root causes of a problem and compare the
relative importance of different causes of the problem. Ishikawa originally
developed this type of diagram for use in the Kawasaki shipyards, but you can
apply this format to a wide range of appropriate problems.
Essentially, fishbone maps help show the causes and effects present in various
events and situations. Fishbone maps ask and try to answer key questions such as:
What are the factors that cause X? How do they interrelate? Are the factors that
cause X the same as those that cause X to persist?
In the example below, you can see that these questions are posed in terms of
water quality. The map attempts to account for all the variables that influence
stream water quality so that, eventually, solutions can be found to maintain high
quality of water in that stream.

Dirt Runoff
Herbicides, Animal
Sewerage, Sewerage Pesticides Waste
treated overrun
Dumping Road residue Waste

Illegal Urban areas

Stream water
Falling water tables
(increases concentration)
Dust from erosion

Irrigation Natural
Smoke from fires
Chemicals from
factories From factories From farms

Air Ground water

pollution contamination

There are certain general steps you can follow to create an effective fishbone map:
• Draw the central line and box and list the problem/issue you wish to study in
the "head” of the fish (right). In our example, “Stream water quality” is the
issue we’re analyzing.
• Next, create and label each "bone" of the "fish". In our example, the elements
that affect water quality are listed in our diagram, but you can define any
categories you like for a particular problem. Typical categories include:
The 4 M’s: Methods, Machines, Materials, Manpower
The 4 P’s: Place, Procedure, People, Policies
The 4 S’s: Surroundings, Suppliers, Systems, Skills

© 2005 31
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

• For each “node” (cause), think of what could be its effects and add them to the
diagram. Use individual or group brainstorming to isolate the factors within
each category that may be affecting the central issue.

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• Keep asking questions about each factor in a category to produce sub-factors.
Ask the basic question, “Why is this happening?” Further facilitate the
discussion by asking specific "who," "what," "when," "where," and "how"
questions. Try to pursue each line of causality back to its root cause. Keep
asking questions until you no longer get useful information.
• Consider grafting relatively empty branches onto other branches. Also, if a
branch is overcrowded, consider splitting it up into separate branches.
• Once you have a sufficient amount of detail, analyze the results of your
fishbone diagram. Look for items that appear in more than one category.
These are your most likely causes of a problem.
If you are using fishbone maps for collaborating with others, here are some
further tips:
• First, make sure everyone agrees on the issue/problem before beginning the
• If you’re holding a meeting, position the diagram so all group members can see
it and contribute. A large piece of paper, flipchart or a whiteboard that can
print copies for members is ideal.
• Agree on the steps to take either to collect data verifying the causes or to
eliminate causes through corrective action. Spend time between meetings
gathering any additional information you need. Use forms such as checklists or
surveys to collect information quickly.
Fishbone maps are very useful in many situations. You (or your group) can use
them to identify possible root causes of a specific condition, effect or problem.
You can also use them to sort out and relate interactions affecting a particular
effect or process. Or you can analyze existing problems so corrective action can be
Fishbone maps provide several benefits besides identifying the root causes of
problems. First, they encourage group participation and make use of group
knowledge to identify causes of problem. Second, they provide an orderly, easy-
to-read format to diagram cause-and-effect relationships. Third, they indicate
possible causes of variation in a process. Fourth, they increase knowledge of a
process by helping you and team members to learn more about the factors at work
and how they relate. Fifth, they identify areas where you should collect more
information for further study.

32 © 2005
Common concept maps

Pictorial concept maps

These maps present information in a landscape format as shown below. The
picture landscape format works well for many subjects. My example shows the
cycle of water in our climate.

Transport (wind)


Evaporation Ru


Wind transports moisture through the atmosphere. It condenses into clouds that
then drop rain. The rain falls to the ground and runs off into a river, lake or ocean
or in the form of ground water. Water then evaporates into the air, and the cycle
A picture landscape format is much more effective at explaining the precipitation
cycle than descriptive words because it allows viewers to see the entire cycle
within a few seconds. Viewers have this image firmly planted in their minds and
can then read a more detailed text explanation with greater understanding. The
map also acts as a handy reference point in case readers get lost in the text and
need to refer back to it to re-organize their thoughts.
There is no right or wrong way to draw a pictorial concept map. The method is
fluid and creative. There are general guidelines I can provide you, however. First,
of course, you must have at least a basic knowledge of the subject. That means you
have to collect concepts, ideas and any other information that’s helpful in
organizing your thoughts about the subject. Once you have the basic information,
rough out the relationships among ideas in an initial concept map. Play with this
concept map by arranging and rearranging the ideas and the relationships until
you have the map that you want. Then, add the pictorial representations of the
concept map elements and play with those as well. When you’re satisfied with
your creation, re-draw everything into a final map.

© 2005 33
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Mandala concept maps

The word mandala means circle or wheel in
Sanskrit. Various cultures have used mandalas for
centuries as sacred and meditational art forms.
For the purposes of concept mapping, a mandala
map is a format of interlocking geometric shapes.
Perhaps the simplest and most-well known
mandala is the yin-yang symbol shown on the
In this case, one uncomplicated mandala
represents an incredible complexity of thought
and belief. It can represent light and dark, good
and evil, order and chaos, and many other states according to the intentions of the
mandala’s creators. However, mandalas are also extremely useful for learning and
education. Let’s look at a mandala from the Memletics Accelerated Learning
This mandala is a representation of the Memletic State, the state when your body
and mind are in the best condition for learning. The mandala shows you visually
how to learn faster and more effectively by putting your cells, body and mind into
optimal condition—the Memletic State. Here are the parts of the Memletic State in
text form, with the mandala on the right.
Which would you prefer to use to remember Relaxation
all the parts?
• Cell state layer: Water, Glucose, Oxygen,
and Basic Nutrients Glucose

• Physical State Layer: Health, Fitness, Memletic

Relaxation, Environment, Sleep and Body
Rhythms, and Supplements Fitness
• Mental State Layer: Health, Fitness,
Relaxation, Attention and Concentration,
Positive Mental Attitude, and Goals.
The basic message is that to think and work
well your body and mind need to be in a Cell State Layer
good state. Good cell state influences all the Physical State Layer
other elements represented in the mandala. Mental State Layer
The circle order from the inner core to the
outer layers shows relative importance. Cell
state is most important, then physical state, then mental state. The design of the
mandala tells you that three elements are particularly important because they cut
across multiple layers. Those three elements are Relaxation, Health, and Fitness.
The smaller mandala further explains the main layers surrounding the core.
Mandalas allow you to pack a tremendous amount of information into images that
are easy to understand and remember. They can also serve as a “touchstone” when
you read text. That is, if you forget a concept or get lost among the words, you can
refer back to the mandala to get your bearings and continue learning.

34 © 2005
Common concept maps

To create a mandala, start by placing the key concept in the center. Organize
information in concentric circles around the middle. For example, in the above
mandala, there are three main layers—cell state, physical state, and mental state—
arranged around the key concept of the Memletic State. Once you have the initial
layers done, look for relationships across those layers and then reorganize. In our
example, the relationships that cross layers are relaxation, fitness, and health.
Next, look for relationships within layers and reorganize again. In the Memletic
State, mandala, water and oxygen are essential needs, so place them opposite each
other around the central idea. Glucose and nutrients are normally from food, so
you’d place them opposite each other as well around the core. These types of
“links” help you remember the main ideas. Continue organizing and re-organizing
until you’ve appropriately positioned and labeled all of the concepts.

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The concept maps in this module are variations on basic concept maps. They allow
you great flexibility in working out ideas and the relationship between those
ideas. Mind maps expand on spider maps. Mind maps have a tree structure with
one trunk with many branches. They’re examples of “organic thinking”. That is,
like a tree, a central idea (the trunk) branches off in many directions. These
branches then divide into finer branches of details and associations. IHMC
concept maps show two or more concepts linked or cross-linked by relationships.
Typically, you show the main concepts at the top with subordinate concepts below
them. Flowchart concept maps show how one concept or event leads to another.
They provide a quick, clear explanation of a series of tasks or processes that might
otherwise be difficult to understand in a plain text format. Fishbone diagrams
(also called “cause and effect” or “Ishikawa” diagrams) show the interactions
within complex events or phenomena. These diagrams help a person or group
search for the root causes of a problem and compare the relative importance of
different causes of that problem. Pictorial concept maps represent information in
a landscape format. They’re useful because they allow viewers to see an entire
concept or cycle at a single glance. Mandala concept maps use interlocking
geometric shapes. They allow you to understand a considerable amount of
information in a short amount of time. They can also serve as a “touchstone” when
you read text. If you get lost in the text, you can refer back to the mandala to get
your bearings and continue learning.

36 © 2005
Common concept maps

The following exercises will give you the opportunity to practice making
specialized concept maps. Each exercise will spell out the type of concept map,
provide the necessary information, and ask you to construct a map for the
specified situation. At the back of this manual, I’ve provided the concept maps
that I drew up for each exercise. Remember that my concept maps are not only the
“correct” solutions. As stated previously, such maps are flexible and can be highly
individual. Simply use my solutions as guides.

Exercise 1—Mind Map

Assume you’re a businessperson who needs to place an advertisement in a print
magazine. Draw a mind map that shows the considerations involved in placing the
ad (design, cost, copy, reach, location etc). Remember to color code the branches
to help make the options stand out to your eye.

Exercise 2—IHMC concept map

This exercise deals with a fountain pen. The objective is to
construct an IHMC map that illustrates the structure of
the pen and also shows the interaction of its parts (i.e.,
how the ink gets to the nib and tip). Below are the
elements that need to be in the map.
• A fountain pen is composed of a body, cap, reservoir,
and nib
• The nib has a slit. This helps ink to travel down to the
• The nib and reservoir interact with a feedbar.
• Capillary action in causes ink to run from the reservoir,
down the feedbar to the slit and then to the tip.

Exercise 3—Flowchart concept map

Assume you’re driving down the road and see that your “low fuel” indicator light
has illuminated. Construct a flowchart starting with the concept: “Low fuel light
indicates need to fill tank.” From that concept, create a series of Yes/No decisions
from the following points:
• If the tank is low, you need to drive to a petrol/service station.
• If you have a remote filler cap, you need to release it. If you don’t have one,
then you proceed to the next step.
• If you prefer a premium grade of gas/petrol, then you need to choose that
grade. If not, choose regular.
• Once grade is selected, insert nozzle and squeeze handle.
• Fill until desired amount shows on pump display.
• Replace the nozzle, fuel cap and pay.
• Tank filled. You’re ready to drive on.

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Exercise 4—Decision flowchart concept map

Assume that you’re a loan officer at a bank. You have to decide whether or not to
issue a loan to an applicant. Basically, the decision is Loan/No Loan. Here’s the
information to include in the map:
• No one who has been bankrupt can get a loan.
• If income is less than $40K, applicant can’t get a loan.
• If income is $40-$80K, check applicant’s present job tenure. Less than 1 year,
no loan. If 3-5 years and didn’t pay credit cards on time, no loan. If cards paid
on time, loan. More than 5 years, loan.
• If income is greater than $80K, applicant can get a loan

Exercise 5—Pictorial landscape concept map

This is a weather-related exercise that may call for some research on the Internet.
Assume you want to show a simple cross section of a snow-producing cloud.
Here’s a hint to get you started: snow forms at the top of the cloud. Color-code
each cross-section of the cloud (e.g., the top snow-producing section of the cloud
is gray, warm air is red, etc.). Remember that snow is produced by the collision of
warm and cold air. Include the following information:
Here’s the information to work with:
• Snow is produced by the collision of warm and cold air (a warm front colliding
with a low-pressure center).
• Draw a weather symbol for low-pressure system.
• Draw a weather symbol for warm front.
• Show the low-pressure system and warm front meeting.
• Draw the cloud above the low pressure and warm front symbols.
• Precipitation that begins as snow in the higher level of colder air melts into
rain in the layer of air that’s above the melting point of ice— O degrees Celsius.
• Rain hits another layer of cold air, re-freezes into snow, and falls to the ground.
• Show snow falling from the cloud.

