Hitachi Universal Replicator - HUR Step-By-step Config

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Hitachi Universal Replicator - HUR step-by-step config http://tohds.


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HUR step-by-step config

! in HUR, Storage Navigator, USP/UPSVM, VSP

Hitachi Universal Replicator is Hitachi's solution to async replication. Their implementation thought is a bit
different then other solutions like EMC's recoverpoints. Yes, they do use journals as well, but they will only LOGIN
use them if needed.
To setup HUR you will need two HDS enterprise class arrays (VSP, USPV's) and dedicated parity groups for
journals. I strongly recommend that you get HDS to do the sizing for you, an incorrect sized configuration
could lead to a lot of issues with the replication.


HUR step-by-step config

You will need to know the following elements to setup the replication.
Remember Me
1. Replication paths between arrays, more specifically what ports are setup as Initiators on the array that
holds the primary volumes and what ports are setup as RCU Targets on the arrays that holds the Login →
remove volumes.
2. The parity groups that will be used for replication on both arrays
Lost Password
At the end you should have a nice map like this. Your data will differ


Ports CL1-A (Initiator) CL5-B (RCU Target)
CL2-A (Initiator) CL6-B (RCU Target) Select Category
Parity Groups E1-1 E1-5

3-3 2-4
LUNS 00:0A:00 00:0B:00

00:0A:01 00:0B:01

Here are some external resources

Manual :

There are two processes that need to be followed. One is to define the connectivity between the paths and
the second to define the volumes that make part of the journal. All the configuration will be done using the May 2014 (10)
HUR wizard that can be located in the Go menu once you login to SVP. So first step is for you to login into
April 2014 (11)


After you login to SVP navigate to Go->Universal Replicator->DCK Operation

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Hitachi Universal Replicator - HUR step-by-step config

Change the mode to Edit by pressing the litle pen on the top next to the reset button then right click on the
gray area (1) and select DCK Operation->Add DCK.

Add the S/N of the remote system then select the ports (local - master) on the left and remote ports
(pair-port) on the right.

Set the DCK Options.RIO MIH Time box, enter the time interval in seconds that, if exceeded, will cause the
data transfer operation to be reported as failed by the system. Valid values range from 10 seconds to 100
seconds, and the default is 15 seconds. RIO MIH means “remote I/O missing interrupt handler”. Minimum
paths is not used at the moment so leave it at 1.

Next, we need to specify the journal volumes that we will use for master journal. On the primary array
either click on Journal Operations or use the Go menu->Universal Replicator->Journal Operation. Click on
Free then LDKC00.Now that you have defined your paths, define the journal volumes.


You will need to perform this activity on both arrays (make sure you have 2 journal volumes on both, so

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Hitachi Universal Replicator - HUR step-by-step config

map your luns properly).

While still in HUR menu, navigate to Journal Operations and select a Journal (in this case we are defining
journal no 0) , then right click and select "Edit JNL VOLs"

Select the volume you know you have defined as a jornal volume (the easiset way is to select them by CU
number, in this case our journal is 00:05:00 (1) ). Once you select the CU number you will be able to see all
the luns in that particular CU. Select the lun (2) then press the Add button (3) followed by Select. You can
add more then 1 journal volume to a journal, we are using just 1 for this purpose.

You will be returned to the main screen then press Apply to confirm the changes

Once the operation is complete, you will be able to expand the "registered" LDCK and you should see the
members of the journal you just defined. There is no direction yet as no pairs have been created, once you
will create them (see here) you should be able to see the status change like here. No master journal or
restore journal yet as at this point we are just defining the "members" of future replication. Once you will
create a pair using HUR the journals will be used as Remote Journal or Master Journals.

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Hitachi Universal Replicator - HUR step-by-step config

That's it, you are now ready to move on to second step, creating pairs.

If you want to read more about it, here is the manual straight from Hitachi.

« Previous:
HUR – create a replication pair


How to change ports settings

on VSP
" May 1, 2014

HUR – create a replication How to check port settings

pair on USP
" May 13, 2014 " May 8, 2014


Pingback: HUR - create a replication pair


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