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Golden Fleece
Fleece TCTC
Roberson High
Roberson School
High School
Asheville, North
Asheville, Carolina
North Carolina
March 10, 2017

No option for traffic signal on Long Shoals

by Jamie Cummings solution has not been found. any issues in Buncombe County
Editor, GF Online According to the North Schools. Traffic on Long Shoals
Carolina Department of Trans- was one subject discussed.
Write to Jamie at jcummings. portation (NCDOT), a traffic “One thing I’ve learned in signal could cost anywhere dealing with state government
from $50,000 to over $100,000. is that if you go to them and say
Thirty accidents were report- Also, the NCDOT follows ‘Can we have a traffic signal?,’ a
ed at the entrance of Roberson national minimum standards lot of times they will say yes or
between Overlook Road and to determine if a traffic signal no. But if you ask the question
Miami Circle on Long Shoals in is warranted, and in Roberson’s differently and say, ‘what can
the last calendar year alone, ac- case, the traffic does not meet we do to improve traffic, safety,
cording to the Asheville Police those standards. and flow issues?,’ that’s a more
Department. North Carolina House open question that allows for
Smart Tech Although the community Representative Brian Turner a variety of solutions,” Turner
photo/JAY TRULL/golden fleece has repeatedly requested the visited Roberson on Feb. 17 to
In Class NO SIGNAL: Despite community wishes, a new traffic placement of a traffic signal talk with students, teachers and
Check out signal will not be placed outside of Roberson. in the area for years, a simple administrators first hand about see LIGHT on pg 2
how new

is impacting
in the
apply to
Page 3

TO School

by Madi Beddingfeild
Staff Writer
Write to Madi at
Governor’s School, a sum-
Attraction mer enrichment program,
Downtown will once again be held this
museum Immigration trends draw various perspectives year at Salem College and
Meredith College. Com-

