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sv 503 April198 ‘Sub, Code : 4003 FIRST M.B.8S, DEGREE EXAMINATION (NonSemesten) (Reveos Reguations) Paper V- PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING BIOPHYSICS 1 “Time Tre hours Maxam :50 marks “wo and. hal hours Sections A and 8:35 marks forsecton A Section C15 mars ‘Saton © must be answered separately ‘on the answer sheet provided ‘Answer ALL he questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary SECTION A 1.Draw a gram ofthe cross section of spinal cord showing the ascending nd'descending tacts Beseibe the ees ot compete ansactonospnal or at upper oreo ve (ase) 2. We beety ore (@)Spometer ants uses (©) Desorbe te her sounds (©) ines eats of corelium sion (Ania (o) Mountain sks (0) Facor deterring normal lod pressure (6) Vertiaton prusion rao ais sgiticanco (ty Test for hearing adits useunass (Dark adaptation of Eye DEEG. Coote Encephale Gram) NOVEMBER ‘98, ‘su soa) ‘Sub. Code: 4003, FIRST MN.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION (Ner-Semostr ‘ovsod Fegulatons) Paper IV PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING BIO-PHYSICS ‘Tine Troe hou Maxirur 50 marks “wo ant ours Sections and 8:36 marks for Seators A and 8 ‘ecton ©: 15 marks Seaton © must be answered separately onthe anewar sheet Provided a per instructions onto fst page. ‘Answer ALL the questons raw subi cagrams wnerever necessary SECTION A {Tae he course of eocteoepinal tac rom is og to, Expat the functions and eflecs of he bac (09) 2. by 0: (0x2 =25) (3) Venitaton persion ation ands sgifeance (0) Factors hat ast the incropi of he heart “Te roguation of corcra ood tow Physiciogial basis o E.G. adits uses ‘Draw a agro of auctor pathway ar menor of autor cortex Brown Sequrd Syeeme “Yace he pattway of ase sensation (b) Testor fed of vision and ind spt (0 Features ot Parkinsonism © Compare te eects of exorcise sedentary indivi and tines athe on heat ate and stoke vom esges [8G 503] ‘Sub. Code : 4008 FIRSTMBBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION, (Wion-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper IV — PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING BIOPHYSICS — 11 ‘Time: Thrve hours Maximum : 80 marks ‘Two and abelfhours Section A: 95 marke Section A Section C: 18 marks ‘Section C mast be anawered separately on the answer sheet provided ‘Anewer ALL questions ‘Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary, SECTION A—(85 marks) 1, Define the terms — Candice output and Cardiac Index. What are the factors that regulate cardiae output? ‘ao) 2. Write briefly on (0x 23 =25) (a) Explain briefly the mechanism of Periodic seathing with two examples (©) Blood brain barier (6) Functions of CSF Apri.1999, Colour constancy Conducting tissues ofthe heart Measurement of Punctional Residual capacity Hamburgers shit Referred pain ‘Tests for hearing and their significance Olfactory pathway. 2 186 603} October-1999 [KA 503] ‘Sub. Code : 4008 FIRST MBBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Non-Somester) (Revised Regulations) Paper IV — PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING ‘BIO-PHYSICS —I1 ‘Time: Throe hours ‘Maximum : ‘Two and a half hours Section. for Section A Section C: 18 marks Section C must be anawered separately onthe answer sheet provided. ‘Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessery. SECTION A (PaYSIOLOGY —™ 1. Define blood pressure. Discuss how normal systemic arterial blood prossure is regulated. (10) 2. Wine brie on: (ox 2} =28) (@) Cutaneous triple response ©) Cough reflex (©. Chloride sift phenomenon (@ Carotid body (©) Astrocytes () Paradosial sleep (@ Aphasia (Pathway for taste (Cochlear mierophonic potentials © Decerebrate rigidity (kA 503), -Apeit-2000. (KB 503] ‘Sub. Code 4008 PIRSTM.R.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, ‘Non-Semestor) ‘Wexised Regulations) Paper IV — PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING ‘BIO-PHYSICS — 11 simse: Three hours ‘Maximum 60 marks {Twoand whalfhours Section A 5 mare for Section A ‘Section (15 marks Section C mut be answered separatelyoo the ancwer sheet provided, ‘Anawer ALL questions, Dea sitaile diagrams wherever nebesticy, SECTION A. wustoLocy—9, L. What i Aecimatiation? What are the eects of high altitude om eopitatory system, cardiovascular syatem & Blood. 2s B=10) 2. Write selon: dox2t—25) (a, ST segment, (b) Surfactont. (el Asteriognosie, (@ Taste bud, (o) ight Rates. () Paco msker Potentials, @ Sino aortic mechani, (8 Choren, @ Organ of Corti. 1) cetosion & Subliminal fringe, OKB 503 Al Sub. Code: 4054 FIRST MBBS, DEGREE EXAMINATION, (Non-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper IV — PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING ‘BIO-PHYSICS — It {ime : Taree houre ‘Maximum : 100 marks ‘Twoandahalfhours Sec. A&eSee. B: 70 marks for Soe. Ade See. B. Seetion C: 30 marks Separate answer books must be used ‘or Sections A and B, Section C must be answered separately on the answer sheet provided as per the instructions on the first page Drav labelled diagrams wherover necessary. ‘Answer ALL questions. SECTION A 1. What are chemoreceptors? Describe their role ia the chemical control of respiration, Add a note on Choyne- Stokes breathing as) 2 Write short notes on () Hletrocardiogram in Le TI () Cardiac output (©) Timed Vitel Capacity. ) Baroreceptors x6 20) Apri SECTION B 8. Describe the connections and functions of besal kzanglin.Deseribe the pathophysielory of the ‘haracterite features ofthe parkinsonian syndrome. a5) 4. Weite short notes on (@ Oraith organs. (6) Otfctory pathway. (© Colour vision (@) Organ fear (4x 5=20) 2 KB 508 A} October 2000 0KC 503] Sub. Code : 4008 FIRST MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, (on-Semester) (Revised Regulations) Paper IV — PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING ‘BIO-PHYSICS — 11 ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maxisassa 60 mas ‘Two and a elf hours Section A: 25 marks for Section A, Section C: 15 marks ‘Section C must be answered separately onthe enswer shot provided as por the instructions onthe first page. SECTION A 1. Define cardiae output. Mention the various ‘methods of determining cardiac output. Describe the ‘mechanism invalved in Regulating eardial output (1+3+6=10) 2. Write brieny on: ox ay (@) Pulmonary surfactant (®) Composition and Function of Aqueous Humor 25) (0) Somsestnetic cortex () Outline the functions of middle ear (6) Referred pain (Blood Brain Barrier (@ Panctions of Retcular Formation () Periodic Bronthing (© Ory-Harmoplabin dstocation curve (Functions of the Frontal Cortex, (KC 503}

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