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Barrientos, Ma. Novy T.

Reflection Essay
Noli Me Tangere/Maria Clara
She moves carefully and slowly but surely. She watches every move that she
takes. She stays at home and does household chores. She doesn’t participate in
community affair for it is the role of the men. She wears long dresses to cover her
caressed silky and naturally tanned skin.She portrayed a faithful Sweetheart, religious
woman, a good friend and an obedient daughter. She symbolizes the purity and
innocence of a sheltered woman.These are the few of the typical characteristic of a
native Filipino women century years ago. One that possesses those is Maria Clara of
Noli Me Tangere.
As a modern Filipina, there is a lot of influences and changes that I observed in
terms of behavior of Filipino women nowadays. As saying goes “nothing remains
constant”. There might be adopted but there is also a lot of changes in ways and
characteristic. If I would reflect mine into hers, there is some constant changes. We are
wholly opposite with regards to fashion. I prefer to go out wearing shorts and t-shirt,
doing such is not making myself become a public temptation but it's just a matter of
making me up to date with the other teens and just a sense of appreciation. Unlike
Maria Clara, she wears Filipiñana or the traditional dress of filipina. When in terms of
helping in community, I am participative and active in community services in our
barangay, and I usually join YES-O camping when I was in highschool. I am not that
kind of Typical filipino woman like Maria Clara who display in their house and doing
nothing for the community.
For all of those different characteristic that I compared myself to Maria Clara, I
may have some good example of a modern filipina who possesses good changes. I may
not be as perfect as Maria Clara type of Filipina of the past but I also possess new good
characteristic change that every Filipina today should have.

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