What did you think of this module? Do you have some suggestions? Let us know
your thoughts using our online survey at:

38 © 2005
Advanced concept maps


Advanced concept maps

In this module you will see how to take concept mapping to an advanced level.
These are not your ordinary concept maps. They help us understand some of the
most complex knowledge and to gain insight from volumes of data. Yet, many of
the basic forms you’ve seen so far are still there, and this makes them easier to
understand. Read on to see how far you can take concept maps.

Module 4: Advanced concept maps

Concept maps are not just simple tools. NASA for example used the IHMC concept
mapping software (described in module 6) to model pages and pages of knowledge
relating to the recent Mars Rovers exploration program. Other scientists use
various forms of concept maps to help decode the human genome (DNA). In this
module, I introduce you to some more advanced forms of concept maps,
• Systems concept maps. These model natural and man-made systems in which
there is often no start or end point. They are often cyclical (circular) in nature.
• Decision Trees. These help model mathematical options and help you make
financial decisions.
• Logic Trees. These use deductive and inductive logic to help you construct a
convincing argument.
• Software-Based concept maps. The frontier of concept maps. See how
concept maps are changing the way we interact with knowledge via computers.
• Other types of maps. Some examples of other types of specific concept maps.

Systems concept maps

A systems concept map organizes information in a format that’s similar to a
circular flowchart. It can show a cycle or cycles in a system.
In the following basic example adapted from Peter Senge’s book, The Fifth
Discipline, the concept map shows how each element in the simple act of filling a
bucket with a hose influences the other elements. For example, your perception of
how full the bucket is influences the degree to which you will turn the handle on
the faucet. This, in turn, influences the water flow and the current water level.
You continue in this cycle until the bucket is full.

© 2005 39
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

Desired Position
Water Level influences

Perceived Gap Water flow

determines influences

You can see from this example that filling a bucket with water is not a simple
linear task. Your brain evaluates a feedback loop several times a second. Using
this method you can also start to understand why it’s difficult to get the
temperature of the water in the shower just right. There is often a delay between
turning the faucet and the resulting water temperature. The more the delay, the
more you over-correct and under-correct the faucet several times until the
temperature is right. This pattern of behavior plays out in small and large systems
– for example the flow of products in an industry, the movement of investors in
financial markets, or the wastage of clothes in the fashion industry.
Senge chose this method to illustrate his point that we should stop using straight-
line (linear) thinking and should instead see the world in terms of “circles of
influence”. Seeing things in terms of circles of influence gives us a better
understanding how dynamic systems work. Unlike traditional writing which take a
straight-line approach to a subject, systems concept maps can account for
complexities in many situations. In other words, you can see the whole of a
dynamic system rather than just the parts.
Systems concept maps can show the cycles in everything from engines to sewage
treatment. The following example shows the cycle of the internal combustion

40 © 2005
Advanced concept maps

Carby Spark
Air and Plug
Fuel Spark
Fuel Vapour Electric


Pump/s Pushes down Magneto
Oil Cools
Pump Piston
Turns Turns
Turns Drive
Turns Shaft
Powers Turns
Alternator Motor

Charges Powers


Such a systems map allows you to see how the elements of an engine interact to
produce power and electricity in a vehicle. Describing this concept in words would
take much longer and, most likely, wouldn’t be as effective in explaining how an
auto engine works.

© 2005 41
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Decision Trees
Businesses and people often need a way to figure out and clarify complex

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problems before committing considerable money, time and resources to a project.
To do that, they can use decision trees to try to account for all variables and to
figure out the best solutions. Below is an example of a decision tree. The example
represents a decision that a bottled water company has to make. The company
needs to decide whether to do market research before launching a new bottled
water product aimed at high-performing students. The dollar amounts are in
thousands of dollars (‘000s’).

Develop Product 1000 750

-200 660 0.1

0.6 Not successful
Positive Result -150
1 100 -150
0 660

Abandon product
0 -50
Do Market Research
-50 376 Successful
Develop Product 1000 750

-200 -60 0.9

0.4 Not successful
Negative Result -150
2 100 -150
0 -50

2 Abandon product
440 -50
0 -50

Develop Product 1000 800

-200 440 0.4

Not successful
No Market Research -100
1 100 -100
0 440

Abandon product
0 0

As you can see in the decision tree, each option branches into the factors involved
in each option. Each of these factors then branches into costs and the possible
outcomes for each of the choices. Actually, this decision tree is only the first in a
series of decision trees. As the company refines the chart down to the best option
to take, it will revise the chart to account for all variables and then choose the
most effective course.
Using this decision tree, the business people can see that they are better off not
doing market research! Let’s see how they arrived at this conclusion.

42 © 2005
Advanced concept maps

Constructing a decision tree

A decision tree has two main parts. Decision nodes represent a choice to make.
Event nodes represent outcomes. Let’s look at these in more detail. Here’s what a
decision node looks like:

Decision Node
Do market research


No market research

In this example, the business people have two choices—do market research or
don’t do market research. Market research will cost $50,000 though, so you write
this as a negative amount below the market research option. There is no cost for
not doing market research. Now let’s add an event node:

Event node
Positive result

Do market research

Negative result

No market research

If the company does market research, history shows that, on average, 60% of the
time market research is positive whereas 40% of the time research is negative
(i.e., the product may not sell well). You enter these probabilities as “0.6” and
“0.4” in the boxes above the event outcomes.
You build a tree using these components first, and then you “calculate the tree”.
This involves working “forwards, then backwards”. Let’s look at an entire branch
in our example:
g 0.9
e 750
Develop Product d 1000 f 750

c -200 k 660 h 0.1

0.6 Not successful
Positive Result -150
1 j 100 i -150
b 0 m 660

Abandon product
0 l -50
Do Market Research

a -50

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Working forwards means you add all the boxes along each branch to arrive at an
expected monetary value (EMV) for that branch. In the example above, you add
a+b+c+d to give e. Using the numbers (-50) + 0 + (-200) + 1000 = $750. In other
words, if the company does market research, and the product is successful, they
will receive $750,000.
Working backwards involves using probability to work out the most effective
decisions. You then work out the numbers below each option.
• For an event node, e.g., point k above, k = (g x f) = (h x i). Without going into
a lot of detail, this simply means that if you launched 1000 products with these
same probabilities, on average you’d receive $660,000 per product.
• For a decision node, e.g. point m above, you simply look at the values of each
branch and choose which one is better. In our example, $660,000 at point k is
better than $-50,0000 at point l, so you write 1 (for branch 1) it in the box
representing the decision. You then fill in the winning value, i.e. at point m you
write 660.
You continue working backwards until you arrive back at the left hand side of the
graph. Once you have done that, you now have the right path mapped out for you.
Go back to our example at the start of this section. Which is the right path,
according to the numbers? It’s to do no market research, and launch the product.
The chart above only covers the financial aspects of a decision. You may need to
incorporate non-financial factors that may eventually have a financial impact. For
example, “product failure” may affect “corporate image.” A negative impact on
corporate image could result in a 10% reduction in sales of this product and other
Keep in mind that decision trees are useful in many areas beyond business. You
can use them to help decide whether to change jobs, where to live, and what
course to study. They’re useful in many areas of your life.

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Logic Trees
A logic tree is a diagram that starts with a key statement and then branches out
with further logic or key points that support the statement. There are two types of
reasoning—deductive and inductive—that you can use to establish logical
relationships between ideas. Let’s look at each of these types in turn.

Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning involves moving from things you know or assume to be true -
called 'premises' - to conclusions that must follow from them. In other words,
deductive reasoning presents a line of reasoning that leads to a “therefore”
conclusion. Below is an example of deductive reasoning:

Because I’m a
I fly

Birds fly I’m a bird Therefore, I fly

The first two statements are premises (Birds fly, I’m a bird), and the third
statement is a conclusion (Therefore, I fly). By the rules of deduction, if the first
two statements are true, then the conclusion must be true. Any deductive
argument needs to accomplish three things:
• Make a statement about something that exists in the world; i.e., Birds fly.
• Make another statement about a related situation that exists in the world at
the same time: i.e., I’m a bird. The second statement relates to the first if it
comments on either its subject (birds) or its predicate (fly).
• State the implication of these two situations existing in the world at the same
time; i.e., Therefore, I fly.
Deductive statements can sometimes become too long and boring if you include
every step included in the process. In cases like that, you can skip a step and
“chain together” two or more deductive arguments. Here’s an example: Assume
that the issue under consideration is aluminum production in Australia. The
deductive argument might look like this in text form:
• Australia produces enough aluminum to meet its own needs.
• But exports to Asia have increased, reducing supply to below domestic demand.
• Therefore, Australia has a shortage.
• A shortage of aluminum causes a shortage of manufactured goods.
• We have a shortage of aluminum.
• Therefore, there is a shortage of manufactured goods.

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This material contains a lot of information. However if you skip steps and
consolidate their information into other steps, then you get a “chained” deductive
argument that appears this way in concept map form:

Continued selling of aluminum

to Asia could aggravate the
already short supply of manuf.
goods in Australia.

The supply of aluminum However, Australian sales The shortage of the

in Australia is sufficent to to Asia have caused a metal will aggravate
meet demand there now severe shortage that will the already short supply
and in the future. persist. of manf. goods in Australia.

The key in deciding whether to use a chained deductive argument is this: The
reader must be able to understand the missing steps and agree with them.

Inductive reasoning
The second type of reasoning is inductive. With inductive reasoning, you move
from a set of examples to a theory that you think explains all the examples, as well
as examples that will appear in the future. Inductive reasoning is often more
creative than deductive reasoning as deductive reasoning tends to be “straight-
ahead” logic. It’s more creative because the mind is required to notice that several
things (ideas, events, facts, etc.) are similar in some way. It then needs to group
these things together and comment on the significance of their similarity. Below is
an example of an inductive reasoning concept map:

Joint property ownership

can hurt your family in the

Could affect Could

reading of Could Could create complicate
last will and increase gift tax divorce
testament. estate taxes. burden. proceedings.

As a reader of the map, you’re required to infer from the lower four nodes that
these factors can hurt your family in the future if the property is jointly owned.
A conclusion deduced by deduction must be true if the premises are true. But, the
conclusions induced by induction may or may not be true. For example, people
who visit a rainy city like Seattle in America for short periods may find that it
rains every day of their visit. They could induce (or infer, or draw the conclusion)

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Advanced concept maps

that it rains every day in Seattle. However, their conclusion would be wrong. It
does rain a lot in Seattle, but not every day!

Using logic trees

Logic trees are useful in many different disciplines—math, logic, computer
science, etc. They can also help you build up a logical structure for a report or
presentation. Look at the following diagram:

This diagram shows the structure of a logical argument. The main argument at the
top is deductive; however, lower level arguments support each higher point. An
inductive argument supports the first point, whereas deductive arguments
support the next two points.
Once you have your argument laid out like this, you can then structure your report
or presentation along the same lines. The top point is your executive summary;
the second level points become chapters; and the third and fourth levels become
sections within those chapters.

