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!•!* Bver sine© the publication of Cauchy^ -Inalysd

i&gebrafqu© (1831 )f which laid the rigorous foundations of

the fchoory of infinite series, the attention of son© of the

foremost gen of Tfatheaatlcs had been focussed upon the problems

concerning divergent series*

Towards the and of the last century, varlosis aethods «

of associating •subs* with series which are not convergent in *

the classical sense of Cauchy, nor properly divergent,in o$hor»*

wards called • oscillatoryf, were developed as generalisations *

of the classical concept of convergence** These aethods, called

oucnnblllty methods, have been found to be increasingly useful
m *

in the study of divergent series about which, prior to tills,*

hardly anything fruitful could be thought of, so much so that

even it>el wrote, "Divergent series are fm Inventions of the

devil snd it is shameful to base on then any demonstrations

whatsoever* w

Just as the concept of convergence had led to the

development of its extensions under the general title of

* For the concept of convergence and divergence of an infinite

scries, see bbson (14)*

t For an account of sutsaoblllty metho's, reference may be made,

@*g*, to ’ob3on (14), Srsnsz (45), lar^r (13) and Zygasud (48),
lilt;:/ methods, so alsft, by analogy, the eonropt of
absolute convergence led to t e formulation of the processes
of absolute surmblllty** Thus, series which may not be
absolutely convergent in the classical sense, may still b©
found to be absolutely sumrablc in some suitoblo sense# So
s’all give a precise ?o rmlation of several specific forms of
this now-rat* ior-uelJL-laaoun concept of absolute srenSblllty In
section 1.2*

A particularly interesting aspect of the recent

researches on divergent so dos is the one tfsat ~oneerns the
Ccsieral problem of determining suitable sequences of factors
[ such that the series £ &n €*, is SRMHlublQ or
absolutely stxxanble in a proscribed sense, v Ho, in general.
jEj itself Is not so sinraoble. Such factors are termed'
auenablllty factors. If t c sumobility in question is
absolute, thon t'-o factors are naturaJLly called *absolute
saroability factors**

He begin by giving a resume of t o '©suits obtained

hitherto, on stmability nd absolute sunnability, in the
context of v’dLek t e or oh lens dealt with in the subsequent
chapters suggest themselves.

* The earliest work in absolute sum ability appears to bo

contained in rekote (9)* The notion of absolute tesar© t

sumnbility --'as extensively developed by Kogbofcliants in

Eogbotllaats <lsr) and (2o). Otoer sources of the various
kinds of absolute sum billty are mentioned at appropriate
places in the sequel.
1«°* ?he processor* of mm-bility of divergent
series t at are In copnon uoo aw either T*»p''*oeo3903f
based upon the £b 'nation of t c sequence £ of the
auxiliary means, defined by t o a©quor«'G»to-a©quoneo
tranafo *a tlon*

(»:0, !,*,■ ■),

0*2.1) r»

{ S„j boinc the sequence of partial sins of the infinity

8Cri OS Z ®-n in question*, or Cp -processes, based upon .

t c omtian of a functional transform tian t ( x ).w defined
• •
either by the sequanco-tcHfunetian transform tian
0*2.2) 4C*) * Z ^WS»l

orf more ceno ’ally, the transfo ti tion*

a.p.3) to) f -

vhero x Is a eontft iTTW poranotcr and the fraction

[> (J>( la defined over m appropriate

internal of X £ or X and yj • The matrix 11 T l| « ( =»,*>

involved in t e f-proecssos, in v ich G^t is the elenont
in the »-th roe and n-t column, is usually a Tooplltz matrix,
i*c.t it satisfies the follovlnc set of necessary and

