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Impacts of soil microbial communities

on exotic plant invasions
Inderjit1 and Wim H. van der Putten2,3
Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE), University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India
Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, P.O. Box 40, 6666 ZG Heteren, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Nematology, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8123, 6700 ES Wageningen, The Netherlands

Soil communities can have profound effects on inva- invasiveness [11–14]. Soil biota that are native in the
sions of ecosystems by exotic plant species. We propose invaded range exert neutral or positive [15] feedbacks on
that there are three main pathways by which this can exotic plants (Box 1). These can enhance interspecific
happen. First, plant–soil feedback interactions in the competitiveness of the exotic plants, since many native
invaded range are neutral to positive, whereas native plant species are subject to negative feedback effects [16–
plants predominantly suffer from negative soil feedback 19]. The phenomenon whereby exotic plants are released
effects. Second, exotic plants can manipulate local soil from specialist, or virulent enemies is called ‘Enemy
biota by enhancing pathogen levels or disrupting com- Release’ [20]. Exotic plants, however, are still exposed to
munities of root symbionts, while suffering less from the local enemies of the new range [21,22]. These local
this than native plants. Third, exotic plants produce enemies might exert negative feedback effects on the exotic
allelochemicals toxic to native plants that cannot be plants, and this could suppress their invasiveness [22]. The
detoxified by local soil communities, or that become phenomenon that exotic species are controlled by enemies
more toxic following microbial conversion. We discuss that are natural in the invaded range is called ‘Biotic
the need for integrating these three pathways in order to Resistance’ [20]. Nevertheless, when exotic plants accumu-
further understand how soil communities influence exo- late local pathogens while remaining less affected than the
tic plant invasions. native plant species, plant invasiveness might be enhanced
[23]. Similar effects have been shown for aboveground
Soil biota, invasive species and plant communities viruses in exotic tussock grasses that invade Californian
Invasive species are a major threat to community compo- grasslands. The viruses accumulate on the exotic grasses
sition and ecosystem processes worldwide [1]. Recent stu- and then spread to the surrounding native plants, where
dies on exotic plants have revealed a wide variety of plant– they reduce native plant performance [24]. Finally, exotic
soil interactions that might lead to enhanced plant inva- plants can exude chemicals that are novel to the local soil
siveness in the new range. There have been several reviews communities. Non-adaptation could hamper the ability of
on interactions between invasive exotic plants and soil the naı̈ve soil microbes to deal with novel chemicals or the
communities, which argue that these interactions have microbes could transform innocuous novel chemicals into
been severely overlooked as a factor explaining plant toxic chemicals [25].
invasiveness [2–7]. Here, we review and synthesize infor- In order to enhance conceptual understanding of all
mation on plant–soil community interactions and develop these different exotic plant–soil microorganism inter-
a conceptual framework that will enhance our understand- actions, we develop a framework that includes the various
ing of how interactions and processes in the belowground types of interactions within the framework of the three
world might contribute to plant invasiveness. We identify pathways and show how it will promote plant invasion
three major pathways of plant–soil community inter- (Box 1).
actions, each containing mechanistically different, but
conceptually similar types of interactions that might Plant–soil feedbacks in the non-native range
promote plant invasiveness. These are: plant–soil feed- The rhizosphere is the narrow zone of soil surrounding the
backs in the non-native range, impact of exotic plants on root in which the abundance and composition of microbial
soil communities of the non-native range and responses of population are influenced by the presence of roots or their
naı̈ve soil communities to novel chemicals. Such knowledge exudates [10]. Soil microbial communities that accumulate
of plant–soil community interactions will be pivotal for in the rhizosphere of a specific plant can have positive or
developing integrated approaches for counteracting the negative feedback effects on the plant that cultivates them,
negative impacts of invasive plants. Although soil harbors or on the offspring of that plant (Box 1). These feedback
a wide variety of micro- and macro-organisms, we focus on effects are the net result of all positive and negative
soil microbial communities, because their interactions influences emerging from the soil biota in that community.
with exotic plants have been studied most [8–10]. Negative plant–soil feedback controls abundance, because
Soil microbial communities influence the establishment the plants will not be able to stay productive throughout
of exotic plants in their new range, and contribute to their lifetime [18], or their offspring will not be able to
establish close to the parents [26]. It will also promote
Corresponding author: Inderjit, ( coexistence, as plants become less competitive towards
512 0169-5347/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2010.06.006 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25 (2010) 512–519
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

