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1. Indicate the temperature at which carbon can be used as reducing agent for FeO.
Ans. Above 1270 K

2. Name three ores which are concentrated by froth-floatation process.

Ans. ZnS, Cu2S, PbS

3. What is meant by a depressant ?

Ans. Substances which are used to prevent certain type of particles, from forming the froth with the bubbles by
4. Which concentration method is used for separating tungsten ore particles from cassiterite ore (SnO2) ?
Ans. Magnetic separation.

5. Which metals are generally extracted by the electrolytic processes ?

Ans. Aluminium, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.

6. Which metals are obtained by self reduction of their ores ?

Ans. Copper, Lead, Mercury etc.

7. Name the metals which are associated with the following terms in their extraction from their ores.
(i) Bessemer’s converter. (ii) Blast furnance
(iii) Alumino thermic process (iv) Magnetic separation

Ans. (i) Copper , (ii) Iron, (iii) Chrominum, Manganese (iv) Tin, Iron

8. Describe the principle of extraction of each of the following.

(i) Sn from SnO2 , (ii) Pb from PbS , (iii) Ag from Ag2S

Ans. (i) Carbon reduction of SnO2 , (ii) Self-reduction (i.e air reduction) of PbS , (iii) oxidation–reduction
For chemical reactions refer text.

9. How carnallite ore is made anhydrous ?

Ans. By heating in a current of dry hydrogen chloride gas.

10. Cinnabar (HgS) and galena (PbS) on roasting often give their respective metals but zinc blende (ZnS) does
not explain.

Ans. Oxide of Pb and Hg are unstable while that of zinc is stable towards heat, therefore, oxides of mercury and
lead are reduced by their respective sulphides to the corresponding metals but zinc oxide does not.

11. What is the role of a stabiliser in froth-floatation process ?

Ans. Stabiliser like cresol and aniline tend to stabilise the froth (i.e. the froth last for longer period).

12. Which is a better reducing agent at 983K, carbon or carbon monoxide ?

Ans. CO ; above 983K, CO being more stable does not act as a good reducing agent but carbon does.

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13. Silver ores and gold have to be leached with sodium or potassium cyanide. Suggests a reason for this.

Ans. Cyanides form soluble complex with silver and native gold from which siliver and gold can be extracted by
electrolysis or by displacement with more electropositive elements.

14. Magnesium oxide is often used as the lining in steel making furnance, Explain.

Ans. MgO acts as a basic flux and removes certain acidic impurities present in steel in the form of slag.
MgO + SiO2  MgSiO3 ; 3MgO + P2O5  Mg3(PO4)2

15. In the extraction of tin from tin stone addition of excess lime stone should be avoided.

Ans. It will combine with tin to form calcium stannate.

16. Why lithium is added during the refining of copper and nickel ?

Ans. It acts as a getter or scavenger as it readily combines with O2 and N2. So to remove last traces of O2 and N2
lithium is added.

17. Why haematite ore is calcined in a limited supply of air and not in absence of air.

Ans. If carbonate ore is present in haematite ore then

FeCO3   FeO + CO2
FeO reacts with SiO2 to form FeSiO3 which causes loss of iorn
So ore is calcined in limited supply of air

4FeO + O2  Fe2O3

18. In the extraction of lead from galena lime stone is added, why ?

Ans. CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag) (dhV) ; PbO + SiO2  PbSiO3

CaO converts the PbSiO3 to PbO, PbSiO3 + CaO  PbO + CaSiO3 , and also prevents the formation
of PbSO4.

19. Why air is continuously passed through the suspension of the concentrated ore of silver during leaching with
the aqueous solution of sodium cyanide ?

Ans. In presence of air the equilibrium is shiffted in the forward direction according to the following reactions.
Ag2S +4 NaCN 2Na [Ag(CN)2] + Na2S ; 4Na2S + 5O2 + 2H2O  2Na2SO4 + 4NaOH + 2S 
Na2S is converted to Na2SO4 and sulphur.

20. What is thomas slag & what is its use ?

Ans. Ca3(PO4)2, used as a valuable fertilizer

21. Why excess of carbon is added in the zinc metallurgy ?

Ans. It reduces ZnO to Zn and also reduces CO2 to CO which is used as a fuel.

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22. What is spelter ?

Ans. 97-98% pure zinc is called as spelter.

23. Copper can be extracted by hydrometallurgy but not Zinc. Explain

Ans. Zinc is highly reactive metal, so it is not possible to replace it from its salt solution like ZnSO4 , easily.

24. In the extractive metallurgy of iron from haematite ore, lime stone is added during smelting. Explain why.

Ans. Remove the infusible impurities of silica as slag

CaCO3  CaO + CO2 ; CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag)

25. Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals can only be extracted by electrolytic reduction of their fused salts,
why ?

Ans. As they have low ionisation energies and are more electropositive elements, they themselves act as strong
reducing agent.

26. Name the common elements present in the anode mud in elctrolytic refining of copper. Why are they so

Ans. Selenium, tellurium, silver, gold and platinum are the metals present in anode mud. This is because these
are less reactive than copper.

27. State the role of silica in the metallurgy of copper.

Ans. Silica removes Fe2O3 remaining in the matte by forming silicate, FeSiO3.

28. How is ‘cast iron’ different from ‘pig’ iron’’?

Ans. Cast iron is made from pig iron by melting pig iron with scrap iron and coke. It has slightly lower carbon
content (>> 3%) than pig iron (>> 4% C)

29. Why copper matte is put in silica lined converter?

Ans. To remove basic impurities, like iron oxide.

30. What is the role of cryolite in the metallurgy of aluminium?

Ans. To lower the melting point and increase conductivity of the mixture.

