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JCPT87-05-03 COMPLETIONS AND EVALUATION Mud filtrate effects on the laterolog in Alberta Foothills carbonates TARAS T. DZIUBA Shell Canada Limited ABSTRACT This report proposes a new set of invasion correction curves for the laterolog that can be used quantitatively for a variety of mud systems and various diameters of invasion to obtain the true resistivity of the formation. Present resistivity tool designs do not appear to allow measurement deep enough to provide resistivity values of the undisturbed formation; nor do present laterolog invasion correction charts appear to correct
sufficiently for invasion. At Shell Canada, the laterolog has been the primary resistivity tool used in the evaluation of deep, 3000 m to 5500 m Alberta Foot- hills carbonates. Low water saturations, calculated after the high resistivities have been corrected for invasion using existing charts, have led to costly production testing of wet zones. In this report, the Resistivity Index (I) was used to develop new invasion corrections. By assigning an I value to each of the flushed, transition and uninvaded zones and establishing the resistivity contribution of each zone to the laterolog
reading from industry-published pseudo-geometrical factors, invasion corrections were determined. The effects of changing the RR,, value and the diameter of invasion were included in the design of the invasion correction curves. Open-hole logs of actual field cases are used to demonstrate the new invasion corrections for the laterolog. The proposed invasion corrections have resulted in the calculation of more accurate water saturations as substantiated by production test results. Introduction The laterolog is strongly affected by invasion, therefore, the ratio of the mud
filtrate resistivity to the formation water resistivity is crucial because invasion often adds a resistive medium to the formation. Most Shell Canada wells are drilled with muds having a different resistivity than the formation water. Invasion occurs to some unknown depth and to obtain a true resistivity, the effect of the invading mud filtrate on the resistivity must be removed. Logging companies have attempted to minimize the effects of invasion on their resistivity tools through tool designs that utilize geometrical factors(l). A resistivity tool's reading can be con- sidered to be
the sum of the weighted values of the resistivities of the borehole, the invaded and non-invaded zones (Fig. 1). The deep reading resistivity tools are designed to obtain the major portion of their resistivity reading from as far away from the Keywords: Laterolog, Carbonates, Invasion, Resistivity, Resistivity Index. borehole as possible. For cases where invasion is shallow to moderate, this is usually the undisturbed zone. In deep invasion cases the resistivity reading must be corrected using service com- pany charts to provide a value closer to the true resistivity. In foothills
evaluation, very obvious gas zones with high resistivities (e.g. > 1000 ohm-m) and very obvious wet zones with low resistivities (e.g. <50 ohm-m) do not usually pose evaluation problems because they are readily identified from resistivity logs. Zones that appear to exist at some intermediate water saturation (e.g. S. 3007o to 6007o) can be extremely difficult to evaluate for a variety of reasons. Today's resistivity tools run in situations with high resistivity mud systems (Rf/R, > 1.0) and large diameters of invasion will provide resistivity readings reflecting this and in turn will result
in incorrect S. calculations unless properly corrected for invasion. This can lead to petrophysical evaluation nightmares because of the difficulty in deter-mining if the calculated values represent true formation water saturations or reflect invasion. Laterologs have been the main resistivity tool used in foothills evaluations because of the use of low resistivity muds, better thin bed definition and reliability in high resistivities. However, ttie mud systems used do not always have as low an R., as R. - the most optimum condition for this tool and therefore invasion corrections must
be made. This report proposes a new set of invasion correction curves for the laterolog that can quantita- tively be used for a variety of mud systems with Rf / @ > 1.0 in an attempt to obtain a closer estimate of true resistivity of the formation. Invasion Concepts Depths of invasion are generally large for low-porosity carbon- ates and small for high-porosity sandstones. This is sometimes difficult to understand because it is expected that if there is more porosity, more mud filtrate will invade and result in a larger depth of invasion. However, an equal volume of mud filtrate invading a
tow-porosity carbonate will have a larger depth of invasion than in a high-porosity sandstone because the sand- stone can accommodate the mud filtrate in a smaller volume of rock. Factors Affecting Invasion Mudcake permeability, not formation permeability, is the most important factor controlling formation invasion. Filter cake is deposited on the borehole wall as the mud filtrate attempts to invade a permeable formation. The filter cake is made up of a variety of particle sizes that "bridge" to form a cake. This mud- cake can be! between 0 mm and 20 mm in thickness and extends a small
distance into the formation. The permeability of the Paper reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. September-October 1987, Montreal 41
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Mud filtrate effects on the laterolog in I.'

