Economic Questions

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Belief in the basic instability of the free market, and faith in the ability of government to
improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the following categories of

Student Response Value Feedback

Keynesian Economists 100%
B. Classical economists
C. Austrian economists
D. All of the above
E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1

The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. incremental cost associated
with a one unit increase in
B. incremental profit
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.
C. increase in labor necessary
to generate a one unit
increase in output.
increase in output obtained 100%
D. from a one unit increase in

Score: 1/1

The average amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time is
Student Response Value Feedback
A. per capita GDP
B. per capita GNP
C. productivity
human capital 0%

Score: 0/1

Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a decreasing rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only
(ii) and (iii) 0%
C. (i) and (iii)
D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 0/1

When the consumer price index decreases, the typical family

Student Response Value Feedback

has to spend more dollars to 0%
A. maintain the same standard
of living.
B. can spend fewer dollars to
maintain the same standard
of living.
C. finds that its standard of
living is not affected.
D. can offset the effects of
rising prices by saving

Score: 0/1

Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Value Feedback

all goods and services that 100%
A. typical consumers buy
B. all goods and services
produced or imported in the
C. all goods and services in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts
D. all the goods, but not the
services, in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans
2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel
2001 $21 per bushel $10.5 per bushel
Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent
B. 16.7 percent
C. 10 percent
5 percent 100%

Score: 1/1
If U.S. citizens entrepreneurs increase their demand for loanable funds, other things contstant,
the real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

A. will fall
will rise. 100%
C. will be unaffected
D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK is
falling the MPL is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. falling
B. rising
C. negative
D. flat
there is no way to tell 0%

Score: 0/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor.
How would the production function be affected by an improvement in technology?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function
would be unaffected
the production function 100%
B. would shift vertically
C. the production function
would shift vertically
D. the production function
would disappear

Score: 1/1

Assume a production function that has increasing returns to scale. A doubling of all the inputs
will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

A. doubling
more than doubling 100%
C. less than doubling
D. zero increase

Score: 1/1

When the rate of inflation is expected to fall, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the nominal
rate of interest
B. a decrease in the nominal
rate of interest
C. a decrease in the difference
between the nominal and
the real rates of interest
D. a and c of the above.
b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1

When the US government decreases the interest rate on US Treasury bonds, the dollar price
of imported Chinese manufactured goods can be expected to
Student Response Value Feedback
A. rise
B. fall
C. be unaffected
none of the above 0%

Score: 0/1

An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the quantity of
loanable funds borrowed to

Student Response Value Feedback

rise 100%
B. fall
C. remain the same
D. it is impossble to say

Score: 1/1

Which of the following will increase the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
propensity of people to save
by purchasing US savings
the spending by the 100%
B. Treasury of the proceeds of
the sale of new US Treasury
bonds to the Federal
Reserve System
C. a decrease in tax rates
D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1
Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of consumer
substitution, the CPI

Student Response Value Feedback

A. CPI always correctly
reflects the cost of living
CPI may overstate the cost 100%
B. of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
C. CPI may understate the cost
of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the CPI
B. the PPI
the GDP deflator. 100%
D. the ESP

Score: 1/1

New products are invented every year. Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Value Feedback

probably underestimates 100%
A. the rate of real economic
B. probably overestimates the
rate of real economic
C. probably accurately
estimates the rate of real
economic growth.
D. is rarely used.

Score: 1/1

Inputs used in production that are provided by nature, such as land, rivers, and mineral
deposits are called

Student Response Value Feedback

A. physical capital.
B. human capital.
C. the production function.
Nature resources 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a new factory building
B. a computer used to help
Mercury Deliver Service
keep track of their orders
knowledge acquired from 100%
C. on-the-job training
D. a desk used in an
accountant's office

Score: 1/1

Across countries, investment and growth rates are
Student Response Value Feedback
A. negatively related.
positively related. 100%
C. negatively related for
developing countries, but
positively related for
industrial countries.
D. not related

Score: 1/1

International trade

Student Response Value Feedback

raises the standard of living 100%
A. in all trading countries.
B. lowers the standard of
living in all trading
C. leaves the standard of living
D. raises the standard of living
for importing countries and
lowers it for exporting

Score: 1/1

When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the demand for loanable
funds will fall
the supply of loanable funds 0%
B. will fall
C. interest rates will rise
D. all of the above

Score: 0/1

Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money was invented in the
13th century BC by Sir
John Money
B. money is the result of
complex social evolution
C. Money facilitates exchange
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund
B. First mutual fund
C. Premium finance company
D. Richardson Credit Union
all of the above are financial 100%
E. intermediaries

Score: 1/1

According to whom is it more important to balance the economy that balance the budget?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians
B. the Quakers
C. the Monetarists
none of the above 0%

Score: 0/1

Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.
B. a bond issued by General
C. a bond issued by New York
a bond issued by a new 100%
D. restaurant chain

Score: 1/1

Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn enough profit
to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Value Feedback

debt holders 100%
B. share holders
C. workers
D. managers

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
24%. 100%

Score: 1/1

Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is $100. Joe
receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home pay, and Joe now
purchases 6 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2.
1. 100%
C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1

Economics is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. unscientific
B. not interested in choice
C. interested only in values
that are traded on the
the study of the allocation 100%
D. of scarce means to
alternative uses

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Benz
B. steak
spam 100%
D. gasoline

Score: 1/1

Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a rising AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
a falling AC curve 100%
B. throughout the feasible
range of sales
C. a constant AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
D. a falling MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
E. a rising MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

Score: 1/1

For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of demand will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. greater than 1
B. equal to 1
C. less than 1
D. equal to zero
It is hard to tell 0%

Score: 0/1


Figure 2
Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who charges
everyone the same price produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 100
200 100%
C. 300
D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output will
he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. between 100 and 200
B. between 200 and 300
C. between 300 and 400
more than 200 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. an improvement in
B. increase in consumer
C. a change in price of raw
D. a and b of the above
a and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. increase in consumer
C. a change in consumer base
D. a and b of the above
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of computers must

Student Response Value Feedback

the number of computers 100%
A. bought and sold
B. the price of computers.
C. both the equilibrium price
and quantity of computers.
D. the shortage of computers
in the market.

Score: 1/1

Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been falling, and the quantity of gasoline
sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does not
hold for gasoline.
B. the law of demand does not
hold for gasoline.
C. the demand for gasoline
must have risen
the supply of gasoline must 100%
D. have risen

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
30% 100%

Score: 1/1

Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

when the supply curve has a 100%
A. zero elasticity
B. when the demand curve has
a zero elasticity
C. when the tax is collected
from the buyer
D. when the tax is imposed on
the buyer

Score: 1/1

The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.
Figure 3:

Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and quantity
are P0 and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms
receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is

Student Response Value Feedback

the tax revenue collected by 100%
A. the government.
B. the total value that
consumers receive from
their purchases.
C. the fall in producers’
D. the deadweight loss due to
the tax.

Score: 1/1

Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the sales tax?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. E
E+H 100%
C. H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1

Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully effective
price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
E+H 0%
C. C + F +D + G + E + H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 0/1

When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional unit of a
good or service

Student Response Value Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be
equal to the going market
B. marginal revenue will
always be negative.
it will have to lower its 100%
C. price on the additional unit
and on all other units.
D. it will only have to lower its
price on the additional unit.

Score: 1/1

Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Total Average Marginal

Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many units of its
product should it sell?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 4
B. 5
6 100%
D. 8

Score: 1/1

Refer to the same Table.
Total Average Marginal
Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output (Q) will
it produce and what price (P) will it charge?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27
B. Q = 4, P = $25
Q = 5, P = $23 100%
D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 1/1

Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has
fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12
How many widgets does a firm produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2
B. 3
4 100%
D. 5

Score: 1/1

Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed costs of
$10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
10 0%

Score: 0/1

An open economy's GDP is given by

Student Response Feedback

A. Y = C + I + G.

B. Y = C + I + G + T.

C. Y = C + I + G + S.

D. Y = C + I + G + NX.

Score: 0/1


The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Feedback

A. incremental revenue associated

with a one unit increase in labor.

B. incremental profit associated with a

one unit increase in labor.

C. increase in capital necessary to

keep labor employed

D. increase in output obtained from a

one unit increase in labor.

Score: 1/1


The average amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time is

Student Response Feedback

A. per capita GDP

B. per capita GNP

C. productivity

D. human capital

Score: 1/1


Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(i) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a fluctuating rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Feedback

A. (i) only

B. (ii) and (iii)

C. (i) and (iii)

D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 1/1


When the consumer price index rises, the typical family

Student Response Feedback

A. has to spend more dollars to

maintain the same standard of

B. can spend fewer dollars to maintain

the same standard of living.

