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In the case of a function, Identify the item that is not a valid interface


Import parameters

Source Code

Export parameters



When does version management not apply

When objects belong to development class $TMP

When does a list get sent to the screen on the presentation server

When the user presses the exit key

At the End-of-Selection event

At the beginning of program processing

When the processing block has ended

What are field symbols used for

for referencing multiple fields at the same time

for graphic symbols on screens and lists

for referencing an address of a field

A Table passed to a function module can be passed in what manner

By Header Line

By Value

Which data types allow a length specification

(More than one answer is correct)

What determines the language the text elements will be displayed

The logon language

When does the ABAP runtime system send a selection screen to the
presentation server

When the processing block has ended

When the user presses the exit key

At the End-of-Selection event

At the beginning of program processing

Personalization is usually performed outside of the Object Navigator. Which

of the following would be considered Personalization

(More than one answer is correct)

have system messages displayed in dialog boxes

Maintaining SET/GET Parameters

Variant Transactions

Custom Developed Programs

Operating System Scripts

What clause on the Select statement is used to invoke authorization


It is not possible

Identify the processing blocks of an ABAP program

(More than one answer is correct)




Dialog Module

Processing Blocks in an ABAP program can best be defined as

An active section of program code

Processing areas for the Global Data of a program

Smallest units in ABAP

What interface parameter would you check to determine the success of a

BAPI call

Export Parameter 'RETURN'

What must be assigned to search help parameters



data element
Which object type is a requirement for the ALV grid control



What is true about the syntax of ABAP

Statements must fit on one line

Multiple statements are not allowed in a single line

Comments begin with a single quotation sign

Words must always be separated by at least one space

When catching errors using the CATCH…ENDCATCH statement, where does

the runtime error return code get placed


What is the value of result after the following code is executed. Assume that
the user default is set to Fixed Point Arithmetic


Result = '3000.00' * '0.30'.

result = 9000000
result = 90000.00

result = 900.0000

result = 900.00

Identify the tasks that are performed in SAP Service Marketplace

(More than one answer is correct)

Requesting an access key for a change to SAP code

Issuing Problem Messages to SAP

Identify the valid statement

Constants: C1(4) type D.

Constants: C1(4) type C value 'ABCD'.

Constants: C1(4) type C like mytab-booking.

Constants: C1(4) type C.

What class is used to display the ALV Grid Control




What table contains the valid activities and values for a specific
authorization object




What must be assigned to a module pool in order for it to be executed


Identify the rules involved when calling subroutines

(More than one answer is correct)

Type checking is performed on parameters

Optional parameters are allowed

When calling by value, the address of the actual paramter is passed to the form

The number of actual and formal parameters must be the same

What is the effect of sorting a sorted internal table

Breaks the sort sequence

Uses linear search rather than binary

Syntax error

What is the value of result after the following code is executed

DATA: result TYPE I.

result = 5 / 10.

result = .5

result = 1

What event is used to create detail lists



Suppress Dialog

At Line-Selection

An ABAP program makes calls to function modules from the same function
group. What happens with the Global data from the function group

The global data remains active for the duration of the function call only
The global data remains available for the duration of the calling program

The global data is reinitialized for each new call

Function modules from the same function group can access the global data when
they are called

Which software component in the work process is responsible for

controlling commits and rollbacks

Database Interface

What system variable is reset at the exit of a loop of an internal table.

i.e. Loop at itab. ... Endloop.


What is NOT part of the BAPI interface

(More than one answer is correct)

Import Parameters

Export Parameters

User dialogs


Identify the internal table types.

(More than one answer is correct)





Standard and sorted tables are referred to as


How are repository objects organized

By group

By user

By development class

An Authorization refers to how many Authorization Objects

What is the effect of a false CHECK statement within a loop

Processing continues with the next processing block

Processing resumes at the beginning of the next loop pass

How is security handled at the application level

The authorization concept is used to restrict access to the dictionary

The authorization concept is used to restrict access to data and


How can a "type" be defined

Centrally in the repository

Locally in a program using the data statement

Locally in the dictionary

Centrally in the dictionary

Identify the standard methods commonly found in BAPI's

(More than one answer is correct)





In what case would namespaces be practical

independent 3rd party development projects

What is the effect of the EXIT statement in the following code

Report ABC
Data: …..

Perform Form A.

