Tep Secondary Learning Segment

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Teacher Education Program

Secondary Learning Segment Lesson Plan Template

Name: ____ Melissa Lundberg Date of implementation:

Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each content and ELD
standard. (TPE 3)
SL 10.1c Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate to the current discussion to
broader themes or larger ideas, and actively incorporate others into the discussion.

RI 10.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to

advance that point of view or purpose.

10.1.A.1 Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social
and academic topics

10.1.B.8 Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes
(to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area

Cross-Disciplinary Connection (TPE 3,4): Incorporating Visual and Performance (TPE 1,3):
History Students will create a front cover of their memoir.
Ethnic Studies

Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3)

After introducing the new unit topic students will be able to make (one or more) connections between race, gender, ethnicity,

class, status, language, etc. and how this affects their interactions with and reactions to their surroundings.

Day 1: Students will assess their identities while observing their positionality in the classroom. After the ‘Identity
Corners Activity,’ students will collectively reflect on the process and how it may connect to their future
Day 2: Students will read example texts and be able to draw upon these works for reference. They will work on
brainstorming the themes for their memoirs and developing a focus.
Day 3: Students will listen critically, interpret, and evaluate four literary devices for their personal narratives
(memoirs). After engaging in the instructional activities, students will explore different conventions of memoirs.

Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? What have you learned about students’
abilities that has informed the direction of your lesson (based on assessments, learning experiences, IEPs)? How mighty you gain insight into students’
readiness for the lesson? (TPE 1,3,4,5)

Creating space for students to identify and develop the ideas of their identity.
Students will need to be able to build upon experiential knowledge.
Students should be able to identify the main themes from reading a short story/condensed text.

Backward Planning: Evidence (digital, performance, etc.) demonstrating student progress toward learning objective(s) (TPE 5)

Summative Assessment(s): Driving task for the lesson segment (TPE 4,5)
Students will author a brief intro to their memoir and craft a creative front book cover.
The entire class will make a collective book of the memoir introductions and vote on which project will be the main
front cover.
*each chapter will start with students’ individual cover to ensure all student work is validated
Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessments): How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the
lesson? (TPE 1,2,3,4,5)

Exit slips
Whip arounds
Walk around/engage with students
Think-pair share
Finger check-ins
Word bank

Self-Assessment & Reflection: How will you involve students in assessing their own learning? (TPE 5)

KWL charts
Introduction & conclusion activities for the unit (Identity Corners in week one, Memoir Gallery Walk in last week of unit)
Connections Engaging All Learners
• Connections to Students’ Lives (TPE 1,2) & Culturally • Accommodations, Modifications, and other Strategies to Support
Responsive Practices (TPE 2,4): Wide Range of Learners (UDL, MTSS, etc. – TPE 1,2,4):

• Range of Communication Strategies & Activity Modes (TPE 3,4):

• Connections to Real Life Contexts (TPE 1,2): • Teacher will provide written and verbal explanations of
• Students will work individually and in groups to emphasize
• Promoting Multiple Perspectives (TPE 2): social learning.

• Technology use promoting equitable access (TPE 1,3,4)

• Students will use iPads or Chromebooks to research and
write their projects.
Language Development
Academic Language: What content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary will be explicitly taught? (TPE 3)
Unit-Specific General Academic
Race Gender Conventions
Sex Sexuality Narrative
Class Status Imagery
Ethnicity Language Tone
Memoir Diction

Other text structures, organizational, stylistic, or language/grammatical features that will be explicitly taught: (TPE 1,3,4)
•Indicating time: then, afterwards, in the end, later, until that time, at the same time, finally, after a while,
•Purpose/Description: retells a sequence of events, drawing on personal experience.

Approaches to Support English Language Learners & Standard English Learners in Reading, Writing, Listening, and
Speaking (TPE 1,3):

According to ELD Standards 10.1.A.1 and 10.1.B.8, we ultimately want our students to contribute to class, group,
and partner discussions, sustaining conversations on a variety of age and grade appropriate academic topic by
following turn-taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on-topic questions affirming others, and providing
coherent and well-articulated comments and additional information.
Daily Lesson Plans
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning: (TPE 1,2,3,4,5)
How will you 1) stimulate/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning , 2) identify learning
outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor student learning du ring instruction, 5) build metacognitive

Learning Objective:

Students will assess their identities while observing their positionali ty in the classroom. After the
“Identity Corners” activity, students will collectively reflect on the process and how it may connect
to their future assignments.

List what the students will be doing and what the teachers will be doing.
Day 1 of 3

Time Students Teacher Moves Resources /

5 min Students greet each other and Teacher has presentation set up, taping PowerPoint or Google
Opening/ share “good things”. “identities” on different. Slides

10 min Students actively listen to Teacher presents activity guidelines and Ppt/Google Slides
activity instruction and classroom expectations. (activity
expectation. instructions/group
25 min Students will move about the Teacher(s) will ask questions like:
Instructional classroom, aligning themselves “What identity are you most conscious of here Instructions, Identity
Activities with the identity on the wall that at Hawkins?” labels
best answers the question asked.

