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9 Subject:

One of the physical quantities listed is expressed in two types of units.
1) height of a liquid column in mm or cm and 2) weight per unit area.
Which physical quantity is it?
Level of water in a dam

Density of human blood

Atmospheric pressure.

rate of flow of water from a dam.

Shown below is orbiting of the moon around the earth. Between which
two points will the Moon be 3 days after the full moon?
S and T

T and Q

Q and R

R and S

A seismograph, or seismometer, is an instrument used to detect and
record earthquakes. It consists of a pen making a straight line on a
rotating drum. Vibrations are produced on the surface of the earth
during an earthquake. Strongest vibrations occur at the epicentre and
keep decreasing as we go farther from it. During earthquakes, wiggles
are produced in the otherwise straight line on the drum.

The magnitude of which type of motion of the earth will be measured

by the seismograph
Only motion in a left or right direction
Only motion in up and down direction

Both A and B

Any motion due to earthquakes above a magnitude of

5 on the Richter scale

What will be the difference in the effects, if a person beats a drum on
the earth and an astronaut doing the same with an identical drum in
There will be vibrations in space, but no sound.

There will be no vibrations in the drum in space.

The drum on earth will vibrate for a longer time than

the one in space.

There will be no difference in terms of the vibrations

of the sound.

A diver climbs some steps to a diving board. Which two of the
statements P, Q, R, S and T are true?

P: as the diver falls, gravitational potential energy is transferred to

kinetic energy
Q: as the diver falls, kinetic energy is transferred to gravitational
potential energy
R: the gravitational potential energy of the diver on the board is equal
to the energy transferred to the diver when climbing the steps
S: the kinetic energy of the diver on the board is equal to the energy
transferred to the diver when climbing the steps
T: when the diver hits the water, all the gravitational potential energy
is regained
P and R

Q and S

S and R

P and Q

From a building, two balls A and B are thrown such that A is thrown
upwards and B downwards (both vertically). If VA and VB are their
respective velocities on reaching the ground, then




Their velocities depend on their masses.

A car starting from rest accelerates at the rate f through a distance S,
then continues at a constant speed for time t and then decelerates at
the rate f/2 to come to rest. If the total distance traversed is 5 S, then
S =f t

S = 1/6 ft2

S = 1/2 ft2
S = 1/4 ft2

Two spheres of same size, one of mass 2 kg and another of mass 4 kg
are dropped simultaneously from the top of Qutabminar (height~72
Km). When they are 1m above the ground, the two spheres have the

Kinetic energy

Potential energy


Shown here is a representation of the positions of the earth, moon and
the sun during a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is caused when a
shadow of the moon is cast on the earth. During a solar eclipse, what
phase would the moon be in?

New Moon
Full Moon

Half Moon

There is no relationship between moon phases and


10 .
The figure gives the speed-time graph of a particle in motion along a
constant direction. Three equal intervals of time are shown. Among
the three intervals, the incorrect statement is

The average acceleration in the second interval is


The average speed is greatest in the third interval

The acceleration at A,B,C, D is zero

The distance travelled in the second interval is

11 .
A microphone is placed in a hall at the same distance from a trumpeter
and a clarinettist who are standing well apart and playing a tune in
unison (the same notes together). The trumpeter is playing louder than
the clarinettist.

Which one of the following statements is true?

A. A loud sound from the trumpet reaches the microphone before the
same softer note from the clarinet.
B. The microphone receives sound energy from the trumpet at a greater
average rate than it does from the clarinet.
C. Waves from the trumpet and the clarinet arrive at the microphone in
D. The microphone receives sound energy from the trumpet at a lesser
average rate than it does from the clarinet.
A loud sound from the trumpet reaches the
microphone before the same softer note from the
The microphone receives sound energy from the
trumpet at a greater average rate than it does from
the clarinet.

Waves from the trumpet and the clarinet arrive at the

microphone in phase.

The microphone receives sound energy from the

trumpet at a lesser average rate than it does from the

12 .
Three blocks of equal volume are completely submerged into water.
The blocks made of different materials: aluminium, iron and lead.
Which of the following is the correct statement about the buoyant
force on each block? (ρaluminum = 2700 kg/m3 , ρiron = 7800 kg/m3 ,
ρlead = 11300 kg/m3 )
Faluminum > Firon > Flead

Faluminum < Firon < Flead

Faluminum < Firon > Flead

Faluminum = Firon = Flead

13 .
Answer the question based on the information given
Four students investigate how far toy cars travel on different surfaces.
They plan to
● roll a toy car down the slope from X
● Measure the distance from Y to where the toy car stops
● repeat the experiment with different materials

The students discuss the investigation.