• har^r ( 13 )t p. 42*
t lardy ( 13 )9 p. 4P.
sufficient condltl ns t

(1) 1123 CTO n » 09 (ll * Of If 2f uj •** }y

(1.2.4) • ttl) lla Z C„,„ = 1,

*n-»«o n=© '

dll) JZ2 \ c>»,„) ^ ® of if of *..)9

uherc K Is a constant ta1epende«£©f m+*

To recall the classical definition of Cauchy* a

series ^pCL*> Is said to ba convergent to the (finite) sun ft
if lin^ s„ is Dm The series J£CL* y or the sequence
{ ] f is said to be suaraable ty a T-process to the

(finite) sun s9 if the corresponding auxiliary sequence

define- as in (l«f?«l) tends to the Unit st as n -> <*» ,

The series is 3aid to be absolutely

convergent if j(X*|< oo f that Is,
<2 I s.-s^i <oo .

Tills nay be interpreted as the bounded variation of the

sequence [ S„J • He shall symbolically represent the fact

* Hardy (23), p* 43, Thoorea 2. These conditions arc

nococaary ami suf iedent for t!» truth of the assertion
that tiie sequence has a Unit vhonevor the
sequence has a Halt nml that the two Units are
% 2T < GO ue aann that K» where lisa finite
positive constant.
that [ is of bount-Qc) v ricti a by writing

{■Sj 6 BV.
Analogously, a givon so tea is said to
b© absolutely stoxibl© by a f~proeoss, or su t table \ * 1 t
if | j BV, or ©hat is the saae thing,


M 6 K,
©hero I J Is the auxiliary sequence of noons a codLatod '
with the &*procGs •

Itesahllity and absolute sncnability by a -process

is similarly defined with the obvious difference that in ’
tills ease the corresponding transformed function %(x) Is
required to converge to a Unit as x, the continuous
parameter, tends to a fixed constant, in case of gmiaability,
and tCx) is required to he a function of hounded variation
in an interval of the continuous parnmeter x, In ms© of
absolute suaaahility*

One process of suanabillty (or absolute ssmaMlity)

is said to bo inclusive oft or store effoctivc than,
another promos P, symbolically

P ci q, (or \P\ cz. 1o |J

if suninbllity (or absolute suanahillty) by the B-process
implies st^aabiltty (or absolute sisaraability) tsy the Q*
.....■■-«■'■' .....■"■ —......................... n.......................................pi
♦ K is an absolute constant, not necessarily the sloe
at each occurrence*
• 6 •

process** If anr tiro o oco3soo P and Q are Inclusive of

oac other, ordinarily or absolutely, f ^ are said to be ,
equivalent or absolutely equivalent, symbolically,

P ~ Q or \P \ ^ \Q 1 .

Hie scxiuetiee~fco~QGqucme© transfo-n felon (1*2*1)

Is 3ald to be conservative (or absolutely conservative)
if the convergence (p" absolute convo jccne©) of the sequence
{ s*j Implies that of the sequence {4*} ia each ease, and Is
said to be regal r (or absolutely regular,) If the convergence
(jjr absolute convergence ) of feho sequence { s*] and

5^->s as n ->6o |

iaply t ie convergence (or absolute convergence^) of th*©

sequence {4:*} and

> s, as n —oo *

It should be noted th?fc an absolutely conservative

transform .tion is not necessarily conservative*

Th© necessary and sufficient conditions that the

transformation (1*2*1) should be absolutely conservative, are*

* For an exposition on "Effectiveness of absolute

suarKibllity", see Rati (28)*

f iorloy (25)*
JEj ^w,v converges for each nf
60 90 •
Cli) I JEj ^n,» * C n-l,y ^ •** ^
*tO tf-p

Fro a (i) and (11) follows the existence of t!ie following

limits *
%% £ C^v 3 00 *
rt-^0o v-o

lim C a cp( (y = C 1, ...},

The transformation (1.2.1) is said to be absolutely regular'”

only ift further,

(ill) « lf oCy « 0 (^s cf If • ••)•

1.3. Gi m SHtCXAl METHODS.

1.31. Absolute Ccsnro straaablllty.

The earliest definition of any special method of

absolute sunnability is that of absolute Cosaro summabillty,
or 1C | - sttaoabllity, introduced by Fokete in 1011. ^