31. Why is zinc not extracted from zinc oxide through reduction using CO?

Ans. The reduction may require very high temperature if CO is used as a reducing agent in this case.

32. Out of C and CO, which is a better reducing agent for ZnO ?

Ans. Carbon is better reducing agent.

33. Predict conditions under which Al might be expected to reduce MgO.

Ans. Above 1600K Al can reduce MgO.

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1. Selection of temperature to carry out a reduction process depends so as to make :

(A*) G negative (B) G positive (C) H negative (D) H positive

2. Select correct statement

(A) In the decomposition of an oxide into oxygen and gaseous metal, entropy increases.
(B) Decomposition of an oxide is an endothermic change.
(C) To make G° negative, temperature should be high enough so that T S° > H°.
(D*) All are correct statements.

3. Which of the following is not an ore ?

(A) Malachite (B) Calamine (C*) Salt cake (D) Cerussite

4. The reduction of an oxide by aluminium is called :

(A) Ellingham process (B*) Goldschmidt's aluminothermite process
(C) Kroll's process (D) Van Arkel process

5. Which is not correct statement ?

(A) Casseterite, chromite and haematite are concentrated by hydraulic washing (Tabling).
(B) Pure Al2O3 is obtained from the bauxite ore by leaching in the Bayer's process.
(C*) Sulphide ore is concentrated by calcination method.
(D) Roasting can convert sulphide into oxide or sulphate and part of sulphide may also act as a reducing

6. Chemical leaching is useful in the concentration of :

(A) copper pyrites (B*) bauxite (C) galena (D) lead

7. Self-reduction of CuS to Cu can be carried out in.

(A*) bessemer convertor (B) blast furnace
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these

8. NaCN is sometimes added in the forth flotation process as a depressant when ZnS and PbS minerals are
expected because :
(A) Pb(CN)2 is precipitated while no effect on ZnS.
(B*) ZnS forms soluble complex Na2[Zn(CN)4]while PbS forms froth
(C) PbS forms soluble complex Na2[Pb(CN)4] while ZnS forms froth.
(D) NaCN is never added in froth floatation process.

9. Select incorrect reduction process :

(A) 2[Ag(CN)2]– + Zn  [Zn(CN)4]2– + 2Ag
(B) CuO + H2  Cu + H2O
(C*) ZnO + H2  Zn + H2O
(D) MgO + C  Mg + CO

10. Which does not represent correct method ?

(A) TiCl2 + 2Mg  Ti + 2MgCl2 : Kroll
(B) Ni(CO)4  Ni + 4CO : Mond
(C*) Ag2CO3  2Ag + CO2 + O2 : Van Arkel
(D) ZrI4  Zr + 2I2 : Van Arkel

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11. Blister copper is :
(A) Impure copper
(B) Obtained in self reduction process during bessemerisation.
(C*) Both are correct
(D) None is correct

12. Mg can be obtained

(A) By heating MgCl2 (anhydrous) with Na in the atmosphere of coal gas
(B) By electrolysis of fused carnallite
(C*) By both the methods
(D) By none of the above

13. NaCl and CaCl2 are also added to fused MgCl2 in the electrolysis of MgCl2 since :
(A*) Melting point is decreased and conductivity is increased
(B) Melting point is increased and conductivity is decreased
(C) melting point and conductivity both are decreased
(D) Melting point and conductivity both are increased

14. Black tin is

(A) an alloy of Sn (B) an allotrope of Sn (C*) 60-70 percent SnO2 (D) 100 percent SnO2

15. Poling process :

(A) reduces SnO2 to Sn (B) oxidises impurities like iron and removes as scum
(C) uses green poles (D*) all of the above are correct

16. In the leaching of Ag2S with NaCN, a stream of air is also passed . It is because of :
(A) reversible nature of reaction between Ag2S and NaCN
(B) to oxide Na2S formed into Na2SO4 and sulphur
(C*) both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

17. In electrolysis of Al2O3 by Hall-Heroult process :

(A) cryolite Na3[AlF6] lowers the melting point of Al2O3and increases its electrical conductivity.
(B) Al is obtained at cathode and probably CO2at anode
(C*) both are correct
(D) none of the above is correct

18. Which mineral has been named incorrect ly ?

(A) bauxite : Al2O3.2H2O
(B) Croundum : Al2O3
(C) Cryolite : 3NaF .AlF3
(D*) Felspar : Be3Al2Si6O18

19. Purest form of iron is :

(A) cast iron (B*) wrought iron (C) pig iron (D) None of these

20. Phosphorus separates, in the extraction of iron, as :

(A*) Slag, Ca3(PO4)2 (B) volatile, P2O5 (C) slag, Mg(PO4)2 (D) Ca3P2

21. Tempering of steel :

(A) Is the heating the steel to appropriate temperature and then colling it rapidly.
(B) increases mechanical strength
(C) changes ratio of carbon in cementite
(D*) All of the above

22. Main source of lead is PbS. It is converted to Pb by :

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(A) : PbS 
 PbO  SO 2

Pb  CO 2

PbO  PbS
(B) : PbS 
 |
 Pb  SO 2
Self - reduction pocess is :
(A) A (B*) B (C) both (D) none

23. Bessemerisation is carried out for

I : Fe , II : CU, III : Al, IV : Silver :
(A*) I, II (B) II, III (C) I,III (D) all

24. Ag2S + NaCN + Zn  Ag

This method of extraction of Ag by complex formation and then its displacement is called :
(A) Parke's method (B*) McArthur-Forest method (C) Serpeck method (D) Hall's method

