Small World: Dense/local Structure

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Small world

Monday, 12 February 2018 12:01

Dense/local structure:

AIT Page 1
Random Graph:
edges are added randomly,
Most of the nodes have same degree,

Theorem 1:
If the node degrees of the nodes are atleast log(n), the netweork will have a big connected
component O(n) meaning all nodes are some home connected.

Random graph show similar diameter, but they can not show the dense local structure of the
network, so they are not suitable.
So can we construct a network with
Small diameter: => this means efficensy
Desnse Local Structure : => this means, reliability, stability

Grid Network:
Started with a desnse strcuture
Conection with small diameter.

PowerLaw Network:
Richer get Richer.

AIT Page 2

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