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When to take up entrepreneurship in INDIA by students

It is commonly feared by students as to what entrepreneurship Is and are they knowledgeable enough
to gain wealth in field of competition

My opinion after years of writing is entrepreneurship by nature is a family owned business

So opinion of second half is mandatory

So postponing it to marriage and then taking up through mutual consent of families becomes easy to
gain wealth for families welfare

In that way you can always chose a second half of your life partner before setting up the business and if
families from both sides agree either now or in near future entrepreneurship is not an obstacle but a
way to be wealthy or earning to run family

Those who set up entrepreneurship before marriage have actually going to suffer because opinion of
second half before entrepreneurship setup can get friendship from him but not after set up

To find right partner is more important than setting up of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can be changed or discussed full length if you have better second partner in life

Wise people postpone gain knowledge in post-graduation marry and then after years of experience and
confidence and assurance from family members then set up entrepreneurship business in INDIA

Thought of the day

Marriage and after effects of entrepreneurship and helping hand from life partner in INDIAN scenario

How to decrease the population in a particular geography without arousing resentment or transfer

Change the companies in the vicinity or add companies into the vicinity to see psychological
segmentation in city

If you don’t like a particular segment in a particular area and want to change the outlook or map of that

Find out what the public is dependent upon in that vicinity

Change the dependent variable away to other area of operations

Make the public depend upon variable which you prefer as chief minister

Ask them with request to see the change made by government and groom up Flynn effect based upon it

Psychological segmentation to be brought in like introducing organized retail stores etc. in the vicinity to
increase the behavioral psychology of mass public and at last

Be able to decrease or increase the population in the city geography to the taste buds of government

Bring in companies or remove companies which are hindering growth and change the setup without
force or transfers being applied

Thought of the day

Nonviolence and use of psychology of public to your advantage without civil war enacted

Money = investment + interest = Money + (INDIA)

Always money should be more than previous month

Always savings should speak of excess money in bank

Always recurring deposit should be got from additional money earned

Always investments should speak of making money richer than before by losing money least

Always investments should have a base so much that person should sleep peacefully without tension

Always this excess investment should give additional interest so that principal amount keeps on

Always father should die much richer than grandfather

Always son should die much richer than richer father

Always money should be managed in such a manner that he should be consulted by consultants of
finance for additional finance earned and should be sought out for to gain wealth in society which
children can learn and be proud off

Always expenditure made for the month should budget out in such a manner that it covers the entire
month with least effect on health of family members

Thought of the day

Health + wealth + expenditure + investment = non-disease prone death = happiness

Money means personal finance not office finance (INDIA)

Donald trump is rich and became president of USA because he has personal wealth to spend

Those who are rich always take high positions because they know the science of wealth management

Narendra damodar modi has been criticized because he came from poor family background instead of
rich family background and is designing schemes without knowledge of how to manage finance in his
biography book which I read

People like me after reading the biography got a doubt that westerners groom up CEOs with richness,
politicians groom up based upon science of fans club even though they have zero knowledge in
managing finance

As per my knowledge he was called upon to manage finance of Gujarat but he did a wonderful strategy
of monitoring finance but generation of finance responsibility was done through finance minister of
Gujarat is what I recorded through biography of his

His stupidity it seems that he got the entire work done of his prime minister ship post through cheap
labor of intellectuals who weren't paid money but did it free of cost without party knowing how to exist
by spending money but it learnt how to not to spend to get things done for the party to exist with zero
knowledge given to party workers on how to generate knowledge for party to survive

Charismatic leaders always don’t give knowledge to weaklings is the sad story of India

His account is in thousands when PMO released his financial balance sheet and told to public through

This type of leadership can't design effective schemes for public because he is poor and making
everyone poor

If he knows the art of minting money for self, people can learn from him and follow

Blut if he is losing money and shows bank balance almost zero where would the public and world gain
confidence on him

I can talk in both the ways but my point is

When you have personal wealth, you are respected when you live on others you are ridiculed

Thought of the day

Live on personal wealth meaning start earning more than you can spend in the day


How to reduce crime rate in INDIA

Deny jobs to public automatically they leave the country because food is not available to him to live for

