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Nombre (a):____________________________________Grado:__________
Instruction: Quietly read and analyze before responding as appropriate to the
correct answer on the answer sheet by filling in pencil subsection.

1.- Which one is a formal greeting? d) Forever

a) Hi
b) Hello 9.- Mentions the sea animals
c) Ok a) Giraffe, zebra, elephant
d) Please b) Octophus, fish, shark
c) Bird, owl, gull,butterfly
2.- Are two ways to answer “How are you? d) Lizard, wasp, ant, bug
a) This is Robert / Nice too meet you
b) Perfect / More or less 10.- If the verb "go" is in third person
c) I’m OK / I’m fine, thanks singular is added:
d) Good afternoon / thanks a) –es
b) –ies
3.- What instructions do you hear in the c) –s
a) In, at, on d) –ing
b) Near, next to, between
c) Left, right, straight 11.- It is an animal of 8 feet:
d) And, but, or a) Worm
b) Chicken
4.- These are matters of class? c) Spider
a) Ecoturism, education, support d) Frog
b) Student, teacher, director
c) Math, chemistry, biology 12.-this verb means "Cantar”
d) Recreational, artistic, library a) To sing
b) Sang
5.- What are the adverbs of frequency? c) Song
a) That, those, these, this d) Singer
b) Mine, yours, theirs, ours
c) Once, twice, there times, all days 13.- Means the color "café” in English
d) Always, never, sometimes, often a) Green
b) Blue
6.- Is an expression of time. c) Brown
a) Always d) Gray
b) Once upon a time
c) O’clock 14.- Are adjectives:
d) Again a) Yellow, Black
b) Important, beautiful
7.- what are the adverbs of sequence? c) Have, do
this, That, there, Those d) Toronto, Chile
finally, after that, later, Then
always, never, Often, Usually
Which, were, who, when

8.- How often do you buy clothes?

a) Once a month
b) Today
c) A year

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