25. Identify the metal M which is present in its ore as MFeS2 :

(A*) copper (B) tin (C) lead (D) zinc

26. Identify the metal M whose extraction is based on the following reactions :
MS + 2O2  MSO4
2MS + 3O2  2MO + 2SO2
MS + 2MO  3M + SO2
MS + MSO4  2M + 2SO2
(A) Magnesium (B) Aluminium (C*) lead (D) tin

27. Which metal is extracted using a hydrometallurgical process involving complexation?

(A) Mg (B*) Ag (C) Cu (D) Zn

28. The major ore of aluminium is :

(A) fluorspar (B) cryolite (C*) bauxite (D) carborundum

29. Which of the following metals is obtained by the Self- Reduction process?
(A*) Copper (B) Iron (C) Silver (D) Magnesium

30. Silver and gold are often obtained as valuable by-products during :
(A) Smelting (B*) Electrolytic refining (C) Zone refining (D) Iron making

31. The metal which is obtained from both sea-water and ores from the earth’s solid crust is :
(A*) Magnesium (B) Iron (C) Silver (D) Gold

32. The impurities present in a mineral are called :

(A*) gangue (B) flux (C) froth (D) nuggets

33. Sulphide ores are generally concentrated by the :

(A) gravity separation process (B) calcination process
(C*) froth-floatation process (D) carbon-reduction process

34. Calamine is an ore of :

(A*) Zn (B) Mg (C) Ca (D) Pb

35. Which of the following metals cannot be extracted by the carbon reduction process?
(A) Zn (B) Fe (C*) Al (D) Sn

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36. Which one of the following reactions represents a calcination reaction?
(A) HgS + O2  Hg + SO2 (B) Ag2S + NaCl  AgCl + Na2S
(C*) CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2  CuO + CO2 + H2O (D) Al2O3 + NaOH  NaAlO2 + H2O

37. In electrorefining of metals, the anode is made of :

(A*) the impure metal concerned (B) the pure metal concerned
(C) graphite (D) silica

38. Which of the following reactions represents the self-reduction process?

HgS  O 2  HgO  SO 2 Cu 2S  O 2  Cu2 O  SO 2
(A) HgO  HgS  Hg  SO (B) Cu S  Cu O  Cu  SO
 2  2 2 2

PbS  O 2  PbO  SO 2
(C) PbO  PbS  Pb  SO (D*) All of these
 2

39. Which of the following represents the thermite reaction?

(A*) 3Mn3 O4 + 8Al  9Mn + 4Al2O3 (B) MgCO3 + SiO2  MgSiO3 + CO2
(C) Cu2S + 2Cu2O  6Cu + SO2 (D) Fe2O3 + 3CO  2Fe + 3CO2

40. During the electrolytic production of aluminium, the carbon anodes are replaced from time to time because:
(A) the carbon anodes get decayed
(B) the carbon prevents atmospheric oxygen from coming in contact with aluminium
(C*) Oxygen liberated at the carbon anodes reacts with anodes to form CO and CO2
(D) Carbon converts Al2O3 to Al

41. Electrolytic reduction of alumina to aluminium by the Hall-Heroult process is carried out :
(A) in the presence of NaCl
(B) in the presence of fluorite
(C*) in the presence of cryolite which forms a melt at lower temperature and increases the electrical
(D) in the presence of cryolite which forms a melt at higher temperature and increases the electrical

42. Magnesium is extracted by :

(A) the self-reduction process
(B) the carbon-reduction process
(C*) the electrolytic process
(D) treating the ore with aqueous NaCN and then reducing the mixture

43. An ore after levigation is found to have acidic impurities. Which of the following can be used as flux during
smelting operation ?

(A) H2SO4 (B*) CaCO3 (C) SiO2 (D) both CaCO3 and SiO2

44. Extraction of silver from Ag2S by the use of sodium cyanide is an example of :
(A) roasting (B*) hydrometallurgy (C) electrometallurgy (D) smelting

45. Slag is formed by reaction between :

(A) impurities and coke (B) impurities and ore (C*) impurities and flux (D) flux and coke

46. Dolomite is mineral whose formula is :

(A) CaMg(CO3)2 (B) MgCO3 (C) CaCO3.MgCO3 (D*) (A) & (C) both

47. In the purification of aluminium by Hoope’s process, impurities of silicon and copper are added to molten
aluminium in order to :
(A) make the melt conducting (B) lower the melting point of the melt
(C) smooth deposit of aluminium (D*) make the melt heavier

48. The slag consists of molten impurities, generally, in the form of :

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(A) Metal carbonate (B*) Metal silicate (C) Metal oxide (D) Metal nitrate

49. Gravity separation process may be used for the concentration of :

(A) Chalcopyrite (B) Bauxite (C*) Haematite (D) Calamine

50. In electrorefining of metal the impure metal is made the anode and strip of pure metal the cathode during the
electrolysis of an aqueous solution of a complex metal salt. This method cannot be used for refining of :
(A) Silver (B) Copper (C*) Aluminium (D) Gold

51. The reason, for floating of ore particles in concentration by froth floatation process is that :
(A) they are light (B) they are insoluble
(C) they are charged (D*) they are hydrophobic

52. The formula of carnallite is :

(A) LiAl(Si2O5)2 (B*) KCl.MgCl2.6H2O (C) K2OAl2O3.6SiO2 (D) KCl.MgCl2.2H2O

53. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the slag obtained during the extraction of a metal like
copper or iron ?
(A*) The slag is lighter and has lower melting point than the metal
(B) The slag is heavier and has lower melting point than the metal
(C) The slag is lighter and has higher melting point than the metal
(D) The slag is heavier and has higher melting point than the metal