Increase the cost of living of society in a particular geographic area , automatically only rich would

Decrease the value of real estate automatically nobody can sell anything to anybody

Never have any girls in lives of public automatically men surrender before law as they have no
responsibility towards their lives or families

24/7 police is made to look for citizens who while away their times in parks by changing the timings of
parks incoming and outgoing, there would never arise a loafer in the city

Recreation of bachelors is removed through making family recreation compulsory, all criminals would
marry and suffer in the hands of providing food to family and crime rate is stopped

Make availability of arms available to citizens automatically those who shoot would be given life

Make knowledge available to citizens through universities and ask them that PhD is compulsory

Make anadanam food easily available but they should be controlled through membership to temple

Ask people to construct houses for themselves but make the owners pay monthly rent by having
Aadhaar card attached to property and deny selling of property
If unethical means of practice is done by individuals they are made to run their houses through hard
cash by denying banking facilities

Thought of the day

Deny benefits to unethical people, ask them to create something and live within means by controlling
their movements through honest citizens giving finance to them by asking them to associate with an
association or welfare unit of city


How to make the constituency a responsible place where goodness can be maintained in INDIA

If you want a constituency and win it ethically and groom it up

Develop the constituency holistically with banks, companies and recreation hubs for public benefit

The candidature who comes out of constituency must be knowledgeable to govern the above

Once he does it effectively and has support of the mass public in bringing in wealth and employment

What more can you ask from the constituency and its leadership of party to whom the candidate

Service and answerability to the public and looking at welfare of the public without bloodshed is what
one aspires for in a country as democratic and diversified as ours

Thought of the day

All round knowledge and intellect brain need of the hour to groom up desires to benefit of public

Nonviolence way approach against war in INDIA

Sharing information with neighbors on all aspects bringing in more friends than foes

Assistance in space technology and its higher end version of use to the advantage of friends

Presenting cases and insisting on text data as proof to handle friends and foes

Spiritual awakening and sharing information with neighbors on strategic alliances and financial aspect

Opinion sharing with neighbors and strategic partners so that commanding heights can be implemented

Centralized banking system and introduction of BIS and sharing information on public domain

Make public feel responsible towards nation by involving them in nation building through torrents

Fight on the right side of view point and never get blamed so that public fights on behalf of politicians

Allow students to have compulsory PHD so that government has enough data to talk to countries

Groom up authors and allow them to interact within boundary zone through consultation without
making them party to neighboring countries decisions but allowing them by making neighbors feel
responsible towards their own citizens contribution by assisting them instead of dictating them

Thought of the day

Making public ally and share knowledge on the right side of path through bookish knowledge


How to implement workshops in industries to meet public daily in INDIA

Use of workshops can gain knowledge about public and Flynn affect in each of the states

The more the workshops are created the more the public can create entrepreneurship

Workshops give knowledge practically and is a big ally to confidence building measures in INDIA

Any industry can do workshops in our democratic nation and groom up employment

The more the state government implement workshops and give support financial packages India can
easily succeed in removing unemployment

Thought of the day

Entrepreneurship through workshops and state involvement is key to Indians success


When wars are waged with INDIA what happens

Yesterday and today India was given invitation by usa for waging war with it

The solution they gave was

They have excessive cash with them which they wanted to reduce and don’t know other than warfare to
do it so our honorable prime minister narendra damodar modi sir purchased ammunition from Iran

Diplomatically shifting it to India vs Pakistan

Pakistan waging war instead of USA, USA sitting cozily in its ac giving direction to Pakistan and feeling
safe that it has spent the money wisely by teaching both Pakistan and India how to be knowledgeable on
war front

What did Jagadish did at the background

He asked all NRI of USA not to visit India in near future and without seeing their relatives nor protection
from them die an honorable death in USA for making INDIA lose its economic growth which was being
appreciated by IAS since 1 month

Thought of the day

When you wage wars with INDIA, India records it and writes about it khulam khulla

It never allows citizens of other nations to enter its territory

It never sends its labor industry to work for other nations

It never purchases books from other nations unless the work done is INDIAN

It never collaborates with other nations on terrorism and believes in un peace keeping force