Box 1. Plant–soil feedbacks and exotic plant invasion

Plants are in constant feedback interactions with soil pathogens, soil chemistry, symbiotic mutualists, or accumulated local patho-
root herbivores, symbionts, decomposers, carnivores and antago- gens. All these factors may suppress the performance of native
nists. The net effects of these interactions are conceptualized as plants, here represented as a wilted seedling. This indirect
plant–soil feedback and are usually assessed by growing plants in suppression of native plants will enhance the competitiveness of
soil previously conditioned by individuals of the same plant species. the exotic, thereby enhancing its invasive dominance. In Figure I, ‘+’
Plant–soil feedback interactions have a direct component, which indicates a net positive feedback or impact and ‘ ’ a net negative
concerns the soil biota that interact intimately with living plant feedback. Direct effects of soil communities include (i) local soil
roots, and indirect effects concerning soil organisms that decom- communities, including soil pathogens and root herbivores that
pose exudates and dead plant tissues [8] (Figure I). Here, in order to resist invasion [30], (ii) native soil biota, including plant growth
better understand how plant-soil feedback promotes invasiveness, promoting rhizobacteria that can create a positive feedback [15], and
we extend the indirect effects, as most plant–soil interactions (iii) complete or partial release from enemies (such as fungi or
change the competitiveness of the host plant, which ultimately viruses) [21]. Indirect effects of soil communities contributing to the
determines performance of individual species in plant communities. invasion success of an exotic plant are (i) accumulation of native soil
In Figure I, direct plant–soil feedback interactions between soil biota pathogens in the presence of an exotic plant [23,34], (ii) disruption
and host plants are depicted on the left side. On the right side, of mutualistic associations between native mutualistic symbionts
effects of nutrients released from plant litter act indirectly, as they and seedlings of native plants [41,44], (iii) degradation of innocuous
must pass through a stage of decomposing dead plant tissues. novel chemicals released by exotic plants into toxic by-products by

Then, on the far right side of Figure I, another set of indirect
interactions is shown, concerning exotic plant-mediated changes in
native soil microbes [25], and (iv) nutrient release from exotic litter
by decomposers [57,58,67].

Figure I. Direct and indirect effects in plant-soil feedback interactions and consequences for exotic plant invasions.

other species [2,11,27]. Positive feedback effects, on the suppressed the growth of rare plant species, but did not
other hand, result in the dominance of plants, since affect or even enhanced the growth of native dominant and
microbial symbionts and other growth-promoting soil exotic plants. This study clearly demonstrated the link
microorganisms intensify interspecific competition [11]. between negative soil feedback and plant abundance and
Positive plant–soil feedback will also enhance intraspecific suggested that invasive exotic plants benefit from release
competition. Most feedback effects observed in nature so of soil-borne enemies.
far have been negative [11,17]. The first study showing that plant–soil feedback of an
In a seminal study, Klironomos [16] compared the exotic plant was negative in its native range, but neutral to
plant–soil feedback effects of exotic, native dominant positive in the non-native range was carried out by Rein-
and native rare plants in a Canadian grassland of old field hart and co-workers [28]. They investigated the invasion of
soil. Soil colonized by individuals of the same species Prunus serotina, a tree species native to the USA but