C. finds that its standard of living is

not affected.
D. can offset the effects of rising prices
by saving more.

Score: 1/1


Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Feedback

A. all goods and services produced in

the economy

B. all goods and services that typical

consumers buy

C. all goods and services in the

consumption component of the GDP

D. all the goods, but not the services,

in the consumption component of
the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1


Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel

2001 $21 per bushel $10.5 per bushel

Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Feedback

A. 20 percent
B. 16.7 percent

C. 10 percent

D. 5 percent

Score: 1/1


If U.S. citizens decide to save a larger fraction of their incomes, the real interest rate

Student Response Feedback

A. decreases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar depreciates, and U.S.
net capital outflow increases.

B. decreases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar appreciates, and U.S.
net capital outflow decreases.

C. increases, the real exchange rate of

the dollar appreciates, and U.S. net
capital outflow decreases.

D. increases, the real exchange rate of

the dollar depreciates, and U.S. net
capital outflow increases.

Score: 1/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK is rising
the MPL is

Student Response Feedback

A. falling

B. rising

C. negative

D. flat
E. there is no way to tell

Score: 0/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor. In
what circumstance that the production function would shift vertically upward?

Student Response Feedback

A. An improvement in technology

B. Labor cost increases

C. Labor cost decreases

D. It is impossible that the production

function would shift

Score: 1/1


Assume a production function that has increasing returns to scale. A doubling of all the
inputs will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Feedback

A. doubling

B. more than doubling

C. less than doubling

D. zero increase

Score: 1/1


When the rate of inflation is expected to rise, this will lead to

Student Response Feedback

A. an increase in the nominal rate of


B. a decrease in the nominal rate of


C. a increase in the difference

between the nominal and the real
rates of interest

D. a and c of the above.

E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1


When net capital inflow is negative, net exports must be

Student Response Feedback

A. positive

B. negative

C. zero

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following would do the most to reduce a trade ?

Student Response Feedback

A. increasing domestic saving

B. increasing political stability and

respect for property rights

C. negotiating with other countries to

get them to reduce their trade

D. imposing higher tariffs on imported


Score: 1/1


Which of the following will increase U.S. net capital inflow?

Student Response Feedback

A. capital flight from the United States

B. the government budget deficit

increases (and domestic borrowing
is maxed out)

C. the U.S. imposes import quotas

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 0/1


Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of consumer
substitution, the CPI

Student Response Feedback

A. CPI always correctly reflects the

cost of living

B. CPI may overstate the cost of living

by not taking into account the
possibility of consumer substitution

C. CPI may understate the cost of

living by not taking into account the
possibility of consumer substitution

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Feedback

A. the CPI

B. the PPI

C. the GDP deflator.

D. the ESP

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below New products are invented every year. Consequently
real GDP growth

Student Response Feedback

A. probably underestimates the rate of

real economic growth.

B. probably overestimates the rate of

real economic growth.

C. real GDP growth is rarely used

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1


The knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and experience
are called

Student Response Feedback

A. physical capital.

B. human capital.

C. the production function.

D. technology.

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Feedback

A. knowledge acquired from early

childhood education programs

B. knowledge acquired from grade


C. knowledge acquired from on-the-

job training

D. All of the above are correct.

Score: 1/1


Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Feedback

A. negatively related.

B. positively related.

C. negatively related for developing

countries, but positively related for
industrial countries.

D. not related

Score: 1/1


International trade
Student Response Feedback

A. lowers the standard of living in all

trading countries.

B. raises the standard of living in all

trading countries.

C. raises the standard of living for

exporting countries and lowers it
for importing countries

D. raises the standard of living for

importing countries and lowers it
for exporting countries

Score: 1/1


When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Feedback

A. the demand for loanable funds will


B. the supply of loanable funds will fall

C. interest rates will rise

D. all of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is true?

Student Response Feedback

A. money was invented in the 12th

century BC by Sir John Money

B. money is the result of complex

social evolution
C. money's origins are to be found the
government safeguards of legal

D. a and c of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund

B. Bank One

C. Traveler's Insurance

D. Richardson Credit Union

E. all of the above are financial


Score: 1/1


Which of the following equations is correct?

Student Response Feedback

A. S = I + C

B. S = I - NX

C. S = I + NCO

D. S = NX - NCO.

Score: 1/1


Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?
Student Response Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.


B. a bond issued by General Motors

C. a bond issued by New York State

D. a bond issued by a new restaurant


Score: 1/1


Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn enough profit
to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Feedback

A. the board of directors

B. share holders

C. debt holders

D. workers

Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 6%?

Student Response Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 12%.

C. 20%.

D. 24%.

Score: 1/1

Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is $100.
Joe receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home pay, and Joe
now purchases 6 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income elasticity of demand
for beer?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2.

B. 1.

C. 0.3.

D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1


Economics is

Student Response Feedback

A. unscientific

B. interested in choice

C. interested only in values that are

traded on the market

D. the study of the allocation of scarce

means to alternative uses

E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Feedback

A. a Benz
B. steak

C. spam

D. gasoline

Score: 1/1


Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Feedback

A. a rising AC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

B. a falling AC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

C. a constant AC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

D. a falling MC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1


For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of demand
will be

Student Response Feedback

A. greater than 1

B. equal to 1

C. less than 1

D. equal to zero

E. It is hard to tell

Score: 1/1

Figure 2

Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who charges
everyone the same price produce?

Student Response Feedback

A. 100

B. 200

C. 300

D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output will
he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Feedback

A. between 100 and 200

B. between 200 and 300

C. between 300 and 400

D. more than 200

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Feedback

A. an improvement in technology

B. increase in consumer income

C. a change in price of raw material

D. a and b of the above

E. a and c of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Feedback

A. an improvement in technology

B. increase in consumer income

C. a change in consumer base

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 0/1


A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of computers
must decrease

Student Response Feedback

A. the number of computers bought

and sold

B. the price of computers.

C. both the equilibrium price and

quantity of computers.

D. the shortage of computers in the


Score: 1/1


Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been rising, and the quantity of gasoline
sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Feedback

A. the law of supply does not hold for


B. the law of demand does not hold for


C. the demand for gasoline must have


D. the supply of gasoline must have


Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for the number of units sold to rise by 12%?

Student Response Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 4.8%.

C. 12.4%.

D. 30%

Score: 10/10


Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of a per-unit tax?
Student Response Feedback

A. when the supply curve is vertical

B. when the demand curve is vertical

C. when the tax is collected from the


D. when the tax is imposed on the


Score: 10/10


The following two questions refer to the accompanying diagram.

Refer to the figure above. A per-unit tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and
quantity are P0
and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms receive
the price Ps, and consumers pay the price PD.

Area B + C is

Student Response Feedback

A. the tax revenue collected by the


B. the total value that consumers

receive from their purchases.

C. the fall in producers’ surplus.

D. the deadweight loss due to the tax.

Score: 10/10


Refer to the same figure below.

Which areas represent the deadweight loss from the imposition of the per-unit tax?

Student Response Feedback

A. E

B. E + F

C. B + C

D. A + B + E

E. C + F + D

Score: 10/10


Refer to the similar figure below.

Assuming the imposition of a fully effective price ceiling at P S the quantity produced will

Student Response Feedback

A. Q1

B. Q0

C. between Q1 and Q0

D. less than Q1

E. more than Q0

Score: 10/10


When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional unit of

a good or service
Student Response Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be equal to

the going market price.

B. marginal revenue will always be


C. it will have to lower its price on the

additional unit and on all other

D. it will only have to lower its price on

the additional unit.

Score: 10/10


Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Quantity Price Total Average Marginal

Revenue Revenue Revenue

1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many units
of its product should it sell?

Student Response Feedback

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6
D. 8

Score: 10/10


Refer to the same Table.

Quantity Price Total Average Marginal

Revenue Revenue Revenue

1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output (Q)
will it produce and what price (P) will it charge if it wants to maximize its profits?

Student Response Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27

B. Q = 4, P = $25

C. Q = 5, P = $23

D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 10/10


Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry
has fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:
Quantity Marginal Cost
1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce, assuming it wishes to maximize profits?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

Score: 10/10


Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed costs
of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve,
Quantity Marginal Cost
1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn when it maximizes profit?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

Score: 10/10

Belief in the basic stability of the free market, and doubt about the ability of
government to improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the
following categories of economists?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Keynesians

B. Classical economists

C. Austrian economists

D. All of the above

E. b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1


The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. incremental revenue
associated with a one
unit increase in labor.

B. incremental profit
associated with a one
unit increase in labor.

C. increase in capital
necessary to keep labor

D. increase in output 100%

obtained from a one unit
increase in labor.