Feket© had defined |C | - susmablilty for Integral

values of oc • It was Kogbetllantz who gave the general

* Shis theorem was first proved in Hears (31). A shorter

proof via functional analysis is available in Knapp and
Lorerxts (18). Also see Stmonchi (44).
t Fckotc (9)t and (10).
t KogbetHanta (10), (20).
definition of absoiut Cesar© s*r liability vhilo laying the *
foundation of its fundaraontol theories like the "consistency*
theoron”* tlieoponis on the multiplication ©f absoiutely •
susrjahl© ooriec and the absoluio swaahillty factor thooreia#
U> shall present the definition of absolute Cosaro o taxability
after Kocbotllantr..*

bet 3? be a given infinite series idth { SJ as

tli© xv»th partial stsu 3m tho a»tts Cesar© neaa of order °C •
( °< >-1 ) of the seeuenee 9 deleted by is
defined by aeons ©f the identity *

R0* = —L- 2^ /iZL Sv ,

©her© An is defined Attie following t
6o -o(-l

We tera
*> A ex'-/
An—? s»
c: v-o

as the 9Qesaro msa9 of •order* °c *

She.sorlos Gi» is #;'.id to bo sutxactbl© <0*t <K )f o(^-j

to ths mm o9 if 11m st anfi is said to be absolutely
snmable (C9 oC }f or msmmbX© | Cf j 9 if the sequence #
iOfj ۥ riV, that is, if

I <£*- 6;;/ < <fc.

* Kocbetliontz (19) •

It is clear ffcoo this definition that socR&llity

|cf OJ is equivalent to absolute convergence and t utf fbr
1 c, of I c (0, <* ).

It vas however proved by Kb£betliantsv by constructing a

negative esanple thatf in general* absolute cesaro
mmabiiity of any order does not necessarily iroly
ordinary Cesaro sumabillty of a Iowes* order#

She tewoui uhieh assorts that if .^0* is
sumablo |Cf <xj t oc>-|» than it is ate smaable |C,o<4-s|
for every Q ,1a turned the "consistency t'ieor«* foe'

absolute Coooro sttettblllty* and as due Sn its general torn
to Kcgbetllants* who proved that if >o and
is somable | C* p\ § ten (Cf oc ) • transfbmsd scries of
Jg &n is stmable | C* /3 - <* j and conversely# Shorter * .

proofs of these results fo5> <*> • 1, (3 > «&* P~°< > * If %

as ate of the consistency t eoran for absolute Cesaro
otmablllt have recently been supplied by 'lariey#

1#3S# /Sbsolute tel mmabillty*

’ lot Jz'&tyba a givers infinite so ies# 2h© 3c*ioo

JS'O-n is said to be snan&le by the tel process* or
suasoble (d)f to s9 if t o power series is *

* Kogbotliants (10)#
t ttar&egr C2s)#


convergent for |*\<

* *| §
y and

Ffac) = = (1-x) 2S,« -» t,

os 31 -» / —o . And X* d» is said to be absolutely

suranabl© (A), or susraable |A( 9 If Q»^ is convergent

for o I and its sun*»function F(x) is of bounded

variation* in the interval ( Of 1 )y open on the right*

Whittaker proved t!ie result analogous to the
classical Abelian theorem*- Any infinite series vhlch is

absolutely convergent is sumable \A I •

Fekete established the inclusion relation •

<d ( A | for integral values of °c •

A combination of Fekete's result with the consistency
theorem for absolute CesAro stianabilltyf leads to the
conclusion that | C# oC \ d 1 A} for every positive ot 9
however large."