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Software-based concept maps

I’ve now covered many forms of concept maps you can draw yourself. In this last
section of this module, I’d like to introduce you to some more advanced types of
visual mapping techniques. I won't be covering these in detail as my aim is to give
you a taste of the variety of visual mapping tools and techniques that are
All of the concept maps in this section use some form of software to create and
view them. Often they provide better ways to view large amounts of data that
would be impossible to understand in raw form. As available computer power and
software technology increases, the possibilities are endless. For example, real-
time interaction with maps in three dimensions is now possible on desktop
computers, and you will see some examples of 3D maps below.
The types of maps I cover are:
• Concept maps with automated layout. These maps automatically arrange
themselves based on the data provided, and can be re-arranged based on user
• Hyperbolic tree maps. These maps provide both context and detail while
browsing large amounts of hierarchical data.
• Squarified tree maps. These maps use layout, color, and size to provide
additional insight into large amounts of data.
• General 3D concept maps. Think of your standard concept maps but in 3-D.

Concept maps with automated layout

Here we look at two forms of concept maps using automated layouts. The first
uses a fixed layout format, and the second uses a force-directed layout.

Fixed layout
The first example here uses software called PersonalBrain. The topic is the
Memletics Accelerated Learning Manual. As you can see below, the concept map
lays out six main parts of the Memletics Manual.

Let's say you wanted to understand more about the Memletic Techniques. When
you click on the techniques concept, the map rearranges itself as follows:

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Advanced concept maps

As you can see, the concepts not in focus have moved up and to the side, and
techniques concept has expanded to show the six main groups of techniques
described in the manual. Clicking for example on the Visualize concept, results in
the tool showing the next level of detail:

The tool allows you to associate documents, image, videos, notes, web pages and
other files to each concept. It also keeps track of how much time you spend in
each concept. It will then rearrange the concepts based on the ones you spend the
most time in!

Force directed layout

Here’s an example of a force-directed concept map using a thesaurus as the data.
Force-directed means that the software works out where to position each element
based on some formula that models attraction and repulsion. If you start with the
word “accelerate” you see this example:

You can see the tool placed some synonyms and related words near each other on
the right. You also see that the tool placed an antonym, decelerate, on the
opposite site with a dotted line joining it. Synonyms attract each other whereas
antonyms move away from synonyms. The tool also models some repulsion
between synonyms so that if they get too close, it moves them away slightly. This
improves the overall layout.
Let’s look at what happens when you click on speed:

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The map redraws itself to show words related to speed. You can hover the mouse
over nodes to see more information on that node. If you wanted to hear how to
pronounce the word, you can click on the small speaker next to it.
You can play with this tool online using their free trial.

Hyperbolic tree maps

Hyperbolic tree maps also use force-directed layout, however they also use a view
filter based on some complex mathematical functions. As you move around the
map, branches that are further away disappear, while those nearer to your point
of view become larger and more spaced out.
Let’s see an example. The following hyperbolic tree map shows the structure of a
NASA website – the Planetary Data Store. When the map first opens, it looks like
a regular concept map:

50 © 2005
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The grey lines on the diagram give you hints to where more data is. See the lines
below Mars? When you click and drag Mars towards the center, the map changes
in real time to look like this:

As you can see, the concepts below Mars have expanded, while concepts further
way have receded. You can still have a sense of where you are on the map though.
When you click on any of the concepts, the map displays a web page for that
Here are some more you might want to play with on the Internet:
• Understanding the USA:

© 2005 51
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• Data needs planning:

• Medical research example: http://rami-
Note that hyperbolic tree-map formulas are patented by Xerox. The diagrams
above are © NASA.

Squarified tree maps

Most of the concept maps you’ve seen lay out concepts in an open space and use
lines to link them. Let’s look at a completely different type of concept map.
Squarified tree maps lay out concepts in squares or rectangles, and then use size,
position and color to show relationships. Here’s an example:

This is a squarified tree map providing a view on the common causes of death for
those over 65. The medical classification of the causes drives the grouping of the
squares (rectangles in this case). The frequency for each cause drives the size of
the squares (the bigger the square, the more deaths from that cause). The color
indicates the change over the previous 17 years—green being a reduction, yellow a
moderate increase and red being a large increase. (Note: you may have difficulty
identifying colors if you are reading a black and white printout of this page.)
By only spending a few minutes studying this data, you can see:

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Advanced concept maps

• The two biggest causes of death are cardiovascular diseases and cancer
(neoplasms). You can compare the size of the squares to see that, for example,
these two causes account for far more deaths than say Alzheimer’s disease.
• The most progress over 17 years appears to have been made in cardiovascular
diseases, as there is the most green area for these causes.
• Progress in these areas may partially account for the significant increase in
deaths from Alzheimer’s disease. As people live longer, diseases of the brain
appear to be increasing.
While this is a relatively morbid topic, you can see that this view of the data
provides far more insight than trying to understand text-based data. With a few
clicks of the mouse, you can drill down into interesting areas, or change the data
settings to look at the data in a completely different way.
Let’s look at another example. When your hard drive fills up, how long does it
take you to find which files and directories are taking up the most room? The
following squarified tree map provides a 3-D view of the data partition on our

The map shows the relative size of files and directories (surface area), the number
of files, the directory level (layers) and the file types (color). Instantly you can see
which are the biggest files and directories and which are the deepest directories.
Moving the mouse over each block provides more data about that file, and you can
click on any element to drill down to the next level. You can also move the map
and zoom in to see more detail in any area.

Three-dimensional concept maps

Often concepts and relationships are too complicated for a simple two-
dimensional map. For example, a chemist might use only words or 2-D diagrams
to explain the structure of a molecule. However, this would likely take a
considerable amount of time, and, as a learner, you still might not have an
adequate picture of the structure of the molecule. A better choice would be for the
chemist to give you a 3-D concept map, and then use words and further
illustrations to explain the molecule. More than likely, you would then have a
better understanding of the molecule structure.

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On the right is an image from JMol, a

tool that models molecules. Notice
that it’s similar to a standard concept
map. The atoms themselves are the
concepts and the bonds are the links.
You can rotate and zoom the model in
the tool to understand each of its
parts. This tool also provides an
additional feature that allows you to
measure the distance between atoms.
While I still haven’t found a good tool
that allows you to model concept
maps in full 3D, there are some
examples that go part of the way. For
example, the following illustration
shows one tool’s view of the Water
concept map shown earlier in the book.

Created by axon

I envisage these tools becoming more complex and integrated over the next few
years. Imagine a tool that allows you to model knowledge and then display it in
full 3D. It changes shape over time as you learn more. Concepts rearrange
themselves as you add new links and work with the map. You can add in a new
map from someone else, and the tool rearranges your existing map to show what’s
common and what’s new. Perhaps this tool might one day replace books as the
way we transfer knowledge between each other!

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Advanced concept maps

Other types of maps

Here is a brief summary of other concept maps you might want to investigate
• Gantt charts and PERT charts. Project managers often use these charts to
model the sequence of tasks over time. Links between tasks show
dependencies, and positions of tasks show when the tasks should occur.
Various other visual elements show task completeness, delays in schedule,
overruns and other information.
• Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams. These diagrams
model the flow of data in a computer system or database. Computer
professionals use these to design and communicate information about
computer software.

Systems concept maps show a cycle or cycles in a system. They’re useful in
depicting the complexities of a concept or process. They do this by showing the
whole of a dynamic system rather than just the parts. Logic trees are diagrams
that start with a key statement and then branch out with further logic or key
points that support the statement. When constructing logic trees, you can build
them with two types of logic—deductive and inductive. Deductive reasoning
presents a line of reasoning that leads to a “therefore” conclusion. With inductive
reasoning, you move from a set of examples to a theory that you think explains all
the examples as well as examples that will appear in the future. Decision trees
help you figure out and clarify complex problems before considerable time, money
and resources are committed to a project. Decision trees try to account for all the
variables in a situation so the best decision is clear. Decision trees have two main
parts—decision nodes and event nodes. Decision nodes represent a choice to
make. Event nodes represent outcomes. From these parts, you can build very
simple or very elaborate decision trees. Software-based concept maps use the
power of computers to help you see and visualize information new ways. They will
likely change the way we learn in future.

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Exercise 1 - Deductive Logic concept map
Construct a visual logic map from the following information about a company:
• Any corporation meeting three specific criteria is worth buying.
• Company X meets all three criteria.
Remember, a deductive logic concept map must follow three criteria:
• Make a statement about something that exists in the world; i.e., Birds fly.
• Make another statement about a related situation that exists in the world at the
same time: i.e., I’m a bird. The second statement relates to the first if it
comments on either its subject (birds) or its predicate (fly).
• State the implication of these two situations existing in the world at the same
time; i.e., Therefore, I fly.

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Using concept maps


Using concept maps

Creating concept maps is not difficult when you follow the guidelines in this
module. The guidelines show you how to prepare for making the maps, how to
match the map to the type of project, and how to sketch out and revise maps until
you create a final, acceptable version. In this module, there are also guidelines for
using concept maps during studying and for learning and memorizing. Following
all these guidelines will make learning how to use concept maps easier and increase
comprehension of all subjects you study.

Module 5: Using concept maps

A great benefit of concept maps is that you can fit them to your style of thinking
and learning—not the other way around! This means you can be highly creative
with just about any material you have to study or learn. In this module I provide
you with some general guidance and tips for using concept maps, including:
• Creating concept maps. General guidance for creating and revising concept
• Using concept maps for learning and memorizing. How to make the most of
your concept maps for learning and memorizing new information.
• Using concept maps while studying. Some ideas for using concept maps to
improve study habits.
• Using concept maps as a teaching tool. Some tips for teachers using concept
• Keeping limitations in mind. Concept maps are just one way to improve
learning. There are many others.

Creating concept maps

Study and practice will make constructing concept maps second nature for you.
Below are some guidelines that will help you construct any kind of concept map
with a minimum of difficulty.

Gather concept map-making materials

Unless you have the appropriate software for making concept maps, the first step
you’ll need to take is to gather all your materials. This will avoid the nuisance of
having to find a pencil or other item once you get started on the project, resulting
in a break in concentration. So, have on hand paper, a ruler, colored markers, and
any other items necessary to complete a concept map.

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Memletics Concept Mapping Course

Gather research materials

Research materials can include notes, books, articles, photographs, diagrams—
whatever is required to give you the raw information needed to construct a

Memletics Product Protection. Please report unauthorized copying to

concept map.

Choose your concept map format

Choose the concept map format based on your own learning preference, the
subject matter and by taking the formats out for a “test drive”. Try doing quick
sketches in different formats and simply let your imagination flow by playing
around with each format. The test drives will show you how different formats are
appropriate for different kinds of information.

Make your first map

As with any activity, practice makes you better at concept mapping. A good first
step is to relax and let your mind "free associate." Let whatever thoughts
regarding the subject rise in your thoughts. This is a good way to get the creative
juices flowing. Then, draw rough drafts or “thumbnail” sketches of your visual
impressions. For example, let’s assume you have an assignment that asks the
question "Should there be a ban on commercial fishing in the XYZ area?” There
are many thoughts that might float to the surface of your mind on this topic—
fishery depletion, loss of employment, damage to the economy, etc. After you’ve
written down several of these thoughts, you might decide to use a spider map
format to show the pros and cons of this issue. On one side of this issue, there are
topics such as depletion of fisheries and biodiversity, and you should depict those
ideas on the map. On the other side of the issue, you should also depict topics
related to the towns and families that rely on fishing income. There are also issues
of fishing and international treaties, commercial fishing vs. recreational fishing,
etc. In other words, you should try to come up with a map that represents the
whole issue.
One tip is to lay out all the concepts you need to link together on Post-It notes or
pieces of paper. If you are using a computer, lay them out on the screen without
linking them together. Stick the Post-It notes to the wall, move the paper around
on the floor, or rearrange the concepts on-screen until you have a basic structure
working for you. You can then make changes easily until its close. Once you are
happy with the layout of concepts, add in the links and relationships.
I suggest you don’t attempt to get it “exactly right” first time. Be prepared to
scribble out, move concepts and branches around, and make corrections as you
go. If you are able to use a white board or computer, these can help you make
changes more easily.