Alberta Foothills carbonates

Shell Canada Limited

ABSTRACT borehole as possible. For cases where invasion is shallow to

This report proposes a new set 0/ invasion correction curves for moderate, this is usually the Wldisturbed zone. In deep invasion
the laterolog that can be used quantitatively for a variety a/mud cases the resistivity reading must be corrected using service com-
systems and various diameters of invasion to obtairl the true pany charts to provide a value closer to the true resistivity.
resistivity of the fannation. In foothills evaluation, very obvious gas zones with high -, --
Present resistivity tool designs do not appear to allow resistivities (e.g. > 1000 ohm-m) and very obvious wet zones
measurement deep enough to provide resistivity values of the with low resistivities (e.g_ <50 ohm-m) do not usually pose
undisturbed formation; nor do present fater%g invasion evaluation problems because they are readily identified from
correction charts appear to correct sufficiently for invasion. At resistivity logs. Zones that appear to exist at some intermediate
Shell Canada. the laterolog has been the primary resistivity tool water saturation (e.g. Sw 30~[) to 60OJ[)) can be extremely difficult
used in the evaluation of deep~ 3000 m to 5500 m Alberta Foot- to evaluate for a variety of reasons. Today's resistivity tools run
hills carbonates. Low water saturations, calculated after the in situations with high resistivity mud systems (~r{R..v > LO)
high resistivities have been corrected jar invasion using elCisting and large diameters of invasion will provide resistivity readings
charfs, have led to costly production testing of wet zones. reflecting this and in turn will result in incorrect Sw calculations
In this report, the Resistivity Inde.:i( (/) was used to develop unless properly corrected for invasion. This can lead to
new invasion corrections. By assigning an / value to each of the petrophysical evaluation nightmares because of the difficulty in
flushed, transition and uninvaded zones and establishing the detennining if the calculated values represent true fonnation
resistivity contribution of each zone to the laterolog reading water saturations or reflect invasion.
from industry-published pseudo-geometrical factors, invasion Laterologs have been the main resistivity tool used in foothills
corrections were determined. The effects of changing the evaluations because of the use of low resistivity muds, better
R"./R'IV value and the diameter a/invasion were included in [he thin bed definition and reliability in high resistivities. However,
design of the invasion correction curves. the mud systems used do not always have as Iowan Rmr as ~ -
Operz-hole logs of actual field cases are used to demonstrate the most optimum condition for this tool and therefore invasion
the new invasion corrections jor the later%g. The proposed corrections must be made. This report proposes a new set of
invasion corrections have resulted in the calculation of more invasion correction curves for the laterolog that can quantita-
accurate water saturations as substantiated by production test tively be used for a variety of mud systems with ~f/~ > 1.0 in
results. an attempt to obtain a closer estimate of true resistivity of the
Introduction Invasion Concepts
The laterolog is strongly affected by invasion, therefore, the
ratio of the mud fIltrate resistivity to the fonnation water Depths of invasion are generally large for low-porosity carbon-
resistivity is crucial because invasion often adds a resistive ates and small for high-porosity sandstones. This is sometimes
medium to the formation. Most Shell Canada wells are drilled difficult to understand because it is expected that ifthere is more
with muds having a different resistivity than the fonnation porosity, mare mud fIltrate will invade and result in a larger
water. Invasion occurs to some unknown depth and to obtain a depth of invasion. However, an equal volwne of mud fIltrate
invading a low-porosity carbonate will have a larger depth of
true resistivity. the effect of the invading mud filttate on the
resistivity must be removed. invasion than in a high-porOSity sandstone because the sand- - -' -..
Logging companies have attempted to minimize the effects of stone can accommodate the mud ftItrate in a smaller volume of
invasion on their resistivity tools through tool designs that utilize rock.
geometrical factors(ll. A resistivity tool's reading can be con-
sidered to be the sum of the weighted values of the resistivities of Factors Affecting InvaSion
the borehole, the invaded and non-invaded zones (Fig. 1). The Mudcake permeability, not formation permeaiJility, is the most
deep reading resistivity tools are designed to obtain the major important factor controlling formation invasion. Filter cake is
portion of their resistivity reading from as far away from the deposited on the borehole wall as the mud filtrate attempts to ,-
invade a permeable formation. The fLlter cake is made up of a
variety of particle sizes that "bridge" to form a cake. This mud-
: ...-
Keywords: Laterolog, Carbonates, Invasion, Resistivity, Resistivity
cake can be between 0 mm and 20 mm in thickness and extends
a small distance into the fonnation. The permeability of the n~ ~- . . .' -
Paper re\'iewed and accepted for publication by the Edilorial Board or thc Journal of Canadian Pe.roleum Technology.
, '

; -'
September-October 1967, Montreal 41
TABLE 1. Effect of changes in water saturation and Rmr/R w on the Resistivity Index
Mud filtrale - 100% displacement of formalion water only
(no displacement of hydrocarbons - see example below) n - 1.8
Rmr/R w 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eo 90 100
1.0 63 18 8.7 5.2 35 2.5 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.0
2.0 126 36 17.5 10.4 7.0 5.0 3.8 3.0 2.4 2.0
3.0 189 54 26.2 15.6 10.4 7.5 5.7 4.5 3.6 3.0
4.0 252 72 34.9 20.8 13.9 10.0 7.6 6.0 4.8 4.0
5.0 315 90 43.7 26.0 17.4 12.6 9.5 7.5 61 5.0
1. 90% hydrocarbons 3. 50% hydrocarbons
10% formation water or filtrate of same salinity 50% formation water or filtrate of same salinity
S ..... = 10% Amr/Aw = 1.0 Sw == 50% Rml/A ..... == 1.0