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

invasive in Europe. Biogeographical experiments in the plant species that did become invasive in their new range.
native and non-native ranges led to the suggestion that, What we lack in testing the enemy release hypothesis are
while soil microbial communities in the native range in the negative controls. Negative controls can include exotic
USA kill seedlings of P. serotina, soil microbes in the non- plants that have not become invasive. If these plants are
native range in Europe exert a neutral to slightly positive also released from their natural enemies and if they do not
feedback on seedling growth [28]. Recently, it has been encounter biotic resistance from soil communities in their
shown that P. serotina has not escaped all soil pathogens, new range, it means other factors must be preventing these
but it has escaped the most virulent species [29]. DNA- species from becoming invasive. Such examples should be
sequencing-based studies such as this open up new ave- studied in relation to plant community interactions and
nues for work on the identity of soil pathogens involved in would be useful in order to place release from soil-borne
controlling plant abundance in the native range. and aboveground enemies into a better perspective.
Callaway et al. [15] provided further evidence that local
soil microbial communities can promote the performance of Impact of exotic plants on soil communities of
an invasive exotic plant through positive soil feedback. the non-native range
They compared performance of Centaurea maculosa, a Exotic plants can accumulate local pathogens in their
Eurasian invader in northwestern USA, in soil collected rhizosphere, and this can suppress native plants. When
from the native (European) and non-native (North Amer- the exotic plants suffer relatively less from these local
ican) ranges. Whereas sterilization of soil from the non- pathogens than the native plants, pathogen accumulation
native range tended to decrease C. maculosa growth, will provide the exotic plants with an indirect advantage
sterilization of soil from the native range improved its in competition with the natives (see Boxes 1 and 2).
growth. This suggested that in the native range, soil com- This is known as the Accumulation of Local Pathogens
munities control plant growth, whereas in the non-native hypothesis [23]. While examining the invasion success of
range the soil communities tend to enhance plant growth. Chromolaena odorata, a destructive tropical invader in
These benefits that exotic plants get from local soil the Western Ghats of India, Mangla et al. [34] provided
communities might not apply to every exotic plant and empirical evidence supporting the accumulation of
they might not last forever. For example, Nijjer et al. [30] local pathogens hypothesis. Rhizosphere soils of C. odorata
showed that Sepium sebiferum, a woody invader in the accumulate high concentrations of a generalist soil
USA, experienced growth reduction in soil collected near pathogen, which suppresses native plant species, since
conspecifics (home soil) compared to heterospecifics (away these are more sensitive to the pathogen than the invader
soil). Fungicides reduced this growth-reducing effect in itself [34]. Interestingly, another study on C. odorata, this
home soil, suggesting that this invader might generate time interacting with the native grass Panicum maximum
soil pathogen activity over time. A very recent study from in South Africa, did not reveal accumulation of local
New Zealand [31] confirmed that invasive exotic plants pathogen effects [35]. Therefore, the role of the accumu-
might develop negative soil feedback from the time of lation of local pathogens in enhancing plant invasiveness
introduction. Dietz et al. [31] compared 12 plant species appears to depend on the combination of invader and local
that have become introduced to New Zealand over the last plant species examined and possibly also on the habitat
210 years. There was a clear correlation between length of invaded by the exotic plant.
time since introduction and the strength of negative feed- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a common endo-
back: plant species that were introduced longest ago had mycorrhizal association produced by phycomycetous fungi
the strongest negative soil feedback. The mechanism of and characterized by the development, within root cells, of
this effect remains unexplained. small branched structures called arbuscules [10]. Until
Ageratina adenophora, an aggressive subtropical Mex- recently, it had been proposed that invasive exotic plants
ican invader, is rapidly spreading in India and China. could easily make use of AMF, because interactions with
Through glasshouse studies, Niu et al. [32] found that soil these fungi had been assumed to be relatively non-specific
microbial communities associated with native plants exert [36]. However, these mutualistic symbionts are probably
a positive impact on A. adenophora and a negative impact far less generalist than had been supposed previously [37].
on native plants. Once the invader has established itself in This might explain why invasive exotic plants reveal a
the non-native range, it increases the abundance of arbus- range of effects on AMF [38]. It has been suggested that the
cular mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, as well as an increase in weedy nature of many invasive exotic plants is correlated
the abundance of fungi relative to bacteria. The induction with lower mycorrhizal-dependence [39], but there are
of this shift in soil microbial communities by A. adenophora relatively few examples of studies that actually test mycor-
can facilitate its growth and suppress native plants. Prin- rhizal effects on exotic plants. In a comparative study, the
gle et al. [33] proposed a conceptual framework to under- mycorrhizal status of invasive exotic plants was found to
stand the role of mycorrhizal symbioses in plant invasions. depend on the plant species with which the exotic species
These authors suggested that after an exotic plant has co-occur and the habitat that they invade [40]. These
established in its new range, it can influence or be influ- results suggest that the success of invasive exotic plants
enced by mycorrhizal symbioses specific to itself and to the depends on which mycorrhizal fungi are available.
non-native soil. These changes can influence establish- The framework of the Accumulation of Local Pathogens
ment and survival of native plants. hypothesis [23] can be extended to include ‘suppression of
Most studies that have examined plant–soil feedback symbiotic mutualists’, since exotic plants can reduce the
effects of exotic plants have focused on the very few exotic mycorrhizal inoculum in the invaded soil. In this way,

