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Sevthia Nugraha

Afternoon Tea
Good Morning

The Honorable judges and all my friends who i love.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

First of all, let’s us praise to Allah SWT for the blessing so we can gather in this place today. My name is
Sevthia Nugraha. Thank you for giving me a chance and i’m pleased to be here. I want to deliver my speech about
‘Our Company Gonna Collapse.” Before i start, this’s all about our company, all the signs, collapse. The signs are our
company getting suffer, cash being run out, and the worst is this company is got left by the customers because of our
bad quality. The question is “Is it impossible to our company to getting up? Raising up? And through this hard
condition?” The answer is OF COURSE-YES.

Why i said YES? Because i believe we can turnaround the strategy for rotating the bad condition to better
condition. We can learn from Gordon Bethune who successful save Continential Airlines which is the one of the best
Airlines in America. So, what the strategics are?

It’s not easy for changing from bad condition to better condition. But Bethune did. So, the first step we must
do is re-pump the blood of profit’s company. But if that can’t work, the emergency step is cutting the cost. Bethune
did and focusing the improvements.

Cutting costs is not enough. The next step is we’ve to change the negative cash flow into a positive cash flow.
Many ways we can do in this case, one of them is restructuring debt and make savings. In order to increase the quality
of out company.

Advertising is not enough for winning back the customers. We’ve to know about what customers want, listen
to and follow up on the wishes and complaints from customers. Apparently these actions can restore the confidence of
customers who have faded.

Changing a company culture is not easy. We’ve transfer the commitment to profit sharing with employee, so
the culture of 'If I win, you win' can be nurtured well and transmitted rapidly from the top down. This culture builds a
solid unity among employees, a sense of mutual respect and fosters a high spirit to win winning.

I’m going to close my speech with a quote from Hellen Keller. “Character cannot be developed in ease and
quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition
inspired and success achieved.”

This is the end of my speech. I hope we can change this company to be a success condition with belief, hope,
and high commitment. That’s enough from me. Thank you for your attention. I’m sorry if there’s any words
unpleasing you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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