Score: 1/1


An decrease in the amount of human capital per worker will most likely result in
Student Response Value Feedback

A. a decrease in 100%

B. an increase in

C. no effect on productivity

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1


Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function
(not pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a
fluctuating rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only

B. (ii) and (iii) 100%

C. (i) and (iii)

D. all of the above are


Score: 1/1


When the consumer price index decreases, the typical family

Student Response Value Feedback

A. has to spend more

dollars to maintain the
same standard of living.

B. can spend fewer dollars 100%

to maintain the same
standard of living.

C. finds that its standard of

living is not affected.

D. can offset the effects of

rising prices by saving

Score: 1/1


Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. all goods and services 100%

that typical consumers

B. all goods and services

produced or imported in
the economy

C. all goods and services in

the consumption
component of the GDP

D. all the goods, but not the

services, in the
consumption component
of the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel

2001 $22 per bushel $11 per bushel

Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent

B. 16.7 percent

C. 10 percent 100%

D. 8 percent

Score: 1/1


If U.S. citizens decide to save a larger fraction of their incomes, other things
contstant, the real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

A. will fall 100%

B. will rise.

C. will be unaffected

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK
is falling the MPL is
Student Response Value Feedback

A. falling

B. rising

C. negative 0%

D. flat

E. there is no way to tell

Score: 0/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed

factor. How would the production function be an increase in the amount of K to a
new fixed level?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function

would be unaffected

B. the production function

would shift vertically

C. the production function 100%

would shift vertically

D. the production function

would disappear

Score: 1/1


Assume a production function that has increasing returns to scale. A doubling of all
the inputs will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

A. doubling
B. more than doubling 100%

C. less than doubling

D. zero increase

Score: 1/1


When the rate of inflation is expected to rise, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
nominal rate of interest

B. a decrease in the
nominal rate of interest

C. a increase in the
difference between the
nominal and the real
rates of interest

D. a and c of the above. 100%

E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1


When the Chinese government decreases its demand for US Treasury bonds, the
dollar price of imported Chinese manufactured goods will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise

B. fall 100%

C. be unaffected

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the
interest rate to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise

B. fall

C. remain the same

D. it is impossble to say 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following will decrease the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
propensity of people to
save by purchasing US
savings bonds

B. the sale by the Federal 100%

Reserve System of
existing US bonds

C. a decrease in tax rates

D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of
consumer substitution, the CPI
Student Response Value Feedback

A. CPI always correctly

reflects the cost of living

B. CPI may overstate the 100%

cost of living by not
taking into account the
possibility of consumer

C. CPI may understate the

cost of living by not
taking into account the
possibility of consumer

D. None of the above is


Score: 1/1


Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the CPI

B. the PPI

C. the GDP deflator. 100%

D. the ESP

Score: 1/1


New products are invented every year. Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Value Feedback

A. probably accurately
estimates the rate of real
economic growth.

B. probably overestimates
the rate of real economic

C. probably underestimates 100%

the rate of real economic

D. is rarely used.

Score: 1/1


The knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and
experience are called

Student Response Value Feedback

A. physical capital.

B. human capital. 100%

C. the production function.

D. technology.

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a new factory building

B. a computer used to help

Mercury Deliver Service
keep track of their

C. knowledge acquired 100%

from on-the-job training
D. a desk used in an
accountant's office

Score: 1/1


Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Value Feedback

A. negatively related.

B. positively related. 100%

C. negatively related for

developing countries,
but positively related for
industrial countries.

D. not related

Score: 1/1


International trade

Student Response Value Feedback

A. raises the standard of 100%

living in all trading

B. lowers the standard of

living in all trading

C. leaves the standard of

living unchanged.

D. raises the standard of

living for importing
countries and lowers it
for exporting countries
Score: 1/1


When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the demand for loanable 100%

funds will fall

B. the supply of loanable

funds will fall

C. interest rates will rise

D. all of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money was invented in

the 12th century BC by
Sir John Money

B. money is the result of 100%

complex social evolution

C. money's origins are to

be found the
government safeguards
of legal tender

D. a and c of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund

B. Bank One

C. Traveler's Insurance

D. Richardson Credit Union

E. all of the above are 100%

financial intermediaries

Score: 1/1


According to whom is it more important to balance the economy that balance the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians

B. the Quakers 0%

C. the Monetarists

D. none of the above

Score: 0/1


Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the

U.S. government

B. a bond issued by IBM

C. a bond issued by New

York State

D. a bond issued by a new 100%

food company
Score: 1/1


Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn
enough profit to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the board of directors

B. share holders

C. debt holders 100%

D. workers

Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of
the good decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 4.8%.

C. 12.4%.

D. 24%. 100%

Score: 1/1


Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is
$100. Joe receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home
pay, and Joe now purchases 6 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income
elasticity of demand for beer?
Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2.

B. 1. 100%

C. 0.3.

D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1


Economics is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. unscientific

B. interested in choice

C. interested only in values

that are traded on the

D. the study of the

allocation of scarce
means to alternative

E. b and d of the above 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Benz

B. steak

C. gasoline

D. canned food 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a rising AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

B. a falling AC curve 100%

throughout the feasible
range of sales

C. a constant AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

D. a falling MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

E. a rising MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

Score: 1/1


For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of
demand will be

Student Response Value Feedback

A. greater than 1

B. equal to 1 100%

C. less than 1

D. equal to zero

E. It is hard to tell
Score: 1/1


Figure 2

Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who
charges everyone the same price produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 100

B. 200 100%

C. 300

D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output
will he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. between 100 and 200

B. between 200 and 300

C. between 300 and 400

D. more than 200 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in 100%

B. in crease in consumer

C. a change in consumer

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a change in price of raw


B. an improvement in

C. a change in consumer 100%


D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 1/1


A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of
computers must decrease

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the number of 100%

computers bought and

B. the price of computers.

C. both the equilibrium

price and quantity of

D. the shortage of
computers in the

Score: 1/1


Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been rising, and the quantity of
gasoline sold has been falling. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does

not hold for gasoline.

B. the law of demand does

not hold for gasoline.

C. the demand for gasoline

must have fallen

D. the supply of gasoline 100%

must have fallen

Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of
the good decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 4.8%.

C. 12.4%.
D. 30% 100%

Score: 1/1


Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise

Student Response Value Feedback

A. when the supply curve 100%

has a zero elasticity

B. when the demand curve

has a zero elasticity

C. when the tax is collected

from the buyer

D. when the tax is imposed

on the buyer

Score: 1/1


The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.

Figure 3:

Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and
quantity are P0 and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium
quantity is Q1, firms receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the tax revenue 100%

collected by the

B. the total value that

consumers receive from
their purchases.

C. the fall in producers’


D. the deadweight loss due

to the tax.

Score: 1/1


Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the
sales tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E

B. E + H 100%

C. H

D. J

E. E + H + J

Score: 1/1


Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully
effective price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of
Student Response Value Feedback

A. E

B. E + H

C. C + F +D + G + E + H 100%

D. J

E. E + H + J

Score: 1/1


When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional

unit of a good or service

Student Response Value Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be

equal to the going
market price.

B. marginal revenue will

always be negative.

C. it will have to lower its 100%

price on the additional
unit and on all other

D. it will only have to lower

its price on the
additional unit.

Score: 1/1


Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Total Average Marginal

Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many
units of its product should it sell?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 100%

D. 8

Score: 1/1


Refer to the same Table.

Total Average Marginal
Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13
Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output
(Q) will it produce and what price (P) will it charge?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27

B. Q = 4, P = $25

C. Q = 5, P = $23 100%

D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 1/1


Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets
industry has fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4 100%

D. 5

Score: 1/1

Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed
costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2 100%

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

Score: 1/1

Belief in the basic stability of the free market, and doubt about the ability of government to
improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the following categories of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Keynesians
B. Classical economists
C. Austrian economists
D. All of the above
b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1

The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. incremental revenue
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.
B. incremental profit
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.
C. increase in capital
necessary to keep labor
increase in output obtained 100%
D. from a one unit increase in

Score: 1/1

The average amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. per capita GDP
B. per capita GNP
productivity 100%
D. human capital

Score: 1/1

Figure 1
Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a fluctuating rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only
(ii) and (iii) 100%
C. (i) and (iii)
D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 1/1

When the consumer price index decreases, the typical family

Student Response Value Feedback

A. has to spend more dollars to
maintain the same standard
of living.
can spend fewer dollars to 100%
B. maintain the same standard
of living.
C. finds that its standard of
living is not affected.
D. can offset the effects of
rising prices by saving

Score: 1/1

Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?
Student Response Value Feedback
all goods and services that 100%
A. typical consumers buy
B. all goods and services
produced in the economy
C. all goods and services in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts
D. all the goods, but not the
services, in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans
2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel
2001 $22 per bushel $11 per bushel
Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent
B. 16.7 percent
10 percent 100%
D. 8 percent