Revise and try alternatives

Revise as often as necessary to get the visual picture of the concept complete. If
it’s a complex idea that you’re trying to explain, it may take several drafts until
you’re satisfied with your work. As you work through the drafts, ask yourself if
your visual presentation is working for you. Perhaps look at it from someone
else’s point of view. Will it convince the viewer that your work is interesting? Does
it help convince the viewer that the subject matter is important and inviting? To

58 © 2005
Using concept maps

make the concept map interesting, perhaps add different colors and shapes to
emphasize key ideas.
Try using various alternative map formats, even if you’ve spent some time on one
format already. If you feel you are not getting anywhere with one map format,
even sketching out ideas in another format can help you see information in a new
way, and help you get past your block. Do quick sketches to see if your ideas might
work better in a new format.

Keep a record of your concept maps

This won’t be hard if you work on software. You can simply store the files on your
computer. But, if you work with pen/pencil and paper, be sure to keep copies. It
can save you time in the future because a concept map on one subject might just
fit for another topic! Keep the copies in a folder or binder. Be sure to place a
“master concept map” on the cover or in the front of the binder. This will give an
easy and instant reference to the contents so you won’t have to waste time by
searching through all your folders.

Using concept maps for learning and memorizing

Concept maps can help you learn material in several ways. First, using maps helps
you explore new content in a more effective way than just reading text. It helps
you visualize key ideas and the connections between those ideas by letting you
organize them into a visual format. Second, it furthers understanding when you
re-draw the concept maps into a more accurate representation of the key ideas
and connections. Third, constructing a concept map helps you to extract the
central meanings of the concepts you’re studying. You can then take those
concepts and turn them into assertions (training affirmations) and questions. You
can then use these assertions and questions to outline and write presentations,
reports, papers, or any other form required by your teacher. You can also use
concept maps as graphics to illustrate main points in any academic, business, or
scientific presentations or papers. Overall, concept mapping is an effective way of
refining your creative and critical thinking which, in turn, leads to increased
success in learning.
Before you start a new topic, try drawing a map that shows your current
understanding of the subject. Keep it and use it later to compare with the final
concept maps you create. This will show you the increased understanding you’ve
achieved through your work. Another useful technique is to draw a concept map
as you read a book or reference. This speeds your comprehension of a subject and
makes overall learning quicker and easier. You can also ask others (e.g. children,
students, clients, etc.) to create initial concept maps. This will allow you (and
them!) to understand their current knowledge level of a particular topic.
Concept maps are not only useful in increasing learning! They also help you retain
and remember key ideas because you can use them for long-term information
storage and review. You can do this using Refresh Reviews. Refresh Reviews are a
primary Memletics strategy for achieving long-term retention. A Refresh Review
is simply a technique of regularly reviewing information after you’ve completed a
course. It’s a means of making sure that information stays in your mind. A
Refresh Review may take a few minutes a week or a few hours a month. The times

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will vary according to how important the knowledge is and how often you use it.
During those times, you can refer to your concept maps to gain a quick overview
of the information and the organization of its key concepts. The result will be that
you remember information longer and more effectively.

Using concept maps while studying

Concept maps are a very helpful tool for studying materials. They help you
organize and analyze study sessions, which means you learn more quickly and
efficiently. They’re also extremely effective in communicating what you’ve learned
to others. You can use them in papers, slides, PowerPoint presentations,
overheads, flipcharts and other visual media. So, employ them whenever possible
when studying or communicating ideas. Also, don’t forget to use them during
lectures to take and organize notes. It will help make the lecturer’s subject clearer
to you. Be sure to ask the lecturer for concept maps. He or she may have them
available in print or online.

Using concept maps as a teaching tool

J.D. Novak of Cornell University developed the use of IHMC concept mapping as a
teaching strategy in the early 1980s. He partly derived the strategy from David
Ausubel’s learning theory. This theory places primary emphasis on the influence
of students’ prior knowledge upon subsequent meaningful learning. According to
Ausubel, “the most important single factor influencing learning is what the
learner already knows.” This means that meaningful learning results when a
person ties new knowledge to concepts they already possess. Ausubel’s theory
suggests that meaningful learning produces a series of changes within our minds.
These changes modify existing concepts and form new linkages between concepts.
This results in meaningful learning that’s lasting and powerful unlike rote
learning. For your purposes, this means that concept mapping helps you and your
students build upon your existing knowledge of a subject to understand it more
completely. It also helps your students apply that knowledge more effectively in
class, tests, jobs, and other areas of their life.
From a teaching perspective, concept mapping is useful in several ways:
• Teaching a topic . Through use of concept maps, you can clarify difficult
concepts and arrange them in a systematic order. Concept mapping helps you
communicate key concepts and relationships among those concepts. It also
helps you convey a clear picture of the topics and their relationships to your
students. This means that students are less likely to miss and misinterpret any
important concepts.
• Reinforcing understanding. Use of concept maps reinforces student’s
understanding and learning. This enables visualization of key concepts and
summarizes relationships among them.
• Feedback on learning. Concept map usage assists teachers in evaluating
student’s learning of a topic. They can assess student achievement by
identifying misconceptions and missing concepts. They can then provide
feedback to students on those areas.

60 © 2005
Using concept maps

• Evaluation. You can test student understanding achievement by having them

draw concept maps.
One of the ways in which concept maps aids teachers and students is by allowing
them to build and share concept maps in a collaborative effort. The CMapTools
software (explained in a coming chapter) has features that allow much
collaboration on concept maps, even over long distances.

Keep limitations in mind

Concept maps are a potent tool for learning, but remember they’re only one tool
of many that you can use! For example, use other materials in the Memletic
curriculum (the Accelerated Learning Manual and Speed Reading Course) to help
you learn effectively. Each of the modules within Memletics integrates with other
modules to provide you with an effective learning program.

What did you think of this module? Do you have some suggestions? Let us know
your thoughts using our online survey at:

© 2005 61
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

62 © 2005
Special Focus—Using CmapTools software

6 Special Focus—Using

CmapTools software
CmapTools Knowledge Modeling Kit is a software tool for creating concept maps. It
has two great virtues for you, as a learner. First, it’s free and available for
download on the Internet. Second, it’s easy to use and takes little time to learn. So,
you have an excellent tool at your disposal for learning how to construct concept
maps, and it costs you nothing! This module will introduce you to the CmapTools
software and show you how to get started in the application.

Module 6: Special Focus—Using CmapTools software

The CmapTools Knowledge Modeling Kit software helps to “construct, navigate
and criticize knowledge models represented as Concept Maps”. The application is
available for download from the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
(IHMC) at The best part is that the CmapTools
kit is free for use by anybody, whether its use is commercial or non-commercial!
In fact, schools and universities are encouraged to download it and install it in as
many computers as desired. In particular, that means students and teachers may
make copies of it and install it at home. Commercial companies need a license
when they want to use their own CmapTools server, and a separate license for
each CmapTools client that will talk to their own server.
The software is extremely easy to use. With it, you can make hierarchical maps,
spider maps, systems maps, etc. To introduce how the CmapTools software works,
I’ll guide you through installing the software, creating your first basic concept
map, using the collaboration features and more. This will help you start using the
software for your own learning goals right away!

Obtaining and installing the software

It’s easy to download and install the CmapTools software. Just follow these
• First, go to using your web browser.
• Select a target platform for system requirements and download; e.g., Windows,
Mac OSX, Linux, or Solaris.
• Once you select a target platform and click on it, a Download image will
• Click on Download and a page will appear that requires you to register for the
• Complete the form and then click on Submit.
• Once you click Submit, another Download button will appear.

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• Click on it and the next screen will ask you to “Run” or “Save” the application.
Click on “Save” and download the software into the directory of your choice.
• Find the installation file and double-click it to run.
• Follow the instructions on screen to install the software.
Once you’ve installed the software, go to Start>Programs>IHMC CmapTools>
CmapTools to run the software.

Your first concept map

Once you’ve installed and opened the IHMC software, select File>New and you’ll
see this window.

In the middle of the screen is the instruction, “double-click to create a concept”.

When you double-click the background, a node will appear in the middle of the
window as shown below. Where the questions marks appear is where you will type
in the text.

Let’s assume we’re doing an IHMC map on the various states of “water”. To enter
the central concept, double click on the initial node and type in “Water” as shown

The default node is a rounded rectangle, but you can change the shape to a circle
or a square by using the Styles menu (Format>Styles). The Styles menu looks like

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By clicking on the Shape option, you can change the node to your preference
(circle, oval, rectangle). The Style menu also allows you to change fonts, lines,
color, background image, etc. For our example, I want the map to follow a
“standard” IHMC format. I chose green for the text on a white background. With
the Styles menu, you can change any aspect of a concept map to get the look you

Now you’re ready to start creating links to the nodes that will relate to the central
concept of water. To do that, click on the concept then put the mouse on the
arrows at the top of the central node. Click and drag in the direction you want to
go. In the example, I “pulled” a node to a spot immediately below the central
concept. This action creates a link at the same time. Notice that you now have a
label for the link as well as the new node. Click on the link text box to enter the
link label and on the node text box to enter its label. Type in “is composed of” to
label the link and “molecules” to identify the text box.

The map now shows that water, at its most basic level, is composed of molecules.
You can pull nodes and links in any direction you like and link the nodes in any
fashion you prefer (in general, try to keep concepts flowing downwards from the
main concept). You can also direct the “arrow” links in any direction as well by

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selecting that option on the Style menu. I’ve also updated the line and linking
phrase color. The linking phrases are in blue, and the connecting lines are grey.
I continued the construction of our map by pulling the link and node diagonally
down to the left as shown below.

The map now explains that living things need water. I then kept drawing the map
by pulling a link and node to the right and downward as shown below:

The map now explains that water changes states. I then continued the map until it
was completed. As you can see below, it shows the many examples of living things,
molecular action, and the states of water. Notice how the links can join two or
more concepts. These “cross links” help the reader visualize the complexity and
interrelationship of the elements that make up a concept.

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Working with Styles

Once you’ve customized the look of a concept or link, you can save that look as a
style. You can then apply the style to other objects in your Cmap. For example,
click one of the concepts in your map. In the Styles window (select Edit->Style if
it’s not visible), click the Add Style button:

The Add Style window will appear. Enter a name for the style. Then check the
Include Background Styles check box if you want the current object’s background
to be included in the style.

Click Ok to save the style. To apply saved styles to other objects, click the arrow at
the bottom left corner of the Styles window.

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You’ll see a list of all the named styles. Simply select a concept or linking phrase
and then click on the style name to apply that style to the selected object.
You can get more help by selecting Help>Working with styles from the menu bar.

Saving a Cmap
Saving a Cmap is easy. In the Cmap window, click on File>Save Cmap.

The Save Cmap As window is displayed. The window allows you to choose where
to save your Cmap. You may also save the Cmap to your local My Cmaps folder or
to the networked places folder. This window also contains form fields to input
additional information about your Cmap.

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Notice that you also have the option of exporting your Cmap in the following
formats: Image, XML, propositions as text or Cmap Outline. If you wish to send a
Cmap to someone else, you need to “Export as XML” and then “Import as XML”
on the other computer.
From our demonstration, you can see that it’s very easy to construct concept maps
with the Cmap Tools application.

Linking maps and other resources

You can link maps and other resources easily with Cmap. To do this, first click on
Windows>Show Views on the menu at the top of the screen. Once you do that,
you’ll see the following screen:

Click on File>Add Web Page.

