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Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

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Evaluation of mechanical characteristics of nano modified epoxy based

polymers using molecular dynamics
B.S. Sindu ⇑, Saptarshi Sasmal
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Epoxy polymers are finding large scale application in construction industry for repair and retrofitting of
Received 7 February 2014 deficient concrete structures, because of their great compatibility with construction materials and lam-
Received in revised form 24 June 2014 inate composites. There is a scope to enhance the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of com-
Accepted 3 September 2014
mercially available epoxy polymers through nanoscale modification. But, the improvement in the
Available online 4 October 2014
properties of the polymeric matrix mainly depends on the compatibility and extent of interaction of
nanoparticles with the epoxy polymers. With the exponential growth in the field of nanotechnology
and nanoscience, number of potential and compatible nanoparticles is available which can be judiciously
Molecular dynamics
Epoxy polymers
explored to engineer the epoxy polymer to attain the desirable properties. In view of this, Molecular
Carbon nanotube Dynamics (MD) studies have been carried out to investigate the interaction of filament type nano mate-
Nano modification rials such as Carbon Nanotube (CNT) with different types of epoxy polymers. Various types of resins and
Mechanical response hardeners available in market and usually adopted in industrial applications have been considered for the
Affinity index study. Steered Molecular Dynamics simulation has been carried out individually on CNT and epoxy resins.
Pull out simulations CNTs of different chiralities and diameters and epoxy resins are subjected to constant velocity pulling and
their responses are observed. Then, the interaction of each of the epoxy polymer with CNT is investigated.
In order to verify the results obtained from the affinity test using the interaction energy, pull out simu-
lations have also been carried out. It has been found that pull out test results strongly supports the results
obtained from the study using interaction energy in choosing the best and worst performing resins for
nano engineering using CNT. From the study, the suitable resin and compatible epoxy is identified for
CNT modification to ensure better performance of structures towards their repair and retrofitting. A
new parameter has been proposed in the present study to uniquely quantify the extent of interaction
of the polymer with CNT.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ries in determining the reaction rates, vibrational spectrum, ther-

modynamic and structural properties of the system [1–3].
The wide-spread use of nanotechnology paved the way for Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations
development of many experimental and computational techniques are the two major simulation types under molecular mechanics.
at molecular level for better understanding of nanomaterials and to MD is more widely used than MC owing to its ability to determine
find out the source for certain phenomena observed at the macro- the dynamic properties of materials. The objective of a MD simula-
level. Molecular mechanics is a computational technique that lies tion is to compute the particle position as a function of time. It is
between Quantum mechanics and Mesoscale modeling and deals assumed that the particles behave classically, thereby, obey New-
with the length scale of few angstroms to nanometers. The basic ton’s second law of motion. For carrying out MD, the atomic system
assumption of molecular mechanics is that the matter consists of should be defined by specific forms of inter-particle interactions,
a collection of atoms and from the interaction of atoms, the energy proper initial and boundary conditions and thermo-dynamic con-
can be calculated. Molecular mechanics has found its success sto- straints. The applications of MD is diverse; it is used in Chemo-
informatics to discover and design new molecules; Proteomics to
⇑ Corresponding author at: CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR- study the folding, misfolding and aggregation of proteins and
SERC), CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India. Tel.: +91 44 22549239; fax: structural change of a protein upon mutation of one or more amino
+91 44 22541508. acids; Biochemistry to study the drug delivery system; Material
E-mail addresses:, (B.S. Sindu).
0927-0256/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 147


High Stress Zone High Stress Zone

Crack Propagation Crack Propagation

(a) Plate end FRP delamination (b) Intermediate crack induced FRP delamination

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of FRP delamination.

Fig. 2. Atomic structure of (a) 7,7 and (b) 13,0 nanotube.

(a) 395000 (a) 45000

345000 Bond Bond
Energy (kcal/mol/Å)

295000 Angle
Energy (kcal/mol/Å)

245000 Dihedral Dihedral
195000 vdW vdW
Kinec Kinec
145000 15000
Total Total
95000 10000
45000 5000

-5000 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 -5 5 15 25 35
Time Steps Diameter (Å)

(b) 395000
(b) 39300

345000 34300
Energy (kcal/mol/Å)
Energy (kcal/mol/Å)

295000 Bond 29300 Angle

245000 Angle 24300 Dihedral
195000 19300 vdW
145000 14300 Kinec
9300 Total
45000 4300

-5000 -700
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 -5 5 15 25 35
Time Steps Diameter (Å)

Fig. 3. Energy vs. time for (a) armchair and (b) zigzag. Fig. 4. Energy vs. diameter for (a) armchair and (b) zigzag.

