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£ February 13, 2018 Dear Jenison Families, ‘As a parenvguardian of a child enrolled in Jenison Public Schools, | want to make you aware ‘that the Ottawa County Shorts Department is curently conducting a criminal investigation into ‘complaints against a teacher at Jenison High School. To my knowiedge, the allegations concern this teacher’s contact that occurred many years ago with students who were never enrolled in Jenison Public Schools, At this time, | have no reason to belave that any former or current ‘Jenison Public Schools student has brought any allegation against this teacher. Jenison Public Schools learned of these serious allegations in the evening hours of Friday, January 28, 2018, and on Monday morning, January 29, 2018, we placed the teacher on an ‘administrative leave. A prompt investigation was launched by our distic to determine any Impact thatthe allegations and criminal investigation may have on the Jenison community. We ‘are fully cooperating with the Ottawa County Sherif's Department as they continue their Investigation. Such allegations require a serious commitment on our pant to assist law enforcement in protecting all of our students and employees. This teacher will remain on ‘administrative leave until our citric investigation is fully completed. Due to state and federal privacy laws and other protections, we cannot provide further detalls regarding the allegations at this point in time, {want to reiterate that our frst and foremost responsiblity isto ensure that our students receive a high quality education in a safe, secure, and caring learning environment. As educators we {are held to very high standard of professional conduct and ethical behavior. When allegations ‘are made that these standards have not been upheld, we will investigate and take the ‘appropriate action on behalt of our students and employees. This is what we have done in this situation and will continue todo if, and when, the need arses, ‘As always, it you have questions or concems regarding your child's experience at Jenison Public Schools don't hesitate to contact me at 616-457-8890. Serving the students, parents, and employees of Jenison Pubic Schools los Lp 5 Tenbr Supetntndent

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