Who has made a prediction for the investigation?





14 .
Answer the question based on the information given
Four students investigate how far toy cars travel on different surfaces.
They plan to
● roll a toy car down the slope from X
● Measure the distance from Y to where the toy car stops
● repeat the experiment with different materials

The students compare the results for some materials.

Look at the distances travelled.

How much further does the toy car travel on paper than
on carpet?
2 cm

4 cm

8 cm

16 cm
15 .
To replace a ball with another ball by collision, a snooker player must
consider condition that
collision must be head on

The moving ball must not be given any spin

both A and B

no conditions required

16 .
Divya performed a test in the chemistry laboratory using an Acid and
a metal. A colourless gas was given out during this test. When a
lighted splint was put into a small sample of this gas, a ‘pop’ sound
was heard and the splint was extinguished. What is the ‘pop’ sound
due to?
Formation of Hydrogen molecule

Combustion of Hydrogen

Formation of Oxygen molecule.

Combustion of Oxygen.

17 .
In cold countries, when snow covers and blocks roads and railway
tracks, salt is often put on it. Impurities alter the melting and boiling
points of substances. Using this fact, identify the correct graph of ice
melting when salt has been put on it

18 .
Kamlesh harvested rainwater in a tank. This tank also contains sand
grains. Unfilterable clay particles, Calcium carbonate, Salt, small
pieces of paper and some air bubbles. Select from among these
substances that would form a suspension with water.
Choose the correct list:
Sand, paper, salt.

Salt, air bubbles, Calcium carbonate.

Sand grains, unfilterable clay particles, paper,
Calcium carbonate.

Sand, unfilterable clay particles, salt, air bubbles.

19 .
In order to separate the different gases in the air, it is first liquefied by
increasing the pressure and lowering the temperature followed by
fractional distillation. Based on the data given below, which
component of air will be collected as the first distillate?
Element or Compound Boiling points (°C)

Oxygen -183

Nitrogen -196

Argon -186

Carbon dioxide -79

Water 100


Carbon dioxide



20 .
Two students investigated the change of state of stearic acid from
liquid to solid. They measured how the temperature of stearic acid
changed over 5 minutes as it changed from liquid to solid. Student A
apparatus set up is better because

Student A’s apparatus made sure the test was fair.

Student A’s apparatus measured the specificvariable

Student A’s measurements had a higher resolution.

Student A’s measurements more likely to have

parallax error

21 .
In an experiment to investigate the structure of the atom, alpha
particles were aimed at thin gold foil in a vacuum. A detector was
used to determine the number of alpha particles deflected through
different angles. After striking the gold foil maximum number of α
particles per second will undergo
0° deflection

180° deflection

90° deflection

45° deflection

22 .
Cathode rays set a paddle wheel into motion when it is placed in the
path of these rays.

From the below-given statements pick the incorrect observation about

cathode rays.
Cathode rays possess mechanical energy.

Cathode rays possess mass and velocity.

Cathode rays consist of matter particles.

Cathode rays consist of positively charged nuclei.

23 .
Here are some of the characteristics of Isotopes:
* They differ in mass number but have the same atomic number.
* They differ in physical properties but have the same chemical
Based on these characteristics, which section in the diagram given
below is MOST likely to represent Isotopes? (Each circle in the
diagram represents one characteristic of atoms.)

24 .
For drinks during the day, Peter has a cup of hot coffee, at a
temperature of about 90 °C, and a cup of cold mineral water, with a
temperature of about 5 °C. The cups are of identical type and size and
the volume of each drink is the same. Peter leaves the cups sitting in a
room where the temperature is about 20 °C. What are the temperatures
of the coffee and the mineral water likely to be after 10 minutes?
70 °C and 10 °C

90 °C and 5 °C
70 °C and 25 °C

20 °C and 20 °C

25 .
The table below contains two different recipes for cosmetics you can
make yourself. The lipstick is harder than the lip gloss, which is soft
and creamy.
Ingredients: Instructions:

Lip 5 g castor oil 0.2 g Heat the oil and the waxes in
gloss beeswax 0.2 g a container placed in hot
palm wax 1 water until you have an even
teaspoon of mixture. Then add the
colouring colouring substance and the
substance 1 drop flavouring, and mix them in.
of food flavouring.

