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Reinforced Concrete Design – 2: ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF BEAM SECTIONS



In this section, it is assumed that a small transverse load is placed on a concrete beam with tensile reinforcing bars
and that the load is gradually increased in magnitude until the beam fails. Three distinct stages of beam before collapse
occurs: (1) the uncracked stage; (2) the concrete cracked-elastic stress stage; and (3) the ultimate-strength stage.
Uncracked Concrete Stage
At small loads when the tensile stress are less than the modulus of rupture (the bending tensile stress at which the
concrete begins to crack), the entire cross section of the beam resists bending, with compression on one side and
tension on the other.

Figure 1. Uncracked concrete stage

Concrete Cracked – Elastic Stresses Stage

As the load is increased after the modulus of rupture of the concrete is exceeded, cracks begin to develop in the bottom
of the beam. The moment at which these cracks begin to form is referred to as the cracking moment, M cr. As the load
is further increased, these cracks quickly spread up to the vicinity of the neutral axis, and then the neutral axis begins
to move upward. The cracks occur at those places along the beam where the actual moment is greater than the
cracking moment. Now that the bottom has cracked, another stage is present because the concrete in the cracked
zone obviously cannot resist tensile stresses. This stage will continue as long as the compression stress in the top
fibers is less than about one-half of the concrete’s compression strength and as long as the steel stress is less than its
yield stress. To compute the concrete and steel stresses in this range, the transformed-area method is used.

Figure 2. Concrete cracked – elastic stresses stage

Ultimate – Strength Stage
As the load is increased further so that the compressive stresses are greater than 0.50fc’, the tensile stress cracks
move farther upward, as does the neutral axis, and the concrete compression stresses begin to change appreciably
from a straight line.


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 2: ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF BEAM SECTIONS

Figure 3. Ultimate – strength stage

Figure 4. Moment – curvature diagram for reinforced concrete beam with tensile reinforcement only

Cracking Moment
Cracking moment is the moment that causes the stress in the extreme fiber of unreinforced beam to reach the modulus
of rupture. T he moment curvature – relationship is linear and the section referred to as the uncracked section.
𝑓𝑟 = λ 0.62 √𝑓𝑐 ′ 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝑓𝑟 𝐼𝑔
𝑀𝑐𝑟 =
Transformed – Area Method
The basic concept of a transformed area is that the section of steel and concrete is transformed into a homogenous
section of concrete by replacing the actual steel area with an equivalent area of concrete. Two conditions must be
satisfied for the transformation process.
A. Equilibrium
- T he force in the steel must be equal to the force in the transformation concrete.
B. Strain Compatibility
- The unit strains must be the same.
𝑛= (𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜)


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 2: ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF BEAM SECTIONS

𝐴 𝑐 = 𝑛𝐴 𝑠 (𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎)
n = is used for tension steel
2n = is used for compression steel

1. When the maximum tensile stress in the concrete is smaller than the modulus of rupture, the section is called
uncracked section with no tension cracks develop, the entire gross concrete area is used in the computation.
2. When the maximum tensile stress in concrete is greater than the modulus of rupture, the section is called the
cracked sections with or without compression steel.

A. Transformed Area for uncracked section

fc < fr = 0.62 √fc

Note: Whole concrete area is used and equivalent concrete area (n-1) As is used.

B. Transformed Area for cracked section

fc > fr = 0.62 √fc

Note: Only the shaded area of concrete is used and equivalent concrete area nAs is used.
𝑓𝑐 +


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018
Reinforced Concrete Design – 2: ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF BEAM SECTIONS

C. Cracked section reinforced for both tension and compression

Note: Modular ratio for compression steel is 2n

Convert As’ to equivalent concrete area, 2nAs’ – As’ = (2n-1) As’
1. Cracked Section
Ac = bx + (2n-1) As’ (equivalent concrete area in compression)
Ac = nAs (equivalent concrete area in tension)
2. Uncracked Section
Ac = bh + As (n-1)

Steps in analysis of uncracked section:

1. Neutral axis at a distance x from the top
2. Solve for x
3. Concrete stress if moment M is known
4. Stress of steel

Steps in analysis of cracked section:

1. Locate NA
2. Moment of inertia at NA
3. Stress of concrete
4. Stress of steel

Sample Problems:
1. A rectangular beam has dimensions of 250mm by 625mm with an effective depth of 575mm and is reinforced
with three 25mm. The concrete cylinder strength is 27.6MPa and the tensile strength in bending (modulus of
rupture) is 3.28MPa. The yield point of the steel is 414.7MPa. The beam carries a bending moment of 61kN-
m. Use uncracked, transformed section method. Determine the following:
A. Concrete compression stress at the top
B. Concrete tensions stress at the bottom
C. Stress in steel
2. A rectangular reinforced concrete beam with a width of 299mm and an effective depth 0f 500mm is subjected
to a service moment of 120kN-m. The beam is reinforced with 4-25mm bars with a modular ratio of 8. Use
cracked, transformed section method.
A. Distance of the neutral axis from the top of the beam
B. Maximum stress of concrete
C. Maximum stress of steel


2ND Semester AY 2017-2018

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