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Involves the right to liberty of and Involves the right to life, liberty and Involves the right to privacy in life,
rightful custody by the aggrieved party security of the aggrieved party and liberty or security of the aggrieved
covers extralegal killings and enforced party and covers extralegal killings
disappearances and enforced disappearances
There is an actual violation of There is an actual or threatened There is an actual or threatened
aggrieved party’s right. violation of aggrieved party’s right. violation of aggrieved party’s right
Respondent: may or may not be an Respondent is a public official or Respondent is a public official or
officer. employee or a private individual or employee or a private individual or
entity. entity engaged in the gathering,
collecting or storing of data or
information regarding the person,
family name and correspondence of
the aggrieved party
Who may file the petition: Who may file the petition: Who may file the petition:
Filed by the party for whose relief it is Filed by the aggrieved party or by any Filed by the aggrieved party; but in
intended or by some person on his qualified person or entity in the cases of extralegal killings and
behalf. following order: enforced disappearances, may be filed
a) any member of the immediate by:
family of the aggrieved party, i.e. a) any member of the immediate
spouse, children and parents; family of the aggrieved party, i.e.
b) any ascendant, descendant or spouse, children and parents;
collateral relative of the aggrieved b) any ascendant, descendant or
party within the fourth civil degree of collateral relative of the aggrieved
consanguinity or affinity; party within the fourth civil degree of
c) any concerned citizen, organization, consanguinity or affinity.
association or institution (right to file is
The filing of the aggrieved party
himself suspends the right to file
petition by other persons.
Upon filing of the petition by an
authorized person suspends the right
to file by others down the order.
Filed before: Filed before: Filed before:
1. RTC or any judge thereof, 1.RTC of the place where the threat 1. RTC where the petitioner or
enforceable within its territorial act or omission was committed or respondent resides, or that
jurisdiction; any of its elements occurred; which has jurisdiction over the
2.CA or any member thereof in 2. Sandiganbayan or any justice place where the data or
instances authorized by law; and thereof; information is gathered collected
3. SC or any member thereof. 3.CA or any justice thereof; and or stored, at the option of
Contents of the signed ve 4.SC or any justice the petitioner
2. SC, CA or Sandiganbayan
when the action concerns public
data files or government offices
Contents of the signed verified Contents of the signed and verified Contents of the signed and verified petition:
petitions: petition: 1. Petitioner’s circumstances.
1. The fact that the person in whose 1. Petitioner’s circumstances. 2. Respondent’s circumstances.
behalf the petition is filed is imprisoned or 2. Respondent’s circumstances 3. Location of the file or database and
restrained of his liberty; 3. The right violated or threatened to the person or entity having custody,
2.The detaining officer or private be violated details of the violation or possession or control.
individual, if unknown or uncertain, threat. 4. Actions and recourses taken by the
such officer or person maybe 4. Investigations conducted petitioner to secure the data or
described by an assumed 5. Actions and recourses taken by the information.
appellation; petitioner in ascertaining the 5. Update, rectification, suppression or
3.The place where the person whereabouts of the aggrieved party. destruction of the file or database or
deprived of his liberty is imprisoned 6. Relief prayed for which may include the enjoinment of the threat.
or detained; and a general prayer for other just and 6. General prayer to other just and
4.A copy of the commitment or cause equitable reliefs. equitable reliefs.
of detention of such person, if it can
be procured without impairing the
efficiency of the remedy, or the fact
that the imprisonment or detention
is without any legal authority
If granted by SC or CA or any The writ shall be enforceable The writ shall be enforceable
member of such courts, it is anywhere in the Philippines anywhere in the Philippines regardless
enforceable anywhere in the regardless of who issued the same. of who issued the same.
Philippines; if granted by the RTC or a
judge thereof, it is enforceable only
within his judicial district.
If granted by the SC or CA or any If issued by the RTC or any judge If issued by the RTC or any judge
member of such courts, it may be thereof, it is returnable before such thereof, it shall be returnable before
made returnable before the court or court or judge. such court or judge.
any member thereof or before an RTC If issued by the Sandiganbayan or If issued by the CA or the
or any judge thereof. the CA or any of their justices, it Sandiganbayan or any of its
If granted by the RTC or a judge may be returnable before such court justices, it may be returnable before
thereof, it is returnable before himself or any justice thereof, or to any RTC such court or any justice thereof, or to
of the place where the threat, act or any RTC of the place where the
omission was committed or any of its petitioner or respondent resides or that
elements occurred. which has jurisdiction over the place
If issued by the SC or any of its where the data or information is
justices, it may be returnable before gathered, collected or stored.
