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Interview Responses

Directions: Choose 5 questions to answer from one list (choose EITHER job interview OR college
interview). Write out your response to the interview questions. Your responses should be at least a
few sentences long. Delete the questions that you do not answer.

College Interview
1. Why do you want to attend our college? I think it would be an enriching experience and
would support me later
2. What can you contribute to our college campus? I can join clubs and sports and also help
the social side
3. What three adjectives best describe you? Charismatic hardworking and diligent

What activities do you find most rewarding? Working out is one of the most rewarding
activities because it takes time to progress but you constantly are

4. What do you plan to do after graduating from college? Start my own buisness and try to
succed by that
5. What do you hope to get out of the college experience? I hope to make friends and make
connections that last a lifetime while enriching myself academically
6. If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?

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