Science to predict the rheological, thermal and mechanical proper- Epoxy polymers are widely used in construction industry.
ties of polymers. Recently, it is being used by the civil engineers to Epoxy polymers have been identified as the best binding agent
understand the structure and properties of various materials used for construction materials like wood, metal and concrete. This
for construction, repair and rehabilitation of structures and to excellent property with its strain compatibility with construction
study the behavior of these materials when some foreign materials materials has made them to find its application in repair and reha-
like fibers and nanomaterials are added to it. bilitation of structures and in developing laminate composites.
148 B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

Fig. 7. Young’s modulus of CNT.

ally not achieved due to debonding of FRP. This is complemented

by horizontal cracking in concrete leading to loss of concrete cover
thereby further reducing the strength of concrete and making it
more brittle. Schematic diagrams showing FRP delamination are
given in Fig. 1.
Also, though epoxy polymers have high bond strength, they fail
Fig. 5. Typical deformation behavior of CNT. easily due to impact, fatigue and vibration loading. Hence, improv-
ing the impact strength, vibrational and other properties of epoxy
They have been used to develop laminate composites by binding polymers will be of great use.
different layers and make them act as a single entity. They have In order to achieve this, researchers are working on nano mod-
also been used as coatings for concrete floors to make them wear- ification of epoxy polymers. Gilbert et al. [4] incorporated nano
and chemical-resistant and as primers to improve the adhesion of alumina in epoxy based film adhesives and observed improvement
paints on metal surfaces and thereby making it corrosion resistant. in the peel and shear strength of the adhesive. Wang et al. [5]
Many of the concrete structures are undergoing deterioration due incorporated nano clay in epoxy matrix using a novel method
to aging. In order to strengthen these structures and to increase and found that the incorporation led to the improvement of stor-
its service life, they are bonded with fresh concrete or wrapped age modulus, glass transition temperature, Young’s modulus and
with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP). Epoxy polymers act as the the facture toughness of the matrix. Zamanian et al. [6] incorpo-
major binding agent during these applications. However, the rated nano silica in epoxy resin to improve its fracture toughness.
higher strength that is to be achieved due to strengthening is usu- Among different nanomaterials, it has been found that Carbon
Nanotubes (CNTs), owing to its excellent mechanical properties,

Fig. 8. Validation of Young’s modulus of (a) armchair and (b) zigzag nanotube. (See
Fig. 6. Force vs. extension plot for (a) armchair and (b) zigzag. above-mentioned references for further information.).
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 149

is the best nano modifier for epoxy polymers. Mao [7] incorporated CNT–polymer composite. Gou et al. [11] determined the interaction
different percentages of functionalized CNT into epoxy matrix and energy and the affinity index of CNT with epoxy resins. Liu et al. [12]
found that the nano composite not only had improved compressive carried out interaction studies of CNT with different polymers and
strength, flexural strength and flexural modulus but also had found out that the mechanical properties of polymers are enhanced
improved impact strength and vibrational damping. Kordani if an appropriate repeat unit arrangement and conformation forms
et al. [8] added 0.5% of CNT in epoxy matrix and found that the the first layer around the CNT. Pang and Xu [13] carried out MD
vibrational characteristics like frequency and damping ratio of simulations of interactions between CNT and surfactant and
the material improved when compared with the conventional observed that the structure of the surfactant and its concentration
material. played a significant role in the dispersibility of CNTS. Saha et al.
There are different epoxy polymers as on date. The extent of [14] carried out interaction studies of polymer on CNT and con-
enhancing the properties of polymers depends how good CNT has cluded that the interaction is governed by number of repeating
its affinity with that polymer. Hence, identification of the epoxy units of polymer. Zaminpayma and Mirabbaszadeh [15] studied
polymer and hardener that has more affinity towards CNT is utmost the interactions between CNT and polymers and observed that
important. Yang et al. [9] used MD to study the interaction of CNT the interaction energy between the molecules were influenced by
with different polymers and found out that the strength of interac- monomer structure, and morphology of CNT whereas it was not
tion depends on the specific monomer structure. Al-Haik et al. [10] influenced by temperature. Haghighatpanah and Bolton [16] car-
observed the effect of chirality of CNT on the adhesion energy of ried out MD simulations on CNT polyethylene composites and