* Whittaker (47 )f and Prasad (38)*

t Whittaker (47)*
X Abel (l)f Theorem 4*
§ Fekete Cl2)* A proof of the fact that 1C I cr | a { is
given in Bosonquet C3}*
11 Fakate (12 )f also see Handels (39).
By oonstruetlne a negative omnplo, Kelcete showed that )AJ
does not necessarily laply stonahility |C9 r | , Indeed oven
sunoability (Cy r) for any positive r whatsoevor**

that t2» properties of eoavoroone© and stranability \ A \ of an

infinite c Ties are independent of each other, in the sonso
that neither necessitates the other. kecontly Pati lias
demonstrated that sunaahility \A \ at a point, of a conjugate
series of a Fourier series, even when. coupled with everywhere
conve.vgauee, dees not necessarily laply stmability ^C, 1 |
at that point#

i*33* tioxlwA ffmafriUty*

Let £ (X* be a given infinite aeries, with the
sequence of partial seas {%] * Let {Hj be a sernonce

of constants, real or couples:, and let us write,

Tbo seqtionco- o-soqtience transforantieG «

* Fohetc (IS), also so iondds (39)*

f l£*ittalsor (4?)*
t Prasad (33).
$ Pati (S7).
I * p •
Us denote S* « ,2f S* ns t• o ‘forlund sti:u Tlie series

X? ?-*- t 03P tl'io sequence {$,} is Slid to be cunaable ( :f p)

to s , if 111 it/ exists naxl is equal to o. The series J?Ci»

is said to bo absolutely suitable (?t p), or sunaablo |;jf pj v

1 the sequence [^ij € ?>Vt that is

J? I "f - '-t, I *£ -•

A qonoral definition of tho'lSrlund naan* occurs first.

in Woronol *s cork "Proceedings of the eleventh Con'res: of
jftissictn naturalists arid scientists" Cin iiasslan), Ct.^etors^urSt *
3l902| paces G0-G1. An annotated ;>iqlish translation of t!ds
uaa published as late as 1032 by Tamrl-iln. !^ro»ioi,s article
was a s-iort not© in a rare pubiicati n end was unnoticod until.
TauoridLn called attention to it* A irinber of special cases of
the definition^ such as Coooro's vore of ooursof already
foaHior by that tine.
Independently of lJbrortolv in 2010* lorltmd defined
and studied tho sane kind of sisaoability. In viov of t!jo nor©
extensive contributions that followed in the unke of lorlunfi *o
uorkf vhlch yns nore accessible, the zaotlsod lias Cf>no to be
nanoft after rttrlund* rather tlvm after Wcronoi. Hofrlund

* Hears (24). K is an absolute constant not necessarily

tho sane at each occurrence*
t Tarsarhin (4G).
t ."iorlunfi (DC).

explicitly, and Horonoi tacitly, cssuned that

Ve * oCD, e® n ->oo, so that the method is regular.

*he following remarks any bo made about the general

nature of the sequence If”} •

CD* idthout any loss of generality, wo con toJso
« fk 0, for if po » 0, nnfl pt ^ 0, vq write * q1W| , * t-„., ,.
tlmn V„ is t!fO (!, q ) mean of with 0*

Cii) without any loss of generality we ear* talm

r; ^ C, or even po» 1* for if pp< 0 Cor a ^ D, we eon
t'iwit.'o the sequence of ambers by -1, (or by |3 ), rod
forra the new sequence qn, where qe) 0 Cor qo» !)•

(ill) If % » 1 or « c for all a, where c is a on-soro

constant, then the ( «, p ) mean is the (C, 1) moan* of Is* j • *

i tr) - report*)
,c< J
T 1* r>
’t .1 •9

then the florlnad moan, which can then be defined, reduces to

the familiar CC, d ) aeon*

* ifexdy C£3), p*G4, foot-note*

t for the Cc,<* ) sisaoability the fantliar restriction that
> -I is due to the fact that the violation of 'tills
restriction would lend to the most unnatural situation that
even a properly divergent series of positive terns would
have a finite Ce, <* ) sun* l or ezanple, if <*X-J , the
series is otnaaMo to the value O by t!» eti sod

-p -1), where p is positive and aon-intoprol* fur this*• .

reference o£§r bo made to 'lardy CD) f 5*5, pa, 97-03*


- 14 -

*?» nocossary and oaffIciont conditions for the not!'.Of?