54. Which method of purification is represented by the equations ?

500 K 1675 K
Ti  2 2   Ti 4 
  Ti  2 2
(impure ) (Pure)
(A) Cupellation (B) Polling (C*) Van Arkel (D) Zone refining

55. Bauxite is leached with :

(A) KCN (B) NaCN (C*) NaOH (D) Na2CO3

56. Which of the following is not an ore of iron ?

(A) Haematite (B) Limonite (C) Siderite (D*) Malachite

57. Silver ore dissolves in dilute solution of NaCN in the presence of air to form :

(A) AgCN (B*) [Ag(CN)2]– (C) AgCNO (D) [Ag(CN)3]3–

58. Which of the following metals may be present in the anode mud during electrorefining of copper?
. Gold ; . Iron, . Silver ; V Magnesium
(A)  and  (B)  and V (C*)  and  (D)  and V

59. During extraction of iron flux used is :

(A) Silica (B) Calcium silicate (C*) Lime stone (D) Coke

60. What is the chemical composition of matte ?

(A) Cu2O + FeS (B) Cu2O + Cu2S (C) FeS + SiO2 (D*) Cu2S + FeS

61. Which of the following processes involves the principle of fractional crystallisation for the refining of impure
metals ?
(A) Parke’s process (B) Mond’s process
(C) Van Arkel process (D*) Zone refining

62. Dow’s process is used for the :

(A) Extraction of sodium metal
(B) Purification of blister copper
(C*) Extraction of magnesium
(D) Purification of aluminium

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63. Which of the following reactions occurs during smelting in the reduction zone (in iron metallurgy) ?
(A) CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag) (B) Fe2O3 + 3C  2Fe + CO

(C*) Fe2O3 + CO  Fe +CO (D) CO2 + C  2CO

64. The scavenger which is used in the manufacture of steel is :

(A) Cr (B*) Mn (C) Ti (D) Pb
65. In the metallurgy of iron, the upper layer obtained in the bottom of blast furnace mainly contains :
(A*) CaSiO3 (B) Spongy iron (C) Fe2O3 (D) FeSiO3

66. In the electrolysis of alumina during the manufacture of aluminium :

(A) Al2O3 undergoes dissociation
(B*) AlF3 undergoes dissociation
(C) Al2O3 and AlF3 both undergo dissociation
(D) Neither of the two undergoes dissociation

67. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?

(A) Tin is extracted by carbon reduction (smelting)
(B*) Aluminium is extracted by Hall’s process which involves carbon reduction.
(C) Extraction of lead does not involve bessemerisation
(D) Silver is extracted by cyanide process
68. Poling process is used for the :
(A*) Reduction of CuO to Cu in impure copper
(B) Purification of silver
(C) Reduction of Al2O3 to Al
(D) none


1. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct for the extractive metallurgy of aluminium ?
(A*) Red bauxite contains the impurities of iron oxides SiO2 and TiO2.
(B) Red bauxite is purified by Hall’s and Serpeck’s process
(C*) Hall-Heroult process is used for the electrolytic reduction of molten alumina dissolved in molten cryolite.
(D) In electrolytic reduction of alumina fluorine gas is liberated at anode as by product.

2. Which of the following processe(s) occur(s) during the extraction of copper from chalcopyrites ?
(A*) Froth floatation (B*) Roasting
(C*) Bessemerisation (D) Leaching

3. Poiling process is used for the refining of :

(A) Iron (B*) Copper (C*) Tin (D) Lead

4. Calcium silicate (slag) formed in the slag formation zone in extraction of iron from haematite ore :
(A*) does not dissolve in molten iron
(B*) being lighter floats on the molten iron
(C*) is used in cement industry
(D*) prevents the re-oxidation of molten iron
5. The major role of fluorspar (CaF2) which is added in small quantities in the electrolytic reduction of alumina
dissolved in fused cryolite (Na3AlF6) is :
(A) As a catalyst
(B*) To make the fused mixture very conducting

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(C*) To lower the temperature of the melt
(D) To decrease the rate of oxidation of carbon at anode
6. In the extraction of copper from chalcopyrites, the impurity of iron sulphide is removed as FeSiO3 in :
(A) Electrolytic refining (B*) Bessemerisation
(C*) Roasting (D) poling
7. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) incorrect ?
(A) In Serpeck’s process silica is removed by heating the bauxite to 1800°C with coke in a current of N2
(B) In extraction of lead from galena roasting and self reduction takes place in the same furnance but under
different conditions of tempt and supply of air
(C) The tin is obtained by the carbon reduction of black tin.
(D*) None
8. Dolomite is a mineral of :
(A) Aluminium (B*) Magnesium (C*) Calcium (D) Potassium

9. The anode mud obtained during electro refining of copper may contain :
(A*) antimony (B*) Platinum (C*) silver (D*) gold

10. Liquation process may be applied for the purification of :

(A) Copper (B*) tin (C) iron (D*) lead

11. In alumino-thermite process, aluminium is used as :

(A) oxidising agent (B) flux (C*) reducing agent (D) solder

12. Carnallite is an ore of :

(A) Sodium (B*) Potassium (C*) Magnesium (D) aluminium

13. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct :

(A*) Cuprite and Zincite are oxide ores
(B) Magnesite and carnallite are carbonate ores
(C*) Chalcocite and azurite are ores of copper
(D*) Felspar and mica minerals contain aluminium.

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Exercise - 3 (Miscellaneous Questions )
1. How does hardness of steel vary ?
Ans. It varies with its carbon content and heat treatment.

2. Why are sulphide ores generally roasted to oxide for the extraction of metals instead of being directly
reduced ?
Ans. If sulphide ores are reduced by carbon, carbon disulphide is formed which is difficult to get rid off. So sulphide
ores are first roasted to get metal oxides which are then reduced by carbon.

