To Fulfill The Assignment of English For Biology Guided by Dr. H. Sueb, M. Kes Will Be Presented On Wednesday, November 29 2017

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To Fulfill the Assignment of English for Biology

Guided By Dr. H. Sueb, M. Kes
Will be Presented On Wednesday, November 29th 2017

Arranged by
Group 10 Offering C 2017

1. Nurul Alfi'ah 170341615070

2. Sakinah Vinda Putri Kinasih 170341615046


November 2017
Correlation And Comparison Between Environmental Worldview And Environmental
Literacy On Chemical Department At Universitas Negeri Malang And Chemical
Engineering Department At Politeknik Negeri Malang

Nurul Alfi'ah, Sakinah Vinda Putri Kinasih and Dr. Sueb, M.Kes
Biology Department, FMIPA, Malang State University
Email: dan

Nature is an important part of our life, but its breadth and intensity It is being used for development much faster than
biosphere renewal. This disparity has escalated the environmental challenges associated with our capability to develop in a
sustainable manner. Environmental worldviews—how people think the world works and what they believe their role in the
world should be. And environmental literacy is a domain of four interrelated components: knowledge, dispositions,
competencies and environmentally responsible behavior. The aim of this research is to know correlation and comparison
between environmental worldview and environmental literacy on Chemical Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and
Chemical Engineering Department at Politeknik Negeri Malang. This research is descriptive-correlational research. The
respondents of this study were the 30 students of Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik Negeri Malang for the first
semester of the Academic Year 2017-2018. The data in this study were gathered by the use questionnaire. The statistical
tools used were mean; standard deviation, t-test, and correlation. there is significant difference between students of
Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on
environmental worldview. there is no significant difference between students of Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri
Malang and students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on environmental literacy. there is no significant
correlation between students of Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and students of Chemical Engineering
at Politeknik Negeri Malang on environmental worldview. there is no significant correlation between students of Chemistry
Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on
environmental literacy.

Keywords: environmental worldview, environmental literacy

Nature is an important part of our life, but its breadth and intensity It is being used for
development much faster than biosphere renewal. This disparity has escalated the
environmental challenges associated with our capability to develop in a sustainable manner.
Consequently, environmental problems such as climate changes, ozone depletion,
deforestation, degradation of ecosystems, and biodiversity loss continue to plague our planet
(Sookram, 2013). So the human awareness of environmental issues is very important.
Although awareness of environmental issues is only one determinant of this
behavioral change, a better public understanding of climate science should increase support
for those mitigating policies, by at least increasing public acceptance of scientific consensus
and the need for these policies (Rideout, 2014). However people's awareness of
environmental issues encountered several obstacles such as about the delivery of messages
through poor media, many people who are less interested in scientific, and people's doubts
about the impact of environmental issues due to political and economic factors.
One strategy for reducing these educational difficulties in part of the public is to
incorporate environmental issues into elementary and secondary education, which can
provide a developmentally early, more systematic, and less confusing presentation of these
societal problems (Rideout, 2013). Through this strategy, it is expected that the public will
have an environmental worldview from an early age. Environmental worldviews—how
people think the world works and what they believe their role in the world should be.
Another strategy for gaining public awareness on environmental issues is
environmental education. The most important way to overcome the environmental problems
is by environmental education and environmentally literate individuals can be educated by
environmental education (Elif et al, 2014). In fact, the development of an environmentally
literate citizenry is an important aim of environmental education and environmental literacy
is a fundamental prerequisite to maintain and improve the quality of the environment
(Disinger & Roth, 1992). As a simple definition, environmental literacy is a domain of four
interrelated components: knowledge, dispositions, competencies and environmentally
responsible behavior (Spínola, 2015). The aim of this research is to know correlation and
comparison between environmental worldview and environmental literacy on Chemical
Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and Chemical Engineering Department at
Politeknik Negeri Malang.
This research is descriptive-correlational research.
The respondents of this study were the 30 students of Universitas Negeri Malang and
Politeknik Negeri Malang for the first semester of the Academic Year 2017-2018. The
population are all university student of Chemical Department at Universitas Negeri Malang
and Chemical engenering Universitas Brawijaya. It’s samples are 40 respondent of freshmen
and using random sampling
The data in this study were gathered by the use questionnaire. A questionnaire is a written
instrument that contained a series of responses to relevant questions on items that attempted
to collect information. After the retrieval of accomplished questionnaires, the data were
tabulated and organized. All statistical computations were computer processed through the
Microsoft Excell. The statistical tools used were mean; standard deviation, t-test, and
correlation. The significance of the difference and relationships were tested at 0.05 level
using two-tailed test. If the t stat is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other
hand, if the t stat is equal to or greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

