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Philippines Water-Resources Assessment
Natural Water System
Surface Water
Surface-water hydrography
 National Water Resources Council, 1976. Philippine Water Resources: First National
Assessment. Report No. 19, Part V, Philippine Water Resources, discussion water “stocks”,
figures on annual mean runoff, groundwater resources, hydrographs for major river in each of
12 water regions, some water use information by sector and region,
 Master Plan Study on Water Resources Management in the Republic of the Philippines, data
reportedly in Volume IV, JICA, 1998, not located
 Metro Manila and Metro Cebu Groundwater Assessment, Philippines Institute for
Development Studies, 2001, evaluation of two project studies conducted for assessing the
surface and groundwater resources of Metro Manila, considers solute transport and saline
waters, also brief assessment of Cebu groundwater resources,
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2003, Water Quality, 2003, support from World
Bank Group, map of Philippines Water Quality Hot Spots, Philippines water quality at a
glance (sw and gw), water availability, water management, http://www-
 The state of water resources in the Philippines-GREENPEACE, very useful recent summary,
Quality of water resources, Status of water use and supply, Legal and policy framework
relating to water quality control, use, and management, 2007,
 Encyclopedia of Earth, active web site, Water profile of Philippines, based in large part on
FAO work,
 EarthTrends, Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems, Country Profile – Philippines,
short data summary,
 FAO Aquastat, Country Fact Sheet, Philippines,
 FAO Aquastat, Country Profile, Philippines,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD.

Natural and man-made storage

Discharge Cumulative Distribution Function

Discharge Trends

Flooding districts/reaches

Drought district/reaches

Surface-water quality
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2003, Water Quality, 2003, support from World
Bank Group, map of Philippines Water Quality Hot Spots, Philippines water quality at a
glance (sw and gw), water availability, water management, http://www-
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2006, Environmental Health, Issue,
 The state of water resources in the Philippines-GREENPEACE, very useful recent summary,
Quality of water resources, Status of water use and supply, Legal and policy framework
relating to water quality control, use, and management, 2007,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD.

Instream flow

Base flow

Hydrogeologic setting
 Groundwater in the Philippines, Republic of the Philippines, National Water Resources
Council, no. 34-1, have not located a copy,
 UN Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, Natural Resources/Water
Series, 1983, No. 12, GROUND WATER IN THE PACIFIC REGION, general geography
and climate, surface-water and groundwater resources by region, groundwater development.
 Groundwater Resources Investigation for the Province of Rizal, NWRC and NHRC, 1983,
not located
 Map of “Metro Manila Groundwater Areas”, 1983, not located
 UN Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, Natural Resources/Water
 Cavite Water Supply Development Study in the Republic of the Philippines, LWUA/JICA,
1995, not located
 On Sustainability of Withdrawal from Metro Manila Groundwater System and Availability of
Additional Groundwater Resources, B.Z. Hamman, 1996, not located
 Master Plan Study on Water Resources Management in the Republic of the Philippines, data
reportedly in Volume IV, JICA, 1998, not located
 Metro Manila and Metro Cebu Groundwater Assessment, Philippines Institute for
Development Studies, 2001, evaluation of two project studies conducted for assessing the
surface and groundwater resources of Metro Manila, considers solute transport and saline
waters, also brief assessment of Cebu groundwater resources,
 The state of water resources in the Philippines-GREENPEACE, very useful recent summary,
Quality of water resources, Status of water use and supply, Legal and policy framework
relating to water quality control, use, and management, 2007,
 Encyclopedia of Earth, active web site, Water profile of Philippines, based in large part on
FAO work,
 EarthTrends, Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems, Country Profile – Philippines,
short data summary,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD.
 Identification of Groundwater Critical Areas in Metro Manila and Vicinity and Formulating
an Integrated Approach to Aquifer Recharge and Protection, Compiled by Edmund Alan N.
Piquero Jr, groundwater management, enhancement of groundwater monitoring, modeling
scenarios for 2015, http://cest-

Aquifer characterization

Groundwater storage (volume)

 National Water Resources Council, 1976. Philippine Water Resources: First National
Assessment. Report No. 19, Part V, Philippine Water Resources, discussion water “stocks”,
figures on annual mean runoff, groundwater resources, hydrographs for major river in each of
12 water regions, some water use information by sector and region,
 Metro Manila and Metro Cebu Groundwater Assessment, Philippines Institute for
Development Studies, 2001, evaluation of two project studies conducted for assessing the
surface and groundwater resources of Metro Manila, considers solute transport and saline
waters, also brief assessment of Cebu groundwater resources,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD.
 Identification of Groundwater Critical Areas in Metro Manila and Vicinity and Formulating
an Integrated Approach to Aquifer Recharge and Protection, Compiled by Edmund Alan N.
Piquero Jr, groundwater management, enhancement of groundwater monitoring, modeling
scenarios for 2015, http://cest-

Groundwater quality
 Protection of the groundwater resources of metropolitan Cebu (Philippines) in consideration
of saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer, 2002, research project…construct a density-
dependent numeric model to simulate the saltwater intrusion phenomena in the coastal
aquifer of Metro Cebu…different scenarios of groundwater extraction and increased of water
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2003, Water Quality Issue, 2003, support from
World Bank Group, map of Philippines Water Quality Hot Spots, Philippines water quality at
a glance (sw and gw), water availability, water management, http://www-
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2006, Environmental Health, Issue,
 The state of water resources in the Philippines-GREENPEACE, very useful recent summary,
Quality of water resources, Status of water use and supply, Legal and policy framework
relating to water quality control, use, and management, 2007,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD
 Identification of Groundwater Critical Areas in Metro Manila and Vicinity and Formulating
an Integrated Approach to Aquifer Recharge and Protection, Compiled by Edmund Alan N.
Piquero Jr, groundwater management, enhancement of groundwater monitoring, modeling
scenarios for 2015, http://cest-
Water in the atmosphere
Groundwater recharge
Exchange between surface water and groundwater
Water budget of system and conceptual model of the Natural Water System

Infrastructure Water System

Total withdrawal

Withdrawal by category
 National Water Resources Council, 1976. Philippine Water Resources: First National
Assessment. Report No. 19, Part V, Philippine Water Resources, discussion water “stocks”,
figures on annual mean runoff, groundwater resources, hydrographs for major river in each of
12 water regions, some water use information by sector and region,

Spatial and temporal patterns of water use

Conveyance losses
Consumptive uses
Reclaimed wastewater

Integrative Water-Use Science

Linking of Natural and Infrastructure Water Systems
Synthesis of water use, water flow, water quality, and land-use information and science

Integration of water use with factors that influence it, such as economic behavior, ecological needs

Integration of water use, water flow, water quality, and land use with geographic information systems

Drive policy and management decisions enhancing water and land use while ensuring sustainability
 WMO, Philippines Environment Monitor 2003, Water Quality, 2003, support from World
Bank Group, map of Philippines Water Quality Hot Spots, Philippines water quality at a
glance (sw and gw), water availability, water management, http://www-
 Encyclopedia of Earth, active web site, Water profile of Philippines, based in large part on
FAO work,
 Philippines NWRB, Water Resources Assessment, Philippines_ Metro Cebu Report.doc,
Philippines_ Metro Manila Report.doc, provided by Philippines science staff on CD.
 Towards Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Philippines: Challenges and Issues
to Secure Water for All, 2009, C.M. Pascual,

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