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Rules Patch To The DOOM The Boargame


5. SETUP MARINE EQUIPMENT Instead of playing in order of the first marine player, marine players can choose the order
Marine players receive the new values of ammo, wound and armor tokens based on the of their turns during each round. Even after each other marine player’s turns.
number of marine players.
Marines can block doors. If a marine stands next to the closed door, he "hold the door
Marines Shells/Bullets Rockets/Grenades Wounds Armor shut". An invader can only open this door when the marine leaves his place. However, the
1 3 2 9 3 invader player can use "SMASH" cards on the shouted doors as at normal doors.
2 3 1 8 2
3 2 1 7 3
Instead of the normal turn order for the invader player, which is:
6. DEAL OUT STARTING CARDS Step 1: Draw and Discard,
Instead of drawing a few random marine cards, marine players will draw prepared sets, Step 2: Spawn,
each made of two marine cards. Step 3: Activate Invaders.
The invader player must search the deck of the marine cards and create nine unique sets
Play in this order:
of these cards as shown below. After that he places all the sets upside down and then
Step 1: Draw and Discard,
each marine player must choose one of them and keep it. After that all of the marine
Step 2: Activate Invaders,
cards should be reshuffled together into one deck. List of the marine cards sets:
Step 3: Spawn.
 Medic and Survival Ops,
 Sniper and Marksman, STEP 1: DRAW AND DISCARD
 Killer Instinct and Special Ops, To begin the invader’s turn, the invader player must draw 2 cards from the top of the
 Ground Assault and Tough, invader deck.
 Officer and Tactician, Number of the marine players does not matter anymore.
 Scout and Recon,
 Alert and Prepared, STEP 3: SPAWN
 Front Guard and Marksman, Invaders can be spawned only in 4 to 8 spaces from the nearest marine. Some invaders
 Survival Ops and Special Ops. can be spawned within the line of sight marine, as long as the special conditions are met:

 Trites can be spawned at the not blocked ducts,

 Imps can be spawned up to 2 spaces away from an archvile.
Before beginning of the game, marine players also have to choose one of the
difficulty levels. Their rules will be used in the game. The list of the difficulty levels "DUD" cards have changed action:
is located at the end of rules patch. "Play after a marine makes an attack roll but does not roll an ammo use symbol. The
marine must expend ammo as he had rolled an ammo use symbol."
STEP 2: CONFIRM THE LINE OF SIGHT The rules on the card take effect for the entire single scenario or campaign.
Line of sight is not blocked by the trites and exploding barrels anymore. Both marines
and invaders can shoot above them.  I’m Too Young To Die (THE EASIEST) - Marines receive 1 extra base wounds,
1 extra shells/bullets and 1 extra rockets/grenades ammo.
CAMPAIGN PLAY In addition, the invader player’s maximum hand size is reduced to 6.
4. MARINE CAN "LEVEL UP"  Hey, Not Too Rough (EASIER) - Marines receive 1 extra base wounds.
Each marine must keep track of his total number of "kill points" on a sheet of paper. Kill In addition, the invader player’s maximum hand size is reduced to 7.
points are awarded to the marine that deals the killing blow to an invader.  Hurt Me Plenty (STANDARD) - This is the standard difficulty setting.
It changes no rules.
Zombies, imps and trites are worth 1 kill point.  Ultra-Violence (HARDER) - Marines receive 1 less base wounds.
Mancubi and demons are worth 2 kill points. In addition, the invader player’s maximum hand size is increased to 9.
Hell knights and archviles are worth 3 kill points.  Nightmare (THE HARDEST) - Marines receive 1 less base wounds,
Cyberdemons are worth 5 kill points. 1 less shells/bullets and 1 less rockets/grenades ammo.
In addition, the invader player’s maximum hand size is increased to 10.
Between scenarios (and only between scenarios), marines can "spend" their kill points on
the following benefits: SPECIAL INVADER’S ACTIONS
When being activated, some specific invaders are able to perform special actions. If all the
Item Kill Points
players agree, the invader player can perform these actions during the game.
Heal 1 wound (up to your base wounds) 2
Gain 1 shells/bullets ammo (up to max 4) 4  Tick Blast: When you activate a trite, immediately kill it, making the attack below
Gain 1 rockets/grenades ammo (up to max 3) 6 centered on the space the trite is in. If the attack misses, it has no effect and
Gain 1 energy cell ammo (up to max 2) 8 doesn’t scatter. Attack specification: Red, Blue and Green dices with the Blast
Increase your base wounds by 1 (up to max 10) 10 ability.
Increase your base armor by 1 (up to max 4) 24  Summoning master: When you activate an archvile, do not make any
Gain 1 random marine card (up to max 3) 26 movement nor attack. During this turn’s spawn step, the invader player can play
2 spawn cards instead of 1, in addition these invaders can be spawned within the
MARINE PLAYERS RESTRICTIONS line of sight marines, as long as they are spawned up to 2 spaces away from that
From now on, every marine player is affected by some restrictions: archvile.
 Every marine can have maximum 3 marine cards and carry up to 4 weapons only  Soul Fire: When you activate a hell knight, immediately assign one wound to it.
(not including the fist, pistol and grenade), The hell knight has the ranged attack below for this activation. Attack
 Maximum limit of ammo tokens is: 4 for shells/bullets, 3 for rockets/grenades specification: Yellow, Blue, Blue and Green dices.
and 2 for energy cells,
 Maximum (also base) armor of every marine can be increased up to 4 only
("Tough" card increase the maximum base armor limit by 1),
 Maximum base wounds of every marine can be increased up to 10 only
("Survival Ops" card increase the maximum base wounds limit by 3),
These statistics can help both invader and marine players to choose the best strategy That sheet can be used by marine players to keep tracks of their total "kill points" and
during game. There’s a minimum, maximum and average values of range and damage of armor, wounds, ammunition, weapons and adrenalines which they had at the end of the
the weapons and invaders attacks. previous scenario.


Marine Cards
Zombie N/A N/A N/A 2 4.76 7
Imp 2 3.93 6 1 3.56 6
Trite N/A N/A N/A 1 2.93 5 Armor (Base)
Tick Blast N/A N/A N/A 2 5.09 8
Mancubus 2 5.09 8 2 4.89 8 Wounds (Base)
Demon N/A N/A N/A 3 6.92 10 Shells/Bullets
Hell Knight N/A N/A N/A 3 6.92 10
Soul Fire 2 5.42 9 2 6.05 10
Archvile 7 11.25 15 1 4.22 8 Energy Cells
Cyberdemon 3 8.98 15 3 8.98 15
Weapons and
Fist N/A N/A N/A 1 2.6 4 Kill Points
Pistol 2 4.76 7 0 1.73 4
Machine Gun 4 7.09 10 1 3.89 7
Chainsaw N/A N/A N/A 2 3.6 5
Grenade 1 3.26 6 2 5.72 9
Shotgun 0 1.73 4 3 5.76 8
Rocket Launcher 3 7.25 11 1 4.22 8
Chain Gun 3 6.72 10 1 3.26 6
Plasma Gun 3 7.49 12 2 6.49 11
BFG 3 8.98 15 4 9.98 16

The best chance of successful attack is when marine or invader needs the result of the
attack between minimum and average values.

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