Fig. 9. Atomic structure of epoxy resins (a) DGEBA, (b) DGEBF and (c) TGDDM.
150 B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

d ri
mi 2
¼ Fi; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N ð1Þ
where mi is the mass of the particle ‘i’ and Fi is the force acting on
the ‘i’th particle which can be obtained from,
Fi ¼ f ij ð2Þ

where fij is the force acting on atom i from all other atoms j in the
system. This equation can also be obtained from Lagrange equations
of motion. The Lagrangian is defined as,
Lðx1 ; y1 ; z1 ; . . . ; x_ N ; y_ N ; z_ N Þ ¼ Kðx_ 1 ; y_ 1 ; z_ 1 . . . x_ N ; y_ N ; z_ N Þ
 Uðx1 ; y1 ; z1 . . . xN ; yN ; zN Þ ð3Þ
where K is the kinetic energy given by,
X1  2
dr i
K¼ mi ð4Þ
2 dt
and U is the total potential energy of the collection of N particles
given by,
U¼ U inter-atomic ð5Þ

Here, U(rij) is the interatomic potential (or force-field function)

between atoms i and j.
Fig. 10. Simulated structure of epoxy resins (a) DGEBA, (b) DGEBF and (c) TGDDM. The Lagrange equations of motion are,
d @L @L
 ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð6Þ
found out that short CNTs does not increase the Young’s modulus of dt @ x_ i @xi
the system whereas long CNTs do.
Substituting Eqs. (4) and (5) in Eq. (6) and simplifying we obtain
In this study, MD is used to identify the epoxy resin and the
the following scalar forms of the equations of motion,
hardener that has more affinity towards CNT thereby leading to
an enhanced epoxy compound that can be used with the construc- 2
d xi @U
tion materials. To get a clear picture on the mechanical properties mi 2
¼ ¼ F xi
dt @xi
of CNTs and epoxy compounds, Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) 2
d yi @U
is carried out. CNTs of various chiralities and diameters are sub- mi 2
¼ ¼ F yi ð7Þ
jected to uniaxial pulling and its response to the applied force is dt @xi
studied. Similarly, epoxy resins are also subjected to uniaxial pull- d zi @U
mi ¼ ¼ F zi
ing and its force–displacement relationship is obtained. To study dt
2 @xi
the interactions between epoxy polymers and CNT, MD simula-
tions are carried out with NVT ensemble. Each of the epoxy poly- The above set of 3N equations are solved using an appropriate
mers is placed near CNT and their interaction is observed. A new numerical integration procedure.
parameter called affinity index has been used to quantify the inter-
action of CNT with epoxy polymer. From this study, the extent of 2.1. Steered Molecular Dynamics
nano modification of epoxy resin and hardener can be ascertained.
Thus, this study provides the avenue to the scientists and engineers Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) is a type of simulation in
to tap the alluring scope of nanotechnology and nano engineering which atoms (single or group) are subjected to an external force
to develop an improved epoxy based polymers for effective usage along the desired degrees of freedom and the response of the sys-
in structural repair and retrofitting. tem to this external force is studied. The atoms that are being sub-
jected to force are called steered atoms. There is another group of

2. Molecular dynamics: Process 40000

Consider a simulation box of size L  L  L containing N atoms.
_ 30000
The initial position and velocity of these atoms are x(0) and xð0Þ
respectively. The energy between atoms is defined by a specific 25000
Force (pN)

form of inter-particle interaction (interatomic potential). Inter- 20000 DGEBA

atomic potential is analogous to strain energy in classical mechan- 15000 DGEBF
ics. Here, it defines the energy stored in the bonds when it is 10000 TGDDM
subjected to some external force. The main objective of MD simu-
lation is to determine the positions ri(t), i=1. . .N and momenta pi(t),
i=1. . .N of these N atoms over time. From the positions, other param-
0 5 10 15 20
eters like displacement and strain can be extracted. -5000
Extension (Å)
The atoms are assumed to behave classically and hence obey
Newton’s Second Law of motion defined as, Fig. 11. Force–displacement of epoxy resins.
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 151