Students will have some closing Teacher will facilitate closing conversation and Exit Questions
10 min statements about the process. have transitioning comments on relevancy of “Looking Forward
activity and future class assignments. List”
Closing (what students will be
working towards in
the week)
Learning Objective:
Students will read example texts and be able to draw upon these works for reference. They will
work on brainstorming the themes for their memoirs and developing a focus.

Day 2 of 3
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning: (TPE 1,2,3,4,5):

Time Students Teacher Moves Resources /

2 min Students greet each other and Teacher will instruct students to refer back to Notebooks that
share “good things”. notes and briefly remind them of what was students have been
discussed last class. maintaining with notes
2 min Students will refer back to notes from class.
from last class or make notes of Teacher asks students to share with their desk
what they remember. partners what they remember.
Engagement 5 min Students will share with their Teacher recollects the class and asks for
partner what they remember. students or groups to share what they talked
about with their partner.
6 min Students share out and have a full
class discussion on what was
introduced last class.
2 min Copy the daily objectives/goals Teacher identifies the days learning Students notebooks.
into their notebooks. objectives. Essential questions and enduring Objectives (EU & EQ)
understandings. to be posted in a
visible and central
Copy down the question and then
10 min reflect and discuss with desk Teacher poses questions to direct Guiding questions.
partner. brainstorming. Always open ended.

15 min Read handouts/stories. Teacher passes out chunking’s of memoirs or Chunks of memoirs
short stories that have topics related to the and short stories for
Instructional questions posed (identity). handing out.
15 min Fill out brainstorming worksheets Teacher passes out and explains the Brainstorming
individually. brainstorming worksheet. worksheet

8 min Ask questions to the teacher and Answers questions and asks the class
to each other. questions (what topic/identity are they going
to explore) Direct students into groups based
on similar identities.

10 min Students gather into groups Pass out exit slips onto students’ desks as they Exit slips
accordingly. They share their continue group discussions.
topics and ideas.

5 min Students reflect on what they Teacher circles the room for formative Notebooks.
learned today and write down assessment.
some of their identities that will
Closing guide/influence their memoirs.
Learning Objective:
Students will listen critically, interpret, and evaluate four literary devices for their personal narratives (memoirs).
After engaging in the instructional activities, students will explore different conventions of memoirs.

Day _3 of 3
Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning: (TPE 1,2,3,4,5):

Time Students Teacher Moves Resources /

Opening/ 4 min Students will greet each other and Teacher(s) will prepare today’s Google Slides
share what they are looking presentation/activity Instructions
Engagement forward to this weekend

2 min Students will listen to “fire write” Teacher will present prompt/answer any Fire Write Prompt
prompt questions

Instructional 5 min Students fire write Teacher prepares fire write groups based on Fire Write Share
attendance aloud instructions/

15 min Students will share their Teacher will walk around to ensure students Group numbers
responses in small groups while are sharing and respecting community
noting general themes/differences guidelines Fire Write
amongst their group instructions/
10 min Students will share major Teacher will assign student to scribe/note all guidelines will be
themes/differences to the comments on the board so collective can see projected

20 min Students will take notes and Teacher(s) will present on imagery, diction,Presentation defining
follow along the interactive tone, and metaphor. each of the literary
presentation elements, complete
with practice
activities, examples,
15 min Students will read the beginning Teacher(s) will facilitate reading of House on and visuals
of a memoir collectively/ as they Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Teacher will
are reading students will “list ask questions regarding: conventions, style, Presentation will have
what they hear (imagery, diction, delivery specific sentences to
tone, metaphor) gauge student
connection to
5 min Students will collectively share Teacher will assess “what did we see/hear?” previous mini-lesson
what they found in the text on literary devices


Closing 4 min Students will write an exit slip Teacher will assign “What do you want in your Exit slip prompt on
and turn in to teacher via paper. memoir/ What details or devices do you want presentation.
to use in your memoir introduction?
Core Practices Implemented in this Learning Segment

Core Practice 1: Designing Cognitively Demanding Tasks and Content (TPE 1,2,3,4)
x Backwards Design of Social Justice-Oriented Curriculum
x High-Level Tasks

Core Practice 2: Engaging Students in Content Discourse (TPEs 2,3,4,5)

Questioning Levels and Learning
x Think-Pair Share
x Talk Moves

Core Practice 3: Scaffolding and Differentiation for Equitable Access (TPEs 1,2,3,4,5)
x Word Bank/Wall
x Formative Assessments (esp. Receptive)
x Activating Prior Knowledge

Core Practice 4: Developing and Maintaining a Classroom Ecology for Learning (TPEs 1,2,4,5,6)
x Opening and Closing Routines
x Community Circles

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