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

Box 2. Soil-borne communities and Ammophila arenaria invasion

Soil borne communities (nematodes and fungi) restrict the growth of Lotka–Volterra-based model [11] to analyze how interactions between
Ammophila arenaria in Europe, its native range [18]. Ammophila soil communities and exotic plants could explain the invasion success
arenaria is invasive in North America, South Africa, Southern of A. arenaria. Results from this model [23] suggested that in
Australia and New Zealand. Specialist pathogenic nematodes are California, A. arenaria accumulates local pathogens, which reduce
absent in the introduced range [68]; however, the plant’s escape from the invader to some extent, but which reduce the performance of
enemies appears to be only partial considering the negative soil native plant species more profoundly. This led the model’s authors to
feedback it experiences in California [22]. In South Africa, Sporobulus propose the ‘Accumulation of Local Pathogens’ hypothesis suggest-
virginicus harbors pathogenic fungi in its rhizosphere, and these offer ing that invasive plants may benefit indirectly from local soil
biotic resistance to A. arenaria [21]. Water could also be a limiting pathogens even when they experience negative soil feedback,
factor in South Africa, since water limitation makes A. arenaria less assuming that they are more tolerant of the local soil pathogens
invasive [69]. In the native range, nematodes are abundant in A. than are the native plants. Empirical support for this hypothesis
arenaria soil. Van der Stoel et al. [70] found that negative plant–soil comes from spill-over literature; for example, introduced tussock
feedback in the native range of the plant follows root colonization in grasses in California can enhance the abundance of local viruses that
newly deposited sand and colonization of the young roots by in turn have more negative effects on native plants than on the
endoparasitic nematodes Heterodera arenaria and Pratylenchus spp. invaders [24]. Thus, A. arenaria invasion combines aspects of the

In order to understand invasiveness of A. arenaria in California
despite the local soil-borne biotic resistance, Eppinga et al. [23] built a
enemy release, biotic resistance and accumulation of local pathogens
hypotheses, as outlined in the scheme Figure I below.