.Table 1. Percentage of respondent answer about environmental worldview at UM

No Question SA MA U MD SD
We are approaching the limit of the
number of people that the earth can
1 support. 47 33 20
Humans have the right to modify the
2 natural environment to suit their needs. 20 20 13 47
When humans interfere with nature it
3 often produces disastrous consequences. 7 40 27 27
Human ingenuity will ensure that we do
4 NOT make the earth unlivable. 27 20 40 13
Humans are severely abusing the
5 environment. 40 40 20
The earth has plenty of natural resources
6 if we just learn how to develop them. 73 27
Plants and animals have as much right as
7 humans to exist. 20 60 13
The balance of nature is strong enough to
cope with the impacts of modern
8 industrial nations. 67 20 13
Despite our special abilities, humans are
9 still subject to the laws of nature. 13 73 7 7
The so-called ecological crisis facing
10 human kind has been greatly exaggerated. 47 27 27
The earth is like a spaceship with very
11 limited room and resources. 7 33 7 53
Humans were meant to rule over the rest
12 of nature. 40 33 20 7
The balance of nature is very delicate and
13 easily upset. 7 47 33 13
Humans will eventually learn enough
about how nature works to be able to
14 control it. 27 60 13
If things continue on their present course,
we will soon experience a major
15 ecological catastrophe. 33 33 33

Table 2. Percentage of respondent answer about environmental literacy at UM

No Question SA MA U MD SD
I believe that government should support the
1 renewable energy sources (sun, wind, water,
geothermal). 53 40 7
Environmental education should be given from
2 the beginning of elementary education in order
to provide environmental awareness. 47 7 1
I, as well as others, have responsibility for the
protection of the environment. 60 6
I’m in favour of using solar power in traffi c
4 lights and street lamps in order to keep the
future generations’ life. 27 7 4
I’m in favour of using energy sources like solar
5 power andnatural gas since the gases given out
from stoves are more harmful. 27 53 13 7
6 I would use recycling boxes if there were any. 33 60 7
I would use e-bill in order to protect the
environment. 20 73 7
I would throw away my garbage if there were
nobody there. 7 27 33 33
There is nothing wrong with pouring waste
cooking oil into the sink. 7 13 60 20
I think we will not find a place to have picnic
within a few generation. 7 27 53 13
I think everybody should sow a tree in his or her
life. 13 27 27 7 7
12 I think seeds should be kept for the future of life. 33 27 33 7
I would throw old newspapers; empty glass-
plastic bottles, and cans to recycling boxes. 40 40 13 7
I think indiscriminate hunting can cause
environmental problems. 13 67 20
I would warn people if they caused harm to the
environment. 27 67 7
When I read a newspaper I pay attention to the
topics related to the environment. 13 47 40
For the protection of environment caused by
17 waste, I watch TV programs that give
information about re-use of them. 13 53 27 7
18 I would like to learn about environmental issues. 7 47 33 13
I would rather buy environmentally friendly
items than economic ones. 7 53 33 7
I prefer to use public transportation rather than
20 private transportation to protect the
environment. 20 20 33 27

Table 3. Percentage of respondent answer about environmental worldview at Polinema

No Question SA MA U MD SD
We are approaching the limit of the number of
1 7 67 27
people that the earth can support.
Humans have the right to modify the natural
2 20 60 20
environment to suit their needs.
When humans interfere with nature it often
3 20 47 20 13
produces disastrous consequences.
Human ingenuity will ensure that we do NOT
4 7 13 33 40 7
make the earth unlivable.
5 Humans are severely abusing the environment. 13 20 13 40 13
The earth has plenty of natural resources if we
6 53 47
just learn how to develop them.
Plants and animals have as much right as
7 20 40 20 7 13
humans to exist.
The balance of nature is strong enough to cope
8 27 20 20 33
with the impacts of modern industrial nations.
Despite our special abilities, humans are still
9 20 67 13
subject to the laws of nature.
The so-called ecological crisis facing human
10 7 40 53
kind has been greatly exaggerated.
The earth is like a spaceship with very limited
11 20 67 13
room and resources.
Humans were meant to rule over the rest of
12 7 33 27 20 13
The balance of nature is very delicate and easily
13 13 60 7 13 7
Humans will eventually learn enough about how
14 20 67 13
nature works to be able to control it.
If things continue on their present course, we
15 will soon experience a major ecological 20 47 33

Table 4. Percentage of respondent answer about environmental literacy at Polinema