atoms that are restrained to move along desired degrees of U is the potential energy,
freedom and they are called fixed atoms. SMD can be carried out k is the spring constant,
by two methods: constant force pulling and constant velocity v is the pulling velocity,
pulling. In constant force pulling, the steered atoms are pulled with t is the time,
a constant force along a specified direction. In constant velocity ~
r is the actual position of SMD atom,
pulling, the steered atoms are attached to dummy atoms via virtual ~
r0 is the initial position of SMD atom,
spring which is actually pulled with a constant velocity along ~
n is the direction of pulling.
the specified direction. The force between both the atoms are mea-
sured by, 2.2. Molecular dynamics
F_ ¼ rU ð8Þ
The MD simulations were carried out using an open source MD
where U ¼ 12 k½v t  ð~
r  r~0 Þ  ~
n code available online. The initial atomic positions were described.

Fig. 12. Atomic structure of epoxy resins (a) DETA, (b) DDS and (c) DETDA.
152 B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

In order to describe the inter-particle interactions, Chemistry at From Fig. 4 it is clear that the major contribution of total energy
HARvard Molecular Mechanics (CHARMM) force-field was used. is from bond energy whereas some contribution comes from angle
According to CHARMM force-field, energy also.
To get a clear picture of the deformation process of CNT, the
U inter-atomic ¼ U bonded þ U non-bonded ð9Þ deformation structure of armchair nanotube of diameter 10 Å at
where different loading levels are shown in Fig. 5 below. Since it is a typ-
ical deformation process, the time step details are not given.
U bonded ¼ kbond ðr  r0 Þ2 þ kangle ðh  h0 Þ2 þ kimproper ðx  x0 Þ2 In order to get a picture of the stiffness and the strength of var-
ious types of CNTs, force vs. extension plots is given in Fig. 6 (chi-
þ ktorsion ð1 þ cosðn/  /0 ÞÞ ð10Þ
ralities mentioned in the legend).
where From Fig. 6 it can be seen that as the diameter increases, both
kbond, kangle, ktorsion and kimproper are the force constants for bond the strength and stiffness of the CNT increases. This phenomenon
stretching, in plane bending, out of plane bending and torsion is observed in both the chiral tubes.
respectively, From the force vs. extension curves, the Young’s modulus of
r0, h0, x0 and /0 are the equilibrium bond length, in plane angle, CNT can be obtained using the following equation,
out of plane angle and dihedral angle respectively and
r, h, x and / are the instantaneous bond length, in plane angle, r F=A0
Y¼ ¼ ð12Þ
out of plane angle and dihedral angle respectively. e DH=H0
" 12  6 # where
qi qj rij rij F is the total force applied,
U non-bonded ¼ þ 4ij  ð11Þ
Drij r ij r ij Ao is the cross-sectional area,
Ho is the initial length and
where DH is the elongation.
qi and qj are the partial charges on atoms i and j separated by a
distance of rij and The cross-sectional area is given by,
ij is the depth of the potential well, rij is the (finite) distance at
which the potential is zero as and rij is the vdW radius. Ao ¼ pDt ð13Þ

The atomic system is first subjected to minimization, i.e., where D is the diameter of the CNT and t is the thickness of the CNT.
brought to its least energy state or stable state using Conjugate It is taken as 3.4 Å which is the inter-layer spacing in graphite.
gradient method. It is then equilibrated using Langevin dynamics.