Lips 5 g castor oil 1 g Heat the oil and the waxes in

tick beeswax 1 g palm a container placed in hot
wax 1 teaspoon of water until you have an even
colouring mixture. Then add the
substance 1 drop colouring substance and the
of food flavouring. flavouring, and mix them in.

In making the lip gloss and lipstick, oil and waxes are mixed together. The
colouring substance and flavouring are then added. The lipstick made from
this recipe is hard and not easy to use. How would you change the proportion
of ingredients to make a softer lipstick?
Use more wax and less oil.

Use more oil and less wax

Add colouring substance before heating the mixture.

Make the proportion of oil and wax 1 : 1.

26 .
To make bread dough, a cook mixes flour, water, salt and yeast. After
mixing, the dough is placed in a container for several hours to allow
the process of fermentation to take place. During fermentation, a
chemical change occurs in the dough: the yeast (a single-celled
fungus) helps to transform the starch and sugars in the flour into
carbon dioxide and alcohol. When the risen (leavened) dough is
placed in the oven to bake, pockets of gas and vapours in the dough
Why do the gas and vapours expand when heated?
Their molecules get bigger

Their molecules move faster

Their molecules increase in number.

Their molecules collide less frequently.

27 .
The temperature of a body is the measurement of hotness or coldness
of the body. Fahrenheit scale and Celcius scale can be used for the
Celcius scale: the Freezing point is regarded as 0°C and Boiling
point as 100°C.The space between these two fixed points is divided into
100 equal parts. Each part represents 1°C.
Fahrenheit scale : Freezing point is regarded as 32°F and
Boiling point as 212°F. Space between these two points is divided into
180 equal parts. Each part represents 1°F.
If tC and tF are the temperatures of body at these scales respectively,
then :

If the temperature of a body is -40°C , then the value in Fahrenheit

scale is :




28 .
The speed at which a gas diffuses depends on how heavy its molecules
In the above experiment, concentrated HCl gives off fumes of a
colourless gas called Hydrogen chloride. Concentrated ammonia
solution gives off colourless ammonia gas. These gases diffuse along
the tube. After a few minutes, a white ring is seen near the one end of
the tube. The molecules of ammonia and hydrogen chloride have
diffused and react to form ammonium chloride which is the white
substance. The white ring is near the hydrogen chloride end of the
What does this indicate about the mass of the two molecules?
Ammonia is heavier than hydrogen chloride.

Hydrogen chloride is heavier than ammonia.

Ammonium chloride diffuses slowly.

Rate of diffusion is directly proportional to molecular

mass of gases.

29 .
Gases show great uniformity in their behaviour irrespective of their
nature. Some useful generalizations have been deduced from the
behaviour of gases which are known as “Gas laws”. Boyle’s law is
one among them. It states that “At constant temperature, the volume
of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.” OR
“At constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume of a
given mass of gas is constant.
Identify the correct graphical representation of Boyle’s law.
i & ii

i & iv

ii & iv

iii & iv

30 .
Gas volumes can be measured using either a gas syringe or an
upturned measuring cylinder. The following diagrams show the
collection of 3 gases A, B and C. A is collected by the upward
displacement of air, B by the downward displacement of air and C by
the upward displacement of water. What can you infer about the
density of gases A, B and C from the given diagrams.
1. A is denser than air, B is lighter than air, C is insoluble in water.
2. B is denser than air, A is lighter than air, C is soluble in water.
3. A is denser than air, B is lighter than air, C is lighter than water.
4. A, B & C are denser than air.




31 .
People living at sea level have around 5 million RBC per cubic
millimetre of their blood where as those living at an altitude to 5400
metres have around 8 million. This is because at high altitude
people eat more nutritive food, therefore more RBCs
are formed

people get pollution-free air to breathe and more

oxygen is available
atmospheric O2 level is less and hence more RBCs are
needed to absorb the required amount of O2 to

there is more UV radiation which enhances RBC


32 .
During winter, a person sleeping in a closed room having a container
with burnt charcoals was found dead next morning. What could be the
possible reason of his death?
non-availability of oxygen

Hb has more affinity to combine with carbon


Hb has more affinity to combine with nitrogen

Combined effect of (a) and (b)

33 .
Study the given flowchart and identify P, Q, R and S.

a Kala azar Cholera Brain fever Diphthe


b Dengue fever Tubercul Typhoid Malaria


c SARS Tetanus Sleeping Typhoi

sickness d

d Japanese Jaundice Typhoid SARS



34 .
Refer to the given food web.

