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TERM/WEEKS: 5 YEAR LEVEL: 10 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Health and Physical Education


General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Students must all have access to the internet and other applications for brainstorming, researching and planning.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Modification of As a class the objective is to Formative Introduction: The brainstorming

5 rules, create a set of fixtures that assessment: application ‘’Poplet’’
equipment or
is fair on each team and will  Explain the purpose of the lesson and why must be installed on
scoring systems
to allow for fair gives each team an equal In individual organisation is important. every iPad, if it isn’t
play, safety and amount of playing time teams (playing  Give students a cue to use Poplet (a install it for the
inclusion of all whether they all play one teams) see who students.
participants brainstorming application) so that they can all
game against each other, or is offering
(ACPMP088) research at once instead of one at a time.
two. Each week will require a suggestions or Any way of creating
• Literacy
bye for a specific team who helping vs those  Explain the purpose of checklists, duty teams and fixtures, Microsoft
• Critical and
creative thinking will act as the duty team. who don’t. the jobs they will complete. excel is good another
• Personal and  Split the class off into their playing teams and website is:
social capability
As a class, each team will Formative give them their first activity. https://support.spor
• Ethical
elect when they want to be assessment:
the duty team and therefore Body: -a-fixture-template
will be able to plan their Gather up each note this link gives
session (easier for fixtures teams’  Each team will have the same amount of time to them instructions on
when to place byes etc). information, ask come up with possible rules and regulations, roles how to use the
students to read within the duty team and their variation of website.
As a class discuss and create a out and give
set of rules and regulations for their thoughts
 Bring the class back together as a whole and
the tournament. on other groups.
See who’s discuss and compare every groups idea and finalise

Brainstorm as individual teams participating, as a class what the rules are, the roles chosen
what roles could be used by giving good and how the games will be played.
the duty team and create a constructive
checklist. Then have these feedback vs
teams collaborate with the those who
class and agree on the roles aren’t listening  Quickly as the students to discuss the roles
together. to others talk. agreed on and get students to nominate
themselves for a role within their team.
 After that is done, get every student in each
role to congress with each other and create the
following: finalised fixtures including a bye in
which the duty team will have each week,
finalised rules and regulations, which student will
be refereeing which game and when, likewise for
the scorer.
 Once these checklists are done they will hand
them into the teacher and return to their
original groups.
 Break off into duty teams and start planning
their lesson, as the teacher walk around and
assess which students are giving their input vs
which ones aren’t, ask groups to provide why and
why not on what they’re doing and provide a
draft lesson plan by the end of the lesson.


 Each student must have a copy of their draft

lesson plan, one must also be handed to the
 As the teacher, you are required to brief the
class and ask the duty team up next week to go
over their plan with you before they conduct
their lesson.
 Inform each group they MUST email you their
finalised plan before next week to make things
fair on the duty team going first.
 Dismiss the class.

Copy this page above as many times as required for each lesson. Usually one (or maybe two) of these per lesson is sufficient to describe your activities.

Explanation of each section – just highlight the general capabilities section on the top that will be covered in the lesson sequence. Make sure you list the year
level and learning area.

Possible planning process…

Decide on a final
Choose a product that will
Create a series of
be produced by
content area Decide what you
the students e.g. Find ICT tools
steps that will
Plan how to
from the want the student build the
a movie, book, that will enhance assess and
to know and/or knowledge and
SCSA website do by the end of
poster, website, the student’s
skills required to
evaluate the
presentation, experiences. student learning.
the SEPEP unit complete the
mindmap, final product.
u interactive quiz,
document, etc.

Device considerations
Year 4-6 – Use either an iPad or a laptop as your main device. Many schools have 1-1 devices but not all. Again, there are not likely
to be labs in schools – you will have shared devices or can borrow from other classrooms if you want to do individual activities.
Year 7-12 - Plan for one device per student – e.g. assume everyone will have iPad, or Mac or Windows machine.

Notes: Make sure the tools and sites you choose can cater for the device you nominate. Some popular apps are only available on
iPad and some websites don’t work on the iPad but may have an app instead. Do your research to ensure it will all work on the
nominated devices.

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