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Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Attendance Slip for the Month of January, 2016.

Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 S P P P H P P S P P P P P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P H P P P S P p
10:30-10:30 U O U S U U O U
11:30-12:30 N L N AT N N L N
12:30-01:30 D I D U D D I D
02:00-03:00 A D A R A A D A
03:00-04:00 Y A Y D Y Y A Y
04:00-05:00 Y AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 S @ @ @ H @ @ S @ @ @ @ @ 2ND S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @ @ H @ @ @ S @ @ 118/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 U P P P O P P U P P P P P S U P P P P P P U P P O P P P U P P
12:30-01:30 N P P P L P P N P P P P P AT N P P P P P P N P P L P P P N P P
02:00-03:00 D P P P I P P D P P P P P U D P P P P P P D P P I P P P D P P
03:00-04:00 A P P P D P P A P P P P P R A P P P P P P A P P D P P P A P P
04:00-05:00 Y P A Y P D Y P Y A Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14760/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Traini+B40:AK52ng Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Bases Under S.W
Attendance slip for the month of December, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F s Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P S P P P P P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S P P P P P p
10:30-10:30 U S U U U
11:30-12:30 N AT N N N
12:30-01:30 D U D D D
02:00-03:00 A R A A A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y Y Y
04:00-05:00 AY
Prctical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ @ 2ND S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ @ @ 134/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p U p p p p p S U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p p p
12:30-01:30 p p p N p p p p p AT N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p p p
02:00-03:00 p p p D p p p p p U D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p p p
03:00-04:00 p p p A p p p p p R A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p p p
04:00-05:00 Y p D Y p Y p Y p
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 16740/- Rupees Sixteen thousand Seven hundred fourty Only.
Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table(Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of February, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P P S P P P P H 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P H P S P P
10:30-10:30 U O S U U O U
11:30-12:30 N L AT N N L N
12:30-01:30 D I U D D I D
02:00-03:00 A D R A A D A
03:00-04:00 Y A D Y Y A Y
04:00-05:00 Y AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ H 2ND S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ H @ S @ @ 115/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p p U p p p p O S U p p p p p p U p p p p O p U p p
115/- 90/-

12:30-01:30 p p p p N p p p p L AT N p p p p p p N p p p p L p N p p
02:00-03:00 p p p p D p p p p I U D p p p p p p D p p p p I p D p p
03:00-04:00 p p p p A p p p p D R A p p p p p p A p p p p D p A p p
04:00-05:00 p @ @ @ Y @ @ p @ A D Y p Y p A Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of April, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 20 180/-

09:30-10:30 P S P H P P P 2ND S P P P P H H S P P P P P P S p P P P H P S
10:30-10:30 U O S U O O U U O U
11:30-12:30 N L AT N L L N N L N
12:30-01:30 D I U D I I D D I D
02:00-03:00 A D R A D D A A D A
03:00-04:00 Y A D Y A A Y Y A Y
04:00-05:00 Y AY Y Y Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ S @ H @ @ @ 2ND S @ @ @ @ H H S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ H @ S 117/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p U p O p p p S U p p p p O O U p p p p p p U p p p p O p U
12:30-01:30 p N p L p p p AT N p p p p L L N p p p p p p N p p p p L p N
02:00-03:00 p D p I p p p U D p p p p I I D p p p p p p D p p p p I p D
03:00-04:00 p A p D p p p R A p p p p D D A p p p p p p A p p p p D p A
04:00-05:00 @ Y @ A p @ @ D Y @ @ p @ A A Y @ @ p @ @ @ Y p A Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of April, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P P S P P P P P 2ND S H P P P P P S P P P P p P S P P P P P
10:30-10:30 U S U O U U
11:30-12:30 N AT N L N N
12:30-01:30 D U D I D D
02:00-03:00 A R A D A A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y A Y Y
04:00-05:00 AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ S 2ND S H S S @ 105/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p p U p p p p p S U O p p p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p P
12:30-01:30 p p p p N p p p p p AT N L p p p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p P
02:00-03:00 p p p p D p p p p p U D I p p p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p P
03:00-04:00 p p p p A p p p p p R A D p p p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p P
04:00-05:00 p Y p D Y A p Y p Y P
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of April, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P P S P P P P P 2ND S H P P P P P S P P P P p P S P P P P P
10:30-10:30 U S U O U U
11:30-12:30 N AT N L N N
12:30-01:30 D U D I D D
02:00-03:00 A R A D A A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y A Y Y
04:00-05:00 AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ S 2ND S H S S @ 105/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p p U p p p p p S U O p p p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p P
12:30-01:30 p p p p N p p p p p AT N L p p p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p P
02:00-03:00 p p p p D p p p p p U D I p p p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p P
03:00-04:00 p p p p A p p p p p R A D p p p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p P
04:00-05:00 p Y p D Y A p Y p Y P
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Attendance Slip for the Month of July, 2017.

Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates S S M T W T F S S M T W T F
S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 180/-

09:30-10:30 P S P P P P P 2ND S P P p P P P S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S P
10:30-10:30 U S U U U U
11:30-12:30 N AT N N N N
12:30-01:30 D U D D D D
02:00-03:00 A R A A A A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y Y Y Y
04:00-05:00 AY
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 S 2ND S S S @ @ @ S @ 104/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p U p p p p p S U p p P p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U p
12:30-01:30 p N p p p p p AT N p p P p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N p
02:00-03:00 p D p p p p p U D p p P p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D p
104/- 90/-

03:00-04:00 p A p p p p p R A p p P p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A p
04:00-05:00 Y P D Y P Y P Y P Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of JuLY, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Love Thakur Trainer ELECTRICIAN
Theory Period
Days/ Dates S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P S P P P P P 2ND S P P p P P P S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S P
10:30-10:30 U S U U U U
11:30-12:30 N AT N N N N
12:30-01:30 D U D D D D
02:00-03:00 A R A A A A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y Y Y Y
04:00-05:00 AY
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 S 2ND S S S S 104/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p U p p p p p S U p p P p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U p
12:30-01:30 p N p p p p p AT N p p P p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N p
02:00-03:00 p D p p p p p U D p p P p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D p
03:00-04:00 p A p p p p p R A p p P p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A p
04:00-05:00 Y P D Y P Y P Y P Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 13860/- (Rupees Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Only.

Love Thakur Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Heance recomended Rs. 13860/- (Rupees Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Only.

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of November, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T S Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P H S P P P H P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S P P P P
10:30-10:30 O U O S U U U
11:30-12:30 L N L AT N N N
12:30-01:30 I D I U D D D
02:00-03:00 D A D R A A A
03:00-04:00 A Y A D Y Y Y
04:00-05:00 Y Y AY
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 @ H S @ H @ 2ND S @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ 111/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p O U p p p O p S U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p
12:30-01:30 p p p L N p p p L p AT N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p
02:00-03:00 p p p I D p p p I p U D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p
03:00-04:00 p p p D A p p p D p R A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p
04:00-05:00 p A Y P A D Y p Y p Y p
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of November, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Love Thakur Trainer ELECTRICIAN
Theory Period
Days/ Dates W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P P H S P P P H P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S P P P P
10:30-10:30 O U O S U U U
11:30-12:30 L N L AT N N N
12:30-01:30 I D I U D D D
02:00-03:00 D A D R A A A
03:00-04:00 A Y A D Y Y Y
04:00-05:00 Y Y AY
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 H S H 2ND S S S 97/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p p O U p p p O p S U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U p p p p
12:30-01:30 p p p L N p p p L p AT N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N p p p p
02:00-03:00 p p p I D p p p I p U D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D p p p p
03:00-04:00 p p p D A p p p D p R A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A p p p p
04:00-05:00 p A Y P A D Y p Y p Y p
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 12870/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred seventy Only.

Love Thakur Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Heance recomended Rs. 12870/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred seventy Only.

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of December, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates F S S M T W T F S S M T W T
F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P S P P P P P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S H P P P P P S
10:30-10:30 U S U U U O U
11:30-12:30 N AT N N N L N
12:30-01:30 D U D D D I D
02:00-03:00 A R A A A D A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y Y Y A Y
04:00-05:00 AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 S @ @ @ @ @ 2ND S S @ @ S H @ @ S 109/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p U p p p p p S U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U O p p p p p U
12:30-01:30 p p N p p p p p AT N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N L p p p p p N
02:00-03:00 p p D p p p p p U D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D I p p p p p D
03:00-04:00 p p A p p p p p R A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A D p p p p p A
04:00-05:00 Y p D Y p Y p Y A p Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14130/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred Thirty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.) On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.
Attendance Slip for the Month of December, 2017.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Love Thakur Trainer ELECTRICIAN
Theory Period
Days/ Dates F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Total Hours Rate/Hours
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24/- 180/-