3. Why sulphide ores usually dressed by froth floatation process ?

Ans. Sulphide ores being lighter are easily wetted by oil to come on the surface of solution with froths during froth
floatation process, leaving behind heavier gangue wetted by water.

4. Why is the extraction of copper from pyrites more difficult than that from its oxide ore through reduction?
Ans. The Gibbs enegies of formation of most sulphides are greater than that for CS2. In fact, CS2 is an endothermic
compoun. Hence it is common practice to roast sulphide ores to corresponding oxides priorto reduction.

5.  Why is SiO2 used to remove impurities of CaO in an ore ?

Ans. SiO2 + CaO (infusible)  CaSiO3(fusible)
Acidic flux Basic impurity Slag

6. Name two metals which are used for the reduction in metallurgical process. Give one pertinent chemical
equation for each.
Ans. Cr2O3 + 2Al  Al2O3 + 2Cr ; CuSO4 + Fe  FeSO4 + Cu 

7.  Coke and flux are used in smelting, Explain

Ans. C + O2  CO2 ; C + CO2  2CO ; CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3(slag)
So coke & lime stone are added during smelting in extraction of iron.

8. Name the chemical process and also write the chemical reactions involved for the removal of impurities of
copper and silver from impure gold.
Ans. Parting process
Cu + 2H2SO4 (or HNO3) (conc.)  CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O
2 Ag + 2H2SO4 (or HNO3) (conc.)  Ag2SO4 + SO2 + 2H2O
% of Au in impure sample should not be more than 25%

9. What criterion is followed for the selection of the stationary phase in chromatography?
Ans. Refer text

10. How can you separate alumina from silica in a bauxite ore associated with silica? Give equations, if any.
Ans. Refer text

11. Giving examples, differentiate between ‘roasting’ and calcination’.

Ans. Refer text

12. The choice of a reducing agent in a particular case depends on thermodynamic factor. How far do you agree
with this statement? Support your opinion with two examples.

Ans. Refer text

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13. What is the role of graphite rod in the electrometallurgy of aluminium?
Ans. Graphite rods act as anode and get burnt away as CO and CO2 during the process of electrolysis.


1.  During the extraction, metallic silver is precipitated by the addition of ______ to _____ solution.
Ans. Zn, Sodium argentocyanide

2. The most important ore of iron is ________.

Ans. haematite (Fe2O3)
3. Smelting of the iron ore is done in _________ furnace.
Ans. blast
4.  CaO acts as _________ flux.
Ans. Basic
5. The impurities present in minerals are called _____________
Ans. Gangue or matrix

6.  Calamine is an ore of _________

Ans. Zn

7. Bauxite is used to extract _____________.

Ans. Al

8. Flux combines with nonfusible impurities to form __________.

Ans. slag

9. Alumino-thermite process is the reduction of __________ with __________.

Ans. metal oxide, Al

10. Aluminium is obtained from Al 2 O 3 by _______ reduction.

Ans. electrolytic

11. In the bessemer convertor during the extraction of copper, the substance responsible for forming blisters
is ______________.
Ans. SO 2

12. In the basic bassemer process for the manufacture of steel, the lining of the convertor is made of
___________. The slag formed consists of _________.
Ans. lime, calcium phosphate

13. Mond’s process is used for extraction of _________.

Ans. Ni

14. In the zone of Heat-absorption the _____________is reduced by _____________to _____________in the
extraction of iron from haematite ore.
Ans. Carbon dioxide, carbon, carbon monooxide.

15. Tha matte contains mostly _____________and little _____________

Ans. Cu2S , FeS

16. Anhydrous MgCl2 is obtained from ore magnesite by _____________and then _____________ with
_____________ in a current of chlorine gas.
Ans. Calcination, Reduction, carbon

17. In the purification of tin stone, the impurities of wolframite are removed by_____________.
Ans. Electromagnetic seperator.

Page # 12
18. In electrolytic reduction of fused alumina _____________act as reducing agent.
Ans. Electrons

19. In extractive metallurgy of zinc partial fusion of ZnO with coke is called ..................... and reduction
of the ore to the molten metal is called ...............................
(Smelting, calcining, roasting, sintering)
Ans. sintering, smelting

SECTION (C) : True or False :

1. High purity metals can be obtained by zone refining method if the impurity has lower melting point.
Ans. True

2.  In reverberatory furnace, both oxidation and reduction processes can be carried out.
Ans. True

3. Horn silver is the name given to metallic silver obtained from horn.
Ans. False

4.  Goldschmidt thermite process is used in the extraction of aluminium.

Ans. False

5. Both copper glance and cuprite ores of copper cannot be concentrated by froth floatation process.
Ans. True

6.  Acidic flux is used to remove basic gangues.

Ans. True

7. Liquation process is used for removing Pb from Zn-Pb mixture.

Ans. True

8. Smelting is the process of heating the ore with magnesium.

Ans. False

9. Levigation is generally employed for concentration of sulphide ores.

Ans. False
10. Any Fe2O3 which escapes reduction in the zone of reduction is reduced in zone of heat absorption by carbon
in the extractive metallurgy of iron.
Ans. True
11. The lead can only be obtained from galena by self reduction process.
Ans. False
12. Anhydrous magnesium chloride from hydrated magnesium chloride can be obtained by calcination in pres-
ence of dry HCl gas.
Ans. True

13. The black tin conatins 60-70% SnO2

Ans. True

14. Cassiterite, cerrusite and cuprite are oxide ores.

Ans. False

15. In extraction of iron from haematite ore, the reduction reactions take place in the lower tempt range and in the
higher tempt range, in the blast furnace

Page # 13
Ans. (True.)