Figure I. Results of interactions between Ammophila arenaria and soil organisms for its control and abundance in the native and non-native ranges.

invasive exotic plants can indirectly reduce the growth of Besides their effects on mycorrhizal fungi, exotic plants
native plants by reducing the abundance and diversity of can make use of other symbionts to change plant com-
local AMF communities on which the natives depend. For munity composition and ecosystem development. For
example, the effect of the non-mycorrhizal exotic invasive example, the fungal endosymbiont Neotyphodium coeno-
forb Alliaria petiolata, on AMF [41] and ectomycorrhizal phialum, associated with the non-native fescue grass
fungi [42] has been studied in North America. AMF and Lolium arundinaceum, slows down succession from grass-
ectomycorrhizal fungi are both phylogenetically and func- land to forest [44]. Soil mutualists contribute to the inva-
tionally distinct, and so might have different responses to A. sion success of Acacia longifolia, an invasive plant of
petiolata invasion [42]. The invasive plant indirectly inhibits Portuguese coastal dunes [45]. This plant species increases
native tree regeneration by suppressing ectomycorrhizal its aboveground biomass in low N soils due to heavy
fungi on which native tree seedlings depend [41,42]. Call- nodulation resulting in symbiotic N fixation. Invasive exo-
away et al. [43] found that A. petiolata suppressed root tic plants can also reduce abundance and performance of
colonization by AMF and ectomycorrhizal fungi, and certain N-fixing microbes, such as was suggested based on sup-
native mycorrhizal species in the non-native range. No pression of AM fungi. This will reduce growth of Acacia
similar impacts were observed when A. petiolata was grown species in Amaranthus viridis-invaded soil. Aqueous root
in native soils. Indirect evidence suggested that inhibition of extract of Amaranthus viridis inhibited rhizobia develop-
non co-evolved AMF is due to specific flavonoid molecules ment [46], suggesting that the exotic plants can interfere
released by A. petiolata, whereas in the native range, AMF with the symbiotic relationships between the native pants
may not have to be sensitive to these compounds [43]. and their symbionts. This and other mechanisms of indir-
However, studies on suppression of mycorrhizal fungi ect influencing of native plants by exotics operating
should include more negative controls than thus far. For through symbioses other than mycorrhizal fungi have been
example, by including habitats in the native range where rarely explored. Nevertheless, considering the importance
the exotic invader is not occurring naturally. Including such of these symbioses, their altered activity has profound
treatments helps to determine if non-adapted mycorrhizal importance as explanations of how exotic plants can
fungi are sensitive or not to A. petiolata in its native range. become invasive.

