Me 703 Mechanical Vibration and Noise Engineering Dec 2015 PDF

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» o » 2 0 oy Define Node point and mode shape ‘What do you understand by principal modes of vibration? Derive an expression to determine length of torsionally cmuivalent shat Determine the natural Requencies forthe system shown infig-2, Assume: ,=1000N, k,=S00Nn, m,SOkg, m=10ky. Fig.2 Explain he principle of dynamic vibration absorber What isatuned absorber? Whatis meant by erm “Sound Spectra"? ‘What do you understandby term “Weighting Networks”? ‘Show that when the distance from point of source is ‘Soubls the sound intensity level decreases by 6 Explain the noise exposure limits for persons working in industry recommended by OSHA. oR Wit a short note on Noise contol techniques. vm AUIME03, Tal No.of Questions 5} [oval No.of Printed Pages “4 Roll No AU/ME-703 B.E. VIISemester Examination, December 2015 Mechanical Vibration & Noise Engineering Time : Three Hours aprontinecom Maximum Marks :70 NNote:i) Answer five questions. In each question art. A, B,C is ‘compulsory and D part has intemal choice ii) Allpansof each question are tobe attempted atone place. 1) All questions cary equal marks, tof which par and B (Max. 50 words carry 2 marks, part (Max. 100 words) ‘carry 3 marks, pat D (Max. 400 word) cary 7 marks §v) Except numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawingete 1. a) Whatisbeat phenomena? )_ Distinguish between longitudzal,ansverse and torsional vibration, ©) A harmonic motionis given by equation x=SSin(4t+<), Find is v0 components one that leads itby 30° and other that lags inby 80" 10) The sphere of diameter floats half submerged in wate. Me spre is depressed slightly and released, determine the peiod of vibration, Whatis the time period if D=Im, OR AUAE-703 Pro 2») » 2 o ei A spring mas system with mass mand stifness Khas 9 natural frequency of f Determine the value of ifiness ofanotherspring which when, 8) Connected in series with spring k, wil ower the natural requeney by 20% 1) Connected in parallel with spring k, will ase the natural frequency by 20% sgpvenlinecom Define over damped and under damped system ‘What do you understand by dry fietion damping? Define terms “Damped Natural Frequeney” and “Chitieal Damping Coefficient. ‘A tin plat of area Aand weight W is attached othe end ofthe spring and allowed to seillate ina viscous Nuid as shown in Figure. If, is the Frequency of system in air and fs frequency in viscous liquid, show that ren (=A) oe Where the damping force onthe plates, Fy = 204" 2A being the total surface area ofthe plate and V its velocity AUIME-703 cont a » ° o 1 oR A vibratory system i defined by following parameters: m3 kg, K=100N/m, C=3 Nesoch Determine {) Damping actor ii) Dampednatural fequeney }) Logarithmic decrement iv) Ratio oftwo consecutive amplitudes Define i) Magnification factor 4i)Transmissibiity Ratio Whatdo you understand by whipping speed? Whatis meantby vibration isolation? A system of beam supports a mass of 1200 kg, The ‘motor has unbalanced mass of 1 kg located at 60 em radius. Ibis known that resonance occurs at 2210 pan. ‘What amplitude of vibration ean be expected atthe rmotor’s operating speed of 1440 rpm, if damping factor i assumed tobe less than 0.10 ‘which may be assumed to be simple supports. The bearings spanis 48mm, The stelshaR which shorizntal is 9mm in diameter. The CG of the dise is displaced ‘3mm from the geometric entre. The equivalent viscous damping atthe centre ofthe dis shaft may be taken a 49 Nesecim. Ifthe shaft rotates at 760 rpm, find the ‘maximum stess in the shaft and compare it with dead load stress in the shaft. Also find the power required to dive the shaft at this speed epvonlinecom png

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