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Volume 6: Tgurneu's death arc

Chamo and Hans appeared in Chapter 3 to stop the Braves. Here, Hans enacts his plan
of pretending he was the seventh to lure out Adlet to negotiate a deal with him as
he guessed that Adlet was doing everything to protect Fremy and not really on
Tgurneu's side. Chamo was unaware of the plans and Hans also stole Chamo's
surveillance Juuma in order to use it later. He wounds Chamo in order to pretend he
was the seventh and throws knives at Adlet, these knives had messaged written on
them to lure Adlet away from the others using a lie that he can kill Fremy through
using Chamo. His plan after disabling Adlet and questioning him is: Adlet will lie
to Tgurneu that Hans has been neutralised, then tell Tgurneu a fake plan as a cover
for his real plan to kill Tgurneu, this plan was the plan that Adlet came up with
in Chapter 1, which was to set the forest on fire and get a cheetah Kyouma to
report back to Tgurneu after Dark specialist 24, which is what I would like to call
"The Telephone Kyouma" has been eliminated, thus leading the Braves to him. But,
instead of killing Tgurneu, now they will capture him, thus preventing Fremy's
death due to Tgurneu's death. Then, out of the blue, Tgurneu appeared as Adlet was
deciding whether to use Hans's plan, using the Book of truth to discover that Hans
was lying about being able to kill Fremy.

In Chapter 4, we discover that Tgurneu desires, he craves to see people in pain

because of love. His lust for this has pushed him to create the perfect pair to see
these emotions on people's faces. The pair being: the girl that wishes to be loved,
Fremy. The boy that has an unbreakable heart to love her, Adlet. Due to his greed
to see these emotions, he did not want to come up with more effective strategies to
kill the Braves, but just wanted to see Fremy and Adlet suffer. This chapter really
is just Tgurneu sadistically torturing Adlet by telling him the reason that he
loves Fremy is because of him loving inducing powers, not out of his own heart.
Adlet despairs after hearing this and despite Hans's pleas towards him while Hans
himself was getting chased around by 40 Kyouma, he was unresponsive Hans also lost
his Juuma that he wanted to release to call for Chamo's help (it got stabbed by
Adlet's needle and was then tied up by Tgurneu). Fremy, on the other hand enacted a
plan to get rid of the tumour in her chest. She would pretend to betray the Braves
and purposely get her heart gouged out by Rolonia so that Dark Specialist 14 would
heal her, thus ridding her of the tumour. But of course, 14 knows about the tumour
and he believes that it cannot be simply 'healed away' as it integrates with the
cellular structure of the host. The twist is, Fremy's mother evolved in a way that
allowed her to rid Fremy of the tumour after her heart was regenerated. This was
done by always rubbing Fremy's chest when she raised her. Adlet, however, was an
idiot, after he heard Fremy's fake betrayal through 24, he believed it and told
Tgurneu the real plans. Bright side: he found out Fremy loves him. Dark side: he
fell into despair after learning that even Atro Spiker was manipulated by him, to
groom Adlet into the strongest man to protect Fremy. This causes Adlet to enter an
unresponsive state and want to be killed as he had betrayed everyone.

Chapter 5, Dark Specialist 13 uses his Poison Gas attack (pokemon reference by me).
He produced toxins that was washed into the underground drainage system of the
ruins and used his 'little babies' to vaporise the water and unleash the gas onto
above ground. Adlet was swallowed by a Hippopotamus Kyouma so that later, Tgurneu
can release control over him and get him to kill Fremy, for him to achieve a higher
form of ecstasy by looking at the despair that Fremy will display for him. In order
to counter the poison gas, Mora collapses the ground below her, killing 13. After
regaining his will to fight though the message:"I will definitely make you happy!"
engraved on a gunpowder lattice given to him by Fremy, Adlet punched his way out of
the Kyouma's stomach and heard Mora's echo message of Fremy has been saved. He
looks at Tgurneu and intends to kill Tgurneu after knowing that Fremy will no
longer be bound to him. He thought: "Dawn is coming, when the sun rises, One shall
stand. One shall fall." That is obviously not what the book said, but it is what it
intended to say.

Chapter 6, Adlet and Hans cooperate and try their best to not get mauled by the
Kyouma. Chamo senses something is amiss and discovers one of the message knives
Hans threw to Adlet in Chapter 3, and managed to reason that Hans did not really
try to kill her when he wounded her. Mora and Goldof are trying to regroup on the
battlefield after Mora exhausted herself to kill 13. Rolonia and Nashetania held
off the Kyouma while Fremy headed to Adlet. In this battle in some ruins, Adlet,
Chamo, Fremy, Hans, Dozzu face off against Tgurneu and Dark Specialist 1, the
Kyouma that is made up of forty Kyoumas and 1 leader bird-type Kyouma that Tgurneu
inhabited. This Kyouma is the strongest Dark Specialist as it practically allowed
Tgurneu to be in 40 places at once and coordinate the perfect attacks. After a game
of cat and mouse, Adlet figured out that Tgurneu was controlling all the Kyouma
they were battling simultaneously. Thus, he tricked Tgurneu into looking at him by
confessing his love to Fremy as he realised that vision is not shared by the Kyouma
despite them being controlled by Tgurneu. Adlet charged at Tgurneu but got impaled
by Tgurneu. However, he instead spit his blood into 1's mouth, this caused 1 to
drop to the ground and roll in pain. Adlet had stabbed himself with the Saint's
needle and made his blood poisonous to Kyouma. Fremy shot 1 and forced Tgurneu out
of 1. Adlet grabbed Tgurneu while his underlings tried to save him. Adlet was
saddened that the thing that groomed him to be the Strongest in the World was such
a pitiful existence and said: "I am not your toy as you had claimed! You existed
for me. In order for me to meet Fremy, you were let to live by me!" Tgurneu, who
believed that love was meant to be trampled by him, desperately wanted to reject
the fact that he was defeated by Adlet's love, wanted to mentally wound Adlet and
Fremy before Adlet killed him. He used the Book of Truth on himself and said to
Fremy: "Your mother truly loved you!". To Adlet he whispered: "Your sister was
killed by Fremy.". After Adlet killed Tgurneu, six shots of light flew out of
Fremy's crest, one landing each on Chamo, Hans, Mora, Rolonia, Nashetania, Goldof.
Only Adlet did not receive this as his seventh crest is very special and did not
have its power stolen by the Black Barren Flower, unlike Nashetania's crest, which
is a real crest but from the 2nd generation. Adlet passed out after killing Tgurneu
and woke up later with the Braves discussing what to do with him as they now have
to face Cargikk, who was originally oppressed by Tgurneu and did not attack them.
Adlet, released from Tgurneu's control, no longer loved Fremy and returned to the
man that wanted revenge on the Kyouma and nothing else.

Epilogue: Cargikk wanders through the burnt forest that the Braves faced Tgurneu's
army. He roared in despair and apologised to his fallen comrades, expressing his
regret in not being able to save them. Meanwhile, the mummified body of the Saint
of the Single Flower is released from her chains, presumably by her own powers as
the chains just came undone without being touched. She teleported to the roof of
the Temple of Fate from Volume 5 and get carried away by a bird Kyouma. She got
carried to the Majin, a mud puddle. The mud puddle sprouted tentacles and devoured
the Kyouma and slowly dragged the Saint of the Single Flower into itself. As it
dragged the Saint, it grew beautiful lips and gratefully said Maon, do not worry,
Adlet will bring the Seventh crest made for me and save me. Maon is the name of the

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