Surat Rasmi

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Madam Ajuntha A/P Kuppan

School of Languages, Literacies

And Translation,

Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Date: 24 APRIL 2017


Absent For Class LSP 401

I’m Faizal bin Maksil, with metric number 127057 from group 25 LSP401, was unable to attend
the previous class on Tuesday, 18 April 2017.

The reason for my absent is due to the fact that I went to Kuala Lumpur. My presence over there
is required and I cannot excuse myself. The sole reason for my attention is to settle some family
matter, and this is deeply personal. I attached my ticket trip as some form of proof if required
some evidence.

Again, I am sorry if my action cause some inconveniece to your side. Thanks for considering my

Yours Faithfully,


(Faizal Bin Maksil)

Metric No. 127057

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