Score: 1/1

If U.S. citizens decide to save a larger fraction of their incomes, other things contstant, the
real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

will fall 100%
B. will rise.
C. will be unaffected
D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK is
rising the MPL is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. falling
rising 0%
C. negative
D. flat
E. there is no way to tell

Score: 0/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor.
How would the production function be an increase in the amount of K to a new fixed level?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function
would be unaffected
B. the production function
would shift vertically
the production function 100%
C. would shift vertically
D. the production function
would disappear

Score: 1/1

Assume a production function that has constant returns to scale. A doubling of all the inputs
will lead to a ____________ of the output
Student Response Value Feedback
doubling 100%
B. more than doubling
C. less than doubling
D. zero increase

Score: 1/1

When the rate of inflation is expected to fall, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the nominal
rate of interest
B. a decrease in the nominal
rate of interest
C. a decrease in the difference
between the nominal and
the real rates of interest
D. a and c of the above.
b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1

When the Chinese government decreases its demand for US Treasury bonds, the dollar price
of imported Chinese manufactured goods will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise
fall 100%
C. be unaffected
D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the interest rate to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise
B. fall
C. remain the same
it is impossble to say 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following will decrease the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
propensity of people to save
by purchasing US savings
the sale by the Federal 100%
B. Reserve System of existing
US bonds
C. a decrease in tax rates
D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1

Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of consumer
substitution, the CPI

Student Response Value Feedback

A. CPI always correctly
reflects the cost of living
CPI may overstate the cost 100%
B. of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
C. CPI may understate the cost
of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the CPI
B. the PPI
the GDP deflator. 100%
D. the ESP

Score: 1/1

New products are invented every year. Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Value Feedback

probably underestimates 100%
A. the rate of real economic
B. probably overestimates the
rate of real economic
C. probably accurately
estimates the rate of real
economic growth.
D. is rarely used.

Score: 1/1

The equipment and structures available to produce goods and services are called
Student Response Value Feedback
physical capital. 100%
B. human capital.
C. the production function.
D. technology.

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is considered physical capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

Tools used to build 100%
A. furniture
B. Land, rivers, and mineral
C. knowledge acquired from
on-the-job training
D. All of the above are correct

Score: 1/1

Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Value Feedback

A. negatively related.
positively related. 100%
C. negatively related for
developing countries, but
positively related for
industrial countries.
D. not related

Score: 1/1

International trade

Student Response Value Feedback

A. leaves the standard of living
raises the standard of living 100%
B. in all trading countries.
C. raises the standard of living
for exporting countries and
lowers it for importing
D. raises the standard of living
for importing countries and
lowers it for exporting

Score: 1/1

When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Value Feedback

the demand for loanable 100%
A. funds will fall
B. the supply of loanable funds
will fall
C. interest rates will rise
D. all of the above

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money was invented in the
13th century BC by Sir
John Money
B. money is the result of
complex social evolution
C. Money facilitates exchange
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund
B. First mutual fund
C. Premium finance company
D. Richardson Credit Union
all of the above are financial 100%
E. intermediaries

Score: 1/1

According to whom is inflation always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians
B. the Quakers
the Monetarists 100%
D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.
B. a bond issued by IBM
C. a bond issued by New York
a bond issued by a new food 100%
D. company

Score: 1/1

Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn enough profit
to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Value Feedback

debt holders 100%
B. share holders
C. workers
D. managers

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
24%. 100%

Score: 1/1

Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is $100. Joe
receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $40 per month in take-home pay, and Joe now
purchases 7 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income elasticity of demand for beer?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. 2.
1. 100%
C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1

Economics is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. unscientific
B. interested in choice
C. interested only in values
that are traded on the
D. the study of the allocation
of scarce means to
alternative uses
b and d of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Porsche
B. gasoline
spam 100%
D. steak

Score: 1/1

Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a rising AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
a falling AC curve 100%
B. throughout the feasible
range of sales
C. a constant AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
D. a falling MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1

For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of demand will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. greater than 1
equal to 1 100%
C. less than 1
D. equal to zero

Score: 1/1


Figure 2
Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who charges
everyone the same price produce?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. 100
200 100%
C. 300
D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output will
he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. between 100 and 200
B. between 200 and 300
C. between 300 and 400
more than 200 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. increase in consumer
C. a change in price of raw
D. a and b of the above
a and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1
Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. in crease in consumer
C. a change in consumer tastes
D. a and b of the above
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of computers must

Student Response Value Feedback

the number of computers 100%
A. bought and sold
B. the price of computers.
C. both the equilibrium price
and quantity of computers.
D. the shortage of computers
in the market.

Score: 1/1

Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been rising, and the quantity of gasoline
sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does not
hold for gasoline.
B. the law of demand does not
hold for gasoline.
the demand for gasoline 100%
C. must have risen
D. the supply of gasoline must
have fallen

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
30% 100%

Score: 1/1

Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

when the supply curve has a 100%
A. zero elasticity
B. when the demand curve has
a zero elasticity
C. when the tax is collected
from the buyer
D. when the tax is imposed on
the buyer

Score: 1/1

The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.
Figure 3:
Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and quantity
are P0 and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms
receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is

Student Response Value Feedback

the tax revenue collected by 100%
A. the government.
B. the total value that
consumers receive from
their purchases.
C. the fall in producers’
D. the deadweight loss due to
the tax.

Score: 1/1

Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the sales tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
E+H 100%
C. H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1

Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully effective
price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
B. E+H
C + F +D + G + E + H 100%
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1

When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional unit of a
good or service

Student Response Value Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be
equal to the going market
B. marginal revenue will
always be negative.
it will have to lower its 100%
C. price on the additional unit
and on all other units.
D. it will only have to lower its
price on the additional unit.

Score: 1/1

Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Total Average Marginal

Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many units of its
product should it sell?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 4
B. 5
6 100%
D. 8

Score: 1/1

Refer to the same Table.
Total Average Marginal
Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13
Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output (Q) will
it produce and what price (P) will it charge?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27
B. Q = 4, P = $25
Q = 5, P = $23 100%
D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 1/1

Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has
fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2
B. 3
4 100%
D. 5

Score: 1/1

Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed costs of
$10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn?

Student Response Value Feedback

2 100%
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

Score: 1/1


Belief in the basic stability of the free market, and doubt about the ability of
government to improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the
following categories of economists?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Keynesians

B. Classical economists

C. Austrian economists

D. All of the above

E. b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1


The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. incremental cost
associated with a one
unit increase in labor.

B. incremental profit
associated with a one
unit increase in labor.

C. increase in labor
necessary to generate a
one unit increase in

D. increase in output 100%

obtained from a one unit
increase in labor.

Score: 1/1


An decrease in the amount of human capital per worker will most likely result in

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a decrease in 100%

B. an increase in

C. no effect on productivity

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function
(not pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a decreasing
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function fluctuates as the quantity of inputs

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only

B. (ii) and (iii) 0%

C. (i) and (ii)

D. all of the above are


Score: 0/1


What is the relationship between consumer price index and spending of typical family
in order to maintain the same standard of living?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. When the consumer 100%

price index decreases,
the typical family can
spend less

B. When the consumer

price index rises, the
typical family can spend
C. When the consumer
price index decreases,
the typical family has to
spend more

D. The fluctuation of
consumer price index is
nothing to do with
spending of family

Score: 1/1


Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. all goods and services

produced in the

B. all goods and services 100%

that typical consumers

C. all goods and services in

the consumption
component of the GDP

D. all the goods, but not the

services, in the
consumption component
of the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1


Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel

2001 $22 per bushel $11 per bushel

Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent

B. 16.7 percent

C. 10 percent 100%

D. 8 percent

Score: 1/1


If U.S. citizens entrepreneurs increase their demand for loanable funds, other things
contstant, the real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

A. will fall

B. will rise. 100%

C. will be unaffected

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK
is falling the MPL is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. falling

B. rising
C. negative

D. flat 0%

E. there is no way to tell

Score: 0/1


Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed

factor. How would the production function be affected by an improvement in

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function

would be unaffected

B. the production function 100%

would shift vertically

C. the production function

would shift vertically

D. the production function

would disappear

Score: 1/1


Assume a production function that has constant returns to scale. A doubling of all
the inputs will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

A. doubling 100%

B. more than doubling

C. less than doubling

D. zero increase
Score: 1/1


When the rate of inflation is expected to rise, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the 100%

nominal rate of interest

B. a decrease in the
nominal rate of interest

C. a decrease in the
difference between the
nominal and the real
rates of interest

D. a and c of the above.

E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1


When the US government decreases the interest rate on US Treasury bonds, the
dollar price of imported Chinese manufactured goods can be expected to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise

B. fall 100%

C. be unaffected

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1


An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the
interest rate to
Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise