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

Responses of naı̈ve soil communities to novel chemicals community of glucosinolates exuded by A. petiolata [54]. It
Some exotic plant species produce chemicals that are novel is therefore possible that soil microbial communities from
to native plants in the invaded range. These chemicals the non-native range might start degrading the novel
could be phytotoxic to plants that are native in the invaded chemicals produced by exotic plants, thereby reducing
range. Plant species native to the region from which the their invasive potential over time.
exotic plants originated are less likely to be affected by As well as degrading allelopathic chemicals, local soil
these chemicals probably due to a history of co-evolution communities can alternatively enhance the allelopathic
with the plant species producing them. This concept pro- potential of an exotic plant (Box 1). Phragmites australis
vides the basis for the Novel Weapons Hypothesis [47,48] is a noxious invader in marshes in North America. Higher
and the effects might also stretch to the microbial commu- levels of polymeric gallotannin were reported in the exotic
nities of the non-native range. The novel weapons hypoth- invasive P. australis plants compared to plants from native
esis is largely based on studies of the role of catechin in the non-invasive P. australis populations [25]. Higher pro-
invasion success of Centaurea maculosa in North America duction and activity of tannase by native plants and soil
[47]. This interesting and intriguing concept is still heavily microbial communities in the non-native soils results in
debated because of the low phytotoxicity and poor recovery the degradation of biologically inactive gallotannins to a
of catechin from invaded soil [49–51]. Here, we focus on the potent chemical, gallic acid, that might contribute to inva-
how novel chemicals influence microbial communities and sion success of P. australis [25]. Experimental studies of
their functioning. This is an aspect that has received this potential mechanism and the proportional contri-
relatively little attention. bution to Phragmites invasiveness have yet to be carried
Novel chemicals released from exotic plants might, or out. These and other results in this area suggest that
might not be decomposed by soil biota from the non-native degradation of novel chemicals by soil microbial commu-
range. It has been generally supposed that soil decomposer nities, as well as adaptation to novel chemicals at the
organisms have relatively low specificity. However, recent species and community level might be involved in some
studies have suggested that leaf litter can be better decom- plant invasions.
posed by soil communities from under trees that have
produced the litter than when the litter has been collected Integration of mechanisms explaining invasiveness
further away [52]. The same principle could apply to the The three pathways discussed above represent concep-
degradation of plant chemicals. However, empirical evi- tually different types of soil microbial community involve-
dence for this assumption is lacking. If soil microbes do not ment in exotic plant invasions but they are to some extent
degrade the novel chemicals well enough, the chemicals interlinked. For example, Blumenthal et al. [55] examined
might accumulate and reach toxic levels. In the native the effects of a number of pathogens hosted by exotic
range, soil microbes will have evolved with these com- invasive plants in the USA, compared to effects in the
pounds, and so it is possible that microbial genotypes or native ranges of the plants in Europe. Their results suggest
species capable of degrading the chemicals have been that plants from native resource-rich environments are
selected. If that were true, there would be less need for released more from pathogens in their non-native range
co-occurring plants in the native range to be tolerant of than plants from low resource habitats. This hypothesis
these chemicals, as decomposition by the native soil fits with the observation that many invasive exotic plants
microbes prevents accumulation to toxic levels. are early succession weeds, since these can be most sensi-
In a more than 50 year chronosequence study of A. tive to negative feedback effects from the soil community
petiolata invasion, Lankau et al. [53] found that both the [56]. Mid- and late-succession plant species, on the other
production of glucosinolates by A. petiolata and the associ- hand, have a more neutral to positive feedback interaction
ated soil-mediated effects of this chemical decline with with their soil communities [56]. Thus, release from (soil)
time. Seeds of A. petiolata from 44 populations across pathogens is more likely to enhance invasiveness of fast
the selected range were planted in a common experimental growing plant species adapted to resource-rich environ-
garden for three months to determine root glucosinolate ments than it is to enhance slow-growing plant species
levels. Soil previously grown with A. petiolata for three from resource poor environments. Early succession weeds
months was used to study the performance of three native are also more likely to disrupt mycorrhizal communities in
plants, Plantanus occidentalis, Juglans nigra and Quercus the invaded range, because the weeds are less mycorrhizal
rubra. All of the three native plants produced more bio- dependent.
mass in soil conditioned by A. petiolata that originated Exotic plants also have significant influence on catabolic
from old invasion sites. Least biomass was produced in soil diversity of the soil microbial communities, which in turn
conditioned by exotic populations from recently invaded can influence nutrient cycling and ecosystem processes
sites. Although evidence at the microbial level is lacking, [57]. The metabolic responses of soil microbial commu-
these results suggest there is selection acting on the soil nities depend on the substrate produced by the exotic
microbial communities resulting in enhanced capacity to plants and the microbial diversity in the soil [57]. It is
degrade the allelochemicals. Indirect evidence for the still uncertain whether or not invasive exotic plants
degradation of glucosinolates in the non-native range is enhance litter decomposition and nutrient cycling [4].
provided in a study of the suppression of Platanus occi- One well-known example is that of invasion by Myrica
dentalis seedlings by non-native A. petiolata [54]. Allelo- faya, an actinorhizal N-fixer, of young volcanic sites in
pathic suppression of P. occidentalis was observed only in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. This has resulted in an
sterile soils, suggesting the possible degradation by the soil increase in the amount and mineralization of soil N, and

