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It’ s my pleasure to dedicate this narrative report to my family and love one’s, to my work

immersion teacher, Mr. Godofredo Tabong and family, to all my teachers especially to Mr.

Fulgencio A. Acdal my Information Communication Technology (ICT) teacher, to my friends

and co-trainee and above all, to our almighty God.

When you expose as much of yourself in your writing as I do, it’s essential to have a strong

base of support and encouragement I’m very greatful for the richness of my personal support

system, and I want to publicly express my appreciation to these very special people.

First, to Mr. Godofredo Tabong, my immersion teacher and her assistant Ms. Rhealyn

Eclipse, for their constant support for what I have to do and their confidence in my ability to

do it. And to other special in my life , my parents Wilma A. Cac and Fernando S. Cac, and my

sister Jessa Mae A. Cac, for the support and joy of being part my life.

I also want to thank my Information Communication Technology (ICT) teacher, Mr.

Fulgencio A. Acdal who have contributed directly to the production of this narrative report,

for his belief of the importance of this immersion.

To all the Senior High School teachers in Thoburn Memorial Academy (TMA), our

second parents, for always being there for us, your understanding support, consideration and

my inspiration. To all Thoburn Memorial Family , Thank you for the trust that you’ve given to

us, Thank you for the advices and lessons that you’ve shared and thank you for being part of

our Highschool life

To the members and family of “LUVNET” internet cafe, with love and appreciation for

sharing their knowledge and time over the 16 days on-the-job training and providing the

inspiration of this narrative report.

Most of all, to our all mighty God who has always there to guide me, look after me,

and give hope and wisdom in doing this narrative repport. I offer him all my strength and

efforts in my everyday work immersion.

Part I. Preliminaries

1. Dedication
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of contents

Part II. Introduction

Part III. Objectives

Part IV. Daily Activities

Part V. Appendices
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High

School student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization/establishment

whose work requirements are related to the specialization. Through this work immersion, the

students are exposed to and become familiarized with work-related environment related to

their field of specialization. “Work immersion is a key feature in the senior high school

curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of

the learners,” Education Secretary Leonor Briones said. The guidelines said work immersion-

which can range from 80 to 320 hours- will enable students to become familiar with the

workplace, experience workplace simulation and apply their competencies in areas of


“Work immersion will help develop among learner’s life and career skills, and will

prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment,” the guidelines

read. “Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that partner institutions will provide

learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and

additional learning resources, “it added. The agency said schools may partner with recognized

institutions or organizations to come up with agreements on work immersion for students.

As the students are still minors, DepEd said work immersion requires parental consent.

“DepEd, in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders, shall ensure that all

schools and venues for learning are conductive to the education and safety of the learners.

The safety of learners is primary,” it added.

“Consequently, the maximum number of hours spent in the work immersion venue is

twenty hours per week and no more than four hours per day as provided by law,” the agency

said. DepEd stressed that work immersion should not be reduced as a mere recruitment tool

for a partner institution, saying that the students should also gain skills that will enable them

to qualify for other job options.

“Schools and students should not be asked to pay the senior high school partner

institution for any work immersion activity conducted. Fees for work immersion must only be

set after consultation with parents,” added the guidelines.

One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners the

competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and or joining the

world of work. To achieve greater congruence between basic education and the nation’s

development targets Work Immersion, a required subject, has been incorporated into the

curriculum. This subject will provide learners with opportunities.

1. To become familiar with the work place,

2. For employment simulation, and

3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic

work environments.

To achieve the above objectives. Work Immersion is thus a requirement for graduation

from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work environments such as

workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior in training is relevant.

Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills, and will

prepare them to make decision on postsecondary education or employment. Through

partnership building, DepEd hopes that the partner Institutions will provide learners with work

immersion opportunities, workplace or hands –on experience, and additional learning

resources. It aims to make the learners.

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned in


2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills.

3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations, and

4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.
By the time learners reach Senior High School, they would have already acquired

almost all the competencies and skills that would prepare them for the curriculum exits (higher

educations, employment, middle-skills development, and entrepreneurship). Work immersion

provides them with an avenue to test themselves and apply what they have learned in a non-

school scenario. It works immersion, learners are not only able to apply their previous training

but are also able to experience the social interactions in work environment. their experience

during work immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as they

transition from high school to real life. To assure the achievement of the above objectives of

WORK IMMERSION, this policy server to guide school in.

1. Creating flexible work immersion arrangements for their learners.

2. Providing options for work immersion that are relevant to learner’s purposes and


3. Organizing work immersion opportunities for learners that are consistent with the

diverse human resource requirement of partner institutions for work immersion and.

4. Articulating the scope and limits of work immersion in the context of basic education

when building relationships with work immersion partners

In the approved latest draft of the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum, students that

choose to take the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood are expected to spend 80 hours outside the

campus, doing “Immersion.”

In the second semester of Grade 12, the student will spend practically all the time (or

80 hours) outside the campus. In effect, for much of the time in Senior High School, the student

becomes a de facto half-time employee or worker in a workplace.

Our country had a lot of experience with on-the-job training (OJT) programs on the

collegiate level. Unfortunately, many (if not most) college OJT students are assigned only to

insignificant jobs in a company (answering the phone, making photocopies, making coffee -

that sort of thing). Rarely, OJT students are expected to produce the same products that regular

employees produce.


IMMERSION can be used as a facilititative tool for career counselling for students,

especially those in professional courses. By placing them in a real-word work scenario, it gives

them an oppurtunity to explore the kind of tasks and activities they would like to do.

