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The Impact of a Godly Parent

Ephesians 6:4 English Standard Version (ESV)
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline
and instruction of the Lord.

I. Introduction: Being a parent is not easy. Mothers and fathers have a

tremendous influence on the success and happiness of their children later in life.
That's why it's so important for parents to model the christian life and purposefully
instruct their sons and daughters in the ways of God.

II. Message:
1. To read the Bible. Sometimes parents have hard time convincing their
children to read the bible.
2. To pray. Teach your children to pray by talking to the Lord with them.
3. To trust God for every need.
4. To obey God. Which comes first in children obedience in parents or
God? Children first learn about obeying God by honoring their parents.
5. To be forgiving (Eph. 4:32).
6. To be persistent. Don't give up. Don't quit, no matter what." Unless God
gives you clear direction, don't leave a position or abandon a goal.
7. To live by principle, not feelings. Since emotions are unreliable, we
shouldn't let them dictate our actions or hinder us from doing God's
will. Following feelings: suicide, teenage pregnancy and vices
8. To have a servant spirit.
9. To live an orderly life.
10.To be an encourager.
11.To love unconditionally. Given by parents to their children.

Remember the story of Joseph. How Jacob raised him and how Joseph turned out
to be as a person.

III. Closing: The Lord uses godly mothers and fathers to build character into the
lives of their children. The most effective parents explain a biblical principle and
seek to live it out themselves. If you haven't been the mother or father God has
called you to be, don't let Satan condemn and discourage you. Surrender your life
to God, and ask Him to help you correct your course.

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