16. Sphalerite is an carbonate ore of zinc.

Ans. (False)
Hint: ZnS

17. The principal ore of aluminium, bauxite, usually contains silica, iron oxides and titanium oxide as impurities

Ans. (True)

18. Solidified copper obtained from silica lined convertor (Bessemer converter) has blistered appearance due to
the evolution of SO2
Ans. (True)

19. In electrolytic refining, the impurities from the blister copper deposits anode mud which contains antimony,
selenium, tellurium, silver , gold and platinum. (From copper pyrites)
Ans. (True)

20. The low grade ore of copper is leached with acid and is then treated with scrap iron to get copper
Ans. (True)
Source : NCERT

21. Siderite, cuprite and argentite are oxide orea

Ans. (False)


Direction : These questions consist of two statements each printed as Assertion and Reason. While answer-
ing these questions you are required to choose any one of the following four responses to encircle
(A,B,C,D) as per instructions given below :
(A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is a correct explanation of Assertion.
(B) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is not a correct explanation of Assertion.
(C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.

1.  Assertion : Argentite ore is concentrated by froth floatation process.

Reason : Argentite is a sulphide ore.

Ans. A
2.  Assertion : All metals cannot be obtained by carbon reduction.
Reason : Carbon is a very strong reducing agent.

Ans. B
3. Assertion : During calcination the ore is heated well below its melting point in the limited supply of
Reason : The process of calcination is carried out for sulphide ores.

Ans. C

4. Assertion : All ores are minerals.

Reason : All minerals are ores.

Ans. C

5. Assertion : Highly electropositive metals are extracted by electrolysis of their salt solutions.
Reason : Highly electropositive metals cannot be reduced by chemical reduction methods.

Ans. D

Page # 14
6. Assertion : Zone refining is used to obtain metals in high degree of purity.
Reason : During electrorefining pure metal is liberated at cathode.

Ans. B

7. Assertion : Extraction of iron metal from iron oxide ore is carried out by heating with coke.
Reason : Siderite ore is carbonate ore of iron.

Ans. (D)

8. Assertion : In Hall - Heroult process aluminium is extracted by the electrolytic recluction of alumina dis-
solved in molten cryolite and fluorspar.
Reason : The cryolite and fluorspar lower the melting point of melt and make it more conducting

Ans. B

9. Assertion : In extraction of copper from chalcocites after roasting in reverberatory furnace the temperature of
the charge is increased above the fusion temperature and then silica is added.
Reason : During smelting in blast furnace the impurity of iron oxide is removed as fusiable slag (FeSiO3) in
the extraction of copper from chalcopyrites.

Ans. D
10. Assertion : Haematite ore containing a small quantity of siderite ore is always calcined in presence of a
limited supply of air.
Reason : FeCO3  FeO + CO2 ; FeO + O2  Fe2O3
Prevents the loss of iron as FeSiO3.

Ans. A

11. Assertion : Silver is purified by parting process in which impure metal is boiled with conc. H2SO4 or HNO3.
Reason : In cyanide process, the silver is precipitated from soluble complex of silver by zinc-dust.

Ans. D

12. Assertion : Galena on heating in a reverberatory furnace above the melting point of metal gives metallic lead.
Reason : Galena is partially converted to PbO and PbSO4 which are reduced by excess galena to metallic

Ans. A
13. Assertion : The principle involved in the extraction of tin from tin stone is the carbon reduction of SnO2 to Sn
Reason : Tin is extracted from ore cassiterite by reduction with hydrogen.

Ans. C

14. Assertion : CuO can be reduced by carbon.

Reason : CuO is basic oxide

Ans. B

15. Assertion : The reduction of a metal oxide is easier if the metal formed is in liquid state at the temperature
of reduction.
Reason : The value of entropy change S of the reduction process is more on + ve side when the metal
formed is in liquid state and the metal oxide being reduced is in solid state. Thus the value ofG0 becomes
more on negative side.

Page # 15
Ans. A
16. Assertion : Extraction of zinc from sphalerite ore involves the roasting followed by reduction with coke.
Reason : Zinc can be extracted by hydrometallurgy.

Ans. C
Hint : Zinc is highly reactive metal, it cannot be displace from a solution of ZnSO4 so easily.

17. Assertion : Extraction of gold from its native ore involves leaching the metal with CN– .
Reason: This is an oxidation reaction.

Ans. B
Hint: Au  Au+

18. Assertion : Silica is added as a flux in reverberatory furnace, in the extraction of copper from copper pyrites.
Reason : Silica decreases the melting point of the ore and brings the conductivity.

Ans. C
Hint : FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3
19. Assertion : Cast iron is different from pig iron.
Reason : Cast iron is made by melting pig iron with scrap iron and coke using hot air blast and has about 3%
carbon content.

Ans. A
Hint : Pig iron has about 4% carbon content.

20. Assertion : Oxide ores of iron are concentrated through calcination/roasting in a reverberatory furnance.
Reason: The water is removed, carbonates are decomposed, and sulphides are oxidised.

