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IAL Examination Key Dates

Transition from 2013 to new 2018 specifications

January 2019 June 2019 January 2020 June 2020

AS (Old) Final AS (Old) – –
A2 (Old) Final A2 (Old) – –
AS (New) – Unit 1 only AS (New) AS (New) AS (New)
– – A2 (New) – 1 unit only A2 (New)

 The old legacy specification is the IAL introduced in 2013. The last examination of the legacy 2013, including
re-sit of individual units, is June 2019. The new IAL specification is being introduced from 2018.

 It will not be possible to combine unit results from the legacy 2013 specification with the new 2018
specification. Contents and assessments are different.

 The IAL qualifications in 2 subjects – Accounting & Law are not being updated. They will continue to follow
the specification introduced in 2015.

 Business Studies (YBS01) is now labelled as Business (YBS11).

 Only new AS (new) Unit-1 of all subjects can be sat for in January 2019 (mentioned in bold),
and only the first A2 (new) unit (Unit 4 for Biology, Chemistry & Physics; Unit 3 for Business & Economics,
P3 for Mathematics) can be sat for in January 2020 (italicised).

 All AS (new) units can be sat for in June 2019. All A2 (new) units can be sat for in June 2020.
Unit Unit Code First assessment

Biology (IAS – XBI11, IAL – YBI11)

Unit 1: Molecules, Diet, Transport and Health WBI11/01 January 2019
IAS Unit 2: Cells, Development, Biodiversity and Conservation WBI12/01 June 2019
Unit 3: Practical Skills in Biology I WBI13/01 June 2019
Unit 4: Energy, Environment, Microbiology and Immunity WBI14/01 January 2020
IA2 Unit 5: Respiration, Internal Environment, Coordination and Gene Technology WBI15/01 June 2020
Unit 6: Practical Skills in Biology II WBI16/01 June 2020
Business (IAS – XBS11, IAL – YBS11)
Unit 1: Marketing and people WBS11/01 January 2019
Unit 2: Managing business activities WBS12/01 June 2019
Unit 3: Business decisions and strategy WBS13/01 January 2020
Unit 4: Global business WBS14/01 June 2020
Chemistry (IAS – XCH11, IAL – YCH11)
Unit 1: Structure, Bonding and Introduction to Organic Chemistry WCH11/01 January 2019
IAS Unit 2: Energetics, Group Chemistry, Halogenoalkanes and Alcohols WCH12/01 June 2019
Unit 3: Practical Skills in Chemistry I WCH13/01 June 2019
Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria and Further Organic Chemistry WCH14/01 January 2020
IA2 Unit 5: Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen Chemistry WCH15/01 June 2020
Unit 6: Practical Skills in Chemistry II WCH16/01 June 2020
Unit Unit Code First assessment

Economics (IAS – XEC11, IAL – YEC11)

Unit 1: Markets in action WEC11/01 January 2019
Unit 2: Macroeconomic performance and policy WEC12/01 June 2019
Unit 3: Business behaviour WEC13/01 January 2020
Unit 4: Developments in the global economy WEC14/01 June 2020
Mathematics (IAS – XMA11, IAL – YFM11), Further Mathematics (IAS – XFM11, IAL – YFM11)
P1: Pure Mathematics 1 WMA11/01 January 2019
P2: Pure Mathematics 2 WMA12/01 June 2019
P3: Pure Mathematics 3 WMA13/01 January 2020
P4: Pure Mathematics 4 WMA14/01 June 2020
FP1: Further Pure Mathematics 1 WFM11/01 June 2019
FP2: Further Pure Mathematics 2 WFM12/01 June 2020
FP3: Further Pure Mathematics 3 WFM13/01 June 2020
M1: Mechanics 1 WME11/01 June 2019
M2: Mechanics 2 WME12/01 June 2020
M3: Mechanics 3 WME13/01 June 2020
S1: Statistics 1 WST11/01 June 2019
S2: Statistics 2 WST12/01 June 2020
S3: Statistics 3 WST13/01 June 2020
D1: Decision Mathematics 1 WDM11/01 June 2019
Unit Unit Code First assessment

Physics (IAS – XPH11, IAL – PH11)

Unit 1: Mechanics and Materials WPH11/01 January 2019
IAS Unit 2: Waves and Electricity WPH12/01 June 2019
Unit 3: Practical Skills in Physics I WPH13/01 June 2019
Unit 4: Further Mechanics, Fields and Particles WPH14/01 January 2020
IA2 Unit 5: Thermodynamics, Radiation, Oscillations and Cosmology WPH15/01 June 2020
Unit 6: Practical Skills in Physics II WPH16/01 June 2020

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