such Court or any justice thereof, or If issued by the SC or any of its
the Sandiganbayan or CA or any of justices, it may be returnable before
their justices, or to any RTC of the such Court or any justice thereof, or
place where the threat, act or before the CA or the Sandiganbayan
omission was committed or any of its or any of its justices, or to any RTC of
elements occurred. the place where the petitioner or
The writ shall be immediately issued respondent resides or that which has
upon filing of a valid petition jurisdiction over the place where the
substantial in form and content. data or information is gathered,
The clerk of court shall issue the writ collected or stored.
under the seal of the court. Except in The writ shall be immediately issued
emergency cases which may be upon filing of a valid petition
issued by the judge or justice The writ shall set substantial in form and content.
the date and time for The clerk of court shall issue the writ
summary hearing within 7 days from under the seal of the court; shall be served by the
the issuance of the writ. clerk within 3 days from
issuance. In case of emergency, the
writ maybe issued by a justice or
The writ shall set the date and time for
summary hearing within 10 days from
Petitioner is exempted from payment Only an indigent petitioner is not
of docket and other lawful fees. required to pay docket and other
lawful fees.
Date and time of hearing is specified Summary hearing shall be conducted Summary hearing shall be conducted
in the writ. not later than 7 days from the date of not later than 10 work days from the
the issuance of the writ. date of the issuance of the writ
Served to the person to whom it is Served upon the respondent Served upon the respondent
directed; and if not found or has not personally, but if it cannot be served personally, but if it cannot be served
the prisoner in his custody, to the personally, the rules on substituted personally, the rules on substituted
other person having or exercising service shall apply. service shall apply.
such custody. A copy is served on the respondent A copy is served on the respondent
and the sheriff retains a copy on which and the sheriff retains a copy on which
to make a return of service. to make a return of service.
The person who makes the return is The person who files the return is the The person who files the return is the
the officer by whom the prisoner is respondent. The return must be filed respondent. The return must be filed
imprisoned or the person in whose within 5 days from the service of the within 5 days from the service of the
custody the prisoner is found. writ. writ.
Contents of the Return: Contents of the Return: Contents of the Return:
1. Whether or not he has custody over 4. Lawful defenses available to 1. Lawful defenses available.
the aggrieved party; the respondent. 2. If the respondent has possession or
2. The authority and the true and 5. The actions and steps taken by control of the data or information:
whole cause of detention; the petitioner in determining the a. He must disclose the data or
3. if the party detained cannot be whereabouts of the aggrieved information, its nature, and the
produced, he must state the sickness party and the identity of the purpose of his collection.
or infirmity; violator. b. The actions and steps taken in
4. if he has transferred the custody, he 6. All information relevant to the order to secure the confidentiality of
shall state whom the person was case. the data or information.
transferred, time, cause and authority 7. Actions taken by the public c. The accuracy of the data or
of such transfer. official: a. In verifying the identity of information in his possession or control.
the aggrieved party. 3. All relevant allegations.
b. Recovery and preservation A general denial of the allegations in
of the evidence for the the petition shall not be allowed
c. Determine the
circumstances surrounding
the death of
d. Identify and apprehend the
persons involved.
e. Bring the suspected
offender to the court.
A general denial of the allegations in
the petition shall not be allowed.
Effects of failure to file a return: Effects of failure to file a return:
If the respondent fails to file a return, The Court, justice or judge shall
the court, justice or judge shall proceed to hear the petition ex parte,
proceed to hear the petition ex parte granting the petitioner such relief as
the petition may warrant unless the
court in its discretion requires
petitioner to submit evidence.
Sec. 12 Sec. 14. The court, justice or judge NOT applicable.
1. Unless for good cause shown, the may grant interim reliefs, to wit:
hearing is adjourned, in which temporary protection order, inspection
event the court shall make an order, production order and witness
order for the safe keeping of the protection order.
person imprisoned or restrained
as the nature of the case
2. The court or judge must be
satisfied that the person’s illness
is so grave that he cannot be
produced without any danger
There are prohibited pleadings and There are prohibited pleadings and
motions. motions.
There is no presumption that official
duty has been regularly performed.
Period of appeal is within 48 hours Period of appeal shall be 5 working Period of appeal shall be 5 working
from notice of the judgment or final days from the date of notice of the days from the date of notice of the
order appealed from. The appeal shall adverse judgment. Filed with SC thru judgment or final order. Filed with SC
be filed to the Supreme Court under RULE 45. Given the same priority as thru RULE 45. Given the same priority
Rule 45. (Tan Chin Hui v. Rodriguez, that of Habeas Corpus as that of Habeas Corpus.