When you click on Add Web Page, you’ll get this screen:

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Type in the resource name (the name to show in the views) and the URL (e.g., You can also enter a description and key words to help
organize the reference and make it easier to access.
Once you’ve done this, you can then add the web resource to your Cmaps in the
CmapTools editor. Select the concept you’d like to add the resource to, then select
“Add and edit links to resources” from the Edit menu. Click the “My Cmaps” icon,
then click “Add to list.” The web resource will now appear as an icon below your

Collaboration features and sharing maps

The CmapTools software allows you and others to build maps from the ground up
in a collaborative manner. Servers are a significant part of the system, and this
allows everyone to share knowledge on a project, company or worldwide basis.
In this section we look at sharing Cmaps, viewing them on the web, adding
discussion threads and adding annotations.

Sharing Cmaps
The Share My Cmaps feature allows you to share your Cmaps with others on a
Cmap server and collaborate on their design. To learn how to use this feature, go
to Cmaps Help (Help>CmapTools Help) and click on the Share My Cmaps option.
You need to do this before using some of the collaboration features below.

Viewing Cmaps on the web

Once your Cmap is on a server, you can share it with other users who don’t have
the software. Click the “View” button at the bottom of the Cmap editor window:

You can then copy the URL and mail it to someone or add a link to your website.

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Discussion threads
Discussion threads (DTs) are discussion lists attached to particular concepts in a
concept map. These threads allow users to question, criticize or comment on
another person's maps. On-line discussions are often part of separate software
packages and are limited because they’re separate from the object or topic of
discussion. In CmapTools, you can attach discussion threads to particular
concepts within a concept map. This leads to more focused discussions because
the discussions are on the selected concept within the context of the concept map.
Through discussion threads, you can use Cmap Tools to collaborate on IHMC
maps with others. For example, a group of students could jointly work on a
project and collaborate during the construction of a concept map. Discussion
threads allow them to comment on the map, modify it, etc. Collaboration can
take place within one classroom or among multiple classrooms in different
You can also use discussion threads in computer-mediated or distance learning
situations. Using threads, students can ask questions about a concept map
while instructors can begin their own discussion threads and invite students to
participate in a discussion.
A third use of discussion threads is as peer review devices. Students,
researchers and others can put a concept map/proposition on Cmap servers and
invite comments in order to get input on the map.

Adding a discussion thread

To add a discussion thread, you must first save your Cmap on a Cmap Server.
Highlight a concept or a linking phrase. From the menu, click on Collaborate >
Add Discussion Thread.

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The software will ask you to name your thread. To avoid anonymous postings,
check “Ask for user registration.” After you’ve created the thread, the message
window appears:

Once you’ve created your message, it appears in the message list. Others can reply
to it in follow-up messages, or create their own new messages.

Back on your concept map, the discussion thread appears as an icon at the base of
the concept. Click on it to view or contribute to the discussion.

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Annotating your Cmap

If you give permission, you and others can add notes and annotations to your
Cmaps. This feature allows everyone to clarify concepts or to give feedback. To
allow others to annotate your concept maps, the Cmap must be saved on a server
and the user must have “annotate” or “write permissions” on your folder.
To add annotations, highlight the concept or group of concepts that you’d like to
annotate. From the menus, click on Tools>Annotate. The annotation box appears.
Type in your annotation.

Click on the minimize button. Your annotation will appear as the yellow symbol
on your concept. Double click to view it.

Finding existing concept maps

With Cmap Tools, there are two ways to find existing concept maps—by searching
or by browsing. It’s a good idea to search for maps of topics before starting your
own map in the application. This can save you considerable time and effort.
Browsing is a good option if you’re in the initial phase of a project and simply
want a general overview of your topic in order to get started.

Searching for topics

Before starting a concept map in the Cmap Tools application, do a search on your
topic to see if there are other maps available. This can give you a “jump start” and
save time and effort because there are thousands of maps available on different
topics. Let’s assume you need to do some research on water. To use the Search
capability for this subject, first open the Views window in Cmap Tools. Click on
Tools as shown below:

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Then, click on Search. This will reveal three options: Cmaps, Resources, and Web
Information, Cmaps and Resources, and Web Information.

Select the Cmaps and Resources option. Let’s assume that you want to find some
information on the structure of water. You’d type the word “water” in the What to
Search window as shown below.

“Water” is a broad topic, so you’d like to refine your search. You do that by
clicking on the Show Refine Search button at the bottom left-hand side of the

When you do that, the following window appears. On the left-side of the window,
you have the option of selecting three locations: My Cmaps, Places, or the Web. If

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you want to restrict your search to only one or two locations, simply uncheck the
boxes below those locations you don’t want to search.

You can also further refine your search by selecting the Select Result: Types to
Return option at the lower left of the window. As you can see below, you can
restrict the search according to the Type of Resource and Resource Properties. Or,
for a broader search, you can check the Select All option.

When you run the search, you get the following results:

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The search found over 202 Cmaps containing the search term “water.” To open
one, you just need to double-click the entry in the results box. You could now go
back and refine the search to find Cmaps with water only in the title, for example.
You can now see how easy it is to access a large repository of existing knowledge
by using the Cmap Tools search function.
Note: Searching takes a long time! As its searching many repositories, the search
can take a few minutes to complete. Opening Cmaps from remote servers may also
take some time.

To browse for various maps, sites, projects, and other items in Cmap Tools, click
on Views>Shared Cmaps in Places on the left side of the menu. When you do that,
a list appears below Places, and you can access areas that interest you. You can
also browse through IHMC sample knowledge models by going online to
7_1421983319_27104&partName=htmltext. There, you’ll find a Knowledge
Models concept map. Click on the icon below the Browse node. That will give you
access to Cmap tools for navigating and browsing as well as a considerable
amount of other information.
A great example of how browsing can give you access to extensive information is
IHMC’s project with NASA. IHMC worked with NASA’s Center for Mars
Exploration (CMEX) to organize information on the challenges and opportunities
of exploring Mars in the form of concept maps. You can find these maps at Click on Mars concept
maps. That will bring up a Map of Maps on all things related to Mars—geologic
processes and landscapes, orbiters, landers, Rovers, etc. It’s a wonderfully rich
site if you’re interested in the subject of Mars and space exploration.

More help on concept maps

If you require help within the Cmap Tools application, select Help>Cmap Tools
Help. That action will provide you with information on every aspect of the

76 © 2005
Special Focus—Using CmapTools software

application from creating a Cmap to printing the map out. You can find additional
help by going online to the main IHMC web site at From
there, you can search the site for specifics on concept maps. Or, you can access
research, Cmap Tools, or find out more about the history and staff of IHMC.

Cmap Tools software is a free download from the Institute for Human and
Machine Cognition (IHMC). With the application, you can make concept maps of
all kinds—spider maps, systems maps, etc. Cmap Tools is a very versatile and
useful program. You can link to maps and other resources. You can use it as a
teaching and learning tool. Through the use of discussion threads, you can
collaborate with others on the construction of a map or share your maps with
others. You can also search for and find existing concept maps or browse through
IHMC’s sample knowledge models.

To conclude this section, I’d like to give you practice in creating an IHMC map.
Create an IHMC concept map using information from this site: The article stresses the
importance of water in nutrition, exercise, and weight loss.
Here are your directions:
• Go to at the URL listed above.
• Read the article “Water: The Body’s Most Important Nutrient”.
• Extract the main concepts from the article and construct a concept map in
• Experiment with re-formatting the map using the Styles menu so it looks like
the water concept map in this module.
When done, compare it to the concept map I’ve included at the back of the book.
Remember: there is no right or wrong approach to creating a concept map. Use
the structure that works best for your style of learning.

What did you think of this module? Do you have some suggestions? Let us know
your thoughts using our online survey at:

© 2005 77
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Visualization techniques


Visualization techniques
This is a free extract from the Memletics Accelerated Learning Manual. This module
is one of many that can help you learn faster and remember more. I’ve chosen this
module because visualization techniques can help your visual concept mapping
techniques. Your concept maps can also help you improve your visualization skills.

Module 7: Visualization techniques

What your mind sees, it believes! There are
many books dedicated solely to visualization
and mental imagery. You can use visualization
for improving memory, restoring health, Visualize
reducing stress, increasing relaxation and
motivation, improving sport performances,
and more. Three main uses of visualization we Techniques
discuss here include:
• Motivation. Creative visualization is a
great way to see a possible future and move
yourself towards it.
• Mental practice or rehearsal. Mental
practice or mental rehearsal is
complementary to real practice. Mental practice can also be cost-effective and
• Reinforcing other techniques. Visualization is a powerful way to strengthen
other techniques, such as association and scripting.
Visualization works because certain areas of the mind cannot distinguish between
what you see with your eyes and what you see in your mind. You can manipulate
your mind and body to believe what you are visualizing is real. Want a simple
example? Read the following script then close your eyes and visualize it.
You are in a garden somewhere, with a lemon tree, a table and a
knife. Relax and breathe in the fresh country air. See through
your own eyes as you walk over to the lemon tree. You pick the
biggest lemon you can find.
Bring the lemon back to the table, and then use the knife to cut it
into quarters. Take one of the quarters, and bring it up to your
nose. Smell the tangy smell.

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Now, take the biggest bite you possibly can out of the lemon.
Chew it and taste the lemon juice in your mouth. Squeeze your
eyes shut tight. Feel the edges of your mouth sting slightly from
the acid. Do the same with the rest of the lemon.
It’s likely that your mouth is salivating after you visualize this. Check! Is your
mouth watering? What this simple exercise shows is that many parts of your brain
and body cannot distinguish between what you see in your mind versus what is
real. Your body reacted as if you did bite into that lemon. Your mind can alter the
state of your body.
Similarly, visualizing outcomes you want can change the way your body and mind
react to the environment around you. You see opportunities that you didn’t think
were there before. You start to behave and think differently. You have a better
chance of achieving that outcome.
In this section, I first discuss some general visualization principles. We then look
at the techniques that support motivation, allow mental practice, and reinforce
other techniques.

General visualization principles

Visualization is simply the conscious seeing or thinking through a scenario, task
or activity. Other names for visualization include mental imagery, mental movies,
eidetic thinking, mental pictures and “seeing with the mind's eye.”
Often beginners believe visualization involves seeing images on the back of their
eyelids, as if they are dreaming. Most people do not visualize at this level. It’s not
important. What is important is the concentration on the task and the conscious
thinking through of what a scene would look like, or the tasks to complete some
activity. Sometimes you may get fleeting images of some part of your
visualization. If that’s the case, just accept them and keep going. Don’t spend time
chasing these images.
The words “visualization” and “imagery” are in some ways misleading. While the
dominant sense is usually vision, visualization does not just involve seeing. The
more senses you involve, the stronger the effect. Hear a switch click when you
turn it on, or feel an engine turn over and the vibrations when you start it. Smell
fuel when you check a fuel tank. Feel a rope as you trim the sail, or hear the
shutter click when you take a photograph. Hear the applause of an audience after
a presentation. All these can significantly improve how you’re your visualizations
Let’s look at three steps for visualization—prepare, visualize and finish. I also
provide some general tips.

When starting out or when visualizing several chunks of information, write down
a script or set of points you want to visualize. This helps keep you on track during
the exercise. You may also want to consider recording the steps on to a cassette or
computer, and play this while visualizing. This helps when visualizing a complex
time-based scenario or task.