(H, p ) to b© regular ore,*
• *

Cl) ** oCl), as a ^eo ,

Cli) .ZT IN » 0 C ifcj ), no a -> fio .


If f„}/0 , the condition (11) is automatically satisfied# Iff

in addition, fn is mo: ©tonic na>*incroasinc# condition (i) is
also satisfied*

The necessary and sod' icieit condition that the noticed

(II, p ) should he absolutely conservative ms obtained by
hears as
^f-y &v-
2T / ft- '/
a = i>

uniformly for V * C, 1, 2,

riolatiom between Teel su .ability and norland

sunnnbility hatt boon discussed by Hyonund, GllveoRaan and
t II 1!
Tanarlsin, Jtuiint and Fcyeriahoff and by ISwee. Concerning the
relation between absolute Abel sumability and absolute triune?

* See Hardy .(13), pace 60*

t ’fears (M)+

t 8qq§ for example* Hardy (13), p*65, Theorem 13.

£ Silverman and TaraaxfdLr. (42)*
I Jurist and Poyorlrahoff (16).
H Kueo (21).
misiadbtllty, has provoc that If the series
is absolutely snsnnble by a regular <Iiy p) oothod and
• *
\ is BVxCof 1) uniformly in ny tlxm ZtCL^ is sust able J A/ 9

/4so the question of consic ency for norland and rausdorff

methods has boon studio? by Jorkat and Peyeriahoff*

There are similarly other processes of suszsabillty

like those of l&lder, fdeszy liausdorff, fdenonn, Larfbert, etc*
But since, in what follows, ve do not require t?i©lr usa, ve

do not propose to introduce them here*

Jas&ttto. Pgffiro
is early as 2917, Fokete, eonsl ering the problem of
sunmbility factors In the theory of absolute? Cesar©
suamabllity established the following theorem t
SSlfifiaaaBJU If k is a -ois-negntive interior, then
necessary and sufficient conditions for the series •<? 6»
to bo suandble |Cy kjy whenever is sussaable |Cy kj y are

* HtitoSdoa <23>«
t 3krkst and fayoriahoff (16)*
t i’ehcto (11).
- 10 -
Ah *
(1) 6r, * 0 Cl), aml Cli) 71 OCD**
IJtaty Kogbetliants established the following t

Theorem 2* If J?Cl„ is suxsable |C, r | , r ^ Ct

then the series JST f 0 < 6 4 r, is sunnablo 1 C, r- S | • .
Gunouchi has succeeded in relaxing the restriction 1
& ^ rf to Inelud© the case In which r < 6 < r ♦ 1* !is
theorem amounts to 1 . *

Theorem 3* If is absolutely convergent, -then

the series jg* 9 where 0 <c< 1, is summable |C, - «* I •

After the pioneering works of Feltete and Xogbetliantz,

the credit of discussing the absolute sumnability factors of

— “T“ — ~ — “
Peyerlohoff* In 1945 Bosanquet established the following 1

♦ For any sentience {€„ j y we write A°€#* €* f A 6„n 6*-

and /?' A €n 9 1).
f Xogbetliantz (19).

X Sunouchi (43)*
$ Bosanquet (4)t (S)$ see also Bosanquet and Tatchell (7)y
Bosaaquet and Chow (6)* ,
V Chow (3).
% Poyorirahoff (33)9 (34), (35), (06), (37)$ also see Jtirkat

and Peyerlnhoff (15)*


Theorem 4.* If f and *. are non-negative integers*

then the necessary and sufficient conditions for the series •

£ &rs to be suasaable |C* PI , whenever J£Q*iis

sumraable | C, */ , are

0(0 for f** ,

oO) for f7* *

A# ^
(ii) ^ ^ £•> = 0 CD.