B. fall

C. remain the same

D. it is impossble to say 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following will increase the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
propensity of people to
save by purchasing US
savings bonds

B. the spending by the 100%

Treasury of the proceeds
of the sale of new US
Treasury bonds to the
Federal Reserve System

C. a decrease in tax rates

D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of
consumer substitution, the CPI

Student Response Value Feedback

A. CPI always correctly

reflects the cost of living
B. CPI may overstate the 100%
cost of living by not
taking into account the
possibility of consumer

C. CPI may understate the

cost of living by not
taking into account the
possibility of consumer

D. None of the above is


Score: 1/1


Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the CPI

B. the PPI

C. the GDP deflator. 100%

D. the ESP

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below New products are invented every year.
Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Value Feedback

A. probably underestimates 100%

the rate of real economic

B. probably overestimates
the rate of real economic

C. real GDP growth is rare


D. None of the above is


Score: 1/1


The knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and
experience are called

Student Response Value Feedback

A. physical capital.

B. human capital. 100%

C. the production function.

D. technology.

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is considered physical capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Tools used to build 100%


B. Land, rivers, and mineral


C. knowledge acquired
from on-the-job training

D. All of the above are


Score: 1/1

Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Value Feedback

A. negatively related.

B. positively related. 100%

C. negatively related for

developing countries,
but positively related for
industrial countries.

D. not related

Score: 1/1


International trade

Student Response Value Feedback

A. raises the standard of 100%

living in all trading

B. lowers the standard of

living in all trading

C. leaves the standard of

living unchanged.

D. raises the standard of

living for importing
countries and lowers it
for exporting countries

Score: 1/1

When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the demand for loanable 100%

funds will fall

B. the supply of loanable

funds will fall

C. interest rates will rise

D. all of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money is the result of 0%

complex social evolution

B. Money facilitates

C. Money facilitates

D. all of the above

Score: 0/1


Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund

B. Bank One

C. Premium finance

D. Richardson Credit Union

E. all of the above are 100%

financial intermediaries

Score: 1/1


According to whom is it more important to balance the economy that balance the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians 100%

B. the Quakers

C. the Monetarists

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1


Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the

U.S. government

B. a bond issued by General


C. a bond issued by New

York State

D. a bond issued by a new 100%

restaurant chain

Score: 1/1

Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn
enough profit to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. debt holders 100%

B. share holders

C. workers

D. managers

Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of
the good decrease in order for sales to rise by 6%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 12%. 100%

C. 20%.

D. 24%.

Score: 1/1


Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is
$100. Joe receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $40 per month in take-home
pay, and Joe now purchases 7 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income
elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2.

B. 1. 100%

C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1


Economics is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. unscientific

B. not interested in choice

C. interested only in values

that are traded on the

D. the study of the 100%

allocation of scarce
means to alternative

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Benz

B. steak

C. gasoline

D. canned food 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a rising AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

B. a falling AC curve 100%

throughout the feasible
range of sales

C. a constant AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

D. a falling MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1


For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of
demand will be

Student Response Value Feedback

A. greater than 1

B. equal to 1 100%

C. less than 1

D. equal to zero

Score: 1/1


Figure 2

Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who
charges everyone the same price produce?
Student Response Value Feedback

A. 100

B. 200 100%

C. 300

D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output
will he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. between 100 and 200

B. between 200 and 300

C. between 300 and 400

D. more than 200 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in

B. increase in consumer

C. a change in price of raw

D. a and b of the above

E. a and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in

B. in crease in consumer

C. a change in consumer

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1


A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of
computers must decrease

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the number of 100%

computers bought and

B. the price of computers.

C. both the equilibrium

price and quantity of

D. the shortage of
computers in the

Score: 1/1


Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been falling, and the quantity of
gasoline sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does

not hold for gasoline.

B. the law of demand does

not hold for gasoline.

C. the demand for gasoline

must have risen

D. the supply of gasoline 100%

must have risen

Score: 1/1


The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of
the good decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 4.8%.

C. 12.4%.

D. 30% 100%

Score: 1/1


Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise
Student Response Value Feedback

A. when the supply curve 100%

has a zero elasticity

B. when the demand curve

has a zero elasticity

C. when the tax is collected

from the buyer

D. when the tax is imposed

on the buyer

Score: 1/1


The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.

Figure 3:

Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and
quantity are P0 and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium
quantity is Q1, firms receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the tax revenue 100%

collected by the

B. the total value that

consumers receive from
their purchases.

C. the fall in producers’


D. the deadweight loss due

to the tax.

Score: 1/1


Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the
sales tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E

B. E + H 100%

C. H

D. J

E. E + H + J

Score: 1/1


Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully
effective price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E

B. E + H

C. C + F +D + G + E + H 100%

D. J

E. E + H + J
Score: 1/1


When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional

unit of a good or service

Student Response Value Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be

equal to the going
market price.

B. marginal revenue will

always be negative.

C. it will have to lower its 100%

price on the additional
unit and on all other

D. it will only have to lower

its price on the
additional unit.

Score: 1/1


Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Total Average Marginal

Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13
Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many
units of its product should it sell?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 100%

D. 8

Score: 1/1


Refer to the same Table.

Total Average Marginal
Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output
(Q) will it produce and what price (P) will it charge?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27

B. Q = 4, P = $25

C. Q = 5, P = $23 100%
D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 1/1


Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets
industry has fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4 100%

D. 5

Score: 1/1


Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed
costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2 100%

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

Belief in the basic instability of the free market, and faith in the ability of government to
improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the following categories of

Student Response Value Feedback

Keynesian Economists 100%
B. Classical economists
C. Austrian economists
D. All of the above
E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1

The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. incremental cost associated
with a one unit increase in
B. incremental profit
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.
C. increase in labor necessary
to generate a one unit
increase in output.
increase in output obtained 100%
D. from a one unit increase in

Score: 1/1

The average amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. per capita GDP
B. per capita GNP
C. productivity
human capital 0%

Score: 0/1

Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a decreasing rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only
(ii) and (iii) 0%
C. (i) and (iii)
D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 0/1

When the consumer price index decreases, the typical family

Student Response Value Feedback

has to spend more dollars to 0%
A. maintain the same standard
of living.
B. can spend fewer dollars to
maintain the same standard
of living.
C. finds that its standard of
living is not affected.
D. can offset the effects of
rising prices by saving

Score: 0/1

Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Value Feedback

all goods and services that 100%
A. typical consumers buy
B. all goods and services
produced or imported in the
C. all goods and services in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts
D. all the goods, but not the
services, in the
consumption component of
the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1
Year Peaches Pecans
2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel
2001 $21 per bushel $10.5 per bushel
Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent
B. 16.7 percent
C. 10 percent
5 percent 100%

Score: 1/1

If U.S. citizens entrepreneurs increase their demand for loanable funds, other things contstant,
the real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

A. will fall
will rise. 100%
C. will be unaffected
D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK is
falling the MPL is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. falling
B. rising
C. negative
D. flat
there is no way to tell 0%

Score: 0/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor.
How would the production function be affected by an improvement in technology?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function
would be unaffected
the production function 100%
B. would shift vertically
C. the production function
would shift vertically
D. the production function
would disappear

Score: 1/1

Assume a production function that has increasing returns to scale. A doubling of all the inputs
will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

A. doubling
more than doubling 100%
C. less than doubling
D. zero increase

Score: 1/1

When the rate of inflation is expected to fall, this will lead to
Student Response Value Feedback
A. an increase in the nominal
rate of interest
B. a decrease in the nominal
rate of interest
C. a decrease in the difference
between the nominal and
the real rates of interest
D. a and c of the above.
b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1

When the US government decreases the interest rate on US Treasury bonds, the dollar price
of imported Chinese manufactured goods can be expected to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise
B. fall
C. be unaffected
none of the above 0%

Score: 0/1

An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the quantity of
loanable funds borrowed to

Student Response Value Feedback

rise 100%
B. fall
C. remain the same
D. it is impossble to say

Score: 1/1
Which of the following will increase the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the
propensity of people to save
by purchasing US savings
the spending by the 100%
B. Treasury of the proceeds of
the sale of new US Treasury
bonds to the Federal
Reserve System
C. a decrease in tax rates
D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1

Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of consumer
substitution, the CPI

Student Response Value Feedback

A. CPI always correctly
reflects the cost of living
CPI may overstate the cost 100%
B. of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
C. CPI may understate the cost
of living by not taking into
account the possibility of
consumer substitution
D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. the CPI
B. the PPI
the GDP deflator. 100%
D. the ESP

Score: 1/1

New products are invented every year. Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Value Feedback

probably underestimates 100%
A. the rate of real economic
B. probably overestimates the
rate of real economic
C. probably accurately
estimates the rate of real
economic growth.
D. is rarely used.