IMMERSION also matches the candidate’s profile with a list of occupations, which can be

used as a reference point for exploring opportunities.


IMMERSION highlights individuals’ self-awareness and provides a deeper

understanding of their interests and strenghts in a work environment. It guides an individuals

career choices by matching their interest and personality with various job profiles. From an

internal mobility perspective, IMMERSION can facilitate people’s development within a

company and encourage those who are looking for growth and change.
The educational philosophy of Thoburn Memorial Academy is based on a God-

centered view of truth and human as prescribed in the bible. The entire process of

education is seen as a means used by the Holy Spirit in making the student fulfill God’s

total purpose for his/her life. Human must be educated and work with others in a

changing secular society and must be developed and related to God as a whole person

physically, mentally, morally, socially and spiritually.

A competitive Christian institution, mentor of academically, spiritually, morally and

economically transformed individuals.

To nurture and transform students to be highly competitive honed on the tenets of

faith, character and service through the concerted efforts of school benefactors.

To produce graduates with employable skills willing to get involved in an ideal

Christian community towards a fruitful life.

1. To establish and maintain an accessible learning institution devoted to the

cause of Christian values in the implementation of the K-12 program.

2. To prepare the youth for higher level of education to become responsible and

productive citizen for nation building.

3. To equip the youth with employable skills attuned towards global

In the 1st day of my work immersion in ‘‘LUVNET’’ internet cafe, I assisted the costumers to

log-in and when they were logging out I shutdown the computer after they using it and I

arranged the chair.

Second day of my work immersion. This time I stayed in the server. I assisted the costumers

in signing in and signing out. My work immersion teacher teached us on how to format the

computer and laptop and how to install some applications. Before opening the computer

press F2 and DELETE, click install now, files to save and files to delete, you can see the free

space to install your computer or laptop. If you installing just copying the windows file. These

are the important application to install in your computer or laptop: My Computer, Recycle

Bin, Control Panel, Adobe Reader, Mozila Firefox, Media Player, Google Chrome, Microsoft

Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word and also the SMADAV(anti-virus).

In the 3rd day of my work immersion, my immersion teacher ordered me to format the

laptop and install the important applications like SMADAV, Adobe Reader, Google Chrome,

Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, 360 anti-virus, VLC, Mozila Firefox and the Driver Pack.

After that I changed the motherboard of a computer.

After two days without work immersion, here I am again in my 4th day, in this day I install the

important applications in the number 9th computer , and after that I assist the costumers to

log-in and write the time. Then I help my immersion co-trainee to change the Hard Disk Drive

of the laptop. And there is a costumer who wants to install smadav(anti-virus), microsoft excel

and 360 anti-virus in her laptop, and my work immersion teacher recommend me to do it.

5th days of my work immersion, in this day my immersion teacher recommend me to install

the important applications in the of laptop of our costumer, then I asisst the costumers to

sign-in and sign-out, and the asisstant of my work immersion need some help for making a

invitation letter, and I do it, and before we go home we shutdown all the computers that

they use.

This is my 6th days of my work immersion, the costumer need some help to encode her

requirements and I’ll help her. After that there is a costumer again that they do not know how

to save an images to the USB and I asisst them, then I asisst the costumers who wants to sign-

in on the computers.

7th days of my work immersion, in this day I try to format the number 4 PC but it didn’t work

because the RAM was damage and there is no available RAM in the shop, so that I help my
co-trainee to sign-in and sign-out the computers. After that the assistant of our immersion

teacher ordered us to do an birthday invitation letter for the costumers.

8th days of my work immersion and this is Friday, in this day I fix the server because it didn‘t

work and we do it. And after that I assist the costumer to sign-in and sign-out the computers.

Then there is a costumer want to download music and application in his cellphone so as a

work immersion student I and my co-trainee do it.

9th days of my work immersion in LUVNET internet cafe, my immersion teacher required

me to format and install the important application in the laptop of the costumer, and as a

work immersion in that internet cafe I work on it. And after I finish installing the laptop I

help the assistant of my work immersion teacher for the research of the costumer. Then I

change the mouse of the number 11 computer because it didn’t work.

Day 10th of my work immersion, in this day I format and install the number 3 and 6 computer,

and after I finish my work in formating and installing the costumer ordered me to do her

research, and as a work immersion student I work for it. Then my work immersion teacher

required to install the laptop of the costumer.

Here I am again for my 11th days of my work immersion in LUVNET internet cafe, for this

day I format the laptop of the costumer, after doing that I assist the costumer for his project

and I also assist the costumers who want to sign-in on the computer.

This is my 12th days at my work immersion, as a work immersion student in LUVNET internet

cafe I assist the costumers for signing in and signing out, and I also try to format the number

4 computer and I do it, then after that I install all the importants application on it.

My 13th days in my work immersion is doing great, in this day I format the laptop of of the

costumer and after formating I install the importants application like SMADAV, Adobe

Reader, Google Chome, Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, 360 anti-virus, VLC, Mozila

Firefox and the Driver Pack. And I also assist the costumers and arrange the chairs.

This is my 14th days at my work immersion, as a work immersion student in LUVNET

internet cafe I assist the costumers for signing in and signing out.

This is my 15th days of my work immersion, in this day I assist the costumers for their

signing in and signing out and I installed some importants application in the laptop of the

This is my 16th days of my work immersion, the costumer need some help to encode her

requirements and I’ll help her. After that there is a costumer who wanted to print her birthday

invitation letter, then I asisst the costumers who wants to sign-in on the computers.
Repairing a
CPU and
changing the
mother board.

Fixing the
connected to
the mother

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