3. MD on CNTs

The mechanical properties of CNTs are not well established. In

order to use it in engineering applications, it is utmost important
to understand its mechanical properties and various parameters
affecting the same. For this, MD simulations were carried out on
armchair and zigzag nanotubes with various diameters. The influ-
ence of diameter and the chirality of CNT on its mechanical prop-
erties have been observed. Fig. 2 shows the atomic structure of
armchair and zigzag nanotube generated for carrying out MD
MD simulations were carried out using NPT ensemble with the
time step of 1 fs. The temperature was maintained at 300 K and
pressure at 1 atm using Langevin Dynamics. CNTs were fixed at
one end and subjected to constant velocity pulling using SMD on
the other end. The spring constant of the virtual spring was
7 kcal/mol Å2 and the velocity with which it was pulled was
0.1 Å/ts. The total energy plots and the force–extension plots have
been obtained which shows clearly the effects of various parame-
ters on its mechanical properties.
Typical plots of various energies for both chiral tubes of same
diameter, say 10 Å, are shown in Fig. 3.
From the above plots it is seen that the maximum contribution
to total energy comes from bond energy. Even the trend of total
energy curve is that of bond energy. Dihedral energy and van der
Waals energy has no contribution. This is because there are no
dihedrals in CNTs and since the study is limited to Single Walled
Nanotubes, the contribution of van der Waals energy is not there.
In both the tubes, there is some contribution of angle energy and
kinetic energy.
To get a better insight on how the energy stored varies for dif-
ferent types of CNTs, the plot of energy vs. diameter at an exten-
sion of 10 Å for both chiral tubes is given in Fig. 4. Fig. 13. Simulated structure of epoxy hardeners (a) DETA, (b) DDS and (c) DETDA.
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 153

Using the above equation, the Young’s modulus of CNTs of var- armchair, the Young’s modulus increases as the diameter increases
ious radius and chirality are calculated and shown in Fig. 7. but after a certain radius, it gets converged and remains constant.
From the plot it can be seen that the Young’s modulus of zigzag In order to validate the results obtained in the present study, it
tube is almost a constant value for all the diameters whereas in is compared with the values reported in the literature in Fig. 8.

(a) CNT – DETA (initial) (b) CNT – DETA (final)

(c) CNT – DDS (initial) (d) CNT – DDS(final)

(e) CNT – DETDA (initial) (f) CNT – DETDA (final)

(g) CNT – DGEBA (initial) (h) CNT – DGEBA (final)

Fig. 14. Snapshots showing interaction of CNT with epoxy polymers (front view).
154 B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

From Fig. 8, it has can be seen that the results obtained in the interactions between CNT and the matrix may lead to good inter-
present study are within the range of values reported in literature. facial binding.
The load transfer between CNT and polymer matrix is deter-
mined by various methods like force-separation methods, shear-
4. Molecular dynamics on epoxy resins lag models and through interaction energy. Awasthi et al. [20]
modeled the interfacial behavior of graphene sheet and polymer
There is no straight forward method to evaluate the properties matrix using molecular dynamics force-separation model. The
of epoxy resins. Generally, they are cured with some hardeners and polymer matrix was kept near the graphene sheet at an equilib-
only then their properties are determined. To have a better under- rium distance initially. Load was applied to pull the graphene sheet
standing on the behavior of epoxy resins, MD simulations have away from the polymer matrix. As the graphene sheet was pulled
been carried out on three epoxy resins, namely, Diglycidyl ether away from the matrix, the load increased upto a peak value and
of Bisphenol A (DGEBA), Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F (DGEBF) then reduced to zero. This peak load is called the peak traction
and Tetraglycidyl ether of diamino diphenyl methane (TGDDM) force and the area of the force–displacement curve gives the sepa-
whose atomic structures with partial charges are given in Fig. 9. ration energy. Using these parameters cohesive law has been
The simulated structures are given in Fig. 10. established to describe the interface between graphene and poly-
MD simulations were carried out using NPT ensemble. The tem- mer matrix. Similar procedure is followed to determine the shear
perature was maintained at 300 K and pressure at 1 atm using traction and separation energy by applying shear load to the
Langevin Dynamics. Epoxy resins were fixed at one end and sub- graphene sheet. Li and Seidel [21] used similar procedure to char-
jected to constant velocity pulling using SMD on the other end. acterize the interface between CNT and polymer. The effect of cur-
The spring constant of the virtual spring was 7 kcal/mol Å2 and vature of CNT and temperature on the interfacial behavior was also
the velocity with which it was pulled was 0.001 Å/ts. taken into account. Frankland et al. [22] used shear lag model to
The force–displacement curve for all three epoxy resins is determine the shear strength of the interface between CNT–poly-
shown in Fig. 11. mer matrix. CNT was placed at the center of the polymer matrix
It can be seen from the plot that DGEBA has higher stiffness. The and pulled out from it. The total work done in pulling CNT out of
stiffness of TGDDM and DGEBF is almost the same. the matrix is determined as the shear strength of the interface.
The effect of functionalization of CNT on the shear strength of
the interface is investigated by providing chemical cross-links
5. MD on CNT–epoxy polymers between CNT and polymer matrix. Chowdhury and Okabe [23] also
used the shear lag model to determine the interfacial shear
In order to arrive at a good nano composite, it is desirable to strength of the CNT–polymer matrix. The effect of matrix density,
have an efficient load transfer mechanism from the matrix to chemical cross-links and geometrical defects on the interfacial
CNT. The load transfer is achieved through interfacial binding shear strength was also investigated.
energy. Since covalent functionalization of CNT introduces defects Lordi and Yao [24] carried out MD simulations to understand
and builds internal stresses in CNTs, introducing non-covalent the factors that govern the strength of the interface. It has been

