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 To draw the comparative analysis of ICICI BANK Ltd with SBI etc.
 To identify the major attributes of customer satisfaction.
 To study customer perception about ICICI BANK Ltd.
 To identify and study the various ways of ensuring customer satisfaction adopted by

Research methodology in a way is a written game plan for conducting research. Research
methodology has many dimensions. It includes not only the research methods but also
considers the logic behind the methods used in the context of the study and complains why
only a particular method of technique has been used. Descriptive research procedure was
used for describing the recent situations in the organization and analytical research to analyse
the results by using research tools.

Data source & Collection Methods:

Primary Data

For the collection of primary data an exploratory research process and a structured
questionnaire was developed. The reason I used this method is because a need was felt for the
free influx of information about the products. Also this method allowed the use of skills
gained in class.

Secondary Data

A study of the banking industry, ICICI Bank has been done using secondary data sources. This
secondary information has been sourced from the internet and from business related magazines
and newspapers.
It is said, “Nothing is perfect” and if the quite is true, I am sure that there would be few
shortcomings in this project also. Sincere efforts have been made to eliminate discrepancies as
far as possible but few would have reminded due to limitations of the study. These are:

 The research was carried out in a short period.

 Limited sample size.
 The information given by the respondent might be biased some of them might not be
interested to given correct information.
 Some of the respondents of the survey were unwilling to share information.

From the above analysis we derive that ICICI has been able to use technology to provide value-
added service to its customers during the last few years. For ICICI, technology is an integral
part of their business. However, their overall progress could have been smoother but for certain
internal and extraneous factors and also a pressure on spreads due to a competitive market. E-
banking has become a necessary survival weapon and is fundamentally changing the banking
industry worldwide. ICICI have come to realize that survival in the new e-economy depends
on delivering some or all of their banking services on the Internet while continuing to support
their traditional infrastructure. E-banking has become a necessary survival weapon and is
fundamentally changing the banking industry worldwide.

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