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GoDoF s~ecz atteemesmaeniill GENERAL SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION STANDARD PIPE SUPPORTS the a | 20712 dyin for comments we rev. | Dare | onic. | Descrierion caecxeo | Avproveo Specification sheet | Revision GDF SUEZ E&P NEDERLAND B.V. 504 10f4 a TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.0 SCOPE 2.0 REFERENCES 3.0 GENERAL 4.0 _LISTOF ATTACHED DOCUMENTS: GDF SUEZ E&P Nederland BV. Specification 504 Rev. 1 4.0 SCOPE This specification covers the requirements for the design and fabrication of pipesupports for GSEPN projects. 2.0 REFERENCES The following publications form a part of this specification. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition, General Specifications: 501 Piping Design 502 Pipe, Fittings and Valves 525 Painting and Coating 3.0 GENERAL Pipe supports detailed in the attached drawings shall be used for all GSEPN projects. The use of pipe supports marked as ‘not preferred’ shall be avoided if at all possible. The designer should note that some supports require welding of support materials to the pipe, this welding should be carried out by the piping contractor and not the support fabricator as most pipes and therefore the welding on them, are subject to PED. The designer shall therefore add any required support materials to be welded to pipe on the isometrics. 4.0 _ LIST OF ATTACHED DOCUMENTS. Cover Sheet ‘Sheet 1 General Index ‘Sheet 2 Pictorial Index Series PSVBandVD Sheet § Pictorial Index Series S ‘Shoot 6 Pictorial Index Series BP,RandT Sheet 7 Pictorial Index Series SS ‘Shest 8 Pictorial Index Series SGand VSS Sheet 9 2- Bolt pipe clamp ‘Sheet 10 ‘3-Bolt pipe clamp Sheet 11. 2-Bolt pipe clamp Sheet 12 3:Bolt pipe clamp ‘Sheet 13 Isolated U bolt Sheet 14 Isolated U bolt Sheet 15, Ustrap Vulcanised ‘Sheet 16 S1 Welded pipe shoe ‘Sheet 17 Pipe clamp shoes Shest 18. Pipe clamp shoes Sheet 19 Re-pad for pipes ‘Sheet 20 Details for trunnions and dummy legs Sheet 21. Dummy leg ‘Sheet 22 Adjustable dummy leg Sheet 23 Trunnions Shest 24 Standard Vibration Constraint ‘Sheet 25 Standard Vibration Constraint Sheet 26 Standard Vibration Constraint ‘Sheet 27 Standard Vibration Constraint Sheot 28 Standard Vibration Constraint Sheet 29 Vibration Constr. CS Shoos ‘Sheet 30 Pipe Guide Sheet 31. ‘Shoe stop Sheet 32 ‘Shoe guide Sheet 33 Hold down guide Sheet 34. GOF SUEZ E&P Nederland BV. Specification 504 Rev. 1 Tpost and T- Hanger T post Goal post / Hanger Goal Post L post and Hanger Cantilever Fost Tpost Goal post Goal post Post Lpost Post pulsation damper Branch support Index sheet support requirements Shoe with pedestal Giip bearing Basoplate on tear plate Vertical guide Angle / T bolted to pipe Gusset plate for drains and vents Utility station support Utility station support Utility station support Vessel support Vessel support Vessel clips GDF SUEZ E&P Nederland 8.V. Specification 504 Rev. 1 Sheet 35 Sheet 36 ‘Sheet 37 Sheet 38 Sheet 39 Sheet 40 Sheet 44 Sheet 42 Sheet 43 Sheet 44 Sheet 45 Sheet 46 Sheet 47 Sheet 48 Sheet 49 Sheet 50 Sheet 51. Sheet 52 ‘Sheet 53. Sheet 54 Sheet 55 Sheet 57 ‘Sheet 58. Sheet 59 Sheet 61 Sheet 62 Sheet 63 [Wy 708 0308 Jeet er] t sess TS BAD [ere a Eason =] oe — RPE | sxodans 3d covonws, | [PERN elma] WENO ceanel AG puoHepON ed ZINS IOS SAIN Tv ONT GNIS TW SUVA SE IAAHS YSaA09 LHOddNS Adlid Ae oer Hag) svi S3L0N WIRED ot AB NOE Bar Se oN RaZOSAASTL_ aN Us g 70S 03dS__ orem — lz AS sas SON WRG Eon ae ZDEG OG] iwoadns Said GavOWAS, a SEE ee LS Tre PUN Ps ZaNS 40S ARVO ssn NE WE WASH a ‘nodes aN wanvaouSTIa 508 150657 SWT # 1S0e-L WENA ig onyioseg th, 4 pas Wal 70S O8eS WOW Ss | j fmrosim| noaars aaa vans [Pees aun) WWYSNIO "KE PUODODON IEM-SA anasto Nouv, pe Se? a/VI-Sd a/VE-Sd y VOS O3dS i BROW on) sons x20M TROL Z| wwosans sad cavonvis, | EN sed am] WHINSO sma : "RE PUOHOREN ¥0S dads oe Ton aa AS sas soeas ¥20N) Wa0LdIe AsodaNS Sel CEYONVAS. Bolan] TWWSGNGO aul "AG SUOHOPON of c-dd O i-d9 (G3Yu349Nd LON) Z-1 =x g ws rl aly ¥0S 30S 7 = S285 OCH! 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