(i) CNT – DGEBF(initial) (j) CNT – DGEBF (final)

(k) CNT – TGDDM (initial) (l) CNT – TGDDM (final)

Fig. 14 (continued)
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 155

found out from their studies that the binding energy and frictional mechanical properties of CNT incorporated polymer matrix and
forces play a minor role in governing the strength of the interface interaction energy between CNT and polymer.
whereas the steric interactions like wrapping of polymer on CNT Thus, it is evident that the load transfer between CNT and poly-
plays a major role. Chen et al. [25] observed that the interaction mer matrix has been determined by many methods such as force-
energy of functionalised CNT with polymer was more compared separation methods, shear-lag models and through interaction
to the unfunctionalised one and hence concluded that the func- energy. But it has been proved that the interaction energy plays
tionalised CNT had a better load transfer behaviour. Zaminpayma a major role in the load transfer between CNT and polymer and
[26] carried out MD simulations on different polymer matrices also that there is a direct relationship between the interaction
and demonstrated that there is a direct relationship between the energy and the load transfer behavior. Hence, in this study the

(a) CNT – DETA (initial) (b) CNT – DETA (final)

(c) CNT – DDS (initial) (d) CNT – DDS (final)

(e) CNT – DETDA (initial) (f) CNT – DETDA (final)

(g) CNT – DGEBA (initial) (h) CNT – DGEBA (final)

(i) CNT – DGEBF (initial) (j) CNT – DGEBF (final)

(k) CNT – TGDDM (initial) (l) CNT – TGDDM (final)

Fig. 15. Snapshots showing interaction of CNT with epoxy polymers (side view).
156 B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158

(a) 0.6 tions were carried out using NVT ensemble with an infinite vol-
ume. The temperature was maintained at 300 K using Langevin
Dynamics. The interaction of epoxy polymers with CNT under the
0.2 above-mentioned conditions is monitored. The snapshots given
Affinity Index

in Figs. 14 and 15 show the interaction mechanism very well.

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 By comparing the initial and final step, it is evident that all
-0.2 epoxy polymers interact well with CNT. The epoxy polymers tend
DETDA CNT to come closer to CNT and try to align along the length or circum-
ference of CNT. This is because of the non-bonded interaction
-0.6 between both the molecules. This shows that there is a good inter-
facial binding between CNT and epoxy polymers.
Timesteps In order to quantify the interfacial interactions, a parameter
called ‘affinity index’ has been investigated. Affinity index can be
(b) 0.4
defined as the difference in the average distance between each
0.2 atom of the polymer to the geometric center of the CNT between
the current time step and the initial time step. It is given as
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 follows:
Affinity Index

" # " #
DGEBF CNT Affinity index ¼ ðr i  C NT Þ  ðr i  C NT Þ ð14Þ
-0.6 TGDDM CNT i¼1 t i¼1 0

-0.8 where ri is the coordinate of ith atom of the polymer and CNT is the
-1 geometric center of the CNT.
In this study, the initial distance between polymers and CNT has
Timesteps not been maintained constant. In order to remove the effect of ini-
tial placement of polymers from CNT on the affinity index, the sec-
Fig. 16. Time evolution of affinity index of (a) hardeners and (b) epoxy resins.
ond term of the equation has been given.
The time evolution of affinity index is shown in Fig. 16.
For the sake of clarity, the lowest value of the affinity index for
Table 1 every polymer is reported in Table 1.
Least value of affinity index. From the above plots and the table, it has been found that
Polymer Least affinity index (Å) TGDDM epoxy resin and DETA hardener has highest affinity with
CNT compared to others and usage of this particular epoxy resin
DGEBA 0.60973
DGEBF 0.61816 with hardener for nano modification will ensure better perfor-
TGDDM 0.96898 mance of structures towards their repair and retrofitting.
DDS 0.3427
DETA 0.60774
DETDA 0.24997
5.2. Simulations of pull out of CNT in epoxy polymer matrix

