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I. Executive Summary

Civil engineers carry a great deal of responsibility as they are ultimately in charge

of the entire project’s design and implementation. They must be able to lead a diverse

team of professionals, including surveyors, construction managers, technicians,

contractors, architects, urban planners, transportation engineers and others, as well as

maintain the confidence of governmental planning authorities. The effectiveness of

the civil engineer’s leadership skills may be a significant determining factor in

keeping a project on time and on budget. Due to the continuous growth of number of

Civil Engineers are produced every year, the formation of the Republic Act no. 544 or

the Civil Engineering Law was formed.

II. Statement of the Problem

In this case the problem aroused is according to Pampanga Rep. Aurelio Gonzales

Jr., assistant House minority leader, filed House Bill 4456, which seeks to amend

Republic Act 544 (Civil Engineering Law), which was enacted on June 17, 1950. It

was amended by RA 1582 on June 16, 1956.

"RA 1582, which last amended the engineering law about 55 years ago, has a new

role to play in the light of globalization, cross-border practice and climate change,"

said Gonzales, himself a licensed civil engineer.

Gonzales said that his bill seeks to attune the law to national development needs,

strengthen the profession and enable civil engineers, who now number more than

100,000, to cope with formidable challenges.

"The civil engineer's role used to be confined to the application of technical

knowledge with a broad range of issues to deal with but now, the civil engineer has to

face the challenges of integrating the socio-economic and environmental issue with

the technical aspects of construction projects," Gonzales said.

III. Causes of the Problem

Under the bill, the Board of Civil Engineers shall be authorized to administer

oaths, issue, suspend and revoke, investigate violations of the Act and of regulations,

issue subpoenas, inspect educational institutions offering courses in civil engineering

at least once a year, among other things.

The bill also proposes to replace the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers by the

Accredited Professional Organization of Civil Engineers (APOCE).

IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions

Gonzales said that new challenges to civil engineering prompt its professionals to

continually upgrade the level of competence of civil engineers through peer

recognition of specialization in civil engineering, continuing professional

development including research, and strengthen the accredited professional

organization of civil engineers.

V. Recommended Solution, Implementation, and Justification

Gonzales stated that "The civil engineer is constantly challenged to design and build

developments in a manner that is environmentally sound, socially acceptable and

globally competitive."


I. Executive Summary

Mr. Mallari was an entrepreneur that opened a small shop selling transistor radios

then later on expanded into a larger shop that took care in electronic parts and repairs.

As he was continuously expanding his business he came across Mr. Chan, his former

classmate, who has a well – established appliance assembly part in Manila. Mr. Chan

has indicated that he also began as a subcontractor for a large assembly plant and

slowly began to pick up to establish his own factory. This caused Mr. Mallari to think

of the possibilities of the future for his sons. He began to have concern on where to

send his sons for college. And he started to want his sons to live his dream.
II. Statement of the Problem

Mr. Mallari was a hardworking man that started from a small business which was

slowly growing. Upon his quest to aim high he met Mr. Chan who was truly

successful in his career. This was envied by Mr. Mallari and made him dream of

higher ambitions. Unfortunately he was already of age and would not be able to

accomplish the said goals himself. Thus, he started planning out the future of his

children to fulfill his dreams.

III. Causes of the Problem

The problem rose from the envy that Mr. Mallari felt from Mr. Chan. He might

have thought that Mr. Chan was very fortunate because of his educational background

and so he began wanting to have this too. But he was already of age and would not be

advisable to take on college. This could be the cause of his desire to plan or map out

his children’s futures.

IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions

Mr. Mallari should probably focus more on his current business and not on

deciding the future of his children for them. He should be proud of what he has
already accomplished and keep the good job up. Keeping up his consistency will

eventually result in his success.

V. Recommended Solution, Implementation, and Justification

The best solution to this problem is to influence his sons to do good in whatever

career they choose to pursue and live his dream himself. He should put his thoughts

and efforts in expanding his business.


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