TO Week 4 6

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Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah

Week 4 – 6
January 22 ~ February 5 2017

FormsDurationGrammar Item(s)1B1
(Intermediate High)

(Low - Intermediate)

(Low)3 weeks
(10.5 hours)4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context
(i) simple present tense

4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context:

(ii) yes/ no questions/ statements

DomainThemeTopicPersonal, EducationalScience & TechnologyChapter 2: It’s a Small World (p.13~24)

(questions/statements to be answered while and after lessons-similar to objectives) Listen to a conversation and id
Speak politely to invite or make requests
Read an article about social networking security
Compose an email
Learn about the simple present tense and yes/ no questions and statements
Practise /i/ and /iː/ sounds
Appreciate a short story

Learning & Facilitating StrategiesCooperative learning

Pupil-centrednessi-ThiNK Tools
Flow map
Circle map
Double bubble map
Tree map
Cross-curricular ElementsScience and Technology
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 2 hours
Content Standards:
1.1 Can listen to and use correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns to
1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes.

Learning Standards:
1.1.1 Can listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately:
(i) long and short vowels
1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally
1.4.2 Can participate in simple speech acts:
(iii) invitation
(v) request

Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Say words with short and - Circle the word that has a - Role-play a video call and
long vowels correctly different sound pronouncing the correct /i/
and /iː/ sounds
- Listen to a phone -In pairs, discuss the
conversation and jot down benefits of accepting - Act out invitation
invitations and requests invitations and requests, dialogues
effects of spending too
much time in front of the - Complete social media
computer and brainstorm style invitation posts
for beneficial activities
teenagers can do for

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of listening and speaking tasks
- Role-play performance

* When awarding bands, listen to the vocabulary and pronunciation used during roleplays
and how much guidance is needed

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.14, p.15 & p.22)
- Audio CD, audio player and smartphone with QR Code reader/ scanner.

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 1.5 hours
Content Standards:
2.1 Can demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

2.2 Can apply a range of strategies to comprehend texts related to everyday living

2.3 Can analyse and evaluate various texts

Learning Standards:
2.1.2 Can understand meanings of words from print media by using:
(i) dictionary
2.2.1 Can Demonstrate understanding by:
(i) identifying main ideas in given texts
2.3.1 Can read various texts and retrieve information by:
(i) skimming and scanning


Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Read a quote and list the - Answer a series of Think-Pair-Share: In pairs,

dos and donts as a netizen comprehension questions create a double bubble
map with a list of
- Read an article All Write Round Robin: messaging applications
Pick out words and phrases used and compare
- Match words to meanings from the article that are answers. Research for the
related to social networking history of the applications
and complete a circle map and identify new emerging

Formative Assessment:
- Word-to-meaning matching
- Written comprehension answers
- Completion of circle map and double bubble map
- Completion of internet research

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p. 16-18)

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 2 hours
Content Standard:
3.1 Can apply appropriate writing skills and strategies

3.2 Can produce a variety of texts for creative, personal, academic and functional

Learning Standard:
3.1.3 Can apply pre-writing strategies:
(ii) note-taking
(iii) outlining
3.2.1 Can write for academic and functional purposes
(i) email


Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Identify abbreviations and - Pre-writing: outline the - Write a reply to an email

short forms in a sample information needed to write using appropriate writing
email and rewrite the email an email using a tree map. conventions (Get students
wholly Jot down the known to send to each other/ real
information and required email addresses in real time)

Formative Assessment:
- Rewriting of sample email
- Completion of tree map
- Written/ typed out email

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.19 -20)

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 1 hour
Content Standard:
4.1 Can identify and use language structures appropriately according to context

Learning Standards:
4.1.7 Can identify and use tenses appropriately according to context:
(i) simple present tense

4.1.11 Can identify and use question forms appropriately according to context:
(ii) yes/ no questions/ statements

- Complete sentences with simple present tense
- Use information from a flow map to write a paragraph (writing)
- Convert statements into questions
- Give correct positive and negative responses

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of all tasks

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.20-21)

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 1 hour
(These action-oriented tasks ensure that all the four language skills and the Grammar elementstaught are integrated to
emulate real-life situations. These tasks and experiences will be the bridging that helps students to overcome
challenges in real life which require them to communicate in English.)

Content Standards:
2.3 Can analyse and evaluate various texts
2.4 Can read independently and extensively to explore and expand ideas for personal
3.1 Apply appropriate writing skills and strategies

Learning Standards:
2.3.2 Can read various texts and select information for specific purposes
2.4.1 Can read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple
3.1.1 Write simple sentences correctly

- Answer various online quizzes (under teacher’s supervision)
- Carousel Feedback:
Students create online quizzes (example: fun personality quiz) and try out each
other’s quizzes

Formative Assessment:
- Reading and answering quizzes (Reading)
- Creating quizzes (Writing)

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.22)
- Computers with working internet connection

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)
DURATION: 3 hours
Content Standards:
5.1 Can engage and respond to a variety of literary texts to express understanding of the
broader world of ideas and concepts.
5.2 Can use a wide range of literary texts to convey views for different purposes and
audiences, and relate them to real life situations.

Learning Standards:
5.1.1 Can listen to and respond orally to various literary works
5.1.2 Can read and understand various literary works
5.2.2 Can produce a new genre from the literary text read
5.2.3 Can create and produce linear and/ or graphic presentation in a fun manner

- Read a modernised version of a short story and voice out opinions.
- In pairs, Compare and contrast original version to the modernised version and
point out differences
- Find related words and phrases that reflect emotions
- Convert short story into a short play
- In groups, write scripts and perform short plays

Formative Assessment:
- Correct answers for related words/ phrases with a lot of/ some/ no guidance
- Group performances
*note the atmosphere, intonation, emotion, body language and facial expression
during performances

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.23)
- Computer or smartphone with QR Code reader/ scanner.

To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate?Yes / No

Thoughts/ feelings:

Created by Mdm. Wan Intan Adlina binti Wan Abdullah (SMK Baroh Pial - PPD Pasir Mas)
Edited by Mr. Mohd Zaki bin Suliman (SMK Mahmud Mahyidin - PPD Tumpat)

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