09:30-10:30 P P S P P P P P 2ND S P P P P P P S P P P P P P S H P P P P P S
10:30-10:30 U S U U U O U
11:30-12:30 N AT N N N L N
12:30-01:30 D U D D D I D
02:00-03:00 A R A A A D A
03:00-04:00 Y D Y Y Y A Y
04:00-05:00 AY Y
Practical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours
10:30-11:30 S 2ND S S S H S 100/- 90/-
11:30-12:30 p p U p p p p p S U p p p p p p U p p p p p p U O p p p p p U
12:30-01:30 p p N p p p p p AT N p p p p p p N p p p p p p N L p p p p p N
02:00-03:00 p p D p p p p p U D p p p p p p D p p p p p p D I p p p p p D
03:00-04:00 p p A p p p p p R A p p p p p p A p p p p p p A D p p p p p A
04:00-05:00 Y p D Y p Y p Y A p Y
Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 13320/- (Rupees Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Only.
Love Thakur Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table (Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the
excess amount claimed on that account.
Sig. of the faculty
1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have verified the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Heance recomended Rs. Rs. 13320/- (Rupees Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Only. .

Group Instructor Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
10620/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be
Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Bases Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
12060/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in
s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
10350/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in
10350/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks
Amount Remarks
10530/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
9450 Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be
Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
9450 Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


e found them to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
9360/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in
9360/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


em to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks
Amount Remarks

s I shall be refund/return the


em to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
9990/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


em to be
Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks
Amount Remarks

s I shall be refund/return the


em to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
9810/- Other period
are mention
by@ count in

s I shall be refund/return the


em to be
Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

On Hourly Basis Under S.W.F.

Amount Remarks

Amount Remarks
s I shall be refund/return the


em to be

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar

Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
Name of the Institut
Attendance slip for the month of December, 2016.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter

Days/ Dates T F S S M T W T F
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
09:30-10:30 P P P S P P P P P
10:30-10:30 U
11:30-12:30 N
12:30-01:30 D
02:00-03:00 A
03:00-04:00 Y

09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10:30-11:30 @ @ @ S @ @ @ @ @
11:30-12:30 p p p U p p p p p
12:30-01:30 p p p N p p p p p
02:00-03:00 p p p D p p p p p
03:00-04:00 p p p A p p p p p
04:00-05:00 Y p

Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 16740/- Rupees Sixteen thousand Seven hundred fourty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table(Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have n
excess amount claimed on that account.

1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance R
Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
r, 2016.

Theory Period
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Prctical Period
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2ND S @ @ @ @ @ @ S @
S U p p p p p p U p
AT N p p p p p p N p
U D p p p p p p D p
R A p p p p p p A p
D Y p Y p

found as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the

e hourly paid faculty.
the above facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

On Hourly Bases Under S.W.F.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
@ @ @ @ @ S @ @ @ @
p p p p p U p p p p
p p p p p N p p p p
p p p p p D p p p p
p p p p p A p p p p
Y p

Sig. of the faculty

and one hundred only.)

Group Instructor
F s Total Hours Rate/Hours Amount Remarks
30 31 26/- 180/- 4680/-

P p

30 31 Total Hours Rate/Hours Amount Remarks

@ @ 134/- 90/- 12060/- Other
p period
p are
p p mention
p p by@
count in
p p practical

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
Name of the Institute: Govt. Industrial Training Institute Tikkar Distt. Shimla (H.P.)
Attendance slip for the month of OCTEBER, 2016.
Name & Designation of Faculty: Sh. Vikas Khokta Trainer Fitter
Theory Period
Days/ Dates
Prctical Period
09:30-10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Total Amount (Theory+Practical) Rs. 14850/- Rupees Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Only.

Vikas Khokta Certify that have engaged classes strictly as per time table(Theory & Practical) supplied to me and if found as some later stage, that I have n
excess amount claimed on that account.

1. Certified that the work of regular/ Contractual faculty exhausted per DGE&T norms before assigning load to the hourly paid faculty.
2. Further certified that the mentioned class(s) have been engaged as per time table and have personally verified the above facts from the attendance R

Hence recommed 14100/-(Rs. Fourteen Thousand one hundred only.)

Group Instructor
On Hourly Bases Under S.W.F.

Total Hours Rate/Hours Amount Remarks

27 28 29 30 Total Hours Rate/Hours Amount Remarks

other period
are mention
by @ count in
practical hour

as some later stage, that I have not engaged the classes I shall be refund/return the

Sig. of the faculty

y paid faculty.
ove facts from the attendance Register & the time table found them to be

usand one hundred only.)

Govt. I.T.I. Tikkar
Distt. Shimla (H.P.)

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