Speech Error in Radio Show

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Ria Tri Prawiyanti




a. Theory

Speech production often appears to be an effortless task. Speakers think what

they want to say and say it automatically. On a rare occasion (i.e. in giving a speech,
telling story, etc.), however, such effortlessness of producing speech is not true. This
result in the mismatch between what we wish to say and what we actually do say. The
actual speech execution is often filled with errors; pauses and hesitations, corrections,
repeats and replacements, and even slips of the tongue.

According to Clark and Clark (1977: 263), there are some common speech error
which are often occurs in the execution of speech. See the table below.

Table 1: common type of speech errors

Name of speech errors Example

Silent pause Turn on the / heater switch
Filled pause Turn on, uh, if the heater switch
Repeats Turn on the heater / the heater switch
False start (unretraced) Turn on the stove / heater switch
False (retraced) Turn on the stove / the heater switch
Corrections Turn on turn on the stove swith – I mean the heater
Injections Turn on, oh, the heater switch
Slip of tongue Turn in the sweeter hitch

b. Analysis

Here is the transcript what EXO Kris’s say when he answered the DJ’s question.

DJ : Tamara from Yugoslavia said that Kris have the same habit to stand in front
of the mirror and act cool as what Lay and Tao (EXO’s other member) said
last year.

Kris : Really? Do they said said that?

DJ : A funny (…..?) have habit standing in front of the mirror and acting cool
Ria Tri Prawiyanti

Kris : No, I don’t I don’t because I’m always cool. No no, I mean I mean I don’t
really do that. Because like uh…. There is I am sure that other members do
that more than more than I do. I just do it sometimes, only sometimes. Like
before we go on stage and maybe fix my hair. I don’t do a lot.

From the transcript, we can analyze that Kris do some speech errors. There are 5 times
repeats, once filled pause and once slip of the tongue.

1. Filled pause is a period or gap filled with fillers when speakers speak slowly. In
Linguistics, fillers are sounds or words that are spoken to fill up gaps in
utterances for example the words uh, ah, mm, er or the like. It is found in Kris’s

Utterance : Because like, uh, there is I am sure that ……….

Uh is the gap which is used by Kris before he continues the next utterance. I
think, at the time he needs more time to figure out what he is going to say, or
when he change his mind in the middle of an utterance.

2. Repeats is the situation where speaker repeats one or words in a row. At this
time, Kris is doing 5 times repeats.

Utterance : 1. Do they said / said that ?

2. No, I don’t / I don’t because I’m always cool
3. No / no I mean ……
4. I mean / I mean I don’t really do that
5. I am sure that other member do that more than / more than I

We usually do the repetition of words when speaking spontaneously without a

written plan. It means that at the time we think and speak simultaneously. So
there are times when we figure out of what to say. Same case, Kris doing
repetition because he needs time to figure out what he is going to say next and
also maybe he feels nervous because it is live broadcasting.

3. Slip of the tongue is speaker may make error in sounds, words, and even
sentence structures. In this video, Kris does slip of tongue once. He does wrong
in sentence structure.

Utterance Correct

Do they said that? Did they say that? (past tense)

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