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 narator
 Bawang putih
 Bawang merah
 Red mother
 Father
 Prince
A long time ago, there lived a couple husband and wife, they have a
daughter, the name is bawang putih. Her father was a seller. Them
have a neighbor is a widow and her daughter her name bawang merah.
They lived happy till someday, bawang putih’s mother passed away.
They just finished the burial and sitting in living room. Then bawang
merah and her mother who have bad plan came to their house.
Bawang merah :” tok tok tok… bawang putih? Uncle?”
Red mother : “are you there?”
White father : “yes. Please come in!”
They saw bawang putih still cried.
Red mother : “oh … my dear… don’t cry, you have to relakan
your mother.”
Baeang merah : “yes… you shoudn’t cry anymore…. There are
us. We always love you.”
Red mother : “yes. You can regard me as your mother.”
Bawang putih : “yes you right bawang merah. thank you …”
Father : “red mother, you are very kind thank you very
much for your caring.”
Red mother : “oh,,, it’s nothing.”
Since that bawang putih’s father felling love with red mother. Two
months later.
Father : “bawang putih. I want to tell you something”
Bawang putih : “what is that, dad?”
Father :” I want to marry red mother, so she will to take
care if you. What do you think my daughter?”
Bawang putih : “I agree dad. If that can make you glad, and I
think red mother and bawang merah are very kind.”
Father : “thank you my daughter.”
And bawang putih’s father marry with red mother, and then their live
together. Not long after their marry. White father want to go to the city
Father : “my wife . I want to go sell something in the city.
Please take care bawang merah and bawang putih.”
Red mother :” don’t worry about it my husband. They are my
daughters I will take care them well.”
Father : “bawang merah, bawang putih. What you want
from the city?”
Bawang merah :”I want beautiful dress, shoes, and jewelry dad”
Bawang putih :” I just want a white rose and your safe dad”
Father :” okay, I will get you ask. Bye bye all”
After their father go to the city. Bawang merah and her mother begin to
rude bawang putih.
Red mother : bawang putih!!!.. come here!.
bawang putih : yes mom. What happened?
Red mother : I and my beautiful daughter are hungry. Make
us some food!”
Bawang putih : but, usually you always cook for us mom. Now
why you ask me to do it?
Red mother : so you want me be a housekeeper here!. You
are just my step child Just do it!!
Bawang merah : yes bawang putih, don’t make my mother angry.
Just go and do it quickly!...
Bawang putih : y.yes mom… (bawang putih feel afraid).
and the tomorrow morning.
Red mother : “ PUTIH!! You must wash clothes, plate and all
kind of homework”
Bawang merah : “ wash my clothes until clean like new! Now!
And you cant use wash room. Go to the river!”
Bawang putih :”y. yes mom, merah”
Merah and mother : QUICKLY!!
Every day putih always abused by red mother and bawang merah.
When bawang putih go to the river. She feel miss to her mother. Then
hear a sound…
Gold fish : “ help! Help me!” can you help me the sweet
Bawang putih : “ who and where are you?”
Gold fish :” im here. Can you take down this thing from my
Bawang putih :” ha?! You can talk? Oh okay okay I will help
Gold fish :” puah… thank you very much good girl! My
name is ikan mas”
Bawang putih :” my name is bawang putih”
Since that bawang putih has a new best friend. One day, bawang
merah saw putih chatting with fish. Then she catch the fish and fried it.
Red mother :” bawang putih!”
bawang putih :”yes mom, what happened?”
Red mother :” nothing. Sit beside us and eat together. Merah
has a present to you?”
Bawang merah :” yes putih I have something to you.”
bawang putih :” what is that merah?”
Bawang merah :” this is. I just cooked a fried fish. Just for you I
hope you will like it.”
bawang putih :”thank you very much merah” ( then bawang
putih eat the fish)
Red mother :” how about the taste? Do you like it?”
bawang putih :” yes mom I like it”
Bawang merah :” yes. It must be so nice. Because it’s a fresh
fish when I take it from the river hmm a gold fish who can talk”
Merah and mother :” hahahaha! you ate your best friend putih

Bawang putih is very shocked. She is not thought it is her best friend.
She cried and take the bone then make grave for her friend. And
then, a miracle happened, on the fish grave turn up a gold plant.
In other place. There a prince who looking for the gold plant.
Prince : “ where I can find it. I had came to many
villages but I can’t find it. I hope I can see it in the next village”
The prince passing the yard of putih’s house. And he saw the gold
Prince :” wah.. this is a plant im looking for. I will ask
about it to the owner of the house. Excuse me?!” tok tok tok
Red mother :” yes. . . ha… you are the prince right?
Bawang merah :” who is that mom?... wah… prince… “
Red mother :”what make you come to my house?”
Prince :” I want know who has the gold plant in front of
your house?”
Red mother :” oh… of course I and my daughter who has it”
Prince :” can I ask it to my father medicine. And I need
the root.
Red mother :”of course , just take it”
Prince :”but. From the information I get, the plant just
can be pluck from the owner.”
Bawang merah :” okay I will take off it for you”
Then bawang merah try to take off the plant. But its cant … after that
red mother tried it too. But the result is same. Finally they gave
up. Suddenly the prince look a beautiful girl who stand and look from
the farness.
Prince :”what is your name beautiful girl?”
Bawang putih :” oh,, my name is bawang putih. Prince”
Prince :”would you like to try take of the plant?”
Bawang putih :” okay I will try it.”
And then, bawang putih can take the plant easily and gave it to the
Prince : “ thank you very much putih. I know you
are the girl putih”
Bawang putih :”what does it mean prince?”
Prince :” actually. I knew. Because Im the fish who you
help. I be changed to find a real good girl who can be my wife.”
“and you merah and your mother! You are really a bad woman. You
always rude to putih, for the punishment I had tell the honesty about
you all to putih’s father. He will come here soon.”
Merah and mother :”im sorry” im sorry prince, im sorry…
Prince :” and putih…. You really a good girl. I really love
you so much. Will you marry me.?... please!”
Putih :”hmmmm yes prince… I will”
Then the prince brought bawang putih to the palace. Not too long time
after that putih’s father come back and see merah and her mother.
Father :” red mother! Merah! How can you do that. O
always believe you... but whyyou can do that?!”
Red mother :”im sorry… please forgive us”
Bawang merah : “yes .. please forgive us father”
Father :”I will forgive you all. But as punishment. Go
away from my house. Don’t come back again!”
Red mother : plese don’t do that….
Father :”GO AWAY!!!!”
Then merah and her mother went to a small place. And few days after
that putih’s father came to the palace to look his daughter wedding with
the prince. They all really glad.
Finally bawang putih and prince live together hapilly ever after.

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