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Visualization techniques

Visualization works best when you are in Memletic State. Key parts of state for
visualizing include:
• Clear goals. Goals and assertions are an important part of visualization.
Review your key goals and make sure your visualization fits within those. Also,
review some assertions and perhaps add a few more on the specific benefits you
wish to gain from this visualization.
• Concentration. Your mind may wander during visualization exercises. Review
the concentration techniques and use the relevant ones (such as a distraction
log) during your visualizations.
• Relaxation. The last activity before starting your visualization exercise is a
relaxation exercise. Relax your body and brain.
See the Memletic State chapter for more information on these points.
When you are ready, sit down and be comfortable in a straight-backed chair. Have
the material you are using in your lap. Don’t lie down as you may fall asleep.
When you are starting out, plan to spend three to five minutes on a visualization
session. You can build up to longer sessions as your concentration improves.
If you have an alarm available (preferably soft), set it to the time you want to
finish. If you find yourself easily distracted, you may want to have something beep
every thirty to sixty seconds. If you have computer, an easy way is to record the
sound of a beep followed by thirty seconds of silence, and then replay the
recording in a loop. When you hear a beep, check you are still concentrating on
the right content. If not, just bring your attention back to your task.

There is no magic or art to visualizing. Simply start thinking through the steps,
task or scenarios you wish to visualize. Here are some specific tips:
• Verbalize the steps or scenarios. When first starting visualization, in general
or a new exercise, verbalize what you want to see. Describe in words the steps
or scenario you are visualizing. If you are visualizing a red house, simply say
out loud or in your mind: “I see a red house. It has a red tile roof and red brick
walls. I am standing out the front on the garden path. It leads up to the front
door. I walk up to the wall and run my hand over the brick. It feels rough and
cool.” Either try to visualize it as you read, or read it and then close your eyes
and repeat the content in your mind.
• Use an internal perspective. In most visualization, see your actions from an
internal perspective. See the scenario from your own eyes. An alternative is the
external perspective, where you see yourself through someone else’s eyes.
Typically, the internal perspective works best, especially for mental rehearsal.
• Use the senses. As well as seeing, build in as many of the senses as possible.
Think of the sounds that would be present in that scenario. Are there any
scents or smells you would expect? What forces or sensations would your body
or hands feel? Would you have a particular taste in your mouth? You do not
physically experience each of these sensual experiences. Rather, you just need
to think about what they would feel like.
• See only the correct way. I once heard that rally car drivers train to look
where they want to go, rather than at a tree they could hit, when they are

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skidding sideways. I like this point because it highlights how powerful our
focus is. If the driver looks in the direction they want to go, there is a good
chance they gain control and go that way. If they focus on a particular tree,
there is a good chance they will hit it.

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Visualization is similar. Only focus on the correct way of doing a task or
procedure. If you are visualizing a possible future, focus on the future you
want. Don’t let possible negative outcomes distract you. If they do arise, write
them down for reference and move on.
• Introduce variability and interference. In the Task Variety and Task
Interference techniques (described Error! Reference source not found.), I
discuss how variability and interference in training can help you deal better
with unexpected circumstances and strengthen learning. Use these techniques
in your visualizations. Introduce some scenarios that may represent a diversion
or unexpected event on your way to your objective. Then, visualize yourself
dealing with that event in the most positive way.
• Visualize with compelling inevitability. Take a moment and visualize
something you know is going to happen. For example, getting ready for work
tomorrow. Go through the normal routine in your mind. Now change the
timeframe and visualize something that is far into the future. Notice the
differences between the two. Usually the images of what is likely to happen are
brighter, colorful, larger, louder, and clearer in our mind. If we are not sure
about a possible future outcome, the images are usually not as clear. They may
be grey and fuzzy, smaller or just difficult to even see in a mental image.
You can use this effect to your advantage. Give your visualizations a sense of
compelling inevitability by adding qualities associated with events we know are
likely to happen. Imagine your mental pictures are brighter and more colorful.
Make them big in your mind’s eye. Imagine the sounds as extra loud. Come up
with several scenarios that are likely to happen if you achieved your goals.
Visualize those scenarios with clarity.
For example, if your goal is to be an airline pilot, a scenario might go like this.
You finish an international flight, leave the airport in a cab, and check in at a
hotel. You spend some time preparing for the next day’s flight, and then go to
bed. All of these are standard activities that you can imagine yourself doing as
an airline pilot.
• Experiment with field of vision. For many people, their eyes often focus in
particular areas depending on the memory they are accessing. If trying to
remember events from the past, they typically look up and left. For events
happening now or soon, they usually look straight ahead. For possible future
events, the usual location is right and up. You may want to try this yourself.
Think of examples in each of these categories, while looking in a specific
direction. Is it easier or harder for each direction?
If you do find a pattern, use this to your advantage. If you want to bring a
possible future event closer, try to visualize it in the centre to mid-right of your
vision. If you want to put a recent mistake behind you, visualize it being off to
the far left (as well as smaller, in black and white, and fuzzy).

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Visualization techniques

Note that some people have different patterns, or are the other way around
(swapping left with right, or up with down). Adjust the directions based on
your own patterns.
• Practice and expand. You may want to try doing some regular visualizations
when first starting out. Use a simple visualization exercise, such as a scenario
or task, and visualize it for a few minutes. Do it at the same time each day.
You can also expand your use of visualization away from set exercises. When
you are studying or using other techniques, simply relax for a moment and
visualize some part of the content or technique. You can visualize anywhere—
on public transport, in a meeting, while exercising, or while waiting for an
appointment. The more often you do this, the easier and more effective your
visualization becomes.

Finish the visualization

Finish the visualization exercise with some positive assertions and a brief
relaxation exercise. Bring your focus back into your environment. You may also
want to update your notes. Perhaps add some ideas on how to improve the
exercise. You could also write down some general comments on how you felt
during the exercise (concentrated, aware, distracted, or other feelings).

General tips for visualization

Here are some further visualization tips:
• Eyes open or closed? It doesn’t matter too much, as long as you stay
concentrated. Keeping your eyes open has the advantage that you can refer to
notes. Keeping them closed can help with concentration.
• Don’t chase fleeting images. Sometimes you may get fleeting full picture
images while you visualize. Don’t go chasing that experience. Simply keep
focusing on the task or scenario. If you get more images, simply note them and
keep going. If on some days you don’t get any, don’t worry. You don’t need full
picture images for the visualization process to work effectively.
• Use it to supplement real training. Visualization is a great way to augment
physical skills or tasks. You should still do at least the minimum amount of
physical training you need to become competent though. Use visualization
alongside physical practice. So why visualize? Because even small amounts of
visualization can provide larger benefits, as long as you still do the basic
physical practice you need.
• Use the same timeframes as reality. Always try to do time-based task
visualizations in similar timeframes to the real scenario, task or activity.
Shortening or lengthening the time it takes in your mind may cause you to
perform the task differently in reality. For example, the touchdown part of
landing an aircraft usually only lasts ten to fifteen seconds. If you stretch this
out to two minutes in visualization, the motor skills, perceptions and co-
ordination will likely differ from the real task.

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Creative visualization—see your future

Creative visualization is a way of bringing change into your life through your
imagination. You can use creative visualization for many purposes, such as setting
goals, changing attitudes, upholding health, and rewriting your past.
There are five basic steps. Set your goal, create a clear idea or picture, focus on it
often, give it positive feelings, and congratulate yourself when you have achieved
your goal. Let’s look at the basic process and specific uses in more detail.

Basic process of creative visualization

These are the five basic steps to creative visualization:

• Set your goal. Your goal may be a short term or long-term outcome. When you
are starting out, you may want to start with goals that are reasonably easy to
achieve. You can add longer term goals as you progress.
• Create a clear idea or picture. Create some scenarios as if you have already
achieved your outcome. Think of them in the present tense. You may want to
script some of these scenarios (see scripting in the Verbalize techniques), then
summarize those scripts into bullet points you can use during a visualization.
• Focus on it often (but not too hard). Set aside some time each day to focus on
the goals you currently have. It doesn’t have to take long. Five minutes every
day is better than half an hour a week (however both are better than none at
all!). If you think of your goal during the day, simply relax a moment and
expand that thought into a quick visualization then and there. Avoid trying to
force the visualization.
• Give it positive feelings. Use assertions to give your goal a sense of compelling
inevitability. Use strong positive statements such as “this exists here and now”
or “what I see I create.” Finish with a statement such as “life creates this, or
something better, for me and for the highest good of all involved.”
• Congratulate yourself when achieved. When you achieve your goal,
congratulate yourself. Find a way to celebrate. Add the experience to a list of
positive outcomes you’ve achieved. You can review this list later as a positive
assertion that you achieve your goals.
You may notice that I’ve mentioned both scripting and assertions above. I discuss
these techniques in more detail soon. Visualization and verbalization are even
more powerful when you combine them.

Example uses of creative visualization

While the main purpose of creative visualization is to support you in achieving
specific goals, you can use creative visualization for many other purposes. I’ve
listed here just a few. Don’t let this list limit you though. You can find a wide
variety of applications if you let your imagination guide you.
• Confirming goals. You can use visualization to imagine what a goal might be
like, and whether it’s right for you. You may find, after you go through some
possible scenarios, the goal you have in mind may not be so worthwhile or
desirable after all.

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Visualization techniques

For example, many people like the idea of “retiring early, living on the beach
and doing nothing.” Do they know what that is like? Try a visualization exercise
where all you do is wake up, have breakfast, lie on the beach, walk, have lunch,
lie on the beach, eat dinner, and go to bed. It may sound good at first, but then
visualize yourself after doing this for six months, a year, and two years (or
more). Do you still feel like it’s what you want?
Use creative visualization to reduce the risk that a goal you have set out to
achieve is not what you expect when you get there.
• Changing attitudes and behaviors. Many of our attitudes and behaviors come
from a mental picture we hold of ourselves within our subconscious. We can
use visualization to make changes to those mental pictures, which then filter
through as changes in our attitudes and behaviors.
The way to do this is to visualize yourself already acting with those attitudes, or
behaving in a certain way. See yourself going through scenarios where you have
a choice of the old and new attitudes, and choosing the new attitudes.
At first, you may feel what I call creative dissonance when you have a choice
between an old mental attitude and a new one. This tension is natural and is a
step in changing those attitudes. Sometimes you may fall back into the old one,
in which case just accept it and do some more work with the visualization.
Have an expectation though that you will change. It’s certain.
• Maintenance of health. Visualization and imagery are now a legitimate part of
western medicine. Medical researchers have approved specific uses of imagery
in such conditions as psychological distress, chemotherapy related distress,
pain control, insomnia, and immune system improvement.
There is much information out there on using visualization for both dealing
with injuries and pain, as well as upholding good overall health. A basic
visualization for general health would involve seeing your body and mind as
being healthy, strong, and fit. You could then focus on any areas of concern.
• Rewrite your history. Another creative way to use visualization is to rewrite
your history. Much of our view of our own history is less to do with accurate
recollection of events, and more to do with how we reacted to those events. Our
memories are just one of many subjective views that could have formed from
an event. Feel free to change and edit your view of your history. Make some
negative events further away, more distant, or non-existent. Exaggerate
positive events or even invent new events in the past to support the goals you
have in the future.

Mental practice or rehearsal

Mental practice is rehearsal of an activity without physical movement. Much of its
application in recent times has been in sport. Examples include popular programs
such as “Inner Golf” or “Inner Tennis.” However, you can also apply mental
practice or rehearsal to other learning objectives.
You could imagine that, given its importance, researchers would be able to explain
how and why mental practice works. Unfortunately they cannot. Recent research
has cast doubts on three of the most popular theories, however these persist in
various books and references. These theories are:

© 2005 85
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

• The psychoneuromuscular theory. Mental practice stimulates the same

muscular pathways as physical practice does.
• The cognitive learning theory. Mental practice helps set up counterpart
mental nodes to physical nodes in the brain.
• The symbolic learning theory. Mental practice is a coding system for new
Regardless of how it works, mental practice does improve task performance. Let’s
look at some of the key findings.
Most reliable research literature shows that physical or real practice is still more
effective than mental practice. For example, if you practiced twenty landings in an
aircraft your performance would be better than if you practiced ten landings in
the aircraft and ten landings mentally.
However, if you practiced twenty real landings, plus twenty mental landings, your
performance would be statistically better than if you just did twenty real landings
So why do mental practice? There are two key reasons. Firstly, combined mental
and physical practice is usually more time and cost efficient. The second is that
mental practice allows a wider range of training scenarios. For example, it can go
places where real or physical practice is too dangerous or prohibitive. Let’s look at
these points in more detail.