Pull out simulations are also carried out in order to ascertain the
efficiency of load transfer between CNT and epoxy polymers.
concept of interaction energy has initially been used to determine Though three resins and three hardeners have been taken up for
the load transfer between epoxy polymers and CNT and the the affinity test, only the best resin and worst resin which are eval-
findings are further assessed and confirmed by the simulated pull uated through the interaction studies have been considered for
out test using the molecular dynamics. pull out simulations. Hence, TGDDM and DGEBA have been taken
In order to observe these interfacial interactions and to arrive at up for this study.
the best possible epoxy polymer feasible for nano modification, Simulation has been carried out in a box of size
Molecular Dynamics (MD) studies have been carried out to inves- 50  50  150 Å. CNT is embedded inside the epoxy resin with a
tigate the interaction of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) with different density of 1.3 g/cm3. COMPASS (Condensed-phase Optimized
types of epoxy polymers. Three resins, viz., Diglycidyl ether of Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies) force field
Bisphenol A (DGEBA), Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F (DGEBF) has been used to define the interatomic interactions in this study.
and Tetraglycidyl ether of diamino diphenyl methane (TGDDM) In order to simulate the pull out test, for each epoxy resin, two dif-
and three hardeners, viz., Diethylene triamine (DETA), Diamino ferent states have been simulated, i.e., (1) CNT fully embedded
diphenyl sulfone (DDS) and Diethyl toluene diamine (DETDA), are inside the epoxy resin and (2) CNT placed fully outside the epoxy
taken up for the study. The atomic structures with partial charges resin as shown in Fig. 17.
and the simulated structures of hardeners are shown in Figs. 12 Both the states are subjected to energy minimization and their
and 13 respectively. corresponding energies at both states, i.e., fully embedded and
Partial charges, calculated by Mulliken method using Marvin- after completion of pull out simulation are calculated. Pull out
View, were defined for epoxy polymers. For the sake of clarity for energy, Epull-out is defined as the difference in energy between fully
the readers, the partial charges are denoted in their atomic struc- embedded state, E1 and fully pulled out state, E2 which can be rep-
tures shown in Figs. 9 and 12. resented as
Epull-out ¼ E1  E2 ð15Þ
5.1. Determination of affinity from interaction energy
It can be observed from Table 2 that the pull out energy for
MD simulations were carried out to determine the resin and CNT-TGDDM matrix is significantly greater than CNT-DGEBA
hardener that has better affinity with CNT. CHARRM force-field matrix which signifies that CNT has more affinity towards TGDDM
was used to monitor the inter-particle interactions. The simula- and thereby it demands more energy to be pulled out of the matrix
B.S. Sindu, S. Sasmal / Computational Materials Science 96 (2015) 146–158 157

(a) Fully embedded (DGEBA-CNT) (b) Fully outside (DGEBA-CNT)

(c) Fully embedded (TGDDM-CNT) (d) Fully outside (TGDDM-CNT)

Fig. 17. Two different states during pull out simulation of both epoxy resins, DGEBA and TGDDM.

Table 2 ins for nano engineering using CNT. It can be underscored that
Pull out energy. affinity test as performed in the present study can be used as a sim-
Resin Epull-out (kcal/mol)
ple means to determine the compatibility of polymers for CNT
incorporation. From the present study, it has been identified that
DGEBA 395.37
TGDDM and DETA interacts well with CNT and hence the nano
TGDDM 10444.42
modification of these epoxy polymers with CNTs might lead to
an enhanced polymeric composite that can be used in the repair
and rehabilitation of structures. The work carried out in the pres-
when compared to DGEBA matrix. It is significant to mention that ent study will lead to the development of enhanced epoxy poly-
the observation from the pull out test is well corroborated with mers that can actually be used as a binding agent in
that observed from the studies using interaction energy which is strengthening of existing concrete structures.
used to develop the affinity index.

6. Conclusion This paper is being published with the kind permission of the
Director, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai,
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repair and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures because
of its high bond strength and excellent compatibility with con-
struction materials. The major failure mechanism in these References
strengthened structures is debonding of the strengthening mate-
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