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How much does it cost to live on your own?

Ford Taurus LTE

car: Interest rate per year: 2%
Item: Weekly Cost: Monthly Cost: Yearly Cost: Principal 22,470
Term 60
auto: car insurance (6 months) $ 30.54 $ 122.15 $ 732.90
gas/fuel $ 30.00 $ 120.00 $ 1,440.00 Monthly Payments $ (392.87)
car payment $ 98.22 $ 392.87 $ 4,714.44
bills/utilities: internet/cable $ 16.25 $ 64.99 $ 779.88 Chart Title
cell phone $ 6.25 $ 24.99 $ 299.88
natural gas $ 7.50 $ 30.00 $ 360.00
electric $ 20.00 $ 80.00 $ 960.00
entertainment/hobbies: dvd $ 6.25 $ 25.00 $ 300.00
going out to movies $ 9.00 $ 36.00 $ 432.00
resteraunt $ 40.00 $ 160.00 $ 2,080.00
tickets, etc. $ 5.21 $ 20.83 $ 250.00
music/netflix subscription $ 5.25 $ 20.98 $ 251.76
food: groceries $ 150.00 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00
Healthcare: Health Insurance $ 22.25 $ 89.00 $ 1,068.00
House Rent/mortgage: $ 183.75 $ 735.00 $ 8,820.00 car payment internet/cable cell phone natural gas

Personal care: hair $ 6.25 $ 25.00 $ 300.00 electric dvd going out to movies resteraunt
shopping: clothing $ 25.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,200.00 tickets, etc. music/netflix subscription groceries Health Insurance
electronic software $ 2,000.00 Rent/mortgage: hair clothing electronic software
Total per year $ 33,788.86
Total per year Total per year x1.4
Total per year x1.4 $ 47,304.40

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