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T oday I presented the budget on the floor of the National Assembly.

Mian Sahab asked if

I couldn’t have put it on a table at least. First I unveiled the Pakistan Economic Survey which
showed how we successfully missed all our targets from the previous year. Failure is a great
motivator and we are now more motivated than before, aiming even higher at seven per cent
gross domestic product (GDP) growth.

We model this complex economic percentage on Mian Sahab’s own growth rate, which is
roughly four to seven per cent a year depending on the quality and frequency of paaye.

As before, 16 per cent of the budget will go to the armed forces in their continuing war
against undeveloped real estate. 30 per cent will go to international debt servicing, what’s left
over will be spent on local debt servicing, then personal debt servicing, then debt
accumulated on international debt servicing, then debt accumulated on local debt servicing
and so on. The remaining one per cent will be spent on next year’s metro bus project.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do anything with health and education again this fiscal
year. Money is tight, so our section on health will only carry a written encouragement for
people to eat well and remain physically active. The education budget will raise the salaries
of teachers just enough so that they stay in the profession but not enough that they take it

We want to improve revenues generated through taxation, mainly by taking more from the
people whose tax is deducted at source. Government employees will be pleased to learn that
their salaries are now basically taxes with a small amount of pay attached.

We are increasing the tariff on cigarettes so we encourage more citizens to smoke for the
good of their country. We’re also increasing the minimum wage so more people can be
employed in the informal sector for half that amount.

I will also make an addendum to this year’s budget to set up a School of Journalistic
Etiquettes and Mannerisms. During the budgetary press conference this extremely rude media
gentleman kept standing up and abusing me with questions, queries and other inquisitive
statements. Journalists must remember their place and realise that I am presenting a budget
not a matrimonial request; there is no reason to ask questions.

Besides, there is much to be happy about.

Before we took over two years ago, inflation was at 12 per cent; we have brought it down to
four per cent, foreign reserves are at a historic high and the dollar exchange rate has stabilised
under my personal care.

Experts are making positive reviews of our economy, Pakistan is offering investment
opportunities which few countries in the region, other than India, Iran, Bangladesh, China
and possibly Afghanistan, can match. Goldman Sachs has predicted that Pakistan will be the
18th largest economy in the world by 2050, only a few years after the world will have
perished from global warming or nuclear fallout. On the development end, energy must
remain our main priority. Last night, I hurt my shin against a table while trying to calculate
the fiscal deficit during a protracted session of load-shedding. No finance minister or country
can make progress in the dark.

Funds have been earmarked, nosemarked and footmarked for national development programs
like more canals and dams, expensive wind projects that might produce enough energy to
power Mian Sahab’s drawing room, and the Lahore-Karachi Motorway which could change
the fate of this country and convince people from Karachi to finally visit the rest of Sindh.

The development of Gwadar to make it ready for the 46 billion dollar China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor is a top priority, including a new airport and a new population which is
not from the surrounding areas.

Pakistan’s economic growth needs a flourishing export sector. Textile being the cornerstone
of our exports will be given more exemptions in addition to the ones on tax and customs duty,
like exemptions on worker’s rights and electricity bills.

Also, in this budget we have decided to give a new name to the IDPs (Internally Displaced
Persons); they are now TDPs (Temporarily Displaced Persons). By the next budget, we hope
to give them an entirely different three-letter acronym altogether.

Moreover, we are going to give the country a number of new schemes like the Credit
Guarantee Scheme for Small Farmers (where farmers under 5’2” are considered small), while
the Prime Minister’s Scheme for Provision of Laptops to Talented Students (PMSPLT) will
simply be shortened to The Laptop Scam (TLS) to save typing costs.

We have further constituted a Water Transport Fund (WTF) and a Land Mortgage Assistance
Organisation (LMAO) to help with water shortages and self-financing, respectively. We hope
that, like last year, out of the 50 proposed new initiatives, at least one will make it to 2016.

Yours truly, Munshi Ishaq Dar

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