Ans. A
21. Assertion : The graphite rod is burnt away in Hall-Heroult process for aluminium.
Reason : The oxygen liberated at anode in the process reacts with the carbon anode producing CO and CO2

Ans. A

22. Assertion : In the Hoop’s process of aluminium purification, the fused materials remains in three different
layers. These layers remain intact even in electrolytic reduction, because :
Reason : All the layers have different densities

Ans. A


1.  Column – I Column – II
(a) K2MgCl4.6H2O (i) Thomas slag
(b) Al2O3 (ii) Azurite
(c) Ca3(PO4)2 (iii) Calamine
(d) 3Ag2S.Sb2S3 (iv) Langbeinite
(e) 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 (v) Carnallite
(f) PbSO4 (vi) Pyrargyrite
(g) K2Mg2(SO4)3 (vii) Corundum
(h) ZnCO3 (viii) Anglesite
Ans. (a - v), (b - vii), (c - i), (d - vi), (e - ii), (f - viii), (g - iv), (h - iii)

Page # 16
2. Column – I Column – II
(A) 4 Au + 8 NaCN + 2 H2O + O2 (air)  4 Na [Au (CN)2] + 4 NaOH (P) Leaching

(B) CuFeS2 + 2 H2SO4  CuSO4 + FeSO4 + 2 H2S (Q) Smelting

823 K
(C) Fe3O4 + 4 CO    3 Fe + CO (R) Hydrometallurgy

(D) MgCl2. 6 H2O    MgCl + 6 H O
Dry HCl ( g ) 2 2
(S) Calcination

(T) Dow’s process

Ans. (A  P , R) ; (B  P , R) ; (C  Q) ; (D  S ,T)

3.  Column – I Column – II
(a) FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3 (i) Calcination
(b) MgCl2.6H2O   MgCl
(ii) Leaching

(c) Cu2S + 2Cu2O  6 Cu + SO2 (iii) Smelting
(d) Fe2O3 + 3C  2Fe + 3CO (iv) Roasting
(e) 2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn  Na2 [Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag (v) Bessemerisation

Ans. (a - iii, iv, v), (b - i), (c - v), (d -iii), (e - ii)

Page # 17
Exercise - 4 (J EE/REE Questions of Previous Years)

1. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by : [JEE 2007]

(A) electrolytic reduction
(B*) roasting followed by reduction with carbon
(C) roasting followed by reduction with another metal
(D) roasting followed by self-reduction

2. Which of the following ore contains both Fe and Cu : [JEE 2005]

(A*) Chalcopyrite (B) Malachite
(C) Cuprite (D) Azurite

3. Pb and Sn are extracted from their chief ores by : [JEE 2004]
(A) Carbon reduction and self reduction
(B*) Self reduction and carbon reduction
(C) Electrolysis and self reduction
(D) Self reduction and electrolysis

4. Roasted gold ore + CN– + H2O  [X] + OH– ; [X] + Zn  [Y] + Au : [JEE 2003]
(A*) X = [Au(CN)2]– ; Y = [Zn(CN)4]2– (B) X = [Au(CN)4]3– ; Y = [Zn(CN)4]2–
– 4–
(C) X = [Au(CN)2] ; Y = [Zn(CN)6] (D) X = [Au(CN)4]3– ; Y = [Zn(CN)6]2–

5. In the metallurgy of iron, when lime stone is added to the blast furnace, the calcium ion ends up in :
[JEE 2002]
(A*) Slag (B) Gangue
(C) Metallic calcium (D) Calcium carbonate

6. Which of the following process is used in the extractive metallurgy of magnesium ? [JEE 2002]
(A*) Fused salt electrolysis
(B) Self reduction
(C) Aqueous solution electrolysis
(D) Thermite reduction
7. The chemical composition of slag formed during the smelting process in the extraction of copper is:
[JEE 2001]
(A) Cu2O + FeS (B*) FeSiO3 (C) CuFeS2 (D) Cu2S+ + FeO

8. The chemical processes in the production of steel from haematite ore involve : [JEE 2000]
(A) Reduction
(B) Oxidation
(C*) Reduction followed by oxidation
(D) Oxidation followed by reduction
9. The process of converting hydrated alumina into anhydrous alumina is called : [REE 2000]
(A) Roasting (B) Smelting
(C) Dressing (D*) Calcination
10. In the extraction of aluminium, the function of cryolite is to : [JEE 2000]
(A*) Lower the melting point of alumina
(B) Increase the melting point of alumina
(C) Remove impurities from alumina

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(D) Minimise the anodic effect

11. In the commercial electrochemical process for aluminium extraction, the electrolyte used is : [JEE 1999]
(A) Al(OH)3 in NaOH solution
(B) An aqueous of Al2(SO4)3
(C*) A molten mixture of Al2O3 and Na3AlF6
(D) A molten mixture of Al2O3 and Al(OH)3

12. Addition of high proportion of manganese makes steel useful in making rails of rail roads, because
manganese : [JEE 1998]
(A*) Gives hardness to steel
(B) Helps the formation of oxides of iron
(C*) Can remove oxygen and sulphur
(D) Can show highest oxidation state of +7

13. Among the following statement, the incorrect one is : [JEE 1997]
(A) Calamine and siderite are carbonates
(B*) Argentite and cuprite are oxides
(C) Zinc blende and pyrites are sulphides
(D) Malachite and azurite are ores of copper

14. In which of the following minerals, aluminium is not present ? [JEE 1993]
(A) Cryolite (B) Mica
(C) Feldspar (D*) Fluorspar

15. An important ore of magnesium is : [JEE 1993]

(A) Malachite (B) Cassiterite
(C*) Carnallite (D) Galena

16. Out of the following metals that cannot be obtained by electrolysis of the aqueous solution of their salts are:
[JEE 1990]
(A) Ag (B*) Mg (C) Cu (D) Cr (E*) Al

17. In the aluminothermite process aluminium acts as : [JEE 1983]

(A) An oxidising agent
(B) A flux
(C*) A reducing agent
(D) A solder

18. Match the extraction processes listed in column I with metals listed in column II. [JEE 2006]
Column -  Column - 
(A) Self reduction (P) Lead
(B) Carbon reduction (Q) Silver
(C) Complex formation and displacement by metal (R) Copper
(D) Decomposition of iodide (S) Boron

Ans. (A - P,R) , (B - P,R) , (C - Q), (D - S)

19. Two ores A1 and A2 of a metal M show the following reactivity :

Page # 19
[JEE 2004]

Write the chemical formulae of A1 and A2, S, P and G.

