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Introduction to ILE RPG IV Programming

5 Days (40% Lecture, 60% Workshop)
This class provides an introduction to RPG IV programming on the IBM i (iSeries and AS/400). No previous
knowledge of RPG is required or assumed. This course covers both Fixed format and /FREE format, with the
most modern language enhancements.

The class focuses on the student's ability to read and maintain existing RPG IV programs, and to create new
programs using modern language capabilities. Many RPG legacy capabilities are discussed, with a view to
reading, maintaining and enhancing older code.

Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of computer programming as well as these tools from IBM: Source Entry
Utility (SEU) and Programming Development Manager (PDM).

Course Outline

Introduction to RPG IV Arrays and Tables

RPG IV Heritage Difference between Tables and Arrays
RPG IV Specification Types Overview Defining and Initializing Arrays
Runtime vs. Compile Time Arrays
Data Definition Using Array Elements
Data Definition Methods LOOKUP/XFOOT/MOVEA Operations
Definition Specification Using Legacy Tables and %TLOOKUP
Stand Alone Fields and Named Constants
Data Structures and Data Types Printing Reports
Program Described Printing in O Specs
Calculations and Character Operations
Externally Described Printer Files
Arithmetic Operations
Overview of DDS for Printer Files
Assignment Operations
Handling Page Overflow
EVAL Operation and Expressions
RPG IV Built In Functions, e.g. %TRIM %LEN Interactive Workstation Programming
Overview of /Free format C Specs Screen Design Aid and Display File DDS
Conditional and Iterative Operations Screen Record Formats
IF/ELSE Operations Using Function Keys
SELECT/WHEN/OTHER Operations Display of Database Records
DO/DOU/DOW/FOR Operations Using and Editing Input Output Fields
ITER/LEAVE Operations Fundamental EXFMT Loop

File Processing Modular Programming

Avoiding the Fixed RPG Logic Cycle Using Internal Subroutines
File Specifications Subroutine Flow of Control
Full Procedural Processing Executing External Programs
Sequential Processing CALL Operation
Keyed Processing Passing Parameters
CHAIN Operation *ENTRY PLIST Operation
READ/READP Operations Using IBM supplied APIs
I/O Error Handling using Built-In Functions Overview of Advanced ILE Concepts
and Resulting Indicators Prototype/Procedure Interface Definition
Fundamental File Loop /Free format CALLP Operation
Output Specifications Static Binding
Advanced File Processing Creating Modules
SETLL and SETGT Operations Creating Programs with Multiple Modules
Processing Partial Files Subroutines vs. Sub-procedures
Keys and Key Lists

For more information, call (314) 932-2430 or (800) 936-3140

Or e-mail
The 400 School, Inc – St. Louis, MO USA

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