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M. Tech.

Syllabus of Paper – 1
Measuring Algorithm Efficiency: Implementation independent measurement of algorithm
efficiency, time and space resources, growth in terms of input size, polynomial vs.
exponential growth algorithms, worst and average case efficiency, big Oh notation,
algorithm efficiency vs. inherent problem (any algorithm) complexity, deterministic and non-
deterministic algorithms, algorithm analysis techniques, amortization, standards and
implementation dependent resource measurement.
Algorithm Design Paradigms: Characterization of algorithm design paradigms, Utilization
of design paradigms for problems across application areas of sorting, selection, computer
arithmetic and algebraic computation, graphs and networks, computational geometry.
Computation Models and Complexity: NP Complete Problems, NP hard problems, Proving
of problem to NP Complete, different NP complete problem. Approximation Algorithms,
Randomized Algorithms: Some Complexity Classes, Computing π, Numerical Integration,
Primality Testing, Randomize Algorithm for Majority Element, Graph Algorithms, Lower
Bound Techniques,
Nature Inspired Algorithms: Genetic algorithm; Ant Colony Optimization, DNA algorithms,
Parallel Algorithms: Memory Multiprocessor.
Special topics in algorithms design.

Introduction to Database systems: Data Independence, Data Models, levels of
abstraction, structure of DBMS, Relational Model, Integrity constraints, Relational
Query Languages: SQL, QUEL, QBE, Aggregate operators, Embedded and Dynamic SQL.
File Organization: Storage, Buffer management, Record and page formats, File
organization techniques, Indexing.
Query optimization: Query processing on various operations, Translating SQL queries,
estimating the cost.
Database design: E R Model, Functional dependencies, normalization, multi valued
Concurrency control and recovery: transaction, schedules, Lock based concurrency,
Lock management, Concurrency control without locking, Crash recovery log, check
pointing, media recoveries.
Database Security, Distributed databases design, Object Oriented database design its
implementation, Introduction to recent advances in database technology.
Special topics in database engineering.
Introduction to Data mining: Motivation for Data Mining, its importance, Role Data in
Data Mining, Data Mining functionalities, patterns in data mining, Type of patterns,
Classification of Data Mining Systems, Major issues in Data Mining;
Data Warehousing and OLTP technology for Data Mining, Data Mining Languages, and
System Architectures.
Concept Description: Characterization and Comparison, Mining Association Rules in
Large Databases, Classification and Prediction, Cluster Analysis, Mining Complex Data,
Applications and Trends in Data Mining Characteristics of data warehouse, Data Mart,
Online Analytical Processing, OLAP tools, Data warehouse Architecture, Organizational
Issuer, Tools for Data warehousing, Performance consideration, case studies. Special topics
in data mining and data ware housing.
Syllabus of Paper - 2
Introduction, Evolution of Internet, Internet Applications, Internet Protocol -TCP/IP, UDP,
HTTP, Secure Http(Shttp) Internet Addressing – Addressing Scheme – Ipv4 & IPv6, Network
Byte Order, Domain Name Server and IP Addresses, Mapping, Internet Service Providers,
Types of Connectivity Such as Dial-Up Leaded Vsat Etc.
Web Technologies: Three Tier Web Based Architecture; JSP, Asp, J2ee, .Net Systems.
XML: Basic Standards, Schema Standards, Linking & Presentation Standards, Standards
that build on XML, Generating XML data, writing a simple XML File, creating a Document
type definition, Documents & Data, Defining Attributes & Entities in the DTD, Defining
Parameter Entities & conditional Sections, resolving a naming conflict, Using Namespaces,
Designing an XML data structure, Normalizing Data, Normalizing DTDS. Security Threats
from Mobile Codes, Types of Viruses, Client Server Security Threats, Data & Message
Security, Various electronic payment systems, Introduction to EDI, Challenges–Response
System, Encrypted Documents and Emails.
Firewalls: Hardened Firewall Hosts, IP-Packet Screening, Proxy Application Gateways, AAA
(Authentication, Authorization and Accounting).
Website Planning & Hosting: Introduction, Web Page Lay-Outing, Where to Host Site,
Maintenance of Site, Registration of Site on Search Engines and Indexes, Introduction to
File Transfer Protocol, Public Domain Software, Types of Ftp Servers (Including
Anonymous), Ftp Clients Common Command. Telnet Protocol, Server Domain, Telnet
Client, Terminal Emulation. Usenet And Internet Relay Chat.


Management & Organizational Support Systems: Definition of MIS;
Systems approach to MIS: MIS and Human factor considerations, concept of
organizational information sub-system, MIS & problem solving. Information Technology
Infrastructure for digital firm.
Information Systems & Business Strategy: Information Management. Who are the users?
Managers, Decision making & Information System, Evolution of Computer based
information system (CBIS), Model of CBIS.
Changing role of Information systems in organization: Trend to End-User computing,
justifying the CBIS, Achieving the CBIS, Managing the CBIS, Benefits & Challenges of CBIS
implementation. Strategic Information System, Business level & Firm level Strategy.
Information Systems in The Enterprise: Systems from Management & Functional
perspective & their relationship: Executive Support System, Decision Support System, Sales
& Marketing Information System, Manufacturing Information System, Human-Resource
Information System. Finance & Account Information System.
Information Technology for Competitive Advantage: Firm in its environment, the
information resources, who manages the information resources? Strategic planning for
information resources. End-User Computing as a strategic issue, Information resource
management concept. Knowledge management & their work system, Business value of
information system Related Case Studies.
Software Life Cycle Models,
Managing software projects: Project management concepts, Software process and Project
metrics, Software Project Planning, Risk Analysis and Management, Project scheduling and
tracking, Software Quality Assurance, Software Configuration Management.
Conventional methods for software engineering: System Engineering, Requirements
Analysis and Specifications, Analysis Modeling, Design Concepts and principles,
Architectural design, User Interface Design, Component level Design, Software Testing
Techniques, Software testing Strategies, Software Reliability, Technical metrics for software,
CASE tools, Software Maintenance, Software Reusability.
Object Oriented software engineering: Object Oriented Concepts and principles, Object
Oriented analysis, Object Oriented Design, and Object-Oriented testing, Technical metrics
for Object Oriented Systems

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