Worksheet For The Macros and VBA Webinar

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Getting Started with Macros & VBA

Webinar with Jon Acampora

1. A __________ is a written set of instructions that will perform actions in Excel when it
runs. Similar to a ______________.

2. ________ is the programming language we use to write macros.

3. VBA can be used to _______________ Excel and save __________ with our jobs.

4. The Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file type extension is __________.

5. The Visual Basic button is on the _____________ tab of the ribbon. Alt+F11 is the
keyboard shortcut to open the VB Editor.

6. The macro always starts with the word _______, which stands for Sub Procedure.

7. Everything in Excel (sheets, ranges, charts) is an ___________ in VBA.

8. We can read and write object ________________ with VBA.

9. ____________ are the actions that can be run on an object with VBA.

10. All of the objects, properties, and methods are organized in a _____________ in the
Excel Object Model.

11.______ is the keyboard shortcut to step through and run each line of the macro.

12.The ________ _______ Loop is the most commonly used loop in VBA.

Additional Notes:

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