Form A.
Loop at inttab.
Exits the Start-of-Selection Event

Exits the Form

Exits the Loop

Mark the valid statement for reading an entry from an internal table of
type sorted

Read Table itab with Table Key K1

Refer to the following Code. What is the value of sy-fdpos and sy-
subrc after the search is executed

Data: mystring type c value 'SAPDOMAIN'.

Search mystring for 'X'

sy-fdpos = 4 and sy-subrc = 4

sy-fdpos = 0 and sy-subrc = 0

sy-fdpos = 4 and sy-subrc = 0

sy-fdpos = 0 and sy-subrc = 4

What is the result of the following code. Assume there are 5 records
in itab.

Loop at itab.
ctr = ctr + 1
write: sy-tabix.
check ctr = 3.
delete itab



What type of requests are used to transport repository objects

Object Browser


When do Repository objects get linked to the correction and

transport system

When they are activated

When they are assigned to a transportable development class

Refer to the following code. What is required to successfully access

the individual structure fields in the FORM

Data: st_mytab like mytab.

Perform write_lines using st_mytab.
Form write_lines using rec.
Write: / rec-field1, rec-field2.

The formal parameter 'rec' ahould be referenced by value

Rec needs to be defined globally as a DATA object

The prefix REC is not needed

Rec needs to be defined LIKE mytab in the FORM

What tasks could be perfomed in SAP Service Marketplace

(More than one answer is correct)

Registering customer objects for local development

Registering developers

Registering changes to customer objects

Registering changes to SAP objects

What is true about trapping errors with the Catch statement

(More than one answer is correct)

A data variable defined with type X must be defined to receive the raised
error code

A CASE statement can be used to validate the value of the error class

The statement immediately following the CATCH statement is executed in

the event of an error trapped by the CATCH statement

An Endcatch statement is required

In what case would you typically use a NUMC field

Where there is a need for numbers, characters, and arithmetic operations

Where only numbers are allowed and there is no need for arithmetic

What does a context object provide

(More than one answer is correct)

Smaller and simpler Programs

Stored calculated values on the presentation server


Increased Database Load

Object oriented Programming

What has happened if an authorization fails with sy-subrc = 4

The user does not have the required authorization

When does an object get generated

When a CREATE OBJECT statement is processed

Identify characterisics of variants

(More than one answer is correct)

Used to hide input fields

Used to calculate values

Cross client

Used to protect fields

Mark the valid use of the data statement. Assume that ZBOOK-ID is a
dictionary object

Data fielda(5) like zbook-id

Data fielda like zbook-id

What does the runtime system do with dates if they are assigned to a
numeric field

It leaves the date as a numeric field

It calculates the number of days that have elapsed since 01.01.0001

Data: fielda(4) type c.

fielda = ‘AAAA’.


Exporting f_fielda = fielda.

Write fielda.

Importing f_fielda
Exporting f_fieldb

f_fielda = ‘BBBB’.
f_fieldb = ‘CCCC’



How would you set breakpoints in your program for debugging.

(More than one answer is correct)

In Development workbench, set breakpoint

Put a break-point statement in your program code

Start program in background mode

In the program editor, set breakpoint

What operations are allowed when processing sets of records in

internal tables

(More than one answer is correct)



What system field would you query to determine the current detail list


What are valid uses of a variant .

(More than one answer is correct)

Pre-assigning values

Input validation

Hiding input fields

What tool is used to define flow logic

Screen Painter

What is the default mode for passing actual parameters in a Perform

By Reference

Which statement about internal tables is false

Hashed tables are accessed by key only

Sorted tables can be resorted

What requirement exists if a field is defined in the dictionary of type


The field must be linked to another field of type CUKY

In what case are optional parameters allowed in the passing of




What can occur if a conversion rule does not exist for fields of
incompatible data types

(More than one answer is correct)

A run time error for dynamically defined fields

A run time error for statically defined fields

A syntax error for dynamically defined fields

A syntax error for statically defined fields

What is true of passing by value and result in the following code.

Perform calculate_sales using amount.