draws in bined, the program will take
tourists and mmigration. For hundreds by the Economic in about 600 students in the
locals with of years, it has been one of by Caroline Bowers Write to Caroline at cbowers. Policy Institute, while state for the five and a half
its pinball the primary issues domi- Editor, Golden Fleece many native-born week program. Students
attractions. nating American political workers fear immi- can apply in areas including
Page 7 debate. Consequently, presi- scares me most is that the new ad- grants will take their language, math, science, and
dents throughout American history ministration hasn’t bothered to find jobs, this belief does not always hold visual and performing arts.
have been faced with how to regulate out just what it takes to get into this its ground. “It is very prestigious.
the cycle of immigrants who wish to exclusive club that is America. They The occasional time immigrants Typically, the type of
enter into the United States. are just assuming that the system is could potentially hurt native-born students that go there are
Roberson alumna Hrisanthi Kroi broken. The system isn’t broken. It’s workers, the study found, is during open-minded and are very
was born in Albania and in the past slow and for good reason,” Kroi said. times of economic depression, when focused on their academics;
year, became a United States citizen. Business and finance teacher Jim jobs are already scarce. and they are interested about
Due to an oversight when her parents Galloway, on the other hand, believes “The correlation between immi- learning about the world,”
gained citizenship in 2005, she never that the lengthy citizenship process is gration and the economy depends on guidance counselor Michelle
took the oath of citizenship and a primary problem regarding immi- whether or not we have been in times Wagaman, who is in charge
consequently, was never naturalized. gration into the U.S. He believes that of economic strength or economic of the application process,
She explained her parents’ process as the system does need to be reformed. weakness,” Browning said. “At times said.
Going thorough and expensive with each “There are too many rules and of economic strength, or at least per- Junior Emma Schnei-
of them having to pay $300, fill out a regulations and too long of a time ceived strength, we have had policies der applied for Governor’s
Green lengthy application, and take part in where we encourage immigrants
frame for the immigration process. I School this past year for
In this month’s an interview where they were asked a do, however, believe that there needs coming into the country. For exam- social sciences. That pro-
flip side, find series of questions about the country. to be vetting, and we need to ensure ple, the Bracero Program welcomed gram encompasses politics,
out how the “I wouldn’t say the process is dif- that the information we’re receiving immigrants of Latino descent into sociology, psychology, and
environmental ficult. It’s tedious and expensive. The is true and is correct. I don’t really the United States.” anthropology concepts.
committee is obstacles I faced were just getting all blame the good people for bypassing Past American economist Milton Schneider believes she is
impacting the the documents that U.S. Citizenship the system,” Galloway Friedman has argued that self-motivated and hopes the
environment and Immigration Services required. said. if the United States is going program will open opportu-
with its new I would not recommend anyone go According to the to offer welfare payment to nities for her in the future.
initiatives. through the process without some American Immigration all legal immigrants, then The application process
form of legal guidance,” Kroi said. Center, immigrants “There are too a quota must be set on the requires teacher evaluations,
Page 9 Kroi has concerns over the chang- must first become a legal many rules and permitted number allowed general information and
es that could come to the immigra- permanent resident and into the country. The shift two essays. When applying,
tion process with the new presiden- regulations in immigration, according Schneider found the essay
live in the U.S. for five
tial administration due to what she years before applying for and too long to Friedman, occurred portion of the application
believes is the already subjective citizenship. Then they can of a time in the early 1900s when the most difficult.
nature of the interview process. She apply for the naturaliza- further welfare programs “We had to write a gener-
regards many of the questions inter- tion process, which can frame for the were enacted in the U.S. In al [essay] and one pertaining
viewees are asked as an unfair test of take up to a year. immigration his lecture titled “What is to the field that we applied
acclima- While American immi- America,” Friedman claims for. I wanted to make sure
tion to the gration policies stretch far process.” that free immigration they sounded okay,” she said.
Appétit! country. back into the late 1700s, without welfare programs Like Schneider, senior
“I think the amount of immigra- Jim Brush would be the ideal policy Heather Gelleny found the
Check out what concerning American
tion into the United States essay portion of her appli-
our most immigration.
has fluctuated throughout cation more difficult even
recent food “When we’re talking
review, which the decades. According than having to perform a live
to AP United States History teacher about good, hardworking people, all audition for dance. She was
Robert Browning, no significant they really want is to get a job and accepted and attended the
French toast
turning point occurred in immigra- create a new life for themselves. Most program last summer.
from local
breakfast tion trends, but instead, immigration of these immigrants don’t want to Gelleny, who has been
restaurants. to the United States occurs in come here and sign up for welfare dancing for 15 years, wanted
cycles. and just sit around all day. What’s to expand her knowledge of
Page 12 With every cycle, Browning wrong is letting illegal immigrants dance through the program.
believes, comes resistance in sign up for welfare benefits, creat- When attending Governor’s
various forms. ing a welfare state where we’re just School for choir, dance,
“There have always been pe- helping out the world around us,” instrumental music, the-
riods of mass immigration into Galloway said. atre or visual arts, students
the United States. We still have While the majority of the presi- must attend a live audition.
quotas today, and we still have dents have had to deal with immigra- Gelleny said that although
numbers of people that we tion in some way, Browning believes she has attended auditions
say that we will legally take that Trump’s situation is unique for other events before, her
in every year. Part of that because of his specific platform he nerves really set in for this
is because the transition ran on during his campaign. audition.
Student process into becoming a According to Browning, Trump’s “I felt prepared, but I was
Triathletes citizen can only process proposed and already enacted im- just nervous because I want-
Featuring so many people at once,” migration policies tend to reflect the ed to do well,” she said.
Browning said. Quota Acts of the 1920s, in which the During Gelleny’s stay,
Roberson’s number of immigrants permitted to
One of the primary she took philosophy classes
own tri-sport enter into the country was signifi-
arguments in addition to the set dance
athletes. cantly reduced. Other laws, such as classes each day. She said
Page 15 immi- the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, that one of the best parts of
gration pol- were among those aimed at notably the experience was that she
icies relates restricting immigration. was able to step out of her
back to “I don’t really recall a president comfort zone and meet new
the impact in my lifetime making nearly the people.
immigrants political hay over immigration. All “It was so cool just being
have on the presidents have had to deal with able to meet so many new
the overall it, but as far as I can recall, they have people. It was so different
economy. never addressed it as a core part of from the people that are here
According their campaigns,” Browning said.
Check out to a study
our online! see SCHOOL pg 2

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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