Score: 1/1

Inputs used in production that are provided by nature, such as land, rivers, and mineral
deposits are called

Student Response Value Feedback

A. physical capital.
B. human capital.
C. the production function.
Nature resources 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a new factory building
B. a computer used to help
Mercury Deliver Service
keep track of their orders
knowledge acquired from 100%
C. on-the-job training
D. a desk used in an
accountant's office

Score: 1/1

Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Value Feedback

A. negatively related.
positively related. 100%
C. negatively related for
developing countries, but
positively related for
industrial countries.
D. not related

Score: 1/1

International trade

Student Response Value Feedback

raises the standard of living 100%
A. in all trading countries.
B. lowers the standard of
living in all trading
C. leaves the standard of living
D. raises the standard of living
for importing countries and
lowers it for exporting

Score: 1/1

When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the demand for loanable
funds will fall
the supply of loanable funds 0%
B. will fall
C. interest rates will rise
D. all of the above

Score: 0/1

Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money was invented in the
13th century BC by Sir
John Money
B. money is the result of
complex social evolution
C. Money facilitates exchange
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is a financial intermediary?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. Prudential Pension Fund
B. First mutual fund
C. Premium finance company
D. Richardson Credit Union
all of the above are financial 100%
E. intermediaries

Score: 1/1

According to whom is it more important to balance the economy that balance the budget?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians
B. the Quakers
C. the Monetarists
none of the above 0%

Score: 0/1

Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.
B. a bond issued by General
C. a bond issued by New York
a bond issued by a new 100%
D. restaurant chain

Score: 1/1

Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn enough profit
to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Value Feedback

debt holders 100%
B. share holders
C. workers
D. managers

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
24%. 100%

Score: 1/1

Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is $100. Joe
receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home pay, and Joe now
purchases 6 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2.
1. 100%
C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1

Economics is

Student Response Value Feedback

A. unscientific
B. not interested in choice
C. interested only in values
that are traded on the
the study of the allocation 100%
D. of scarce means to
alternative uses

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Benz
B. steak
spam 100%
D. gasoline

Score: 1/1

Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a rising AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
a falling AC curve 100%
B. throughout the feasible
range of sales
C. a constant AC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
D. a falling MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales
E. a rising MC curve
throughout the feasible
range of sales

Score: 1/1

For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of demand will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. greater than 1
B. equal to 1
C. less than 1
D. equal to zero
It is hard to tell 0%

Score: 0/1


Figure 2
Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who charges
everyone the same price produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 100
200 100%
C. 300
D. 400

Score: 1/1

Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output will
he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Value Feedback

A. between 100 and 200
B. between 200 and 300
C. between 300 and 400
more than 200 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. increase in consumer
C. a change in price of raw
D. a and b of the above
a and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. increase in consumer
C. a change in consumer base
D. a and b of the above
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of computers must

Student Response Value Feedback

the number of computers 100%
A. bought and sold
B. the price of computers.
C. both the equilibrium price
and quantity of computers.
D. the shortage of computers
in the market.

Score: 1/1

Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been falling, and the quantity of gasoline
sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does not
hold for gasoline.
B. the law of demand does not
hold for gasoline.
C. the demand for gasoline
must have risen
the supply of gasoline must 100%
D. have risen

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?
Student Response Value Feedback
A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
30% 100%

Score: 1/1

Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

when the supply curve has a 100%
A. zero elasticity
B. when the demand curve has
a zero elasticity
C. when the tax is collected
from the buyer
D. when the tax is imposed on
the buyer

Score: 1/1

The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.
Figure 3:

Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and quantity
are P0 and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms
receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is
Student Response Value Feedback
the tax revenue collected by 100%
A. the government.
B. the total value that
consumers receive from
their purchases.
C. the fall in producers’
D. the deadweight loss due to
the tax.

Score: 1/1

Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the sales tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
E+H 100%
C. H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1

Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully effective
price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
E+H 0%
C. C + F +D + G + E + H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 0/1

When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional unit of a
good or service

Student Response Value Feedback

A. marginal revenue will be
equal to the going market
B. marginal revenue will
always be negative.
it will have to lower its 100%
C. price on the additional unit
and on all other units.
D. it will only have to lower its
price on the additional unit.

Score: 1/1

Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Total Average Marginal

Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many units of its
product should it sell?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 4
B. 5
6 100%
D. 8

Score: 1/1

Refer to the same Table.
Total Average Marginal
Quantity Price Revenue Revenue Revenue
1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output (Q) will
it produce and what price (P) will it charge?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27
B. Q = 4, P = $25
Q = 5, P = $23 100%
D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 1/1

Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has
fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2
B. 3
4 100%
D. 5

Score: 1/1

Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed costs of
$10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:

Quantity Marginal Cost

1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12
How much profit does the firm earn?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
10 0%

Score: 0/1

Belief in the basic stability of the free market, and doubt about the ability of
government to improve on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the
following categories of economists?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. Keynesians

B. Classical economists

C. Austrian economists

D. All of the above

E. b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1

An open economy's GDP is given by

Student Response Feedback

A. Y = C + I + G.
B. Y = C + I + G + T.

C. Y = C + I + G + S.

D. Y = C + I + G + NX.

Score: 1/1

Belief in the basic instability of the free market, and faith in the ability of government to improve
on free market outcomes, is associated with which of the following categories of economists?

Student Response Value Feedback

Keynesian Economists 100%
B. Classical economists
C. Austrian economists
D. All of the above
E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1

The marginal product of labor is equal to the

Student Response Feedback

A. incremental revenue
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.

B. incremental profit
associated with a one unit
increase in labor.

C. increase in capital necessary

to keep labor employed

D. increase in output obtained

from a one unit increase in

Score: 1/1

The average amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's
time is called

Student Response Feedback

A. per capita GDP

B. per capita GNP

C. productivity

D. human capital

Score: 1/1

An decrease in the amount of human capital per worker will most likely result in

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a decrease in 100%

B. an increase in

C. no effect on productivity

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

An increase in the amount of human capital per worker will most likely result in
Student Response Value Feedback

A. a decrease in

B. an increase in 100%

C. no effect on productivity

D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

Figure 1

Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(i) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a fluctuating rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Feedback

A. (i) only

B. (ii) and (iii)

C. (i) and (iii)

D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 1/1

Figure 1

错 Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function
(not pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(i) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a decreasing rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function fluctuates as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Feedback

A. (i) only

B. (ii) and (iii)

C. (i) and (ii)

D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 0/1

Figure 1

错 Consider Figure 1 above. Which of the following is true of the production function (not
pictured) that underlies this total cost function in Figure 1?
(ii) Total output increases as the quantity of inputs increases, but at a decreasing rate.
(ii) Marginal product is diminishing for all levels of input usage.
(iii) The slope of the production function decreases as the quantity of inputs increases.

Student Response Value Feedback

A. (i) only
(ii) and (iii) 0%
C. (i) and (iii)
D. all of the above are correct.

Score: 0/1

When the consumer price index rises, the typical family

Student Response Feedback

A. has to spend more dollars to

maintain the same standard of

B. can spend fewer dollars to

maintain the same standard of

C. finds that its standard of living is

not affected.

D. can offset the effects of rising

prices by saving more.

Score: 1/1

When the consumer price index decreases, the typical family

Student Response Value Feedback

A. has to spend more dollars to
maintain the same standard
of living.
can spend fewer dollars to 100%
B. maintain the same standard
of living.
C. finds that its standard of
living is not affected.
D. can offset the effects of rising
prices by saving more.

Score: 1/1

What is the relationship between consumer price index and spending of typical family
in order to maintain the same standard of living?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. When the consumer price 100%

index decreases, the
typical family can spend

B. When the consumer price

index rises, the typical
family can spend less

C. When the consumer price

index decreases, the
typical family has to
spend more

D. The fluctuation of
consumer price index is
nothing to do with
spending of family

Score: 1/1

Which goods are supposed to be included in the CPI?

Student Response Feedback

A. all goods and services produced

in the economy

B. all goods and services that typical

consumers buy

C. all goods and services in the

consumption component of the
GDP accounts

D. all the goods, but not the

services, in the consumption
component of the GDP accounts

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel

2001 $21 per bushel $10.5 per bushel

Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Feedback

A. 20 percent

B. 16.7 percent

C. 10 percent

D. 5 percent

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel
2001 $22 per bushel $11 per bushel
Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 20 percent
B. 16.7 percent
10 percent 100%
D. 8 percent

Score: 1/1

Year Peaches Pecans

2000 $20 per bushel $10 per bushel

2001 $24 per bushel $12 per bushel

Consider Table 1. What was the rate of inflation in 2001?