FORM calculate_sales changing value(f_amount)

(More than one answer is correct)

Formal Parameter f_amount is allocated it’s own memory space

Formal parameter is not copied to memory space of actual parameter

Formal parameter is copied to memory space of actual parameter at the

end of the form

Refer to the following code. What happens to at line 40

10 FIELD-SYMBOLS type i.
20 Data myfield type value 25.
30 Assign myfield to .
40 Unassign .

gets reset to type i

behaves like a type c field of length 1

Which statements would bypass current loop processing in the

DO LOOP and continue processing with the next loop pass.

Report ABC.
Perform Form A.
Form A.
Do 10 Times.
A = A + 1.

(More than one answer is correct)



CHECK with a false expression

Select the valid types of user dialogs

(More than one answer is correct)

Selection Screen

Logical Database

Business Objects



What possibilities are made available to the user when using

selection screens

(More than one answer is correct)

Menu trees


Translation Utilities

Complex Entries

Type Checks

What do search statements REPLACE, SHIFT, CONCATENATE, SPLIT

have in common

(More than one answer is correct)

They all treat the operands as type C regardless of their actual type

They all set sy-fdpos

The actual type of each operand determines how the string processing
is performed

They all distinguish between upper and lower case

They all set sy-subrc

Identify developer tools that are delivered with R/3

(More than one answer is correct)

SQL Trace



What "types" can be assigned to a data object in an ABAP program

(More than one answer is correct)

built in ABAP types

Interface Parameters

Formal Parameters

ABAP Dictionary object

Which of the following is NOT a character data type

What access methods are available for accessing internal tables.

(More than one answer is correct)





What is the ALV Grid Control

It is a generic tool for displaying lists in screens

What must be assigned to search help parameters

data element

Identify the standard buffer setting for context objects


A Program makes the function call listed below. What takes place if
the function raises an exception and the calling program does not list
the exception in its call to the function

Call Function 'MYFUNCTION'

e1 = p1
i1 = p2

Program continues

Program is suspended

Message occurs

Runtime error

Mark the item that is not true about the Catch..EndCatch statement
the return value assigned to the system exception is stored in sy-subrc

the Others option catches any runtime errors not already assigned

a runtime error causes the system to go to the ENDCATCH statement

a runtime error in a form called within a catch block is caught

What is true about an Authorization Object ?

Groups up to 10 authorization fields in an AND relationship

When are locks on objects in a change request released

When the project manager releases the change request

What is used to group repository objects

(More than one answer is correct)


Repository Information System

Change requests

Application Hierarchy

When creating a function using the function builder, you can set the
attribute of the function to determine its processing type. What are the
available processing types.

(More than one answer is correct)


Non Updateable



Where are the entries for transportable repository objects stored



What system variable is reset at the exit of a loop of an internal table. i.e. Loop
at itab. ... Endloop.


What detemines the sequence in which events blocks are processed

The run time system

What does the following statement mean Write 'Hello'(001)

Write 'Hello'(001)

If Text Element 001 is not in your login language, then 'Hello' is

What type of objects are recorded in customizing change requests


Client specific

What is true about trapping errors with the Catch statement

(More than one answer is correct)

An Endcatch statement is required

A data variable defined with type X must be defined to receive the
raised error code

The statement immediately following the CATCH statement is

executed in the event of an error trapped by the CATCH statement

A CASE statement can be used to validate the value of t

What happens to the program context once the user input from a
dialog step has been processed

It gets rolled out

Where does the message get issued in the following.

Report ZPROGA.
Data: fielda type c.


Exporting fielda = fielda
Exceptions No_Entry = 01
Failure = 02.

If sy-subrc = 01.
Message E123.

Importing f_fielda
Exporting f_fieldb
Exceptions No_Entry

Message E123 Raising No_Entry

It willl abend in the runtime system


In Program ZPROGA

How will the the contents of table sflight be copied into the the
structure named st_sflight

Data st_sflight type sflight.

Select single carrid connid fldate from sflight into
The structure will not get loaded with data

The contents are copied by position

What tasks could be perfomed in SAP Service Marketplace

(More than one answer is correct)

Registering developers

Registering changes to SAP objects

What needs to be true for the selected fields A, B, and C in order for them to be
successfully selected into the work area wa_list

Select A B C
from my_table
into wa_list

(More than one answer is correct)

The type of the selected fields and fields in wa_list must be


The Number of fields in wa_list must have at least 3 fields

What does Compression Mode achieve in the ABAP editor

Hides the code between keywords

Where can a DATA statement appear

In any processing unit i.e. Include, Method, Form

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