G.R. No. 137571, September 21,
Quantum of proof is clear and Quantum of proof is substantial
convincing evidence. evidence.
If the petition cannot proceed for a
valid cause, it shall not be dismissed
by the court, but it must be archived.
After 2 years from notice of the
archiving of the petition, it shall be
dismissed with prejudice upon failure
to prosecute.
Substantive rights cannot be Substantive rights cannot be
increased, diminished or modified increased, diminished or modified
The Rules of Court applies The Rules of Court applies
suppletorily. suppletorily.
RULE 103 RULE 108 R.A. NO. 9048
Substantial change of name Cancellation or Correction of Clerical Error Act
Entries in the Civil Registry
(Substantial and adversary, if
change affects the civil status,
citizenship or nationality; Summary,
if it involves mere clerical errors.)
Change of full name Change or corrections in the civil Change of first name and nickname and
registry entries (substantial civil registry entries (only typographical
corrections): or clerical errors)
Births, marriages, deaths, legal
separation, judgments of
annulments of marriage, judgments
declaring void a marriage,
legitimations, adoptions,
acknowledgment of natural
children, naturalizations, election,
loss or recovery of citizenship, civil
interdiction, judicial determination
of filiation.
Who may file: A person desiring to change his Who may file: Any person interested in any act, Who may file: Any person having direct and
name files a petition. event, order or decree concerning personal
the civil status of persons which interest in the correction of a clerical or
has been recorded in the civil typographical error in an entry and/or
register. change of first name or nick name files a
verified petition in a form of an affidavit
RTC of the province in which the RTC of the city or province where 1. Local civil registry office of the city or
petitioner resides for 3 years prior the corresponding civil registry is municipality where the record being
to the filing, or, in the City of located sought to be corrected or changed is
Manila, to the Juvenile and kept;
Domestic Relations Court 2. Local civil registrar of the place where
the interested party is presently
residing or domiciled (transient
3. Philippine consulates
a) That the petitioner has been a 1. Facts necessary to establish the
bona fide resident of the merits of the petition;
province where the petition is 2. Particular erroneous entry or entries,
filed for at least 3 years prior which are sought to be corrected
to the date of filing; and/or the change sought to be made.
b) The cause for which the The petition shall be supported with the
change of the petitioner’s following documents:
name is sought; a) Certified true machine copy of the
c) The name asked for; certificate or of the page of the registry book
d) All names by which petitioner is known containing the entry or
entries sought to be corrected or
b) At least 2 public or private documents
showing the correct entry or entries
upon which the correction or change
shall be based; and
c) Other documents which the petitioner
or the city or municipal civil registrar
or the consul general may consider
relevant and necessary for the
approval of the petition.
a) Name is ridiculous, tainted with Upon good and valid grounds, the a) First name or nickname is ridiculous,
dishonor or extremely difficult entries in the civil registry may be tainted with dishonor or extremely
to write or pronounce; cancelled and corrected. difficult to write and pronounce;
b) Consequence of change of b) The new first name or nickname has
status; been habitually and continuously used
c) Necessity to avoid confusion; by the petitioner and he has been
d) Having continuously used and publicly known by that first name or
been known since childhood nickname in the community; or
by a Filipino name, unaware of c) To avoid confusion
his/her alien parentage;
e) A sincere desire to adopt a
Filipino name to erase signs of
former alienage all in good
faith and
Judicial Summary proceeding Administrative
This can be converted to an
adversarial proceeding if there
are substantial changes and
affect the status of an individual
Signed and verified petition Verified petition for the Verified petition in the form of Affidavit
cancellation or correction of any
At least once a week for three At least once a week for three At least once a week for 2 consecutive
consecutive weeks in a consecutive weeks in a weeks (publish the whole affidavit)
newspaper of general circulation newspaper of general circulation Duty of the civil registrar or Consul to post
(notice of hearing) (notice of hearing) the petition in a conspicuous place for 10
No posting No posting consecutive days
Service of judgment shall be upon Service of judgment shall be Transmittal of decision to civil registrar
the civil register concerned. upon the civil register concerned concerned.
Solicitor General or the proper Civil Registrar is an indispensable
provincial or city fiscal shall appear party.
on behalf of the Republic.
Civil Registrar is not a party to the

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