More time and cost efficient

One instance or repetition of real or physical practice is better than one instance
of mental practice. However, that one instance of real or physical practice usually
takes more time, is more expensive or is more mentally taxing. This limits the
number of iterations that you can do in a set time period or with a set budget.
Let’s look at an example that highlights this point. If you were training to land an
aircraft, you can typically do a maximum of six to seven landings in an hour at a
moderately busy airfield. In two hours, you could do say sixteen iterations.
Using combined mental practice, visualizing the landing phase may take say two
minutes, which would enable you to do thirty repetitions in that one hour (with
enough concentration).
Let’s compare two scenarios. On scenario involves the two hours of real practice.
The second is one hour of real practice with a one-hour mental practice session.
With the second scenario, you get a 230% increase in the number of repetitions, at
half the cost. If you split that one hour mental practice session into six twelve-
minute sessions over a week, you also improve repetition timing. This increases
learning efficiency again.
The same principle applies in other activities. You can use visualization in golf to
achieve far more rounds in the same time period. You can use visualization for
more brain-based activities as well, such for as selling or negotiation training.

Wider range of training scenarios

As well as being more efficient, mental practice can take you to places too
dangerous or expensive to go to during real or physical practice. For example, you
could use imagery to practice scenarios such as detecting and dealing with the

86 © 2005
Visualization techniques

symptoms of hypoxia, hyperventilation or carbon monoxide poisoning while flying

an aircraft.
The same again applies in dangerous or risky activities. This may be getting out of
a rally car quickly in an accident in various scenarios (rolled over, door jammed,
and others). Another scenario might be reacting to a collision in a yacht race.
More common examples may be visualizing a car coming through a red light
towards you, or someone approaching you on the wrong side of the road. These
examples may be visualizations you want to try now. What would you do?
These scenarios may be too dangerous to try in real training, however mental
practice can help you perform correctly should the need arise.

How to apply mental practice

There are two main periods when mental practice can help you. You can use
mental practice to help improve how fast you learn a new skill or task. You can
also use mental practice to refine or improve your performance of an already
learned skill.
The general principles of visualization apply to mental practice. The main focus is
on performing a series of steps. When starting out on a new task, it’s helpful to
verbalize those steps, and use an external reference if necessary. As your
competence increases, you should move to direct visualization without these cues.
Good mental practice includes:
• Vividness. Increase your vividness by recalling as many parts of the task as
possible. Your vividness can increase as you do more real or physical practice.
You become aware of the nuances and subtle cues present. Build these into
your visualization.
• Controllability. Controllability refers to forming consistent images. You need
to be able to repeat the visualization consistently and accurately. Again, using
scripts and other external cues can help you achieve this in the early stages.
Move away from these though as you move from learning to refining the skill
(as you probably won’t have these when you perform the skill or task).
• Exactness of reference. The steps you follow in your visualization have to
represent the correct performance of the task. Correct instruction first is
important. If you practice the wrong images, you may perform the task wrongly
in real or physical practice. Usually you need to have a minimum skill or task
competence before mental practice is effective.
• Timing. The timing in your visualization should be similar to the timing of the
real performance. Significantly slowing down or speeding up the visualization
may introduce interference. An exception may be when there is a delay between
the steps in a task. You can usually skip to the start of next step.
• Concentration. Being in Memletic State helps mental practice. Concentration
is crucial though. Be mindful of concentration and distractions, and use the
techniques described in the section on concentration to deal with distractions

© 2005 87
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Strengthening other techniques

Visualization increases the effectiveness of many of the other techniques in this
book. Here are some examples:
• Associate: In my view you at least double the effectiveness of association if you
take a moment to visualize each link.
• Visualize: Use visualization to increase your ability to visualize! Take a
moment sometimes to visualize yourself as having good visualization skills.
Visualize yourself with strong visual images, strong sensory impressions, good
concentration, and following good visualization principles. Like some other
techniques, you can use the technique to improve how you use the technique!
• Verbalize: Again, your assertions and scripting are more powerful if you
visualize the outcome you want as you recite them.
• Simulate: All forms of simulation can benefit from visualization. Basic
simulation still relies on you to visualize the cues you are responding to. You
can get more from advanced simulators, such as flight simulators, by
incorporating visualization into scenarios the software doesn’t support. Include
visualization in role-playing to place yourself more deeply in the role.
• Perform. Visualization can still play a big role while you are performing tasks
and activities. You may need to work on visualizing with your eyes open
though! Visualization plays a key role in the “shunt” technique for changing
habits. Visualization can also make anchoring and modeling more effective.
• Repeat. Try to build in some form of visualization even while rote learning.
For example, visualize flashcards as you see them. Visualize material you
review in SuperMemo.

88 © 2005
Suggested answers to exercises

Suggested answers to exercises

Module 2 Exercises

Exercise 1—Spider concept map (Spaghetti and Meat Sauce)

Here is a suggested solution:

Memories Smell

Texture Spaghetti
& Meat Sauce

Visual appeal


Exercise 2—Hierarchical concept map

A solution for the water board organizational chart by department:

Water Board

Water Quality Billing Distribution

Department Department Department

East Central West East Central West East Central West

Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region
Mary Terry Bob David Sam LInda Tom Sarah Scott

© 2005 89
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

A solution for the water board organizational chart by region:

Water Board

East Central West

Region Region Region

Water Billing Distr. Water Distr. Water Billing

Billing Distr.
Quality Dept. Dept. Quality Dept. Quality Dept.
Dept. Dept.
Dept. Dept. Dept.
Mary David Tom Terry Sam Sarah Bob LInda Scott

Exercise 3—Network concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

Farm Production

Large farms Agribusiness Family farms


Processing plant

Research, Transport
Supermarket advertsing

Farmer's market

Dinner table

90 © 2005
Suggested answers to exercises

Module 3 Exercises

Exercise 1—Mind Map

Here is a suggested solution:

Exercise 2—IHMC concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

© 2005 91
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

Exercise 3—Flowchart concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

Memletics Product Protection. Please report unauthorized copying to

Low fuel light

Drive to fuel
station, stop

Remote Release fuel

release? lid


Open fuel lid

Remove cap

Want Select premium

Premium? button / nozzle


Select regular
button / nozzle

Pump gas

Tank full? No Keep pumping


Replace cap, pay,

drive out


92 © 2005
Suggested answers to exercises

Exercise 4—Decision Flowchart concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

Bankrupt? Yes No loan End


No No loan End
> 40K


> 80K

In job
No No loan End
> 1 yr


Yes In job Cards paid

No on time?
No No loan End
> 5 yr




Exercise 3—Picture Landscape concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

© 2005 93
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Module 4 Exercises

Exercise 1—Deductive Logic concept map

Here is a suggested solution:

Because Company X
meets all three criteria, it
will be bought.

Any corporation meeting

three specific criteria is Company X meets Therefore, Company
worth buying. all three criteria. X is worth buying.

Module 5 Exercise
Here is a suggested answer:

94 © 2005
Introducing the Memletics Accelerated Learning System

Introducing the Memletics

Accelerated Learning System

Memletics draws together much of what we know about effective learning into an
easy-to-apply system. This appendix provides you with an overview before you
start learning about the individual parts of Memletics. This helps you learn
Memletics faster. Having this overview also helps you understand links between
the different parts of Memletics. You will soon begin to see the power of
Memletics comes from both the individual parts and the whole system.
This appendix outlines the five parts of Memletics. These parts are the Memletic
State, Memletic Process, Memletic Techniques, Memletic Styles and Memletic
• The Memletic State. How to make sure your brain cells, physical systems and
mental systems are in the best state for learning.
• The Memletic Process. The steps you take to LEARN the knowledge needed
for your goal.
• The Memletic Techniques. These techniques improve the speed and quality of
your learning.
• The Memletic Styles. Use your stronger and secondary learning preferences to
improve your overall learning.
• The Memletic Approach. Manage the overall learning journey by prior
planning and then tracking along the way.
Don’t worry too much about the details of each part at this point. In this chapter, I
just provide an overview of each part of Memletics. This is because there are many
interrelationships between the five parts of the system. Having a broad
understanding first helps you recognize those linkages as they arise.

© 2005 95
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

Memletic State is the right state for learning

Memletic State helps you ensure your cell state, physical state and mental state
are in good condition for learning. It’s harder to learn if your cells, body and mind
do not perform well.
Cell state refers to the state of the cells, Relaxation
primarily neurons, which make up the brain.
Physical state involves the different bodily
systems that support life, such as breathing, Glucose

blood circulation, sleep and general bodily Memletic

health. Mental state involves mental processes
that predominately occur in the mind, such as Nutrients
motivation, concentration, awareness and
Good learning state supports the building of
the networks of neurons for the material you
learn. At the same time, positive learning
Cell State Layer
experiences build neural networks that
Physical State Layer
improve how you learn.
Mental State Layer
What is “good condition?” Let’s look at some
• Cell state. The brain is a cell-based system and relies on essential materials
such as oxygen, water, food and nutrients. These materials are essential for the
proper functioning of neurons and other key brain cells. Good cell state
requires a good supply of all these during learning.
• Physical state: Your physical environment has a big impact on your body, so
fresh air, right temperature, good light and correct furniture are important.
Controlling your breathing and stress helps good state, as does getting enough
rest and sleep. Longer term, good diet and exercise also have positive effects.
Some dietary supplements can also increase brain performance.
• Mental state: Clearly defined goals and defined steps for achieving those goals
are essential for motivation. Attention and concentration are critical for
learning. Longer term, good mental health and “mental exercise” also improve
your overall learning.
There are also some negative impacts on state. For example, excess stress and
tension are enemies of good state.

Memletic Process—the steps to LEARN

The Memletic Process

provides steps to follow when Memletic Process

learning new material. You

Locate Explore Arrange Reinforce eNquire
use this process at varying
levels of detail throughout
your learning. For example, you first use this process at a high level to understand
the overall organization of your material. You then repeat the process at lower
levels of detail until you are learning individual chunks of knowledge, such as a

96 © 2005
Introducing the Memletics Accelerated Learning System

particular skill or fact. This approach provides a repeatable process you can refine
to improve your overall learning performance.
The diagram above shows the five activities of the Memletic Process. These are:
• Locate. Firstly, you find and prepare content for your learning goal. This may
involve using standard books and manuals, however it could also involve
getting notes from lectures, one-on-one tutoring sessions, the Internet and
other references.
• Explore. Here you work through and understand your content. There are some
general principles to follow, such as learning to a level deeper than needed.
There are also some approaches relevant to particular learning styles that you
may want to try.
• Arrange. Next, you select which material you want to memorize, and prepare it
for memorization. You select Memletic Techniques based on the type of
knowledge you want to learn. This book has over twenty different techniques
you can apply to various forms of content. You then prepare your content for
use with those techniques.
• Reinforce. You then use those techniques to reinforce knowledge, skills and
behaviors. Further reinforcing techniques help you lock in that material for the
long term.
• eNquire. Lastly, you review both how well you learned your content, as well
how well you applied Memletics along the way.
Notice how the first letters of these steps spell out LEARN (eNquire starts with
the ‘N’ sound).
Don’t feel like you have to stick rigidly to these activities. They sometimes
overlap. For example, when you explore content you start to form ideas on the
techniques to use to memorize it. You start to reinforce material when you explore
and arrange it. You may need to rearrange some material during the reinforcing
process, as it may not be suitable for the particular technique you chose. Your
mind naturally connects topics, associates information and does its own reviews
as you progress. Letting it do so helps the whole memorizing process.