Student Response Feedback

A. 20 percent

B. 16.7 percent

C. 10 percent

D. 8 percent

Score: 1/1

If U.S. citizens decide to save a larger fraction of their incomes, the real interest rate

Student Response Feedback

A. decreases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar depreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

B. decreases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar appreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

C. increases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar appreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

D. increases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar depreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

Score: 1/1

If U.S. citizens decide to save a larger fraction of their incomes, other things contstant, the real
interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

will fall 100%
B. will rise.
C. will be unaffected
D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

If U.S. citizens entrepreneurs increase their demand for loanable funds, other things contstant, the
real interest rate

Student Response Value Feedback

A. will fall
will rise. 100%
C. will be unaffected
D. it is impossible to say

Score: 1/1

错 If U.S. citizens decide to save a smaller fraction of their incomes, the real interest

Student Response Feedback

A. decreases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar depreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow
B. decreases, the real exchange rate
of the dollar appreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

C. increases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar appreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

D. increases, the real exchange rate

of the dollar depreciates, and
U.S. net capital outflow

Score: 0/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK
is falling the MPL is

Student Response Feedback

A. falling

B. rising

C. negative

D. flat

E. there is no way to tell

Score: 1/1

错 Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS. When the MPK
is rising the MPL is

Student Response Feedback

A. falling
B. rising

C. negative

D. flat

E. there is no way to tell

Score: 0/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor.
In what circumstance that the production function would shift vertically upward?

Student Response Feedback

A. An improvement in technology

B. Labor cost increases

C. Labor cost decreases

D. It is impossible that the

production function would shift

Score: 1/1

Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor. How
would the production function be an increase in the amount of K to a new fixed level?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function
would be unaffected
B. the production function
would shift vertically
the production function 100%
C. would shift vertically upward
D. the production function
would disappear

Score: 1/1
Consider a production function in two factors Q = f(K,L) that is CRS, K is a fixed factor. How
would the production function be affected by an improvement in technology?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the production function
would be unaffected
the production function 100%
B. would shift vertically upward
C. the production function
would shift vertically
D. the production function
would disappear

Score: 1/1


Assume a production function that has increasing returns to scale. A doubling of all
the inputs will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Feedback

A. doubling

B. more than doubling

C. less than doubling

D. zero increase

Score: 1/1

Assume a production function that has constant returns to scale. A doubling of all the inputs will
lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

doubling 100%
B. more than doubling
C. less than doubling
D. zero increase

Score: 1/1

Assume a production function that has decreasing returns to scale. A doubling of all
the inputs will lead to a ____________ of the output

Student Response Value Feedback

A. doubling

B. more than doubling

C. less than doubling 100%

D. zero increase

Score: 1/1


When the rate of inflation is expected to rise, this will lead to

Student Response Feedback

A. an increase in the nominal rate of


B. a decrease in the nominal rate of


C. a increase in the difference

between the nominal and the real
rates of interest

D. a and c of the above.

E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1

When the rate of inflation is expected to rise, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the 100%

nominal rate of interest

B. a decrease in the
nominal rate of interest

C. a decrease in the
difference between the
nominal and the real
rates of interest

D. a and c of the above.

E. b and c of the above.

Score: 1/1

When the rate of inflation is expected to fall, this will lead to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the nominal
rate of interest
B. a decrease in the nominal rate
of interest
C. a decrease in the difference
between the nominal and the
real rates of interest
D. a and c of the above.
b and c of the above. 100%

Score: 1/1


When net capital inflow is negative, net exports must be

Student Response Feedback

A. positive
B. negative

C. zero

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

When the Chinese government decreases its demand for US Treasury bonds, the dollar price of
imported Chinese manufactured goods will

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise
fall 100%
C. be unaffected
D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

When the US government decreases the interest rate on US Treasury bonds, the dollar
price of imported Chinese manufactured goods can be expected to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise

B. fall 100%

C. be unaffected

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following would do the most to reduce a trade deficit?

Student Response Feedback

A. increasing domestic saving

B. increasing political stability and

respect for property rights

C. negotiating with other countries

to get them to reduce their trade

D. imposing higher tariffs on

imported goods

Score: 1/1

An increase in the Demand for and the supply of loanable funds will cause the interest rate to

Student Response Value Feedback

A. rise
B. fall
C. remain the same
it is impossble to say 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following will decrease the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the propensity
of people to save by
purchasing US savings bonds
the sale by the Federal 100%
B. Reserve System of existing
US bonds
C. a decrease in tax rates
D. a decrease in the deficit
Score: 1/1

Which of the following will increase the supply of money?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an increase in the propensity
of people to save by
purchasing US savings bonds
the spending by the Treasury 100%
B. of the proceeds of the sale of
new US Treasury bonds to
the Federal Reserve System
C. a decrease in tax rates
D. a decrease in the deficit

Score: 1/1
Which of the following will increase U.S. net capital inflow?

Student Response Feedback

A. capital flight from the United


B. the government budget deficit

increases (and domestic
borrowing is maxed out)

C. the U.S. imposes import quotas

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below By not taking into account the possibility of
consumer substitution, the CPI

Student Response Feedback

A. CPI always correctly reflects the

cost of living

B. CPI may overstate the cost of

living by not taking into account
the possibility of consumer

C. CPI may understate the cost of

living by not taking into account
the possibility of consumer

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is a current-weighted price index?

Student Response Feedback

A. the CPI

B. the PPI

C. the GDP deflator.

D. the ESP

Score: 1/1


Choose the correct statement below New products are invented every year.
Consequently real GDP growth

Student Response Feedback

A. probably underestimates the rate

of real economic growth.

B. probably overestimates the rate

of real economic growth.

C. real GDP growth is rarely used

D. None of the above is correct

Score: 1/1


The knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and
experience are called

Student Response Feedback

A. physical capital.

B. human capital.

C. the production function.

D. technology.

Score: 1/1

The equipment and structures available to produce goods and services are called

Student Response Value Feedback

physical capital. 100%
B. human capital.
C. the production function.
D. technology.

Score: 1/1

Inputs used in production that are provided by nature, such as land, rivers, and mineral deposits
are called

Student Response Value Feedback

A. physical capital.
B. human capital.
C. the production function.
Nature resources 100%
Score: 1/1


Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Feedback

A. knowledge acquired from early

childhood education programs

B. knowledge acquired from grade


C. knowledge acquired from on-the-

job training

D. All of the above are correct.

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is considered human capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a new factory building

B. a computer used to help

Mercury Deliver Service
keep track of their orders

C. knowledge acquired from 100% 注意和前一题

on-the-job training

D. a desk used in an
accountant's office

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is considered physical capital?

Student Response Value Feedback

Tools used to build furniture 100%
B. Land, rivers, and mineral
C. knowledge acquired from on-
the-job training
D. All of the above are correct

Score: 1/1


Across countries, investment and growth rates are

Student Response Feedback

A. negatively related.

B. positively related.

C. negatively related for developing

countries, but positively related
for industrial countries.

D. not related

Score: 1/1


International trade

Student Response Feedback

A. lowers the standard of living in all

trading countries.

B. raises the standard of living in all

trading countries.

C. raises the standard of living for

exporting countries and lowers it
for importing countries

D. raises the standard of living for

importing countries and lowers it
for exporting countries

Score: 1/1

When the marginal rate of time preference falls

Student Response Feedback

A. the demand for loanable funds

will fall

B. the supply of loanable funds will


C. interest rates will rise

D. all of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is true?

Student Response Feedback

A. money was invented in the 12th

century BC by Sir John Money

B. money is the result of complex 注意下

social evolution 两题

C. money's origins are to be found

the government safeguards of
legal tender

D. a and c of the above

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money was invented in the
13th century BC by Sir John
B. money is the result of
complex social evolution
C. Money facilitates exchange
b and c of the above 100% 注意上下题

Score: 1/1

Which of the following is true?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. money is the result of 0%

complex social evolution

B. Money facilitates

C. Money facilitates

D. all of the above 应该是 D

Score: 0/1


Which of the following is a financial intermediary?

Student Response Feedback

A. Prudential Pension Fund

B. Bank One

C. Traveler's Insurance

D. Richardson Credit Union

E. all of the above are financial


Score: 1/1

Which of the following equations is correct?

Student Response Feedback

A. S = I + C

B. S = I - NX

C. S = I + NCO

D. S = NX - NCO.

Score: 1/1

According to whom is inflation always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians
B. the Quakers
the Monetarists 100%
D. none of the above

Score: 1/1

According to whom is it more important to balance the economy that balance the

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the Keynesians 100%

B. the Quakers

C. the Monetarists

D. none of the above

Score: 1/1


Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?
Student Response Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.


