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Doctor: Good morning, Ms. A.

patient: Good morning, Doctor.

Doctor: I see here that you started feeling tired two days ago, and then you started having bad
headaches. Did you have a fever too?

patient: yes

Doctor: Did you suffer from insomnia latelly?

patient: Well, it is pretty hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed. I also woke up many
times during the night.

Doctor: How are things at work?

patient: It is a bussy time. We have a new project at the office, so I has to work a lot of
overtime, even during the weekend.

Doctor: You are probably under stress from your new project. The stress causes headaches
and sleeplessness. Try to relax.

patient: OK doc.

Doctor : I think that’s enough. I am going to give you a prescription. You must take this
medication three times a day after you eat.

Patient: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor: You are welcome.


Nurse: Good morning, is this true [patient]? (check identity baracelet)

Patient’s family: Yes, It is. I’m sorry she feel so tired today.

Nurse: is that so, how is her condition today?

Patient’s family: she said she still feel the fever and dizzy nurse.

Nurse: can i do physcial examination to her and measure her vital sign?

Patient’s family: yes, please

Nurse: first, i will check her body temperature and her blood pressure.
Patient’s family: how is the result nurse?

Nurse: well, her blood pressure is 90/70 mmHg and her temperature is 38 degree celcius.

Patient’s family: that’s sound not good.

Nurse: now, i wil continued to do physical examination to her

Patient’s family: yes, please

Nurse: first i will check her conjunctiva. Could you open your mouth please?

Nurse: her lips mucosa look pale and dry. I suggest her to drink water often

Patient’s family: okay i will give her water often

Nurse: now i will palpate her stomach, do you feel pain?

Patient: no

Nurse: i will give you a paracetamol three time a day after you eat to help decrease your
fever. You just have to drink it.

Patient’s family: okay

Nurse: you’re welcome, now i must check another patient, i hope you get well soon, excuse

Patient’s family: thank you nurse

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