No Question SA MA U MD SD
I believe that government should support the
renewable energy sources (sun, wind, water,
1 geothermal). 87 13
Environmental education should be given from
the beginning of elementary education in order
2 to provide environmental awareness. 60 40
3 I, as well as others, have responsibility for the 67 33
protection of the environment.
I’m in favour of using solar power in traffi c
lights and street lamps in order to keep the future
4 generations’ life. 47 33 20
I’m in favour of using energy sources like solar
power andnatural gas since the gases given out
5 from stoves are more harmful. 13 53 33
6 I would use recycling boxes if there were any. 27 40 33
I would use e-bill in order to protect the
7 environment. 27 67 7
I would throw away my garbage if there were
8 nobody there. 27 53 20
There is nothing wrong with pouring waste
9 cooking oil into the sink. 20 67 13
I think we will not find a place to have picnic
10 within a few generation. 7 27 33 13 30
I think everybody should sow a tree in his or her
11 life. 33 67
12 I think seeds should be kept for the future of life. 27 53 28
I would throw old newspapers; empty glass-
13 plastic bottles, and cans to recycling boxes. 7 40 53
I think indiscriminate hunting can cause
14 environmental problems. 53 27 20
I would warn people if they caused harm to the
15 environment. 40 53 7
When I read a newspaper I pay attention to the
16 topics related to the environment. 13 47 40
For the protection of environment caused by
waste, I watch TV programs that give
17 information about re-use of them. 13 80 7
18 I would like to learn about environmental issues. 20 53 27
I would rather buy environmentally friendly
19 items than economic ones. 27 33 33 7
I prefer to use public transportation rather than
20 private transportation to protect the environment. 20 20 40 20
Based on our observation, the comparison of environmental worldview data between
Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik Negeri Malang is presented first, the data
explaining that there is no significant difference between students of Chemistry Department
at Universitas Negeri Malang and students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri
Malang on environmental worldview. This can be proven by t-test which shows ttable smaller
than tstat. the explanation can be seen in table 5. This is correlation by the research of Sueb
(2015) there is no difference in environmental worldview between students of biology and
pure biology education.
Table 5. Comparison about environmental worldview between UM and Polinema
tstat ttable Inference
Environmetal worlview 1.87146 2.048407 NS
Comparison about environmental literacy between Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik
Negeri Malang can be seen on the table 6. The data explaining that there is no significant
difference between students of Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and
students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on environmental literacy.
This can be proven by t-test which shows ttable larger than tstat. the explanation can be seen in
table 6. This is correlation by result of Contreras (2014) there are no significant differences in
the environmental literacy of the respondents.
Table 6. Comparison about environmental literacy between UM
Tstat ttable Inference
Environmental literacy 3.43179 2.055529 S
Correlation of environmental worldview between Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik
Negeri Malang can be seen on table 7. The data explaining that there is no significant
correlation between students of Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and
students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on environmental worldview.
This can be proven by correlation test. The observation of Sueb (2015) also found there is a
correlation between the achievement index and students' environmental worldview.
Table 7. Correlation of environmental worldview between UM and Polinema
rxy rtable Inference
Environmental 0.02746 0.3610 NS
Correlation of environmental literacy between Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik
Negeri Malang can be seen on table 8. The data explaining that there is no significant
correlation between students of Chemistry Department at Universitas Negeri Malang and
students of Chemical Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Malang on environmental literacy.
This can be proven by correlation test. This is contradicted with Contreras (2014) that found
there are significant differences of the respondent as to course.
Table 8. Correlation of environmental literacy between UM and Polinema
rxy rtable Inference
Environmental 0.10517 0,3610 NS

The comparison of environmental worldview between Universitas Negeri Malang and
Politeknik Negeri Malang is no significant difference but there is significant difference on
comparison of environmental literacy between Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik
Negeri Malang. There is no significant correlation of environmental worldview and literacy
between Universitas Negeri Malang and Politeknik Negeri Malang.

Thank you for our lecturer of English for Biology State University of Malang , Mr. Dr. H.
Sueb, M. Kes for his help in this article.
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Environmentalist, 12: 165-168.
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Rideout B E. 2014. The liberal arts and environmental awareness: Exploring endorsement of
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Sustainability. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership. Volume 6 Issue 2
Spínola H. 2015. Environmental literacy comparison between students taught in Eco-schools
and ordinary schools in the Madeira Island region of Portugal. Science Education
International Vol. 26, Issue 3, 395-416
Sueb. 2015. Analisis Environmental Worldview Mahasiswa Biologi Fmipa Universitas
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