B. a bond issued by General Motors

C. a bond issued by New York State

D. a bond issued by a new

restaurant chain

Score: 1/1

Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a bond issued by the U.S.
B. a bond issued by IBM
C. a bond issued by New York
a bond issued by a new food 100%
D. company

Score: 1/1


Which of the following stakeholders is most concerned that the company earn enough
profit to pay its loans? (hint: consider the incentives faced by each).

Student Response Feedback

A. the board of directors

B. share holders

C. debt holders

D. workers

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the
good decrease in order for sales to rise by 6%?

Student Response Feedback

A. 3%.

B. 12%.

C. 20%.

D. 24%.

Score: 1/1

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.50. By how much must the price of the good
decrease in order for sales to rise by 12%?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.
C. 12.4%.
24%. 100%

Score: 1/1


Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is
$100. Joe receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home
pay, and Joe now purchases 6 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income
elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2.

B. 1.

C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1

Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is $100. Joe
receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $40 per month in take-home pay, and Joe now
purchases 7 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. 2.
1. 100%
C. 0.3.
D. 0.05.

Score: 1/1

错 Suppose Joe purchases 5 six-packs of beer per month when his monthly income is
$100. Joe receives a raise at work, giving him an extra $20 per month in take-home
pay, and Joe now purchases 7 six-packs of beer per month. What is Joe's income
elasticity of demand for beer?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2. 可能是 A 需求量变化的百分比除以价格变化的

B. 1.

C. 0.3.

D. 0.05.

Score: 0/1


Economics is
Student Response Feedback

A. unscientific

B. interested in choice

C. interested only in values that are

traded on the market

D. the study of the allocation of

scarce means to alternative uses

E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1

Economics is

Student Response Feedback

A. unscientific

B. not interested in choice

C. interested only in values that are

traded on the market

D. the study of the allocation of

scarce means to alternative uses

Score: 1/1


Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Feedback

A. a Benz

B. steak

C. spam

D. gasoline

Score: 1/1
Which of the following is most likely an inferior good?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a Benz

B. steak

C. gasoline

D. canned food 100%

Score: 1/1


Which of the following identifies a natural monopoly?

Student Response Feedback

A. a rising AC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

B. a falling AC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

C. a constant AC curve throughout

the feasible range of sales

D. a falling MC curve throughout the

feasible range of sales

E. b and d of the above

Score: 1/1


For a profit maximizing monopolist, who has not costs, TC = 0, the elasticity of
demand will be

Student Response Feedback

A. greater than 1
B. equal to 1

C. less than 1

D. equal to zero

E. It is hard to tell

Score: 1/1


Figure 2

Consider Figure 2 above. What output will a profit maximizing monopolist who charges
everyone the same price produce?

Student Response Feedback

A. 100

B. 200

C. 300

D. 400

Score: 1/1


Consider Figure 2 above. If the monopolist is able to price discriminate what output
will he/she produce? (pick the best answer).

Student Response Feedback

A. between 100 and 200

B. between 200 and 300

C. between 300 and 400

D. more than 200

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Feedback

A. an improvement in technology

B. increase in consumer income

C. a change in price of raw material

D. a and b of the above

E. a and c of the above

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in 100% 注意

B. in crease in consumer

C. a change in consumer

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the supply curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in 100%

B. in crease in consumer

C. a change in consumer

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 1/1


Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. an improvement in
B. in crease in consumer income
C. a change in consumer tastes
D. a and b of the above
b and c of the above 100%

Score: 1/1

Which of the following conditions shifts the demand curve?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. a change in price of raw


B. an improvement in

C. a change in consumer 100% 注意

D. a and b of the above

E. b and c of the above

Score: 1/1


A simultaneous decrease in both the demand for computers and the supply of
computers must decrease

Student Response Feedback

A. the number of computers bought

and sold

B. the price of computers.

C. both the equilibrium price and

quantity of computers.

D. the shortage of computers in the


Score: 1/1


Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been rising, and the quantity of
gasoline sold has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Feedback

A. the law of supply does not hold

for gasoline.

B. the law of demand does not hold

for gasoline.

C. the demand for gasoline must

have risen

D. the supply of gasoline must have


Score: 1/1
Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been rising, and the quantity of
gasoline sold has been falling. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does

not hold for gasoline.

B. the law of demand does

not hold for gasoline.

C. the demand for gasoline

must have fallen

D. the supply of gasoline 100%

must have fallen

Score: 1/1

Suppose we observe that the price of gasoline has been falling, and the quantity of gasoline sold
has also been rising. We can conclude that

Student Response Value Feedback

A. the law of supply does not
hold for gasoline.
B. the law of demand does not
hold for gasoline.
C. the demand for gasoline must
have risen
the supply of gasoline must 100%
D. have risen

Score: 1/1

四十一 需求除以价格

The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.40. By how much must the price of the
good decrease in order for the number of units sold to rise by 12%?

Student Response Feedback

A. 3%.
B. 4.8%.

C. 12.4%.

D. 30%

Score: 10/10


Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of a per-unit

Student Response Feedback

A. when the supply curve is vertical

B. when the demand curve is


C. when the tax is collected from the


D. when the tax is imposed on the


Score: 10/10

Under which of the following circumstances will the seller pay the whole of an excise tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

when the supply curve has a 100%
A. zero elasticity
B. when the demand curve has a
zero elasticity
C. when the tax is collected
from the buyer
D. when the tax is imposed on
the buyer

Score: 1/1

四十三 四十四 四十五

43The following two questions refer to the accompanying diagram.

Refer to the figure above. A per-unit tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price
and quantity are P0
and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms
receive the price Ps, and consumers pay the price PD.

Area B + C is

Student Response Feedback

A. the tax revenue collected by the


B. the total value that consumers

receive from their purchases.

C. the fall in producers’ surplus.

D. the deadweight loss due to the


Score: 10/10

44Refer to the same figure below.

Which areas represent the deadweight loss from the imposition of the per-unit tax?

Student Response Feedback

A. E

B. E + F

C. B + C

D. A + B + E

E. C + F + D
Score: 10/10

45Refer to the similar figure below.

Assuming the imposition of a fully effective price ceiling at P S the quantity produced
will be?

Student Response Feedback

A. Q1

B. Q0

C. between Q1 and Q0

D. less than Q1

E. more than Q0

43The following three questions refer to the accompanying diagram.
Figure 3:

Refer to Figure 3 above. A sales tax is imposed on consumers. The initial price and quantity are P0
and Q0, respectively. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity is Q1, firms receive the price
Ps, and consumers pay the price Pd.

Area C + D + F + G is

Student Response Value Feedback

the tax revenue collected by 100%
A. the government.
B. the total value that consumers
receive from their purchases.
C. the fall in producers’ surplus.
D. the deadweight loss due to the
Score: 1/1

44Refer to Figure 3 below. Which is the deadweight loss from the imposition of the sales tax?

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
E+H 100%
C. H
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1

45Forget about the sales tax. Use the same Figure 3 below. The imposition of a fully effective
price ceiling at Ps will cause a deadweight loss of

Student Response Value Feedback

A. E
B. E+H
C + F +D + G + E + H 100%
D. J
E. E+H+J

Score: 1/1


When a simple monopolist – no price discrimination – chooses to sell an additional unit of a good
or service
Student Response Value Feedback
A. marginal revenue will be
equal to the going market
B. marginal revenue will always
be negative.
it will have to lower its price 100%
C. on the additional unit and on
all other units.
D. it will only have to lower its
price on the additional unit.

Score: 1/1


Use the table below to answer the following two questions.

Quantity Price Total Average Marginal

Revenue Revenue Revenue

1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Refer to Table above. If the monopolist wants to maximize its revenue, how many
units of its product should it sell?

Student Response Feedback

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 8
Score: 10/10


Refer to the same Table.

Quantity Price Total Average Marginal

Revenue Revenue Revenue

1 35 35
2 64 32 29
3 29
4 17
5 23 11
6 120
7 17 -1
8 -7
9 99 11 -13

Assume this monopolist’s marginal cost is constant at $11. What quantity of output
(Q) will it produce and what price (P) will it charge if it wants to maximize its profits?

Student Response Feedback

A. Q = 4, P = $27

B. Q = 4, P = $25

C. Q = 5, P = $23

D. Q = 7, P = $17

Score: 10/10


Suppose that the price of widgets is $10. Every competitive firm in the widgets
industry has fixed costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve:
Quantity Marginal Cost
1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How many widgets does a firm produce, assuming it wishes to maximize profits?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

Score: 10/10


Use the same table below. Every competitive firm in the widgets industry has fixed
costs of $10 and faces the following marginal cost curve,
Quantity Marginal Cost
1 $4
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 12

How much profit does the firm earn when it maximizes profit?

Student Response Feedback

A. 2

B. 6

C. 8

D. 10

Score: 10/10

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