What will be the consequences of decrease in population of water

beetle on food web?
population of tadpole will decrease

population of perch will increase

there will be no effect on the population of pike

population of roach will decrease

35 .
The given below diagram illustrates the different steps in the nutrition
of amoeba.
Which property of the cell of amoeba helps to engulf food by the
above-shown method?
Diffusion through the cell membrane

Semi permeability of cell membrane

Flexibility of cell membrane

Irregular body without specific cell organelles

36 .
There are three types of solutions based on solute concentration:
When a raisin of weight 13 grams is placed in one of the above
solutions for 24 hours, its weight is increased to 21 grams. Why is the
weight of raisins increased?
Water molecules moved from the raisins to the
surrounding hypotonic solution by diffusion.

Raisins were soaked in hypertonic solution and it

gained water by osmosis.

Raisins were soaked in isotonic solution and it gained

water by diffusion.

Raisins were soaked in hypotonic solution and it

gained water by osmosis.

37 .
Mitochondria are known as the 'powerhouse' of the cell. Which of the
following cells are likely to contain most mitochondria?
Blood cells

Skin cells

Muscle cells
Stomach cells

38 .
Here are some of the characteristic features of pea plants.
a) It has taproot system. b) It is a bisexual plant.
Which roman number in the diagram given below is most likely to
represent pea plants?




39 .
Shreya set up an experiment to investigate the outcome when different
cell parts of a balsam plant leaf are removed. The results are recorded
as shown in the table given.
Cell Outcomes

P The cell could not function properly.

Q Boiled leaf remained the same when iodine

solution was added to it.

R The cell could not control the substances

entering and exiting it.

S The cell lost its regular shape.

Which one of the following best represents the cell parts P, Q, R and

A. Nucleus Ribosome Cell wall Cytoplas


B. Cytoplas Chloropla Nucleus Cell

m st membrane

C. Nucleus Chloropla Cell Cell wall

st membrane
D. Chloropla Nucleus Endoplasmic Cell
st reticulum membrane

40 .
What are the reason for the differences depicted in the Venn diagram
given below?

Amphibians lay more eggs compared to reptiles.

Eggs of amphibians are covered in jelly like foam
whereas eggs of reptiles have tough calcium carbonate
outer covering.

Young ones that develop from amphibian eggs are

adapted to survive in water whereas young ones of
reptiles are adapted to survive on land.

Amphibians are aquatic, and reptiles are terrestrial.

41 .
Anil observed the following cell parts of two different cells under a
microscope. He recorded his observation in the table given.
Parts of cell Cell X Cell Y

Present Absent Present Absent

Cell wall ✓ ✓

Cytoplasm ✓ ✓

Nucleus ✓ ✓

Chloroplast ✓ ✓

Cell ✓ ✓

Identify X and Y.

A. Animal cell Prokaryotic cell

B. Fungal cell Animal cell

C. Plant cell Animal cell

D. Animal cell Fungal cell

42 .
Due to which of the following reasons given in the box is a dolphin
classified as a mammal?
(i) It gives birth to its young alive.
(ii) It lives in water.
(iii) It suckles its young.
(iv) It breathes through gills.
Only (iii) and (iv)

Only (i) and (ii)

Only (i) and (iii)

(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

43 .
Analyze the micrograph below:

Given are the reasons why this processes is important. Identify the
statement which is least important as far as an organism is concerned.
growth and development

maintaining chromosome number.

repair mechanism and healing.

in asexual reproduction

44 .
Bacteria is unable to survive in highly salted pickles because:
salt inhibits their multiplication rate.

Bacteria do not get enough light for photosynthesis

they become plasmolysed and consequently get killed

the pickle do not contain nutrients necessary for
bacterial growth.

45 .
To demonstrate the transpiration from the leaf surface, four banyan
leaves are taken. Both the surfaces of the A leaf, lower surface (with
stomata) of B leaf, upper surface (without stomata) of C leaf are
vaselined. The Vaseline is not applied on the D leaf. Now, the leaves
are hanged so that they may transpire freely. When the observations
are taken after a day or two, which leaf will looks the most fresh and
A leaf

B leaf

C leaf

D leaf

Show Results Panel

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