(Figure_1)TD$IG][ Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

Figure 1. Synthesis of pathways on the impact of soil communities on exotic plant invasion illustrating trade-offs between and among species or genotypes from low and
high resource areas. High resource species are strongly inhibited by enemies in their native range in comparison with low resource species [56], whereas species from low
resource areas have traded off growth against defense [64]. Species invading from high resource areas will have the disproportionate advantage of being released from
natural enemies [55,72]. Their low mycorrhizal dependence can lead to disruption of mycorrhizal communities [39,41,71]. As a speculation, accumulation of local pathogens
might be prominent in species from high resource areas, but there is a possibility that they will develop negative soil feedback with time since introduction [31]. Species
from low resource areas will be less competitive, provided that there are costs involved in the production of secondary plant compounds. This trait will be under negative
selection if it is less functional in the introduced range [53]. It is not known if novel chemistry is a trait of all exotic plant species, or just species from low(er) resource areas.
Novel chemistry could have negative consequences for nutrient mineralization, when it makes litter less decomposable.

has thus influenced N availability [58]. However, only few [31,53] (Figure 1). Therefore, studies that aim to explain
invasive exotic plants fix aerial nitrogen. Effects of non- the invasiveness of exotic plants should test a variety of
nitrogen fixers on nutrient cycling can be highly variable hypotheses and determine how these can combine (or not),
[59,60]. There has been relatively little work on the effects depending on the model species used for the study.
of exotic plants on nutrient cycling and its influence on the
decomposition of allelochemicals in the soil [61,62]. Concluding remarks
Enemy release has both a short- and long-term In conclusion, our understanding of the role of soil microbes
advantage, which lasts until native enemies develop on in the invasion success of exotics has progressed enor-
the exotic plants [31]. The advantages of accumulating mously during the past decade. However, many questions
local pathogens and producing novel chemistry, on the remain, largely because soil is often considered to be a
other hand have an advantage that starts to become black box in many experimental studies. Examining how
operative only when the exotic plants have become estab- plant–soil microbe feedbacks interact with ecological
lished; they first need to germinate, grow and produce disturbance, novel chemicals and soil fertility would shed
these biota and/or compounds [63]. Indirect evidence does light on the role of soil communities in the functioning of
suggest that root exudates or leachates of Chromolaena natural ecosystems before and after invasion. These stu-
odorata encourage accumulation of native soil pathogens dies would also stimulate debate about how belowground
in the plant’s invaded range in Western Ghats, India [34]. interactions contribute to explanations of why relatively
In principle, plants could have all three advantages of few exotic plant species become so invasive [65]. There are
enemy release, accumulation of local pathogens and the many methodological challenges in identifying the role of
production of novel chemicals, but there can also be trade- particular soil microbes in plant invasion, including the
offs between these traits (Figure 1), as has been argued for high diversity of microbes in soil, the difficulty of identify-
growth versus defense in aboveground plant–enemy inter- ing microbes to species level and the declining number of
actions [64]. Moreover, these effects can be under selection, microbial taxonomists [66]. Although it will be a daunting
so that they might vary over time during invasion history task to establish the role of a particular soil fungus,

Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution Vol.25 No.9

bacterium or virus in the invasion success of exotic plants, 28 Reinhart, K.O. et al. (2003) Plant-soil biota interactions and spatial
distribution of black cherry in its native and invasive ranges. Ecol. Lett.
such efforts can provide a breakthrough in understanding
6, 1046–1050
and predicting the course of plant invasions over time. 29 Reinhart, K.O. et al. (2010) Virulence of soil-borne pathogens and
invasion by Prunus serotina. New Phytol. 186, 484–495
Acknowledgements 30 Nijjer, S. et al. (2007) Negative plant-soil feedbacks may limit
Inderjit is funded by the University of Delhi, Council of Scientific & persistence of an invasive tree due to rapid accumulation of soil
Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Department of Science & Technology pathogens. P. Roy. Soc. B 274, 2621–2627
(DST). WvdP holds an NWO-ALW VICI-grant. We appreciate the 31 Diez, J.M., Dickie, I., Edwards, G., Hulme, P.E., Sullivan, J.J. and
valuable constructive comments of three anonymous reviewers. Duncan, R.P. (2010) Negative soil feedbacks accumulate over time for
non-native plant species. Ecol. Lett. 13, 803–809
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