Peyerimhoff subsequently obtained a generalisation
of Theorem 4 for all non-negative values of f and A , while
Andersen independently stated its sufficiency part.

There are several other results* bom of researches

in various directions by various authors* on summabllity

factors* like those of Peyerimhoff, on the summability factors

for ensuring ordinary summability on the assumption of

absolute summability* and those of Pati and Ahmad as
extentions of previous works of Bosanquet and Chow* and of
Pati on the |C, 1| summability factors of series strongly

bounded in the logarithmic sense* etc. But since these results

___________ . .. ___ ___ .... , , . e.............. __

* Bosanquet (4).
t Peyerimhoff (35).

t Andersen (2).
$ Peyerimhoff (34).

II Pa$i and Ahmad (29), (31), (32).

D Bosanquet and Chow (6).
are not directly related to researches contained In the
present 'Thesis* they are not mentioned here*

1*5* Absolute iorlunfl gtraoablilty factors*

So far* mast of these results stated above on IC 1 •
sisanabillty factors of Infinite series have awaited
Generalisation In the J II* p | - sumabillty set-up* Aa© of the
main objectives of the preset researches has been to get
sane such results*

Before Introducing this* we require to mention

certain notations •
—1 •
(1*5*1) IjZfr,*-) 9 3^ * C/ * Of

(£%*) “ ^
(1*5*2) * Of

(1*5*3) r * Of

(£<«V | 4*" ,
(1.5*4) « C*

In Chapter II* the author has obtained the

following theorems* concerning the necessary and sufficient
condition for the absolute convergence of whenever
£ CL* is gunnable | n* p j *

aaasaas. Ut/£j satisfy the follonine conditio™ .

(1.5*5) 52 1C* I <. oo i

(1.5*0) 2:
V~o Hi Oafcn*

Then the necessary and sufficient condition that ^ €n

should bo absolutely convergent whenever ^CL» is sunnable
| II, p j , is that

\ €»£]»()<!).

Tlieoroa 6* If In Theorem 5. the condition (1.5.6)

is dropped9 the condition

(1.5.7) I £*\£Jtr] »0(1)* •

is sufficient for the absolute convergence of •

In Chapter III, we devote ourselves to obtaining e

generalisation of Theorem 5, for product of iSo'rlunfl methods*
The theorem obtained Is t

Theorem 7* Lot fjtj satisfy conditions (1.5*5) and

(1*5*6 )f and tlio following conditions s
©o *

(1^5.8) /<<*>>

0.5.9) z/fc/ «£>(/&/)?


0.5.10) =Oci).
Then the necessary and sufficient condition that
should bo absolutely corraergent Vanover jg Cl„ Is stmable
1(1, p ) CJf q )Jf Is

Cl.O.n) 16* a 0(1).

In Chapter I?f wo obtain a further refinement of

'theorem S and some other connected results. The theorems
obtained are t

Theorem 8. bet {& j and satisfy (1.5.6) and .

the following t

(1.5.12) Jb
*% -o i /

(1.5.13) £ 'f%r<c° ■

Then if is scramble | S« p f f ^ <« •*

* •
Theorem 9. Let the following condition bo fulfilled.

lPr>j ' Iftl S j

Then •
/2T?„v 4 A*sv
^ -jp—too Implies -2? yJ^oo .

• tie write
• 21 -

Thooroa 10, Let the set of conditions (1.5*6),

(1*5*12), (1*5*13) and the following

(1.5.15) i.ltsl-o(Tk,),
orv the set of conditions (1.5.6), (1.5.23) end the following

(1.5.16) ■t w ■ o (f-j-
(1.5.17) 1^/4 & /&-/> (*'»»)>

Then the necessary and sufficient condition that

l €„ \ IA I < Oo whenever <3-» is suamable
I rif p j is that
6>> 0(mr)
Sheoreta 11. Let /^jaad /i,jbe such that
(1.5.13) 2
z /*6t)/<* 0 Clki) ■/
(1.5.20) J£
S' !&!<*> i
r\ ' 9

(1.5.20) ir„i s k ili c»»*j -

• o» Ijj £V ^„ ,
Thou if — —J^ao y Jc Q* is suariable J Ky p / •
n Irnf •

In Chapter 7, we obtain the following generalisation

of the classical |C| - stnaabllity factor tfieoreta of
v Kogbetliants referred in section 1.4 os theorea 3*
• *
- 22 -

Thoovm 33. Let j and [%J satisfy (1*5.13) and

tho following.

