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Dialectical Journal

Title of Text:
Today’s Reading: Chapter or page number_____________ to Chapter or page number ______________

Text Notes & Noticings Reaction/Commentary/Question

Quote/Note/Figurative Language (one of each)

1.’’who ever would marry Lydia ! “” was excited for me

2.their songs are like those of birds in a cage. 2. why wasn’t he in the meaning house
when he took delight in being a Christian?

3.the years went on and Amos Learned the 3.”i want to marry her”
trade of a tanner.

Two Important Events in this Section Thoughts/Predictions (one each)

MIT (Most Important Thing)

What was the most important event that happened in this section? Why? (complete sentence(s))

Connect the Dots

Personally relate something in this section to your experiences or another text that you have read.
Figurative Language Reference Guide
alliteration -- the use of initial consonant sounds in words that occur close together. This is a poetic
device used to add rhythm to poetry. Example: Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

metaphor -- when a word or phrase compares two unlike things to show a likeness. Metaphors can help
readers identify with the objects being compared. Example: “Life is a journey”; “he was a raging

personification -- when we give human qualities to objects or animals. Examples:

"The door dreams of opening to worlds unknown." (doors cannot dream)
"Birds thank me for water as they splash about in the pond." (birds do not speak)

simile -- a phrase that compares two unlike things to show a likeness -- a simile uses the words "like" or
"as" to compare. Example:
"Her eyes are as green as a granny smith apple."

The use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an object or an action.
Example: snap, crackle, pop, buzz

An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true. Tall tales are
hyperboles. Examples: I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.” “Your bag weighs a ton.”

imagery: Imagery deals with the senses. It is language which describes something in
detail, but it appeals to the senses.
Example: The wind blew through the window and painted the walls with frost is
another way of saying the room was cold. It plays on your sense of touch by describing
a feeling in visual terms.

irony: the discrepancy between what is said and what is meant, what is said and what is done, what is
expected or intended and what happens, what is meant or said and what others understand. Sometimes
irony is classified into types: in situational irony and verbal irony.
Verbal Irony - a person says one thing and means another. Sarcasm is a form of
verbal irony where a speaker or character strongly states the opposite of the truth.
People sometimes use sarcasm to ridicule or mock someone or something.
Example: After Betty spilled all holiday gifts onto the floor before reaching the table,
Ally shouted, "Great job!"
Example of Situational Irony: The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in
Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were released
back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later they were both eaten by a
killer whale.

symbolism - something in the story means more than it really is or represents a bigger idea. There are
some universal symbols (a cross is symbolic of Christianity), and others are dependent upon how the
author uses the object in the story. The woods can symbolize the wild, chains can symbolize oppression,
budding flowers might symbolize hope.

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