Ans. A1 = CuCO3 .Cu(OH)2 or 2CuCO3 .Cu(OH)2 ; A2 = Cu2S ; S = CuO; P = Cu2I2 ; G = SO2

20. Write down the reaction involved in the extraction of lead. [JEE 2003]

Ans. PbS + 2O2  PbSO4 ; 2PbS + 3O2  2PbO + 2SO2
PbS + 2PbO  3Pb + 2SO2 ; PbS + PbSO4  2Pb + 2SO2

SiO2 + CaO(flux)  CaSiO3 (slag) + PbO

21. Write the chemical reactions involved in the extraction of silver from argentite. [JEE 2000]

Ans. Ag2S + 4 NaCN 2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S

4Na2S + 5O2 + 2H2O  2Na2SO4 + 4NaOH+ 2S 

2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn  Na2[Zn(CN)4]SO4 + 2Ag 

22. When the ore, haematite is burnt in air with coke around 2000°C along with lime, the process not only
produces steel but also produces a silicate slag that is useful in making building materials such as cement
discuss the same and show through balances equations. [JEE 1998]

Ans. C + O2  CO2

CO2 + C  CO ; Fe2O3 + 3CO  Fe + 3CO2

CaCO3  CaO + CO2

CaCO3  SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag)

23. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of argentite with KCN and name the products in solution.
[JEE 1996]
Ans. Ag2S + 4 KCN 2K[Ag(CN)2] + K2S
pot. argentocyanide
4K2S + 5O2 + 2H2O  2K2SO4 + 4KOH + 2S 

24. Give briefly the isolation of magnesium from sea water by the Dow’s process. Give equations for the steps
involved. [JEE 1993]
Ans. MgCl2 (from sea water) + Ca(OH)2  Mg(OH)2  + CaCl2

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Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2 + 2H2O
Solution is concentrated when we get MgCl2.6H2O

MgCl2.6H2O DryHCl MgCl2 + 6H2O
( g)

Electrolytic reduction of fused mixt. of MgCl2 , CaCl2 & NaCl

MgCl2 Mg2+ + 2Cl– ; At cathode : Mg2+ + 2e–  Mg ; At anode : 2Cl–  Cl2  + 2e–

25. Why is chalcocite roasted and not calcined in the recovery of copper ? [JEE 1987]
Ans. It removes the impurities of S,P,As, Sb etc present in chalcocite as their volatile oxides and also partially
oxidises Cu2S to Cu2O. Calcination on the other hand, will neither be able to oxidise the impurities nor be
able to converts Cu2S to Cu2O
26. Zinc and not copper is used for the recovery of silver from silver complex. [JEE 1985]
Ans. Zinc is cheaper and strong reducing agent (more electropositive) compare to copper.
Zn + 2Na[Ag(CN)2]  Ag  + Na2[Zn(CN)4]

Page # 21
Exercise- 5 (Questions For AIEEE/AIIMS)
1. Heating mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S will give : [AIEEE 2005]
(A) Cu2SO3 (B) CuO + CuS (C) Cu + SO3 (D*) Cu + SO2
2. During the process of electrorefining of copper some metals present as impurity settle as anode mud. These
are : [AIEEE 2005]
(A) Sn and Ag (B) Pb and Zn (C*) Ag and Au (D) Fe & Ni
3. Which of the following is a carbonate ore ? (AIIMS 2005)
(A) pyrolusite (B*) malachite (C) diaspore (D) cassiterite
4. In the extraction of copper from sulphide ore the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O with : (AIIMS 2003)
(A) FeS (B) CO (C*) Cu2S (D) SO2
5. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth floatation method ? [AIEEE 2003]
(A) Magnetite (B) Cassiterite
(C*) Galena (D) Malachite

6. Refining of impure copper with zinc impurity is to be done by electrolysis using electrodes as :
[AIEEE 2002]
Cathode Anode

(A) Pure Copper Pure Zinc

(B) Pure Zinc Pure Copper
(C*) Pure Copper Impure Copper
(D) Pure Zinc Impure Zinc
7. Which of the following is not an ore of iron ? (AIIMS 2002)
(A) limonite (B*) cassiterite (C) magnetite (D) none of these

8. Cyanide process is used for the extraction of : [AIEEE 2002]

(A) Barium (B*) Silver (C) Boron (D) Zinc

9. Aluminium is extracted by the electrolysis of : [AIEEE 2002]

(A) Alumina (B) Bauxite
(C) Molten cryolite (D*) Alumina mixed with molten cryolite

10. The composition of carnallite is : (AIIMS 2001)

(A*) KCl.MgCl2.6H2O (B) Na2Al2O3 (C) Fe3O4 (D) Na3AlF6

11. The purification of alumina is called : (AIIMS 1998)

(A*) Baeyer’s process (B) Bosch process (C) Castner process (D) Hoop’s process

12. Bauxite, an ore of aluminium is purified by : (AIIMS 1996)

(A) Hall’s process (B) Serpeck’s process (C) Baeyer’s process (D*) all of those

13. Thermite is a mixture of : (AIIMS 1996)

(A) Zn + Mg (B) Fe + Al (C*) Fe2O3 + Al (D) Cu + Mg

14. Which of the following is a sulphide ore ? (AIIMS 1996)

(A) carnallite (B) magnetite (C*) copper pyrites (D) malachite

15. The important, ore of aluminium is : (AIIMS 1995)

(A) Kaolin (B) corundum (C*) bauxite (D) ruby

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