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Section 1 ― Multiple Choice

Answer all questions by circling the correct answer.

1. In what year did our country achieve Independence ?

a. 1925 b. 1845
c. 1962 d. 1992

2. A piece of land completely surrounded by water is called a / an

a. country b. island
c. plain d. swamp

3. The highest peak in Trinidad is :

a. The Central Ran b. The Trinity Hills
c. El Tucuche d. El Cerro del Aripo

4. An instrument used for giving the direction with the cardinal points
a. thermometer b. compass
c. wind vane b. barometer

5. A plan of how has Government gets and spends money is called a/ an:
a. salary b. expenditure
c. budget d. income

6. The mountain that occupies the middle of Tobago is called

a. The Main Ridge b. The Central Range
c. The Northern Range d. The Southern Range

7. What is the name of the body of water marked X on the map below?

a. The Atlantic Ocean

b. The Caribbean Sea
c. The Gulf of Paria
d. The Columbus Channel
8. Maria’s family went to see the Scarlet Ibis. They most likely went to the :

a. Nariva Swamp b. Oropouche Swamp

c. Kilgwyn Swamp d. Caroni Swamp

9. The person shown in the picture below is the :

a. President
b. Prime Minister
c. Attorney General
d. Leader of Opposition

10. The lighting of deyas takes place during :

a. Carnival b.Christmas
c. Hosay d. Divali

11. Aidan sees litter under his desk. He should :

a. find out who put it there b. ask someone to put it in the bin
c. tell his teacher about it d. put it in the bin

12. Which of the following is made by man?

13. To get from San Fernando to Port-of-Spain, the water taxi sails through the:

a. Atlantic Ocean b. Caribbean Sea

c. Columbus Channel d. Gulf of Paria

14. Which of the following persons is the Head of State ?

a. Prime Minister b. President

c. Attorney General d. Leader of the Opposition

15. On which celebration do people light candles and place flowers on the graves
of their loved ones ?

a. Christmas b. Divali
c. All Saints Day d. Easter

16. Which event is celebrated with parades, fireworks and the giving of National
Awards ?

a. Independence Day b. Emancipation Day

c. Republic Day d. Valentine’s Day
17. Parang music is played during

a. Christmas b. Carnival
c. Labour Day d. Divalí

18. What is the correct order of the colours of the National Flag ?

a. Black, White and Red

b. Red, Black and White
c. Red, White and Black
d. White, Black and Red

19. The place of national interest marked X on the map below is the :

a. Pitch lake b. Devil’s Woodyard

c. Caroni Swamp d. Northern Range

20. Swamps are :

a. dry b. hot and dusty
c. cold and dusty d. wet and muddy

21. Vivek hears the National Anthem being played as he is going to buy a snack.
He should :

a. continue walking. b. start running

c. stand at attention d. sit on a beach

22. Which symbol below is associated with Christmas celebrations ?

23. Students who behave appropriately when the teachers are not in class are

a. honesty b. kindness
c. discipline d. irresponsibility

24. Which of these Swamps can be found in Tobago ?

a. Nariva Swamp b. Oropouche Lagoon

c. Caroni Swamp d. Bon Accord Lagoon

25. On which national symbol can the words, “ Together We Aspire, Together we
Achieve, “ be found ?
a. Coat of Arms b. National Flag
c. National Anthem d. National Pledge
Section 2
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
The table below shows some of the symbols and religious festivals of
different groups in Trinidad and Tobago.
Choose words from the list below and fill in the blank spaces in the table
Section 2
Question 2 is based on the picture below.

2.a.(i) What is the name of the person shown in the picture ?

(ii) What was his area of contribution ? Circle the correct answer.
Sports Politics Religion

b. Name ONE national symbol of Trinidad and Tobago.

Section 2
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
3) What is a peninsula?

4) “ I will be clean and honest in all my thoughts, my words and my

deeds. ” From where were these words taken ?

5) Which range in Trinidad has the highest mountain peak ?

6) Name two swamps in Trinidad.

a. b.


Name one National Bird on the Coat of Arms shown above.

8) A is a drawing of the Earth’s surface or part of

that surface.
9) A explains the meaning of each symbol or
colours used on a map.
10) Name the landforms or physical features shown in the pictures.

11) Give two examples of Man-made Physical Features.


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