1= = 63 I = = 3.5
(.10),·· (.50)1 ,

2. 90% hydrocarbons 4. 50% hydrocarbons

10% mud filtrate with Aml/Aw == 2.0 50% mud filtrate with Rmi/Aw == 2.0
Sw = 10% Rml/R w = 2.0 Sw == 50% Rml/Rw = 2.0
1=63 3.5)( AmllAw == 7.0
63 x Amr/Rw = 126

mudcake is extremely low and has been measured to range from occurs before any mudcake is formed. As the filler cake is form-
IO-z md (for flocculated muds) to 10-4 md (for muds with ing, invasion will continue and the amount will depend largely
defloc("ulating agents). on the effectiveness of the mudcake [0 slow down the invasion
Another facmr responsible for invasion is degree of water process.
loss. With a higher water loss more mud filtrare i.:i lost to the for-
Flushed Zones
marion resulting in a larger diameter of invasion. In drilling low
The flushed zone exists next closest to the borehole. Just as the
porosity carbonate objectives Shell Canada commonly uses a
name implies, this is the zone that is assumed to be complerely
water (oss of < 10 ccfJO min. The laboratory test for measuring
flushed by mud filtrate. A common belief is thal this close to the
water loss is a sratic one and is performed according to API
borehole (2 em to 10 em), all the fluids will be mechanically
procedures. In the borehole much more mud filtrate is lost
displaced. This is not neces~iarily true because the mud filtrale
under dynamic conditions than the laboratory static conditions.
Ferguson(2) and others hav!:: reported thaL dynamic filtration may not be able to enter all the pores because of capillarity. ctc.
and displace the connate water or formation tluids, c.g. gas, oil.
rates have been found to be higher than static rates for various
mud types. Krueger(3), Lawhon(-ll and Horner(S) all found However, it is very likely that rhe connate water remaining in the
flushed zone is less than the irreducible formation waler.
dynamic fiItracion to be ver), different from API static Huid loss
measurements (water loss is usually higher). Transition Zone
Several other factors further influence invasion behaviours. The transition zone can best be imagined as being the "grey"
They can be summarized in the following manner: zone. This is the zone where partial invasion takes place. There
1. mud {ype, are no set rules of thumb for predicting the diameter of invasion
2. pressure differential between mud column and fonnation (mudcake zone + flushed zone + transition lone) bUl the
pressure, following general relationships have been proposed by Pickell(7 ):
3. annular mud veloeit}',
4. mud temperature I formation temperature, High porosi£},:
5. borehole diameter,
6. drilling process (tripping, etc.). DiameLer of invasion (D I )
(20D7D - 350/0): "'" 2-3
7. formation porosity I permeability, and Hole diameler (d)
8. exposure time.
Apart from service company tornado charts there are few Medium porosity:
methods available for predicting depths of invasion. 8reiten-
DiameLer of invasion (OJ)
bach(6) introduced equations which can be used to calculate and (1O'~lo _ 200;'0): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"'c 5-6
predict diameters of invasion. Hole diameter (d)

Invasion Profiles Low porosity:

The greatest problem a'isociated with resistivity log interpreta- Diameter of invasion (01)
tion is understanding the invasion profile. No service company (30/0 - 101f.'0): - - - - - , , - - - - - ' - - ' - 10-12
or author has yet been able to accurately predict depths of inva- Hole diameter (d)
sion and the effects of invasion on resistivity logs. Only approxi-
mations based on simple models have been available to the The effectiveness of mud filtrate sweeping the fluids from the
petrophysical engineer to aid in applying invasion corrections to transition zone is not fully understood. It has been shown that
resistivity logs. salt water under certain conditions will more effectively sweep
The invasion profile of most formations can be divided iO[o fresh water than vice-versa_ \Vhether this is due to densiLY difrer-
four main zones (Fig. I). They consist of the following: mud- ences or ionic transfer is not known. In most drilling operalions,
cake, flushed zone., transition zone, and uninvaded zone. mud filtrate is fresher than the formation, fluid, which suggests
the sweep is not as effective. It is ver)' difficulr La assign a
Mudcake number to the sweep efficiency in [he transition zone. Figure 2
As was previously mentioned, the mudcake region will extend shO\\'s how the situation is further complicated in heLerogeneous
from a few millimetres into the borehole to a few miltimetres formations when mud filtrate channels and bypasses sections of
imo the formation. An initial warer loss, known as spun loss, rock. The bypassed rock ~an contain essentially unconLaminated

42 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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