It never shares its operating system with enemies


Documentaries all which are being shown in INDIAN economy have a mismatch records (sorry)

Whatever you are reading and whatever is being shown in documentary need not be correct

It’s a sorry state of affairs in INDIA that we believe everything which is shown to us as real

It is not so
The famous documentary of pearl harbor was recorded by me as mismatch

The timing of the warfare was recorded as 3pm where at 1pm still documents coming from japan to USA
was postponed further than 1 pm

Documentary recorded it as 9am flight by Japanese and attack at 1pm on pearl harbor in INDIAN
scenario on YouTube

I totally lost my head if recording of documentary is like that many like these can happen

What authors have noted to me was to criticize they write and it they can't find text they concoct stories
being human

So reading is a good habit but not all books speak authentically, USA that’s why depends upon new York
times, else booker prize etc. to read books

You can also do it but being historian, you can yourself find faults in them

Text case

Zawahiri the mastermind behind ISIS dies in both ways on land and also on flight has been recorded by

Which is correct

I don’t know

What to do in such cases when events are recorded unethically

Never believe anything, its entertainment to brain cells, big stalwarts not even me have records of they
being alive also for unknown reasons, public domain is considered to be trash recording by many
politicians as time pass given by them to public to relieve their tensions

Some like Mao keep repeating their biography in different manners even though they are dead

If you like reading be a historian and read but be cautious

Thought of the day

Be vigilant, authors have to mint money and stories keep coming up, I don’t believe anything


The art of sustaining employment and the art of continuation of bad boys (INDIA)

I Was watching Dhruva telugu movie and it revealed its own secrets to mankind and I wish if CBFC can
make such movies for public to have awareness is to be well appreciated by them

Many things in this life can be removed but they don’t get removed because employment has to sustain

There are many diseases which can be cured within few hours but don’t get cured because of
employment not able to sustain

There are many diseases that are created in the laboratory for killing public or to do business with
specifically if you watch movies of krrissh 3

These movies are real and when you watch them treat them as non-fictional characters

Thought of the day

Nonfiction in fiction is CBFC


For promoting actual sex in films what citizens should do against CBFC in INDIA



















When USA becomes unethical towards INDIA and wants to destroy us

INDIA is a nation of itself who has right to decide who is ethical and who is unethical towards itself? We
have stupidly forgotten that we are independent beings and govern ourselves has become a puppet in
the hands of ourselves asking foreign nation like USA to dictate us to decide fate of our own economics
which we can learn and govern has become an arsenal of foreign to decide our fate both intellectually
and losing finance to foreign because of lack of entrepreneurship

We who are independent are begging bowls in front of foreign nation and treat as if we are slaves of
USA for a few books which we ourselves can learn and write and USA who can't govern us because of
multilinguistic, the same people of Indians have given role to foreign to govern us to decide finance
which we ourselves can manufacture

Are we independent or are we puppets?

What we lack is

Need for knowledge to survive in this ruthless world

Terrorism is against us as it was created by foreign for their protection

Finance in the hands of united nations whose residence is in USA

Army training is done by USA and nobody knows how much of secrets they usurped away

Prime minister air force one and arsenal of warfare comes from USA

New Delhi compromised as they know all the bugs to keep in the city

Politicians finance is governed by them through corruption who are stationed in Delhi

War can be waged against us through Pakistan and china as they are allies of USA

Famine to be created through warfare and devaluate the currency because global currency is still

Big stalwarts all children take education from USA and knowledge is not tallying with INDIAN land

Unemployment is huge and nation can be compromised once USA gives baton of finance to the children
Writers are made to struggle as bulk portion of knowledge clearance still resides in the hands of
universities of USA which politicians of Indians wouldn’t discard

Pressure from nations and world trade compromised people like me are dead who support Indian
independence both financially and intellectually

Thought of the day

When would India prosper on its own and why we writers are brave to die to see it happen

We fear that public of India would compromise security and take up slave industry just for knowledge
to save itself from famine

It happened once during Indira Gandhi rule, it can happen again

End of Jagadish opinion

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