Memletic Techniques lock in knowledge

You mainly use the Memletic Techniques
during the reinforcing activity of the Memletic
Process. The techniques are the primary
methods of reinforcing the knowledge you Visualize Verbalize
need to remember for the long term.
You can use many techniques in your learning Memletic
activities. I’ve grouped these into six main Techniques
categories, based on the underlying principles
of how the techniques work.
Simulate Perform
These categories are:
• Associate. Associate new knowledge with
knowledge that’s already in your memory.
These techniques are great for facts and procedures.

© 2005 97
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

• Visualize. Use your “mind’s eye” to recreate sensory abilities, experiences,

ideas and views in your mind. Visualization can be creative, for example for
experiences that have not happened yet. You can use it to rehearse new
procedures and skills, and as well use it to strengthen other techniques.
• Verbalize. Your internal self-talk influences your behavior. Using verbal
techniques such as assertions (or affirmations), scripting and a “mental
firewall” you can alter your internal self-talk to align with your learning
• Simulate. Simulation reinforces a behavior or skill using external tools. Basic
simulation can involve just cardboard cutouts or household items, while PC
based simulation is becoming more and more advanced. Role-playing is also
another form of simulation.
• Perform. There are specific techniques to improve skill performance. Some of
these techniques involve understanding the theory behind learning and
performing skills. Other Perform techniques help change existing behaviors, as
well as improve performance of already learned skills.
• Repeat. While Memletics aims to reduce rote repetition, rote learning is still a
common and sometimes useful technique. Flashcards are also useful, however
some newer software can significantly improve the way you learn and retain
new material.
I’ve listed the techniques in each of these categories in the following table:

Associate General association Peg events

First letter mnemonics Mental journey or story
Acrostic mnemonics Roman Rooms
Linked lists Chunking
Peg words

Visualize General visualization Mental rehearsal

Creative visualization Strengthening techniques

Verbalize General verbalization Mental firewall

Assertions Scripting

Simulate Basic simulation Advanced simulation

PC simulation Role-playing

Perform Three stage skill learning Shunt

Part task training Anchoring
Performance variation Modeling

Repeat Rote learning Scheduled review

Flashcards Programmed repetition

As well as the techniques, I also discuss some common reasons why techniques
may not work as well as you expect at the end of the techniques chapter.

98 © 2005
Introducing the Memletics Accelerated Learning System

Memletic Styles personalize your learning

The Memletic Styles recognize that each of us prefers to learn in different ways.
There are many variations on this theme and different ways to describe these
preferences, however the Memletic Styles uses the seven shown in the diagram as
its basis. These seven Learning Styles are:
• Visual. You use pictures, images,
visualization, and spatial arrangements.
Visual Logical
• Aural. You use voice, sounds and music. Social
• Verbal. You use words and writing.
• Physical. You use your body, hands, and Styles
sense of touch. Aural Verbal
• Logical. You use logic, reasoning and
• Social. You prefer to learn with groups or
other people.
• Solitary. You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
All of these styles are effective learning styles. Your favored use of particular
styles does not make you a more or less effective learner. Current school
approaches tend to focus on only two of these. This bias may have influenced how
you view your own learning abilities.

Memletic Approach—the path to your goals

The Memletic Approach is a Memletic Approach
series of tasks that you can
Target Plan Track
use to approach and manage
Do it for life
any learning journey. The
time you spend in this activity varies according to the length and importance of
your goals.
The four tasks of the Memletic Approach are:
• Target. Choose and clarify your goal. Targeting your goal involves
understanding your reasons, exploring your goal and setting your objectives.
• Plan. Decide your approach. Do prior research, plan your course map, and
work out time and cost estimates.
• Track. Track your progress. This involves regularly (but not too regularly)
checking your progress and adjusting where necessary.
• Do it. Enjoy it for life. This one is self-explanatory!

© 2005 99
Memletics Concept Mapping Course

100 © 2005

Learn more about Memletics

Learn more about Memletics

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• Memletics Statistics. See some interesting
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Other resources you may be interested in

Here are some additional Memletics resources you
might be interested in.
• Speed reading course. Our new speed reading
course provide in-depth information on how to
improve your reading speed. Visit
to learn more about this resource.
• Discover
your personal learning styles, graphically!
Thousands of people have done this test. Doing
the test is free, and you can obtain a detailed
report on your learning styles based on your test

Memletics for organizations & businesses

Representatives of organizations and businesses may be interested in the
following programs:
• Volume license program. This program is ideal for organizations that
want to provide the Memletics products to many students or employees.
• Partner certification program. For individuals and training
organizations wanting to conduct training specifically on Memletics, or
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• Affiliate program. If you would like to receive rewards for referring
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For more information on these programs, please visit

Other sites we run

Feel free to visit these sites as well:
• – General information on
accelerated learning plus thousands of research article abstracts.
• – This site helps everyone discover medical
research information more easily.

102 © 2005



Please note: Bold page numbers indicate the term is part of a heading.

software, 48 expected monetary value, 44

3 using, 57
controllability, in mental practice, 87
3-D concept maps, 53 Cornell University, 60 F
3-D view of hard disk space, 53 corporate organization chart, 13
creating mind maps, 21 feedback on learning, 60
creative dissonance, 85 field of vision, 82
A creative visualization technique, 84 Fifth Discipline, the, 39
files, in treemaps, 53
advertisement, exercise, 37 fishbone concept maps, 31
Annotating Cmaps, 73 D fixed layout, 48
atoms, example, 54 flight training, and visualization, 86
attitude, and visualization, 85 data flow diagrams, 55 flowchart concept maps, 28
Ausubel, David, 60 David Ausubel, 60 flowcharts
automated layout, in software, 48 decision making flowcharts, 30 efficiency, 30
decision making, and IHMC maps, 26 for decision making, 30
decision nodes, 43 guidelines, 28
B decision trees, 42 symbols, 29
deductive reasoning, 45 food production, exercise, 17
behaviors, and visualization, 85 directories, in treemaps, 53 force directed layout, 49
benefits of concept mapping, 9 discount code, for Memletics, 101 fountain pen, exercise, 37
biology, example hierarchy, 14 discussion threads, and CmapTools free associate, 58
bonds (in atoms), example, 54 software, 71 fuel (low), example, 37
bottled water product, example, 42 DNA, 39
fishbone maps, 32 G
mind maps, 22 E
branches, in mind maps, 20 Gantt charts, 55
bucket, example, 39 efficiency, in flowcharts, 30 geometric shapes, in mandala maps,
Buzan Organization, 20 eidetic thinking. See visualization 34
EMV, 44 goals, confirming with visualization,
engine, example, 41 84
C entity relationship diagrams, 55 golf, example, 30
event nodes, 43
carbon monoxide poisoning, 87 exactness of reference, in mental
categorization structures, 13 practice, 87 H
cats, example, 12 examples
cause and effect (fishbone), 31 biological hierarchy, 14 hard drive, filling up, 53
causes of death, example, 52 bottled water product, 42 health, and visualization, 85
chemotherapy related distress, 85 cats, 12 hierarchical concept maps, 13
circles of influence, 40 causes of death, 52 history, personal and visualization, 85
circular maps (systems map), 39 engine, 41 human genome, 39
CmapTools software, 63 filling a bucket, 39 hyperbolic tree maps, 50
installing, 63 fuel (low), 37 hyperventilation, 87
saving a Cmap, 68 functions of oil, 22 hypoxia, 87
styles, 67 golf weather, 30
cognitive learning theory, 86
collaborating, on fishbone maps, 32
introduction, 7
market research, 42
collaboration, and CmapTools Mars (planet), 51 IF…THEN, in flowcharts, 29
software, 70 Memletic State. See IHMC concept maps, 24
concept maps moisture in air, 33 creating, 25
and study, 60 molecule, 53 imagery. See visualization
as teaching tool, 60 organization chart, 13 images, in mind maps, 21
choosing format, 58 ozone, 25 immune system, and visualization, 85
creating, 57 painting a house, 28 inductive reasoning, 46
for learning, 59 Planet data, 50 Inner Golf and Tennis, 85
for memorizing, 59 visual thesaurus, 49 insomnia, 85
limitations of, 61 visualization (lemon tree), 79 Institute for Human and Machine
materials for, 57 water quality, 31 Cognition, 24

© 2005 103

Memletics Concept Mapping Course

internal perspective, 81 using, 22 Axon, 54

Ishikawa diagrams, 31 Mind Maps, 20 CmapTools, 63
Ishikawa, Kaoru, 31 mind's eye. See visualization JMol, 54
moisture, example, 33 PersonalBrain, 48
molecule, example, 53 StepTree, 53
J Treemap, 49
visual thesaurus, 49
JMol, software, 54 N software, for concept mapping, 48
spaghetti and meat sauce, exercise, 16
NASA, 39, 50
K network concept maps, 15
speed, example, 49
spider concept maps, 12
Novak, J. D., 60 squares, in treemaps, 52
Kaoru Ishikawa, 31
Kawasaki shipyards, 31 squarified tree maps, 52
O strengthening techniques, with
visualization, 88
L organic thinking, 20 studying, and concept maps, 60
organizational chart, exercise, 16 summarizing, using mind maps, 22
landscape format, 33 ozone, example, 25 symbolic learning theory, 86
layout (in software) symbols, in flowcharts, 29
automated, 48 systems concept maps, 39
fixed, 48 P
force directed, 49
layout, in mind maps, 21 pain control, 85 T
learning styles, 9 painting a house, example, 28
lemon tree example, 79 PersonalBrain, 48 teaching tool, using concept maps as,
limitations of concept maps, 61 PERT charts, 55 60
lines of control, in flowcharts, 29 Peter Senge, 39 techniques
links, without labels, 13 pictorial concept maps, 33 creative visualization, 84
loan application process, exercise, 38 Planetary Data Store, example, 50 mental practice, 85
logic trees, 45 Post-It notes, 58 strengthening with visualization,
using, 47 PowerPoint, 60 88
low fuel, example, 37 premises, in logic, 45 thesaurus, 49
psychoneuromuscular theory, 86 three-dimensional concept maps, 53
M in mental practice, 87
R tree maps
mandala concept maps, 34 hyperbolic, 50
market research, example, 42 rally car drivers, 81 squarified, 52
Mars Rovers, 39 reasoning trunk, in mind maps, 20
Mars, example, 51 deductive, 45
materials, for concept maps, 57 inductive, 46
meaningful learning, 60 recording maps, 59 V
meditational art forms, 34 rectangles, in treemaps, 52
Memletic Approach Refresh Reviews, 59 view filter, 50
overview, 99 rehearsal. See mental practice visual metaphors, 11
Memletic Process relationship information, embedded in visual thesaurus, 49
overview, 96 links, 13 visualization
Memletic State retire early, as a goal, 85 principles, 80
overview, 96 risk, and simulation, 87 vividness, in mental practice, 87
Memletic State, example, 34 root causes, showing, 31
Memletic Styles rote learning, 60
overview, 99 W
Memletic Techniques
in concept map software, 48 S water quality, example, 31
water, bottled, example, 42
overview, 97 weather, golf example, 30
Memletics, introduction to, 95 Sanskrit, 34
mental imagery. See visualization searching, for Cmaps, 73
Senge, Peter, 39
mental practice technique, 85
senses Y
mind maps
creating, 21 in visualization, 81 yin-yang symbol, 34
creating, 22 sharing Cmaps, 70
oil example, 22 snow-producing cloud, exercise, 38

104 © 2005

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