(1*5*21) %7 o,
/ (fl 8 If 2f » . . )f

q ^
(1.5.22) W %)° 0,111)-^- i. -- , (n .0.1, 2, ...){
^ f,

(1.5*23) *(%:)• 0(V,

where |>X]is • sequence of positive and none tonic teras

such that

(1*5*24) X, is aonotonic nof*»increasl!i£9

cus.25) th

Then, if ^ #„ is sumable | N, p) 9 g G~ln is

sirsaable | fl9 q J •
If condition (1*5*22) holds for n^> 0, then
» O.TOO further that j 1* oonotoalc non-lacr«Mlng. .

Thooroa 13* Let the conditions (1*5*21)y (1*5*23)9

(1*5*34), a*5*2S) and the following be fulfilled.

(1*5*36) ^ 09 and nonotonic non-incroaslng*

(1.5*27) 2
n-v r*
r a 0 (%)>
a.s.a'3) be monotonic non-inerea3ins 5

(1.5.23) ® (9 ( fc*+Cf -t- - t ,

Than It £ CL» Is stmable | n, p | , j la
StQDQblO jll, q I 0

• 1 •

1.C* Product of two lorlu^d motlsods*

If the 8oquo ico nK^ of ribrltnd of £*»> j

be sumable (n, p ) to s, we say that J£ <2.„ is susraable

(II, p ) (?!f q ) to s*

Concerning the Castro suitability of infinite

series, the following is known*4

For >/ 0f f* >/ Ct

<C,o() (C,(3 ) » (C,{3) (C,o() ~ <C, *4^3). * .

Silverman baa discussed the nuostlon of inclusion of
(C, 1) (fi, p ) and (FI, P ).

With a view to getting results of this kind for the more

general norland means and tlioir products. In Chapter VI,

we have studied the inclusion theorems between Cl, p ) Cl, q )

and (H, r ) where

** * ^ t i-•••-*- .

huesell *s -study of products of nbrlimd methods Is of a

soaewliat different nature* lie has considered the inddsioc
of the (R, p )<Kll, q ) and (If, r ), where (11, p )*('!, q ) .

* liardy OS), p. 118, notes on Chapter ?, § 5.3.

f Silverman (41)
t xfctssell (40), see section 1 and 2 for the definition of
a ’convolution*•
denotes the convolution of the ssothods &1* p } and $1* q )*
— •
In tills Chapter a number of different sets of
sufficient conditions has boon established under wtdeh

(f* P ) Cri* q ) (Iff r )*

C% P ) Cnf <1 ) c: Cri* r >*

and finally
<"** P 5 (■'!» q ) ^ C‘Tf q 5 Of* p ) ~ C*f r )#

It nay be remarked that the result concerning Ccs^ro

sumahility cited above* has Unas tindergone centralisation
in ti'-m present eerie*

In Chapter VII* the last chapter* the author has •

studied the inclusion relations in terns of

(1*G*1) ABC AC,

where A* B* C are Bdrlursd m.trices* This* in particular*

contains the case wtim A C AC. The relation (1*6*1) ha®
been shown to hold under different sets of sufficient

A particular case of our result turns out to be *

(H* p ) (e*o<) cz cii* p ) (c*|3 ) for e, .

under certain general conditions on //C|* This in Its tum|

contains os a apodal case the familiar consistency theorea
for Cesaro oumabillty for positive orders*

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