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Translated version in English of the G.O.118


Teacher Education – Dispensing with Evaluation of Teacher Training Diploma Certificates

of other States – Order – Issued.


School Education (UI) Department)

G.O. (3D) No.118 Dated 03.12.09


1. G.O. (Ms) No.1236, Education (U) Department, dated 17.09.1984.

2. G.O. (ID) No.26, School Education (U) Department dated
3. G.O. (ID) No.221, School Education Department, dated 12.06.2008.
4. Letter Rc. No. 12210/A3/ 2008 dated 12.02.2009 and 01.06.2009 of the
Director of Teacher Education Research
and Training.


The Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training in the letters fourth
cited has stated that certain norms have been laid down with regard to the issue of a
certificate of equivalence of the Diploma in Teacher Training Certificates of other
States on completion of Training, to that of the Diploma in Teacher Training
Certificate awarded in Tamil Nadu, whereby they should have secured 45 % marks in
Higher Secondary Examination and 50% marks in each subject in the Teacher
Training Diploma Examination and on verification of these norms Evaluation
Certificate is issued to the eligible candidates by the Directorate of Teacher education
Research and Training.
2. The Director has further stated that the students studying the Teacher
Education in Tamil Nadu and Puduchery U.T. are studying the foundation subjects
and Language Methodology, Teaching of English, Teaching of Mathematics, Teaching
of Science and Teaching of Social Science, even prior to the introduction of the
evaluation Scheme as aforesaid. As per the G.O. third cited, the Syllabus in Diploma
in Teacher Education Course was revised as per the National Curriculum Framework,
2005 and, the New source books are being followed in all the Teacher Training
Institutes in Tamil Nadu and Puduchery from 2008 – 2009.

3. The Director has stated that even prior to the revision of the Syllabus as
above, the students in DTE in Tamil Nadu and Puduchery are learning the teaching
methodologies of five basic subjects, and also the foundation subjects and every year
more than 5000 applications seeking evaluation are received in the Directorate of
Teacher Education Research and Training from candidates who have completed the
Diploma in Teacher Education in other States , out of which 99% of applications are
received from those who studied in Karnataka State.

4. The Director has stated further that in Karnataka State, there is provision for
choosing any two subjects among English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science in
the syllabus for the second year and the students select the Social Science and
Mathematics or Science and Mathematics and majority of students avoid taking up
English language teaching whereas, in Tamil Nadu teaching of first language, teaching
of a second language (English), Mathematics, Science and Social Science are
compulsory in the Diploma in Teacher Education Course.

5. The Director has further stated that, therefore, the Diploma in Teacher
Education Course undergone by the students in other States is not equal on par with
the Education Standard offered in Tamil Nadu and besides, there is no justification and
rationale in evaluating their certificates by verifying whether they have secured 50%
marks in a few subjects, selected and studied by them, and while the subjects
compulsorily studied by the students in Tamil Nadu are not studied by them, the
certificates awarded by Karnataka State cannot be accepted as equivalent to the DTE
certificates awarded in Tamil Nadu.
6. Therefore, the Director has further stated that considering the life of those who
have completed the Diploma in Teacher Training Course, Evaluation Certificates may be
issued to those who obtained certificates from other States in 2007 – 2008 or before,
and the certificates of students who joined the Diploma in Teacher Training Course in
other States in 2008 – 2009 or thereafter need not be taken up for evaluation and when
requests are received from other States to evaluate the certificates of students studied
in that State, the syllabus as prescribed by that State shall be scrutinized by the Tamil
Nadu State Resource Group and only when it is certified that the syllabus is equivalent
to that of Tamil Nadu and the Certificate issued by that State can be evaluated in
terms of G.O. (ID) No. 26, School Education (U1) Department dated 21.2.2003 as
equivalent to the Diploma in Teacher Education Course Certificate awarded by Tamil

7. After carefully examining the above proposal of the Director of Teacher

Education, Research and Training, Government accept the same and it is ordered that
evaluation certificates can be issued only to the candidates who obtained the D.TEd.
Course Certificate in the other States in the year 2007 – 08 or before, the certificates in
respect of the candidates in other States who joined the D.TEd. Course in 2008–2009
or after need not be taken up and if the other State makes a request to Government of
Tamil Nadu seeking to evaluate the certificates of students who studied in that State,
the syllabus as prescribed by that State shall be scrutinized by the Tamil Nadu State
Resource Group and only when it is certified that the syllabus is equivalent to that of
Tamil Nadu the Certificate issued by that State can be evaluated in terms of G.O. (ID)
No. 26, School Education (U1) Department dated 21.2.2003 as equivalent to the
Diploma in Teacher Education Course Certificate awarded by Tamil Nadu.

8. The Director of Teacher Education Research and Training is instructed to

communicate a copy of this order to all the field officers, immediately.

(BY order of the Governor)

M. Kutralingam

Principal Secretary Government,

/true copy/ 

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