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Air University

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Path Planning for Robots: HW0 (Introductory Concepts)

Instructions: Submit your homework by the date announced in the lecture. Homework should be in PDF
format not more than 2 pages. File should be named as follows: yournamePPMTS. Any two similar
assignments will both be given zero marks in the total assignment marks for this course.

1. Give an example of a holonomic and a non-holonomic system in robotics.

2. What is the meaning of the following words in the context of robotics and algorithms:
heuristics, adaptive algorithms, deterministic, stochastic, optimization, local and global
optimum, optimal, multi-criteria optimization?
3. Go to the website and click on Newton, Euler and
Lagrange and find the difference between Newton’s calculus and Euler-Lagrange’s
variational calculus. How do these concepts apply in optimization and optimality?
4. Go to any tutorial sight for “Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)” (e.g. and understand the basic features of
some commonly used techniques PSO, ACO and GA.
5. What is the basis of Simulated Annealing in optimization?

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